def coauthor_register(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, fname, lname, org_id): user_id = user_register(db, 'author') db.execute( 'INSERT INTO Author (id, fname, lname, organization_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', [user_id, fname.title(), lname.title(), org_id]) return user_id
def reviewer_status(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, user_id): """a listing of all the manuscripts assigned to reviewer, sorted by their status from under review through accepted/rejected.""" db.execute( 'SELECT * FROM Feedback JOIN Manuscript ON manuscript_id = id ' 'WHERE reviewer_id = ? ORDER BY man_status', [user_id]) db_print(db)
def editor_publish(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, issue): db.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Accepted WHERE journal_id = ?', [issue]) if db.fetchone()[0] < 1: print("The journal has no scheduled manuscripts") else: db.execute( 'UPDATE Manuscript JOIN Accepted on id = manuscript_id SET man_status = "Published" ' 'WHERE journal_id = ?', [issue])
def editor_accept(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, man_id): db.execute( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Feedback WHERE manuscript_id = ? AND recommendation IS NOT NULL', [man_id]) if db.fetchone()[0] < 3: print('Manuscript MUST have at least three completed reviews!') else: db.execute( 'UPDATE Manuscript SET man_status = "accepted" WHERE id = ?', [man_id])
def user_auth(db: MySQLCursorPrepared): print('Login or register') """Step 1. register or login""" user_id = 0 while True: command = input().split() if command[0] == 'register': user_id, user_type = user_register_menu(db, command) if user_id is None: continue if command[0] == 'login' or user_id: if not user_id and len(command) != 2: print('usage: login <id>') continue user_id = user_id or command[1] db.execute('SELECT * FROM Users WHERE id = ?', [user_id]) try: user_type = db.fetchone()[1] except: return print('Wrong id!') if user_type == 'author': user = user_get(db, user_id, 'author') print(f"Hello, {user[1]} {user[2]} @ {user[3]}!") author_status(db, user[0]) return user_id, 'author' elif user_type == 'editor': user = user_get(db, user_id, 'editor') print(f"Hello, {user[1]} {user[2]}!") editor_status(db, user[0]) return user_id, 'editor' elif user_type == 'reviewer': user = user_get(db, user_id, 'reviewer') print(f"Hello, {user[1]} {user[2]}!") reviewer_status(db, user[0]) return user_id, 'reviewer' elif command[0] == 'resign': if len(command) != 1: print('usage: resign') continue user_id = input('Enter your user id: ') reviewer_resign(db, user_id) print('Thank you for your service.') else: print('You must register or login first! ' + errmsg)
def reviewer_register(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, fname, lname, icodes): user_id = user_register(db, 'reviewer') try: db.execute( 'INSERT INTO Reviewer (id, fname, lname) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', [user_id, fname.title(), lname.title()]) except Error as err: user_delete(db, user_id) return print(err.msg) for icode in icodes: db.execute('INSERT INTO Reviewer_ICode VALUES (?, ?)', [user_id, icode]) return user_id
def author_register(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, fname, lname, email, affiliation): user_id = user_register(db, 'author') db.execute('INSERT INTO Organizations (org_name) VALUES (?)', [affiliation]) db.execute('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()') org_id = db.fetchone()[0] db.execute('INSERT INTO Author VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [user_id, fname.title(), lname.title(), email, org_id]) return user_id
def editor_register(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, fname, lname): user_id = user_register(db, 'editor') db.execute('INSERT INTO Editor VALUES (?, ?, ?)', [user_id, fname.title(), lname.title()]) return user_id
def user_delete(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, user_id): db.execute('DELETE FROM Users WHERE id = ?', [user_id])
