コード例 #1
    def _parse_initial_assignments(self, model, comp, refs, node):
        Parses any initial values specified outside of the rules section.
        node = dom_child(node, 'initialAssignment')
        while node:
            var = str(node.getAttribute('symbol')).strip()
            var = self._convert_name(var)
            if var in comp:
                self.logger().log('Parsing initial assignment for "' + var +
                var = comp[var]
                expr = parse_mathml_rhs(dom_child(node, 'math'), refs,

                if var.is_state():
                    # Initial value
                    # Change of value
            else:  # pragma: no cover
                raise SBMLError(  # pragma: no cover
                    'Initial assignment found for unknown parameter <' + var +

            node = dom_next(node, 'initialAssignment')
コード例 #2
ファイル: _importer.py プロジェクト: teosbpl/myokit
 def _parse_units(self, model, comp, node):
     Parses custom unit definitions, creating a look-up table that can be
     used to convert these units to myokit ones.
     node = dom_child(node, 'unitDefinition')
     while node:
         name = node.getAttribute('id')
         self.log('Parsing unit definition for "' + name + '".')
         unit = myokit.units.dimensionless
         node2 = dom_child(node, 'listOfUnits')
         node2 = dom_child(node2, 'unit')
         while node2:
             kind = str(node2.getAttribute('kind')).strip()
             u2 = self._convert_unit(kind)
             if node2.hasAttribute('multiplier'):
                 m = float(node2.getAttribute('multiplier'))
                 m = 1.0
             if node2.hasAttribute('scale'):
                 m *= 10**float(node2.getAttribute('scale'))
             u2 *= m
             if node2.hasAttribute('exponent'):
                 u2 **= float(node2.getAttribute('exponent'))
             unit *= u2
             node2 = dom_next(node2, 'unit')
         self.units[name] = unit
         node = dom_next(node, 'unitDefinition')
コード例 #3
 def _parse_rules(self, model, comp, node):
     Parses the rules (equations) in this model
     parent = node
     formulas = {}
     # Create variables with assignment rules (all except derivatives)
     node = dom_child(parent, 'assignmentRule')
     while node:
         var = self._convert_name(str(node.getAttribute('variable')).strip())
         if var in comp:
             self.log('Parsing assignment rule for <' + str(var) + '>.')
             var = comp[var]
                 dom_child(node, 'math'), comp, self))
             raise SBMLError('Assignment found for unknown parameter: "'
                 + var + '".')
         node = dom_next(node, 'assignmentRule')
     # Create variables with rate rules (states)
     node = dom_child(parent, 'rateRule')
     while node:
         var = self._convert_name(str(node.getAttribute('variable')).strip())
         if var in comp:
             self.log('Parsing rate rule for <' + var + '>.')
             var = comp[var]
             ini = var.rhs()
             ini = ini.eval() if ini else 0
                 dom_child(node, 'math'), comp, self))
             raise SBMLError('Derivative found for unknown parameter: <'
                 + var + '>.')
         node = dom_next(node, 'rateRule')
コード例 #4
def parse_mathml(s):
    Parses a mathml string that should contain a single expression.
    import xml.dom.minidom
    x = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(s)
    return parse_mathml_rhs(dom_child(x))
コード例 #5
ファイル: _importer.py プロジェクト: teosbpl/myokit
 def _parse_parameters(self, model, comp, node):
     Parses parameters
     node = dom_child(node, 'parameter')
     while node:
         # Create variable
         name = self._convert_name(str(node.getAttribute('id')))
         self.log('Found parameter "' + name + '"')
         if name in comp:
             self.warn('Skipping duplicate parameter name: ' + str(name))
             # Create variable
             unit = None
             if node.hasAttribute('units'):
                 foreign_unit = node.getAttribute('units')
                 if foreign_unit:
                     unit = self._convert_unit(foreign_unit)
             value = None
             if node.hasAttribute('value'):
                 value = node.getAttribute('value')
             var = comp.add_variable(name)
         node = dom_next(node, 'parameter')
コード例 #6
        def scan_encapsulated_children(parent, pcomp):
            Reads parent/child relationships from a <group> or <component_ref>
            tag and adds them to the dict ``parents``.

            Argument ``parent`` should be a <component_ref> tag and ``pcomp``
            should be the corresponding cellml component object.
            kid = dom_child(parent, 'component_ref')
            while kid is not None:
                # Get cellml component from name
                    comp = components[kid.getAttribute('component')]
                except KeyError:
                    raise CellMLError('Group registered for unknown'
                                      ' component: ' +
                # Log relationship
                self.log('Component <' + comp.qname() + '> is encapsulated'
                         ' in <' + pcomp.qname() + '>.')
                # Add relationship
                parents[comp] = pcomp
                # Scan kid for children
                scan_encapsulated_children(kid, comp)
                # Move to next kid
                kid = dom_next(kid, 'component_ref')
コード例 #7
    def _parse_parameters(self, model, comp, refs, node):
        Parses parameters
        node = dom_child(node, 'parameter')
        while node:
            # Create variable
            org_name = str(node.getAttribute('id'))
            name = self._convert_name(org_name)
            self.logger().log('Found parameter "' + name + '"')
            if name in comp:  # pragma: no cover
                self.logger().warn('Skipping duplicate parameter name: ' +
                # Create variable
                unit = None
                if node.hasAttribute('units'):
                    foreign_unit = node.getAttribute('units')
                    if foreign_unit:
                        unit = self._convert_unit(foreign_unit)
                value = None
                if node.hasAttribute('value'):
                    value = node.getAttribute('value')
                var = comp.add_variable(name)

                # Store reference to variable
                refs[org_name] = refs[name] = var

            node = dom_next(node, 'parameter')
コード例 #8
 def scan(parent):
     kid = dom_child(parent)
     while kid is not None:
         t = None
         if kid.namespaceURI == ns:
             t = self._flatten(kid)
         if t:
         kid = dom_next(kid)
コード例 #9
def parse_mathml_rhs(node,
    Takes a MathML node ``node`` (using the ``xml.dom.Node`` interface) and
    parses its contents into a :class:`myokit.Expression`.

    Not all of MathML is supported (so no integrals, set theory etc.) but only
    a subset common to electrophysiology. In addition, some not-so-common
    elements are supported because they're allowed appear in
    :class:`CellML <myokit.formats.cellml.CellMLImporter>` documents.

    Variable names will be returned as strings, unless the optional dict
    argument ``var_table`` is given. Note that the :class:`myokit.VarOwner`
    classes support the dict interface.

    If the argument ``logger`` is given this will be used to log messages to,
    assuming the :class:`myokit.formats.TextLogger` interface.

    Optional post-processing of numbers (``<cn>`` tags) can be added by passing
    in a callable ``number_post_processor(tag, number)``. This will be called
    after parsing each ``<cn>`` tag with the original node as the first
    argument (as an ``xml.dom.minidom`` node), and the created number object as
    the second (as a :class:`myokit.Number`). The function must return a new
    :class:`myokit.Number` object.

