コード例 #1
    def post_ajax(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # TODO 
        # in fact this whole approach is a disgrace. Figure out how
        # to use Djangos modelformsets with AJAX and save things properly
        # to start with you should inherit from some view that has the
        # get_context_data method, then use that to pull some info
        ctx = {}

        # extract the forms id from out the dictionaries keys
        for x in request.POST.items():
            if x[0].endswith('-id'):
                form_id = int(x[0][-4]) # id of form on html page

        # extract the values from the submitted form and create a
        # new dictionary out of it that is actually usuable
        prefix = "form-{}-".format(form_id)
        form = {}
        for x in request.POST.items():
            if prefix in x[0]:
                left, right = x[0].split(prefix)
                form[right] = x[1]
                form[x[0]] = x[1]

        # query the DB to get the form in question
        post = PostQueue.objects.get(id=form['id'])

        # figure out which button they pressed (save, deactivate, or delete)
        # and perform different actions in response
        if form['btn_type'] in ('delete', 'draft'):
            # TODO
            # update facebook via the API. Note: the fbook_post_id will
            # need to be deleted for those posts that are now marked
            # as a draft
            fb = Fbook(user_id=request.user.id)
            draft = True if form['btn_type'] == 'draft' else False
            post_error = fb.deletePost(request, post.fbook_post_id, draft)
            if post_error:
                ctx['msg'] = 'your post was successfully deleted'
                return self.render_json_response(ctx)
                ctx['msg'] = 'An error occurred and we were unable to delete your post'
                return self.render_json_response(ctx)

        if form['btn_type'] == 'draft':
            post.status = 'draft'
            # TODO
            # write code here that sends a delete request to
            # facebook like is done above, only this time alter the
            # local copy of the post to be a draft.

        # TODO
        # check to see if there were any changes made to the form on save
        # If no changes were made then do not send Facebook an API request
        # to modify your message. If changes were made then send the request.
        # Note that if Facebook returns an error then do not resave this form.
        # code goes here

        # check if the item has an existing fbook_post_id.
        # if it does then this means they are updating/rescheduling a post

        # update the posts fields with the submitted information
        post.biz_id     = form['biz']
        post.message    = form['message']
        post.updated_by = request.user
        post.updated_on = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc)

        # construct the new date
        ptime = '{} {}:{}{}'.format(
        post.post_date = dateutil.parser.parse(ptime)

        # TODO
        # find a way to get the social site info
        # post.social_sites = [u'facebook']


        # TODO - load the given post for the submitted post id
        #        AKA only load a post when the user request it
        #        VS what your doing right now which is loading
        #        all the posts and just hiding them with AJAX
        ctx['hi']  = form['id']
        ctx['msg'] = 'your post was saved successfully'

        return self.render_json_response(ctx)
コード例 #2
    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        ctx = self.get_context_data(**kwargs)
        form = PostQueueForm(request.POST or None)
        ctx['form'] = form

        if form.is_valid():
            params = {}

            # add the missing values for created_by and created_on since
            # modelForms seem to have trouble automaticlly inheriting them
            the_post = form.save(commit=False)
            the_post.created_by = request.user
            the_post.created_on = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc)
            params['message'] = the_post.message

            # check which social networks they specified and configure the
            # parameters for your API request accordingly
            if 'facebook' in the_post.social_sites:
                fb = Fbook(user_id=request.user.id)

                # confirm that the messages in the insightfever DB matches
                # those scheduled on Facebook. If a descrepancy is found
                # then update either facebook or your own DB appropriately
                facebook_posts = fb.sync_managed_posts(the_post.biz_id)
                data = facebook_posts['data']
                for d in data:
                    # TODO
                    # convert the unix timestamp in d['created_time'] to
                    # a datetime object and figure out if the message has
                    # already been posted yet. If a time descrepancy is found
                    # then prompt the user with a dialogue box asking if they
                    # want to overwrite the insightfever data with the facebook
                    # or if they want to overwrite facebook data with ifever.
                    # d['source_id']
                    # d['post_id']
                    # d['created_time']
                    # d['message']

                # search the message for links. If found then request the page
                # for your first URL and search for facebook metatags so that
                # you can autofill some of the required fields:
                urls = fever_utils.find_urls(the_post.message)
                if urls:
                    # TODO:
                    # grab the link parameters from the javascript in the
                    # page. AKA, create some hidden forms from which to
                    # store your retrived javascript values, and on submit
                    # to Facebook, inject those values into the API call
                    params['link'] = urls[0]
                    params = fb.getLinkParams(params)

                params['scheduled_publish_time'] = the_post.post_date

                # Post your message to the facebook page
                result = fb.postToPage(request, params, the_post.biz_id)

                # make sure Facebook acknowledged our post by returning an id
                if 'id' in result:
                    the_post.fbook_post_id = result['id']
                    msg = "Facebook failed to return a post 'id'. You message failed to post"
                    message.error(request, msg)

            # if they chose to post to Twitter
            if 'twitter' in the_post.social_sites:
                # twit = connect_to_tweepy(request.user.id, the_post.biz_id)
                # NOTE 
                # if posting a picture you need to use the
                # update_with_media parameter
                # https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/post/statuses/update_with_media


            messages.info(request, 'Your post has been scheduled')
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('social_post',

        messages.error(request, 'Your form did not validate')
        return self.render_to_response(ctx)