def editor_schedule(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, man_id, issue): db.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Journal WHERE journal_id = ?', [issue]) if not db.fetchone()[0]: db.execute( 'INSERT INTO Journal (journal_id, journal_num, journal_year) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', [issue, int(issue[:4]), int(issue[5])]) db.execute( 'SELECT SUM(pages) FROM Manuscript JOIN Accepted on id = manuscript_id ' 'WHERE journal_id = ?', [issue]) total_pages = db.fetchone()[0] or 0 db.execute('SELECT pages FROM Manuscript WHERE id = ?', [man_id]) added_pages = db.fetchone()[0] or 0 db.execute('SELECT man_status from Manuscript WHERE id = ?', [man_id]) if db.fetchone()[0] != 'ready': print('The manuscripts must be ready to be published') elif total_pages + added_pages > 100: print('The page count is exceeded for this issue') else: db.execute( 'UPDATE Manuscript SET man_status = "scheduled" WHERE id = ?', [man_id]) db.execute('SELECT MAX(man_order) FROM Accepted WHERE journal_id = ?', [issue]) order = db.fetchone()[0] or 1 db.execute('INSERT INTO Accepted VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, CURDATE())', [man_id, issue, order, total_pages + 1])
def user_get(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, user_id, user_type): db.execute(f'SELECT * FROM {user_type.title()} WHERE id = ?', [user_id]) return db.fetchone()
def editor_reject(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, man_id): db.execute('UPDATE Manuscript SET man_status = "rejected" WHERE id = ?', [man_id])
def editor_assign(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, manuscript_id, reviewer_id): db.execute( 'INSERT INTO Feedback (manuscript_id, reviewer_id) VALUES (?, ?)', [manuscript_id, reviewer_id])
def user_register(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, user_type): db.execute('INSERT INTO Users (user_type) VALUES (?)', [user_type]) db.execute('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()') return db.fetchone()[0]
def reviewer_review(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, status, user_id, man_id, a_score, c_score, m_score, e_score): db.execute( 'UPDATE Feedback SET A_score = ?, C_score = ?, M_score = ?, E_score = ?,' 'recommendation = ? WHERE manuscript_id = ? AND reviewer_id = ?', [a_score, c_score, m_score, e_score, status, man_id, user_id])
def author_submit(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, author_id, title, org_name, icode, coauthors, filename): try: with open(filename, 'rb') as f: txt = except: return print('Filename is wrong!') x = randint(10, 30) db.execute( 'INSERT INTO Manuscript (title, body, received_date, ICode_id, pages)' 'VALUES (?, ?, CURDATE(), ?,?)', [title.title(), txt, icode, x]) db.execute('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()') man_id = db.fetchone()[0] db.execute('INSERT INTO Organizations (org_name) VALUES (?)', [org_name]) db.execute('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()') org_id = db.fetchone()[0] # all authors get organization_id assigned - primary author db.execute('UPDATE Author SET organization_id = ? WHERE id = ?', [org_id, author_id]) # check if authors in the system authors = [author_id] for i in range(0, len(coauthors), 2): db.execute('SELECT id FROM Author WHERE fname = ? AND lname = ?', [coauthors[i], coauthors[i + 1]]) result = db.fetchone() co_id = result[0] if result else None if not co_id: co_id = coauthor_register(db, coauthors[i], coauthors[i + 1], org_id) authors.append(co_id) for i in range(len(authors)): db.execute('INSERT INTO Authorship VALUES (?, ?, ?)', [man_id, authors[i], i + 1])
def author_status(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, user_id): """produces a report of all the author’s manuscripts currently in the system where he/she is the primary author. Only the most recent status timesstamp is kept and reported.""" db.execute('SELECT * FROM LeadAuthorManuscripts WHERE author_id = ?', [user_id]) db_print(db)
def reviewer_resign(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, user_id): db.execute('DELETE FROM Users WHERE id = ?', [user_id])
def editor_status(db: MySQLCursorPrepared, user_id): """lists all manuscripts by all authors in the system sorted by status and then manuscript #.""" db.execute('SELECT * FROM Manuscript ORDER BY man_status, id') db_print(db)