    Optional checking of derivatives (``<diff>`` tags) can be added by passing
    in a callable ``derivative_post_processor(time)``. This will be called with
    the :class:`myokit.Name` representing the variable with respect to which
    the derivative is being taken. This allows importers to ensure only
    time-derivatives are being loaded.

    The following MathML elements are recognised:

    Literals and references

        Becomes a :class:`myokit.Name`.
    ``<diff>`` (with ``<bvar>`` and ``<degree>``)
        Becomes a :class:`myokit.Derivative`. Only first-order derivatives are
        supported. To check if the derivatives are all time-derivatives, the
        derivative post-processing function can be used.
        Becomes a :class:`myokit.Number`. To process units which may be present
        in the tag's attributes (esp. in CellML) the number post-processing
        function can be used.


        Becomes a :class:`myokit.PrefixPlus`, a :class`myokit.Plus` or a tree
        of :class:`myokit.Plus` elements.
        Becomes a :class:`myokit.PrefixMinus`, a :class`myokit.Minus` or a tree
        of :class:`myokit.Minus` elements.
        Becomes a :class:`myokit.Multiply` or a tree of
        :class:`myokit.Multiply` elements.
        Becomes a :class:`myokit.Divide` or a tree of :class:`myokit.Divide`
        Used to indicate the tree structure of the equation. These get
        translated but don't have a Myokit counterpart.


        Becomes a :class:`myokit.Power`.
    ``<root>`` (with ``<degree>``)
        Becomes a :class:`myokit.Sqrt`.
        Becomes a :class:`myokit.Exp`.
        Becomes a :class:`myokit.Log`.
    ``<log>`` (with ``<logbase>``)
        Becomes a :class:`myokit.Log10` or a :class:`myokit.Log`.
        Becomes a :class:`myokit.Abs`.
        Becomes a :class:`myokit.Floor`.
        Becomes a :class:`myokit.Ceil`.
        Becomes a :class:`myokit.Quotient`.
        Becomes a :class:`myokit.Remainder`.


    ``<sin>``, ``<cos>`` and ``<tan>``
        Become :class:`myokit.Sin`, :class:`myokit.Cos` and
    ``<arcsin>``, ``<arccos>`` and ``<arctan>``
        Become :class:`myokit.ASin`, :class:`myokit.ACos` and
    ``<csc>``, ``<sec>`` and ``<cot>``
        Become ``1/sin``, ``1/cos`` and ``1/tan``.
    ``<arccsc>``, ``<arcsec>`` and ``<arccot>``
        Become ``asin(1/x)``, ``acos(1/x)`` and ``atan(1/x)``.

    Hyperbolic trigonometry

        Becomes ``0.5 * (exp(x) - exp(-x))``.
        Becomes ``0.5 * (exp(x) + exp(-x))``.
        Becomes ``(exp(2 * x) - 1) / (exp(2 * x) + 1)``.
        Becomes ``log(x + sqrt(1 + x*x))``.
        Becomes ``log(x + sqrt(x + 1) * sqrt(x - 1))``.
        Becomes ``0.5 * (log(1 + x) - log(1 - x))``.
        Becomes ``2 / (exp(x) - exp(-x))``.
        Becomes ``2 / (exp(x) + exp(-x))``.
        Becomes ``(exp(2 * x) + 1) / (exp(2 * x) - 1)``.
        Becomes ``log(sqrt(1 + 1 / x^2) + 1 / x)``.
        Becomes ``log(sqrt(1 / x - 1) * sqrt(1 / x + 1) + 1 / x)``
        Becomes ``0.5 * (log(1 + 1/x) - log(1 - 1/x))``.

    Logic and relations

    ``<piecewise>``, ``<piece>`` and ``<otherwise>``
        Becomes a :class:`myokit.Piecewise`.
    ``<and>``, ``<or>`` and ``<not>``
        Become :class:`myokit.And`, :class:`myokit.Or` and :class:`myokit.Not`.
        Becomes ``(x or y) and not(x and y)``
    ``<eq>`` and ``<neq>``
        Becomes :class:`myokit.Equal` and :class:`NotEqual`.
    ``<lt>`` and ``<gt>``
        Become :class:`myokit.Less` and :class:`myokit.More`.
    ``<leq>`` and ``<geq>``
        Become :class:`myokit.LessEqual` and :class:`myokit.MoreEqual`.


        Becomes ``3.14159265358979323846``
        Becomes ``exp(1)``
        Becomes ``1``
        Becomes ``0``

    There are a few elements supported by CellML, but not by Myokit.

    ``<semantics>``, ``<annotation>`` and ``<annotation-xml>``
        These are not present in any electrophysiology model in the database.
    ``<notanumber>`` and ``<infinity>``
        These have no place in an ODE.
        There is no cardiac electrophysiology model in the database that uses
        these. Plus, factorials require the idea of integers (Myokit only has
        Reals) and only factorial(x) for x in [0,1,2,...,12] can be
        calculated without integer overflows.

    Finally, Myokit, but not CellML, supports quotients and remainders.

    def parsex(node):
        Parses a mathml expression.
        def chain(kind, node, unary=None):
            Parses operands for chained operators (for example plus, minus,
            times and division).

            The argument ``kind`` must be the myokit expression type being
            parsed, ``node`` is a DOM node and ``unary``, if given, should be
            the unary expression type (unary Plus or unary Minus).
            ops = []
            node = dom_next(node)
            while node:
                node = dom_next(node)
            n = len(ops)
            if n < 1:
                raise MathMLError('Operator needs at least one operand.')
            if n < 2:
                if unary:
                    return unary(ops[0])
                    raise MathMLError('Operator needs at least two operands')
            ex = kind(ops[0], ops[1])
            for i in range(2, n):
                ex = kind(ex, ops[i])
            return ex

        # Start parsing
        name = node.tagName
        if name == 'apply':
            # Brackets, can be ignored in an expression tree.
            return parsex(dom_child(node))

        elif name == 'ci':
            # Reference
            var = str(node.firstChild.data).strip()
            if var_table is not None:
                    var = var_table[var]
                except KeyError:
                    if logger:
                        logger.warn('Unable to resolve reference to <' +
                                    str(var) + '>.')
            return myokit.Name(var)

        elif name == 'diff':
            # Derivative
            # Check time variable
            bvar = dom_next(node, 'bvar')
            if derivative_post_processor:
                derivative_post_processor(parsex(dom_child(bvar, 'ci')))

            # Check degree, if given
            d = dom_child(bvar, 'degree')
            if d is not None:
                d = parsex(dom_child(d, 'cn')).eval()
                if not d == 1:
                    raise MathMLError(
                        'Only derivatives of degree one are supported.')

