def get_vpc_subnets(vpc_id: str, ec2: EC2Client) \ -> List[SubnetTypeDef]: subnets = ec2.describe_subnets(Filters=[{ 'Name': 'vpc-id', 'Values': [vpc_id] }]) return subnets.get('Subnets', [])
def get_vpc_route_tables(vpc_id: str, ec2: EC2Client) \ -> List[RouteTableTypeDef]: rts = ec2.describe_route_tables(Filters=[{ 'Name': 'vpc-id', 'Values': [vpc_id] }]) return rts.get('RouteTables', [])
def get_types_info(client: EC2Client) -> Dict[str, NodeTypeInfo]: instances = { i["InstanceType"]: i for page in client.get_paginator("describe_instance_types").paginate() for i in page["InstanceTypes"] } def is_cluster_group(d): if "PlacementGroupInfo" not in d: return False return "cluster" in d["PlacementGroupInfo"]["SupportedStrategies"] return { s: { "memory": d["MemoryInfo"]["SizeInMiB"] - int(math.pow(d["MemoryInfo"]["SizeInMiB"], 0.7) * 0.9 + 500), "cores_per_socket": d["VCpuInfo"].get( "DefaultCores", d["VCpuInfo"]["DefaultVCpus"] ), "threads_per_core": d["VCpuInfo"].get("DefaultThreadsPerCore", 1), "arch": d["ProcessorInfo"]["SupportedArchitectures"][0], "cluster_group": is_cluster_group(d), } for s, d in instances.items() }
def get_transit_gateway_vpc_attachments(tgw_id: str, ec2: EC2Client) \ -> List[TransitGatewayVpcAttachmentTypeDef]: atts = ec2.describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachments( Filters=[{ 'Name': 'transit-gateway-id', 'Values': [tgw_id] }]) return atts.get('TransitGatewayVpcAttachments', [])
def update_route_tables(client: EC2Client, vpc_id: str, vgw: str, cidr: str, log: logging.Logger) -> None: try:"Getting all route tables in VPC {vpc_id}") route_tables = { table["RouteTableId"]: table["Routes"] for page in client.get_paginator("describe_route_tables").paginate( Filters=[{ 'Name': 'vpc-id', 'Values': [vpc_id] }]) for table in page["RouteTables"] } for route_table_id, routes in route_tables.items(): f"Will create route to {cidr} via {vgw} in route table {route_table_id} if not present" ) if not route_is_present(cidr, routes, log): client.create_route(DestinationCidrBlock=cidr, RouteTableId=route_table_id, GatewayId=vgw) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"Error updating VPC {vpc_id}: {e}")
def all(cls, client: EC2Client, nodespace: dict): result = client.describe_instances( Filters=[ {"Name": "tag:cluster", "Values": [nodespace["cluster_id"]]}, {"Name": "tag:type", "Values": ["compute"]}, ] ) if result["Reservations"]: instances = result["Reservations"][0]["Instances"] else: instances = [] return [cls.from_response(instance) for instance in instances]
def create_vpn(client: EC2Client, name: str, cgw: str, vgw: str, cidr: str, log: logging.Logger) -> None: try: vpn = client.create_vpn_connection( CustomerGatewayId=cgw, Type="ipsec.1", VpnGatewayId=vgw, DryRun=False, Options={ "StaticRoutesOnly": True, "TunnelInsideIpVersion": "ipv4", "TunnelOptions": [tunel_opts, tunel_opts], }, ) vpn_id = vpn["VpnConnection"]["VpnConnectionId"] f"VPN ID {vpn_id} for {name} created, but no Name tag has been created" ) client.create_vpn_connection_route(DestinationCidrBlock=cidr, VpnConnectionId=vpn_id) f"VPN connection route cidr {cidr} has been associated to {vpn_id}" ) client.create_tags( DryRun=False, Resources=[ vpn_id, ], Tags=[ { "Key": "Name", "Value": name }, ], )"VPN ID {vpn_id} now has Tag Name {name} ") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"Error creating VPN {name}: {e}")
def get_vpc_default_sg_id(vpc_id: str, ec2: EC2Client) -> Optional[str]: vpc_security_groups = ec2.describe_security_groups( Filters=[{ 'Name': 'vpc-id', 'Values': [vpc_id] }, { 'Name': 'group-name', 'Values': ['default'] }]) # there is only one default for sg in vpc_security_groups.get('SecurityGroups', []): return sg['GroupId'] return None
def get_transit_gateways(ec2: EC2Client) -> List[TransitGatewayTypeDef]: tgws = ec2.describe_transit_gateways() return tgws.get('TransitGateways', [])
def get_account_vpcs(ec2: EC2Client) -> List[VpcTypeDef]: vpcs = ec2.describe_vpcs() return vpcs.get('Vpcs', [])