            # Create derivative and return
            x = dom_next(node, 'ci')
            if x is None:
                raise MathMLError(
                    'Derivative of an expression found: only derivatives of'
                    ' variables are supported.')
            return myokit.Derivative(parsex(x))

        elif name == 'cn':
            # Number
            number = parse_mathml_number(node, logger)
            if number_post_processor:
                return number_post_processor(node, number)
            return number

        # Algebra

        elif name == 'plus':
            return chain(myokit.Plus, node, myokit.PrefixPlus)

        elif name == 'minus':
            return chain(myokit.Minus, node, myokit.PrefixMinus)

        elif name == 'times':
            return chain(myokit.Multiply, node)

        elif name == 'divide':
            return chain(myokit.Divide, node)

        # Functions

        elif name == 'exp':
            return myokit.Exp(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'ln':
            return myokit.Log(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'log':
            if dom_next(node).tagName != 'logbase':
                return myokit.Log10(parsex(dom_next(node)))
                return myokit.Log(parsex(dom_next(dom_next(node))),

        elif name == 'root':
            # Check degree, if given
            nxt = dom_next(node)
            if nxt.tagName == 'degree':
                # Degree given, return x^(1/d) unless d is 2
                d = parsex(dom_child(nxt))
                x = parsex(dom_next(nxt))
                if d.is_literal() and d.eval() == 2:
                    return myokit.Sqrt(x)
                return myokit.Power(x, myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1), d))
                return myokit.Sqrt(parsex(nxt))

        elif name == 'power':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.Power(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        elif name == 'floor':
            return myokit.Floor(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'ceiling':
            return myokit.Ceil(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'abs':
            return myokit.Abs(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'quotient':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.Quotient(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        elif name == 'rem':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.Remainder(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        # Trigonometry

        elif name == 'sin':
            return myokit.Sin(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'cos':
            return myokit.Cos(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'tan':
            return myokit.Tan(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'arcsin':
            return myokit.ASin(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'arccos':
            return myokit.ACos(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'arctan':
            return myokit.ATan(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        # Redundant trigonometry (CellML includes this)

        elif name == 'csc':
            # Cosecant: csc(x) = 1 / sin(x)
            return myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1),

        elif name == 'sec':
            # Secant: sec(x) = 1 / cos(x)
            return myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1),

        elif name == 'cot':
            # Contangent: cot(x) = 1 / tan(x)
            return myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1),

        elif name == 'arccsc':
            # ArcCosecant: acsc(x) = asin(1/x)
            return myokit.ASin(
                myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1), parsex(dom_next(node))))

        elif name == 'arcsec':
            # ArcSecant: asec(x) = acos(1/x)
            return myokit.ACos(
                myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1), parsex(dom_next(node))))

        elif name == 'arccot':
            # ArcCotangent: acot(x) = atan(1/x)
            return myokit.ATan(
                myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1), parsex(dom_next(node))))

        # Hyperbolic trigonometry (CellML again)

        elif name == 'sinh':
            # Hyperbolic sine: sinh(x) = 0.5 * (e^x - e^-x)
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Multiply(
                myokit.Minus(myokit.Exp(x), myokit.Exp(myokit.PrefixMinus(x))))

        elif name == 'cosh':
            # Hyperbolic cosine: cosh(x) = 0.5 * (e^x + e^-x)
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Multiply(
                myokit.Plus(myokit.Exp(x), myokit.Exp(myokit.PrefixMinus(x))))

        elif name == 'tanh':
            # Hyperbolic tangent: tanh(x) = (e^2x - 1) / (e^2x + 1)
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            e2x = myokit.Exp(myokit.Multiply(myokit.Number(2), x))
            return myokit.Divide(myokit.Minus(e2x, myokit.Number(1)),
                                 myokit.Plus(e2x, myokit.Number(1)))

        # Inverse hyperbolic trigonometry (CellML...)

        elif name == 'arcsinh':
            # Inverse hyperbolic sine: asinh(x) = log(x + sqrt(1 + x*x))
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Log(
                        myokit.Plus(myokit.Number(1), myokit.Multiply(x, x)))))

        elif name == 'arccosh':
            # Inverse hyperbolic cosine:
            #   acosh(x) = log(x + sqrt(x + 1) * sqrt(x - 1))
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Log(
                        myokit.Sqrt(myokit.Plus(x, myokit.Number(1))),
                        myokit.Sqrt(myokit.Minus(x, myokit.Number(1))))))

        elif name == 'arctanh':
            # Inverse hyperbolic tangent:
            #   atanh(x) = 0.5 * (log(1 + x) - log(1 - x))
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Multiply(
                myokit.Minus(myokit.Log(myokit.Plus(myokit.Number(1), x)),
                             myokit.Log(myokit.Minus(myokit.Number(1), x))))

        # Hyperbolic redundant trigonometry (CellML...)

        elif name == 'csch':
            # Hyperbolic cosecant: csch(x) = 2 / (exp(x) - exp(-x))
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Divide(
                myokit.Minus(myokit.Exp(x), myokit.Exp(myokit.PrefixMinus(x))))

        elif name == 'sech':
            # Hyperbolic secant: sech(x) = 2 / (exp(x) + exp(-x))
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Divide(
                myokit.Plus(myokit.Exp(x), myokit.Exp(myokit.PrefixMinus(x))))

        elif name == 'coth':
            # Hyperbolic cotangent:
            #   coth(x) = (exp(2*x) + 1) / (exp(2*x) - 1)
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            e2x = myokit.Exp(myokit.Multiply(myokit.Number(2), x))
            return myokit.Divide(myokit.Plus(e2x, myokit.Number(1)),
                                 myokit.Minus(e2x, myokit.Number(1)))

        # Inverse hyperbolic redundant trigonometry (CellML has a lot to answer
        # for...)

        elif name == 'arccsch':
            # Inverse hyperbolic cosecant:
            #   arccsch(x) = log(sqrt(1/(x*x) + 1) + 1/x)
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Log(
                                          myokit.Multiply(x, x)),
                    myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1), x)))
        elif name == 'arcsech':
            # Inverse hyperbolic secant:
            #   arcsech(x) = log(sqrt(1/(x*x) - 1) + 1/x)
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Log(
                                          myokit.Multiply(x, x)),
                    myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1), x)))
        elif name == 'arccoth':
            # Inverse hyperbolic cotangent:
            #   arccoth(x) = 0.5 * (log(3 + 1) - log(3 - 1))
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Multiply(
                    myokit.Divide(myokit.Plus(x, myokit.Number(1)),
                                  myokit.Minus(x, myokit.Number(1)))))

        # Logic

        elif name == 'and':
            return chain(myokit.And, node)

        elif name == 'or':
            return chain(myokit.Or, node)

        elif name == 'not':
            return chain(None, node, myokit.Not)

        elif name == 'eq' or name == 'equivalent':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.Equal(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        elif name == 'neq':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.NotEqual(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        elif name == 'gt':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.More(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        elif name == 'lt':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.Less(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        elif name == 'geq':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.MoreEqual(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        elif name == 'leq':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.LessEqual(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        elif name == 'piecewise':
            # Piecewise contains at least one piece, optionally contains an
            #  "otherwise". Syntax doesn't ensure this statement makes sense.
            conds = []
            funcs = []
            other = None
            piece = dom_child(node)
            while piece:
                if piece.tagName == 'otherwise':
                    if other is None:
                        other = parsex(dom_child(piece))
                    elif logger:
                            'Multiple <otherwise> tags found in <piecewise>'
                            ' statement.')
                elif piece.tagName == 'piece':
                    n2 = dom_child(piece)
                elif logger:
                    logger.warn('Unexpected tag type in <piecewise>: <' +
                                piece.tagName + '>.')
                piece = dom_next(piece)

            if other is None:
                if logger:
                    logger.warn('No <otherwise> tag found in <piecewise>')
                other = myokit.Number(0)

            # Create string of if statements
            args = []
            f = iter(funcs)
            for c in conds:
            return myokit.Piecewise(*args)

        # Constants

        elif name == 'pi':
            return myokit.Number('3.14159265358979323846')
        elif name == 'exponentiale':
            return myokit.Exp(myokit.Number(1))
        elif name == 'true':
            # This is corrent, even in Python True == 1 but not True == 2
            return myokit.Number(1)
        elif name == 'false':
            return myokit.Number(0)

        # Unknown/unhandled elements
            if logger:
                logger.warn('Unknown element: ' + name)
            ops = []
            node = dom_child(node) if dom_child(node) else dom_next(node)
            while node:
                node = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.UnsupportedFunction(name, ops)

    # Remove math node, if given
    if node.tagName == 'math':
        node = dom_child(node)

    # TODO: Check xmlns?

    # Return
    return parsex(node)
コード例 #10
    def parsex(node):
        Parses a mathml expression.
        def chain(kind, node, unary=None):
            Parses operands for chained operators (for example plus, minus,
            times and division).

            The argument ``kind`` must be the myokit expression type being
            parsed, ``node`` is a DOM node and ``unary``, if given, should be
            the unary expression type (unary Plus or unary Minus).
            ops = []
            node = dom_next(node)
            while node:
                node = dom_next(node)
            n = len(ops)
            if n < 1:
                raise MathMLError('Operator needs at least one operand.')
            if n < 2:
                if unary:
                    return unary(ops[0])
                    raise MathMLError('Operator needs at least two operands')
            ex = kind(ops[0], ops[1])
            for i in range(2, n):
                ex = kind(ex, ops[i])
            return ex

        # Start parsing
        name = node.tagName
        if name == 'apply':
            # Brackets, can be ignored in an expression tree.
            return parsex(dom_child(node))

        elif name == 'ci':
            # Reference
            var = str(node.firstChild.data).strip()
            if var_table is not None:
                    var = var_table[var]
                except KeyError:
                    if logger:
                        logger.warn('Unable to resolve reference to <' +
                                    str(var) + '>.')
            return myokit.Name(var)

        elif name == 'diff':
            # Derivative
            # Check time variable
            bvar = dom_next(node, 'bvar')
            if derivative_post_processor:
                derivative_post_processor(parsex(dom_child(bvar, 'ci')))

            # Check degree, if given
            d = dom_child(bvar, 'degree')
            if d is not None:
                d = parsex(dom_child(d, 'cn')).eval()
                if not d == 1:
                    raise MathMLError(
                        'Only derivatives of degree one are supported.')

            # Create derivative and return
            x = dom_next(node, 'ci')
            if x is None:
                raise MathMLError(
                    'Derivative of an expression found: only derivatives of'
                    ' variables are supported.')
            return myokit.Derivative(parsex(x))

        elif name == 'cn':
            # Number
            number = parse_mathml_number(node, logger)
            if number_post_processor:
                return number_post_processor(node, number)
            return number

        # Algebra

        elif name == 'plus':
            return chain(myokit.Plus, node, myokit.PrefixPlus)

        elif name == 'minus':
            return chain(myokit.Minus, node, myokit.PrefixMinus)

        elif name == 'times':
            return chain(myokit.Multiply, node)

        elif name == 'divide':
            return chain(myokit.Divide, node)

        # Functions

        elif name == 'exp':
            return myokit.Exp(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'ln':
            return myokit.Log(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'log':
            if dom_next(node).tagName != 'logbase':
                return myokit.Log10(parsex(dom_next(node)))
                return myokit.Log(parsex(dom_next(dom_next(node))),

        elif name == 'root':
            # Check degree, if given
            nxt = dom_next(node)
            if nxt.tagName == 'degree':
                # Degree given, return x^(1/d) unless d is 2
                d = parsex(dom_child(nxt))
                x = parsex(dom_next(nxt))
                if d.is_literal() and d.eval() == 2:
                    return myokit.Sqrt(x)
                return myokit.Power(x, myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1), d))
                return myokit.Sqrt(parsex(nxt))

        elif name == 'power':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.Power(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        elif name == 'floor':
            return myokit.Floor(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'ceiling':
            return myokit.Ceil(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'abs':
            return myokit.Abs(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'quotient':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.Quotient(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        elif name == 'rem':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.Remainder(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        # Trigonometry

        elif name == 'sin':
            return myokit.Sin(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'cos':
            return myokit.Cos(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'tan':
            return myokit.Tan(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'arcsin':
            return myokit.ASin(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'arccos':
            return myokit.ACos(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        elif name == 'arctan':
            return myokit.ATan(parsex(dom_next(node)))

        # Redundant trigonometry (CellML includes this)

        elif name == 'csc':
            # Cosecant: csc(x) = 1 / sin(x)
            return myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1),

        elif name == 'sec':
            # Secant: sec(x) = 1 / cos(x)
            return myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1),

        elif name == 'cot':
            # Contangent: cot(x) = 1 / tan(x)
            return myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1),

        elif name == 'arccsc':
            # ArcCosecant: acsc(x) = asin(1/x)
            return myokit.ASin(
                myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1), parsex(dom_next(node))))

        elif name == 'arcsec':
            # ArcSecant: asec(x) = acos(1/x)
            return myokit.ACos(
                myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1), parsex(dom_next(node))))

        elif name == 'arccot':
            # ArcCotangent: acot(x) = atan(1/x)
            return myokit.ATan(
                myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1), parsex(dom_next(node))))

        # Hyperbolic trigonometry (CellML again)

        elif name == 'sinh':
            # Hyperbolic sine: sinh(x) = 0.5 * (e^x - e^-x)
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Multiply(
                myokit.Minus(myokit.Exp(x), myokit.Exp(myokit.PrefixMinus(x))))

        elif name == 'cosh':
            # Hyperbolic cosine: cosh(x) = 0.5 * (e^x + e^-x)
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Multiply(
                myokit.Plus(myokit.Exp(x), myokit.Exp(myokit.PrefixMinus(x))))

        elif name == 'tanh':
            # Hyperbolic tangent: tanh(x) = (e^2x - 1) / (e^2x + 1)
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            e2x = myokit.Exp(myokit.Multiply(myokit.Number(2), x))
            return myokit.Divide(myokit.Minus(e2x, myokit.Number(1)),
                                 myokit.Plus(e2x, myokit.Number(1)))

        # Inverse hyperbolic trigonometry (CellML...)

        elif name == 'arcsinh':
            # Inverse hyperbolic sine: asinh(x) = log(x + sqrt(1 + x*x))
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Log(
                        myokit.Plus(myokit.Number(1), myokit.Multiply(x, x)))))

        elif name == 'arccosh':
            # Inverse hyperbolic cosine:
            #   acosh(x) = log(x + sqrt(x + 1) * sqrt(x - 1))
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Log(
                        myokit.Sqrt(myokit.Plus(x, myokit.Number(1))),
                        myokit.Sqrt(myokit.Minus(x, myokit.Number(1))))))

        elif name == 'arctanh':
            # Inverse hyperbolic tangent:
            #   atanh(x) = 0.5 * (log(1 + x) - log(1 - x))
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Multiply(
                myokit.Minus(myokit.Log(myokit.Plus(myokit.Number(1), x)),
                             myokit.Log(myokit.Minus(myokit.Number(1), x))))

        # Hyperbolic redundant trigonometry (CellML...)

        elif name == 'csch':
            # Hyperbolic cosecant: csch(x) = 2 / (exp(x) - exp(-x))
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Divide(
                myokit.Minus(myokit.Exp(x), myokit.Exp(myokit.PrefixMinus(x))))

        elif name == 'sech':
            # Hyperbolic secant: sech(x) = 2 / (exp(x) + exp(-x))
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Divide(
                myokit.Plus(myokit.Exp(x), myokit.Exp(myokit.PrefixMinus(x))))

        elif name == 'coth':
            # Hyperbolic cotangent:
            #   coth(x) = (exp(2*x) + 1) / (exp(2*x) - 1)
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            e2x = myokit.Exp(myokit.Multiply(myokit.Number(2), x))
            return myokit.Divide(myokit.Plus(e2x, myokit.Number(1)),
                                 myokit.Minus(e2x, myokit.Number(1)))

        # Inverse hyperbolic redundant trigonometry (CellML has a lot to answer
        # for...)

        elif name == 'arccsch':
            # Inverse hyperbolic cosecant:
            #   arccsch(x) = log(sqrt(1/(x*x) + 1) + 1/x)
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Log(
                                          myokit.Multiply(x, x)),
                    myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1), x)))
        elif name == 'arcsech':
            # Inverse hyperbolic secant:
            #   arcsech(x) = log(sqrt(1/(x*x) - 1) + 1/x)
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Log(
                                          myokit.Multiply(x, x)),
                    myokit.Divide(myokit.Number(1), x)))
        elif name == 'arccoth':
            # Inverse hyperbolic cotangent:
            #   arccoth(x) = 0.5 * (log(3 + 1) - log(3 - 1))
            x = parsex(dom_next(node))
            return myokit.Multiply(
                    myokit.Divide(myokit.Plus(x, myokit.Number(1)),
                                  myokit.Minus(x, myokit.Number(1)))))

        # Logic

        elif name == 'and':
            return chain(myokit.And, node)

        elif name == 'or':
            return chain(myokit.Or, node)

        elif name == 'not':
            return chain(None, node, myokit.Not)

        elif name == 'eq' or name == 'equivalent':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.Equal(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        elif name == 'neq':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.NotEqual(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        elif name == 'gt':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.More(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        elif name == 'lt':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.Less(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        elif name == 'geq':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.MoreEqual(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        elif name == 'leq':
            n2 = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.LessEqual(parsex(n2), parsex(dom_next(n2)))

        elif name == 'piecewise':
            # Piecewise contains at least one piece, optionally contains an
            #  "otherwise". Syntax doesn't ensure this statement makes sense.
            conds = []
            funcs = []
            other = None
            piece = dom_child(node)
            while piece:
                if piece.tagName == 'otherwise':
                    if other is None:
                        other = parsex(dom_child(piece))
                    elif logger:
                            'Multiple <otherwise> tags found in <piecewise>'
                            ' statement.')
                elif piece.tagName == 'piece':
                    n2 = dom_child(piece)
                elif logger:
                    logger.warn('Unexpected tag type in <piecewise>: <' +
                                piece.tagName + '>.')
                piece = dom_next(piece)

            if other is None:
                if logger:
                    logger.warn('No <otherwise> tag found in <piecewise>')
                other = myokit.Number(0)

            # Create string of if statements
            args = []
            f = iter(funcs)
            for c in conds:
            return myokit.Piecewise(*args)

        # Constants

        elif name == 'pi':
            return myokit.Number('3.14159265358979323846')
        elif name == 'exponentiale':
            return myokit.Exp(myokit.Number(1))
        elif name == 'true':
            # This is corrent, even in Python True == 1 but not True == 2
            return myokit.Number(1)
        elif name == 'false':
            return myokit.Number(0)

        # Unknown/unhandled elements
            if logger:
                logger.warn('Unknown element: ' + name)
            ops = []
            node = dom_child(node) if dom_child(node) else dom_next(node)
            while node:
                node = dom_next(node)
            return myokit.UnsupportedFunction(name, ops)
コード例 #11
ファイル: _importer.py プロジェクト: teosbpl/myokit
 def model(self, path):
     # Parse xml file
     path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path))
     self.log('Reading ' + str(path))
     dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(path)
     xmodel = dom.getElementsByTagName('model')[0]
     # Get model node
     if xmodel.getAttribute('name'):
         name = str(xmodel.getAttribute('name'))
     elif xmodel.getAttribute('id'):
         name = str(xmodel.getAttribute('id'))
         name = 'Imported SBML model'
     # Create myokit model
     model = myokit.Model(self._convert_name(name))
     self.log('Reading model "' + model.meta['name'] + '"')
     # Create one giant component to hold all variables
     comp = model.add_component('sbml')
     # Handle notes, if given
     x = dom_child(xmodel, 'notes')
     if x:
         self.log('Converting <model> notes to ascii')
         model.meta['desc'] = html2ascii(x.toxml(), width=75)
         # width = 79 - 4 for tab!
     # Warn about missing functionality
     x = dom_child(xmodel, 'listOfCompartments')
     if x:
         self.warn('Compartments are not supported.')
     x = dom_child(xmodel, 'listOfSpecies')
     if x:
         self.warn('Species are not supported.')
     x = dom_child(xmodel, 'listOfConstraints')
     if x:
         self.warn('Constraints are not supported.')
     x = dom_child(xmodel, 'listOfReactions')
     if x:
         self.warn('Reactions are not supported.')
     x = dom_child(xmodel, 'listOfEvents')
     if x:
         self.warn('Events are not supported.')
     # Handle custom functions TODO???
     x = dom_child(xmodel, 'listOfFunctionDefinitions')
     if x:
         self.warn('Custom math functions are not (yet) implemented.')
     # Parse custom units
     x = dom_child(xmodel, 'listOfUnitDefinitions')
     if x:
         self._parse_units(model, comp, x)
     # Parse parameters (constants + parameters)
     x = dom_child(xmodel, 'listOfParameters')
     if x:
         self._parse_parameters(model, comp, x)
     # Parse rules (equations)
     x = dom_child(xmodel, 'listOfRules')
     if x:
         self._parse_rules(model, comp, x)
     # Parse extra initial assignments
     x = dom_child(xmodel, 'listOfInitialAssignments')
     if x:
         self._parse_initial_assignments(model, comp, x)
     # Write warnings to log
     # Run model validation, order variables etc
     except myokit.IntegrityError as e:
         self.log('WARNING: Integrity error found in model:')
     # Return finished model
     return model
コード例 #12
    def _parse_model(self, dom):
        Parses a dom tree into a myokit model.
        model_tag = dom.getElementsByTagName('model')[0]
        name = self._sanitise_name(model_tag.getAttribute('name'))
        model = myokit.Model(name)
        model.meta['author'] = 'Cellml converter'
        # Parse model meta information
        desc = []
        for tag in model_tag.getElementsByTagName('documentation'):
        desc = ('\n'.join(desc)).strip()
        if desc:
            model.meta['desc'] = desc
        # Check for unsupported CellML features
        # Check for <import> (allowed in CellML 1.1+)
        if model_tag.getElementsByTagName('import'):
            raise CellMLError('The CellML <import> tag is not supported.')
        # Check for <reaction> (allowed in any CellML)
        if model_tag.getElementsByTagName('import'):
            raise CellMLError('The CellML <import> tag is not supported.')
        # Check for <factorial> (allowed in all CellML, but why?)
        if model_tag.getElementsByTagName('factorial'):
            self.warn('The <factorial> tag is not supported.')
        # Check for MathML features not currently allowed in CellML
        # Check for <partialdiff> (not allowed in any CellML)
        if model_tag.getElementsByTagName('partialdiff'):
            self.warn('The <partialdiff> tag is not supported.')
        # Check for <sum> (not allowed in any CellML)
        if model_tag.getElementsByTagName('sum'):
            self.warn('The <sum> tag is not supported.')
        # Parse unit definitions
        si_units, munits, cunits = self._parse_units(model_tag)

        def convert_unit(unit):
            Parses a CellML unit (string) and returns a :class:`myokit.Unit` or
            ``None`` if successful, returns a string if conversion failed.
            if unit:
                if str(unit) in si_units:
                    unit = si_units[unit]
                elif unit in munits:
                    unit = munits[unit]
                elif unit in cunits[cname]:
                    unit = cunits[cname][unit]
                    unit = str(unit)
            return unit

        # Parse components
        components = {}  # Dict of (component name, component) pairs
        for tag in model_tag.getElementsByTagName('component'):
            cname = tag.getAttribute('name')
            name = self._sanitise_name(cname)
            self.log('Parsing component: ' + name)
            comp = model.add_component(name)
            components[cname] = comp
        # Parse group relationships
        # There are a number of different group types. Myokit handles the
        # "encapsulation" type of grouping, the rest can be ignored without
        # introducing errors.
        # Dict of encapsulation relations (component, parent component) pairs
        parents = {}

        def scan_encapsulated_children(parent, pcomp):
            Reads parent/child relationships from a <group> or <component_ref>
            tag and adds them to the dict ``parents``.

            Argument ``parent`` should be a <component_ref> tag and ``pcomp``
            should be the corresponding cellml component object.
            kid = dom_child(parent, 'component_ref')
            while kid is not None:
                # Get cellml component from name
                    comp = components[kid.getAttribute('component')]
                except KeyError:
                    raise CellMLError('Group registered for unknown'
                                      ' component: ' +
                # Log relationship
                self.log('Component <' + comp.qname() + '> is encapsulated'
                         ' in <' + pcomp.qname() + '>.')
                # Add relationship
                parents[comp] = pcomp
                # Scan kid for children
                scan_encapsulated_children(kid, comp)
                # Move to next kid
                kid = dom_next(kid, 'component_ref')

        for group in model_tag.getElementsByTagName('group'):
            # Filter out encapsulation groups
            is_encapsulation = False
            for ref in group.getElementsByTagName('relationship_ref'):
                if ref.getAttribute('relationship') == 'encapsulation':
                    is_encapsulation = True
            if not is_encapsulation:
            # Parse and store relationships
            parent = dom_child(group, 'component_ref')
            while parent is not None:
                # Get cellml component from name
                    pcomp = components[parent.getAttribute('component')]
                except KeyError:
                    raise CellMLError('Group registered for unknown'
                                      ' component: ' +
                # Add kids
                scan_encapsulated_children(parent, pcomp)
                # Search for next parent
                parent = dom_next(parent, 'component_ref')
        # Parse variables
        references = {}  # Dict (component name, (var name, var))
        interfaces = {}  # Dict (component name, (var name,(pub, pri, unit)))
        variables = {}  # Dict (component name, (var name, variable))
        values = {}  # Dict (component name, (var name, variable value))
        for ctag in model_tag.getElementsByTagName('component'):
            cname = ctag.getAttribute('name')
            comp = components[cname]
            references[cname] = rfs = {}
            interfaces[cname] = ifs = {}
            variables[cname] = vrs = {}
            values[cname] = vls = {}
            for vtag in ctag.getElementsByTagName('variable'):
                vname = vtag.getAttribute('name')
                # Get public and private interface
                pub = vtag.getAttribute('public_interface')
                pri = vtag.getAttribute('private_interface')
                if pub not in ('in', 'out'): pub = None
                if pri not in ('in', 'out'): pri = None
                # Get unit
                unit = convert_unit(vtag.getAttribute('units'))
                # Native variable? Then create
                if not (pub == 'in' or pri == 'in'):
                    name = self._sanitise_name(vname)
                    self.log('Parsing variable: ' + name)
                    var = comp.add_variable(name)
                    vrs[vname] = var
                    init = str(vtag.getAttribute('initial_value'))
                    if init != '':
                        vls[vname] = init
                    # Set unit
                    if type(unit) == str:
                        var.meta['cellml_unit'] = unit
                    # Add resolved reference
                    rfs[vname] = var
                    # Otherwise, store as unresolved reference
                    rfs[vname] = None
                # Store reference information
                ifs[vname] = (pub, pri, unit)
        # Parse connections
        for tag in model_tag.getElementsByTagName('connection'):
            # Find linked components
            map_components = tag.getElementsByTagName('map_components')[0]
            cname1 = map_components.getAttribute('component_1')
            cname2 = map_components.getAttribute('component_2')
            for comp in (cname1, cname2):
                if not comp in components:
                    raise CellMLError('Connection found for unlisted'
                                      ' component: <' + comp + '>.')
            comp1 = components[cname1]
            comp2 = components[cname2]
            # If component is encapsulated, find parent
                par1 = parents[comp1]
            except KeyError:
                par1 = None
                par2 = parents[comp2]
            except KeyError:
                par2 = None
            # Get relevant lists for components
            ifs1 = interfaces[cname1]
            ifs2 = interfaces[cname2]
            rfs1 = references[cname1]
            rfs2 = references[cname2]
            # Find all references
            for pair in tag.getElementsByTagName('map_variables'):
                ref1 = pair.getAttribute('variable_1')
                ref2 = pair.getAttribute('variable_2')
                # Check interfaces
                    int1 = ifs1[ref1]
                except KeyError:
                    self.warn('No interface found for variable <' + str(ref1) +
                              '>, unable to resolve connection.')
                    int2 = ifs2[ref2]
                except KeyError:
                    self.warn('No interface found for variable <' + str(ref2) +
                              '>, unable to resolve connection.')
                # Determine direction of reference
                ref_to_one = None
                if int2[0] == 'in' and (par1 == par2 or par2 == comp1):
                    # Reference from comp2 to its parent or sibling comp1
                    ref_to_one = True
                elif int1[0] == 'in' and (par1 == par2 or par1 == comp2):
                    # Reference from comp1 to its parent or sibling comp2
                    ref_to_one = False
                elif int2[1] == 'in' and par1 == comp2:
                    # Reference from comp2 to its child comp1
                    ref_to_one = True
                elif int1[1] == 'in' and par2 == comp1:
                    # Reference from comp1 to its child comp2
                    ref_to_one = False
                    self.warn('Unable to resolve connection between <' +
                              str(ref1) + '> in ' + str(comp1) + '(' +
                              str(int1[0]) + ', ' + str(int1[1]) + ') and <' +
                              str(ref2) + '> in ' + str(comp2) + '(' +
                              str(int2[0]) + ', ' + str(int2[1]) + ').')
                # Check units
                if int1[2] != int2[2]:
                    self.warn('Unit mismatch between <' + str(ref1) + '> in ' +
                              str(int1[2]) + ' and <' + str(ref2) +
                              '> given in ' + str(int2[2]) + '.')
                # Now point reference at variable or reference in other comp
                    ref = rfs1[ref1] if ref_to_one else rfs2[ref2]
                except KeyError:
                    a, b = ref2, ref1 if ref_to_one else ref1, ref2
                    self.warn('Unable to resolve reference of ' + str(a) +
                              ' to ' + str(b) + '.')
                if ref_to_one:
                    rfs2[ref2] = (cname1, ref1)
                    self.log('Variable <' + str(ref2) + '> in <' +
                             str(cname2) + '> points at <' + str(ref1) +
                             '> in <' + str(cname1) + '>.')
                    rfs1[ref1] = (cname2, ref2)
                    self.log('Variable <' + str(ref1) + '> in <' +
                             str(cname1) + '> points at <' + str(ref2) +
                             '> in <' + str(cname2) + '>.')
        # Check for references that are never connected
        for cname, rfs in references.iteritems():
            for vname, ref in rfs.iteritems():
                if ref is None:
                    self.warn('Unresolved reference <' + str(vname) + '> in'
                              ' component <' + str(cname) +
                              '>. Creating a dummy'
                              ' variable with this name.')
                    c = components[cname]
                    v = c.add_variable(vname)
                    rfs[vname] = v
        # The references should now all point to either a variable or a
        # reference to another variable. In the next step, these are resolved.
        for cname, rfs in references.iteritems():
            for vname, ref in rfs.iteritems():
                if type(ref) == tuple:
                    while True:
                        ref = references[ref[0]][ref[1]]
                        if type(ref) != tuple:
                    rfs[vname] = ref
        # MathML number post-processor to extract unit
        def npp(node, number):
            unit = convert_unit(node.getAttribute('cellml:units'))
            if unit:
                return myokit.Number(number.eval(), unit)
                return number

        # MathML derivative post-processor to check if we're only using time
        # derivatives
        global time
        time = None

        def dpp(lhs):
            var = lhs.var()
            global time
            if time is None:
                time = var
            elif time != var:
                raise CellMLError('Found derivatives to two different'
                                  ' variables: <' + str(time) + '> and <' +
                                  str(var) + '>.')

        # MathML expression parser
        def mathml(node, rfs):
            return parse_mathml_rhs(node,

        # Parse expressions
        for ctag in model_tag.getElementsByTagName('component'):
            cname = ctag.getAttribute('name')
            math = ctag.getElementsByTagName('math')
            vrs = variables[cname]
            vls = values[cname]
            rfs = references[cname]
            n = 0
            for m in math:
                tag = dom_child(m)
                while tag:
                    if tag.tagName != 'apply':
                        raise CellMLError('Unexpected tag in expression: <' +
                                          tag.tagName +
                                          '>, expecting <apply>.')
                    # First child of tag should be <eq />
                    eq = dom_child(tag, 'eq')
                    if not eq:
                        raise CellMLError('Unexpected content in math of'
                                          ' component <' + cname + '>.')
                    # Get lhs and rhs tags
                    lhs_tag = dom_next(eq)
                    rhs_tag = dom_next(lhs_tag)
                    # Check for partial derivatives
                    if lhs_tag.tagName == 'apply':
                        if dom_child(lhs_tag) == 'partialdiff':
                            raise CellMLError(
                                'Unexpected tag in expression:'
                                ' expecting <diff>, found <partialdiff>.'
                                ' Partial derivatives are not supported.')
                    # Parse lhs
                    lhs = mathml(lhs_tag, rfs)
                    if not isinstance(lhs, myokit.LhsExpression):
                        raise CellMLError(
                            'Error parsing equation: Expecting'
                            ' <ci> or <apply> after <eq> in "' + cname +
                            '", got <' + str(lhs_tag.tagName) + '> instead.'
                            ' Differential algebraic equations are not'
                            ' supported).')
                    # Check variable
                    var = lhs.var()
                    if var not in vrs.values():
                        raise CellMLError('Error: Equation found for unknown'
                                          ' variable <' + str(var) + '>.')
                    # Check derivatives
                    if lhs.is_derivative():
                        # Get CellML variable name
                        vname = dom_child(lhs_tag, 'ci')
                        vname = vname.firstChild.data.strip()
                        # Promote variable
                            i = float(vls[vname])
                            del (vls[vname])
                        except KeyError:
                            self.warn('No initial value found for <' +
                                      var.qname() + '>.')
                            i = 0
                    # Parse rhs
                    var.set_rhs(mathml(rhs_tag, rfs))
                    # Continue
                    tag = dom_next(tag)
                    n += 1
            self.log('Found ' + str(n) + ' equations in ' + cname + '.')
        # Use remaining initial values (can be used to set constants)
        for cname, vls in values.iteritems():
            vrs = variables[cname]
            for vname, val in vls.iteritems():
        # Bind time variable to engine time
        if time is not None:
        # Check for variables with no rhs that are never referenced
        no_rhs = [v for v in model.variables(deep=True) if v.rhs() is None]
        no_rhs = set(no_rhs)
        for var in no_rhs:
            refs = set([x for x in var.refs_by()])
            if len(refs) == 0 or refs in no_rhs:
                self.warn('No expression for variable <' + var.qname() + '> is'
                          ' defined and no other variables reference it. The'
                          ' variable will be removed.')
                self.warn('No expression for variable <' + var.qname() + '> is'
                          ' defined. This variable will be set to zero.')
        return model
コード例 #13
    def _parse_units(self, model_tag):
        Parses all cellml units into myokit units.

        Returns a tuple (munits, cunits) where munits is a dict mapping cellml
        unit names to myokit unit objects (or None objects if a unit couldn't
        be parsed). The cunits part maps cellml component names to dicts of the
        same structure.
        # <units> Can be placed inside <model>, <component> or <import>
        # for <model> and <import> the units are global.
        # The <import> tag is not supported by this importer.
        # A Units tag can set base_units="yes" to define a new base unit: this
        # is not supported.
        si_units = {
            'dimensionless': myokit.units.dimensionless,
            'ampere': myokit.units.A,
            'farad': myokit.units.F,
            'katal': myokit.units.kat,
            'lux': myokit.units.lux,
            'pascal': myokit.units.Pa,
            'tesla': myokit.units.T,
            'becquerel': myokit.units.Bq,
            'gram': myokit.units.g,
            'kelvin': myokit.units.K,
            'meter': myokit.units.m,
            'radian': myokit.units.rad,
            'volt': myokit.units.V,
            'candela': myokit.units.cd,
            'gray': myokit.units.Gy,
            'kilogram': myokit.units.kg,
            'metre': myokit.units.m,
            'second': myokit.units.s,
            'watt': myokit.units.W,
            'celsius': myokit.units.C,
            'henry': myokit.units.H,
            'liter': myokit.units.L,
            'mole': myokit.units.mol,
            'siemens': myokit.units.S,
            'weber': myokit.units.Wb,
            'coulomb': myokit.units.C,
            'hertz': myokit.units.Hz,
            'litre': myokit.units.L,
            'newton': myokit.units.N,
            'sievert': myokit.units.Sv,
            'joule': myokit.units.J,
            'lumen': myokit.units.lm,
            'ohm': myokit.units.R,
            'steradian': myokit.units.sr,
        si_prefixes = {
            'yotta': 1e24,
            'zetta': 1e21,
            'exa': 1e18,
            'peta': 1e15,
            'tera': 1e12,
            'giga': 1e9,
            'mega': 1e6,
            'kilo': 1e3,
            'hecto': 1e2,
            'deka': 1e1,
            'deci': 1e-1,
            'centi': 1e-2,
            'milli': 1e-3,
            'micro': 1e-6,
            'nano': 1e-9,
            'pico': 1e-12,
            'femto': 1e-15,
            'atto': 1e-18,
            'zepto': 1e-21,
            'yocto': 1e-24,

        class Unit:
            def __init__(self, name):
                self.name = name
                self.parts = []

        class Part:
            def __init__(self, base):
                self.base = base
                self.prefix = None
                self.multiplier = None
                self.exponent = None

        def parse(tag):
            Parses <units> tags into Unit objects.
            name = tag.getAttribute('name')
            self.log('Parsing unit: ' + name)
            unit = Unit(name)
            for part in tag.getElementsByTagName('unit'):
                if part.hasAttribute('offset'):
                    self.warn('The "offset" attribute for <unit> tags is not'
                              ' supported.')
                p = Part(part.getAttribute('units'))
                x = part.getAttribute('prefix')
                if x: p.prefix = str(x)
                x = part.getAttribute('multiplier')
                if x <> '': p.multiplier = float(x)
                x = part.getAttribute('exponent')
                if x <> '': p.exponent = float(x)
            return unit

        # Parse units in model
        munits = []
        tag = dom_child(model_tag, 'units')
        while tag:
            tag = dom_next(tag, 'units')
        # Parse units in components
        cunits = {}
        for tag in model_tag.getElementsByTagName('component'):
            cunits[tag.getAttribute('name')] = units = []
            for unit in tag.getElementsByTagName('units'):
        # Order units (units can refer to each other in a DAG form)
        def order(units, global_units=None):
            Orders a list of (name, parts) tuples so that none of the parts
            refer to a unit defined later in the list. Returns an odict mapping
            names to (name, parts) tuples.
            todo = units
            units = odict()
            # List units that can already be referenced at this point
            okay = si_units.keys()
            if global_units:
                for name, unit in global_units:
            # Run through todo list
            while todo:
                done = []
                for unit in todo:
                    ok = True
                    for part in unit.parts:
                        if part.base not in okay:
                            ok = False
                    if ok:
                for unit in done:
                    units[unit.name] = unit
                if len(done) == 0:
            if todo:
                # Unable to resolve all units
                for unit in todo:
                    self.warn('Unable to resolve unit: ' + str(unit.name))
                    units[unit.name] = unit
            return units

        munits = order(munits)
        for name, units in cunits.iteritems():
            cunits[name] = order(units)
        # Convert units
        def convert(obj, local_map=None):
            Converts a Unit object to a myokit unit.
            base = myokit.units.dimensionless
            for part in obj.parts:
                # Get simple unit
                if str(part.base) in si_units:
                    unit = si_units[part.base]
                elif part.base in munits:
                    unit = munits[part.base]
                elif local_map and part.base in local_map:
                    unit = local_map[part.base]
                    self.warn('Unknown base unit: ' + str(part.base))
                    return None
                # Add prefix
                if part.prefix is not None:
                        unit *= si_prefixes[part.prefix]
                    except KeyError:
                            if str(part.prefix) == str(int(part.prefix)):
                                unit *= 10**int(part.prefix)
                                raise ValueError
                        except ValueError:
                                'Unknown prefix in unit specification: "' +
                                str(part.prefix) + '".')
                            return None
                # Exponent (prefix part is exponentiated, multiplier is not)
                if part.exponent is not None:
                    e = int(part.exponent)
                    if e - part.exponent > 1e-15:
                            'Non-integer exponents in unit specification' +
                            ' are not supported: ' + str(part.exponent))
                        return None
                    unit **= e
                # Multiplier
                if part.multiplier is not None:
                    unit *= part.multiplier
                # Multiply base unit with this one
                base *= unit
            self.log('Converted unit "' + obj.name + '" to ' + str(base))
            return base

        # Convert all units in <model>
        for name, obj in munits.iteritems():
            munits[name] = convert(obj)
        # Convert all units in components
        for cname, units in cunits.iteritems():
            for name, obj in units.iteritems():
                units[name] = convert(obj, units)
        # Return unit maps
        return si_units, munits, cunits