コード例 #1
ファイル: protocol.py プロジェクト: bopopescu/mythbox
    def parse_column(self, packet):
        """Parse a MySQL column-packet"""
        column = {}
        (packet, column['catalog']) = utils.read_lc_string(packet[4:])
        (packet, column['db']) = utils.read_lc_string(packet)
        (packet, column['table']) = utils.read_lc_string(packet)
        (packet, column['org_table']) = utils.read_lc_string(packet)
        (packet, column['name']) = utils.read_lc_string(packet)
        (packet, column['org_name']) = utils.read_lc_string(packet)
        packet = packet[1:]  # filler 1 * \x00
        (packet, column['charset']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
        (packet, column['length']) = utils.read_int(packet, 4)
        (packet, column['type']) = utils.read_int(packet, 1)
        (packet, column['flags']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
        (packet, column['decimal']) = utils.read_int(packet, 1)
        packet = packet[2:]  # filler 2 * \x00

        return (
            None,  # display_size
            None,  # internal_size
            None,  # precision
            None,  # scale
            ~column['flags'] & FieldFlag.NOT_NULL,  # null_ok
            column['flags'],  # MySQL specific
コード例 #2
 def parse_eof(self, packet):
     """Parse a MySQL EOF-packet"""
     res = {}
     packet = packet[1:] # disregard the first checking byte
     (packet, res['warning_count']) = utils.read_int(packet[4:], 2)
     (packet, res['status_flag']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
     return res
コード例 #3
 def parse_column(self, packet):
     """Parse a MySQL column-packet"""
     column = {}
     (packet, column['catalog']) = utils.read_lc_string(packet[4:])
     (packet, column['db']) = utils.read_lc_string(packet)
     (packet, column['table']) = utils.read_lc_string(packet)
     (packet, column['org_table']) = utils.read_lc_string(packet)
     (packet, column['name']) = utils.read_lc_string(packet)
     (packet, column['org_name']) = utils.read_lc_string(packet)
     packet = packet[1:] # filler 1 * \x00
     (packet, column['charset']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
     (packet, column['length']) = utils.read_int(packet,4)
     (packet, column['type']) = utils.read_int(packet, 1)
     (packet, column['flags']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
     (packet, column['decimal']) = utils.read_int(packet, 1)
     packet = packet[2:] # filler 2 * \x00
     return (
         None, # display_size
         None, # internal_size
         None, # precision
         None, # scale
         ~column['flags'] & FieldFlag.NOT_NULL, # null_ok
         column['flags'], # MySQL specific
コード例 #4
    def test_read_int(self):
        """Read an integer from a buffer."""
        buf = b'34581adbkdasdf'

        self.assertEqual(51, utils.read_int(buf, 1)[1])
        self.assertEqual(13363, utils.read_int(buf, 2)[1])
        self.assertEqual(3486771, utils.read_int(buf, 3)[1])
        self.assertEqual(943010867, utils.read_int(buf, 4)[1])
        self.assertEqual(7089898577412305971, utils.read_int(buf, 8)[1])
コード例 #5
    def test_read_int(self):
        """Read an integer from a buffer."""
        buf = '34581adbkdasdf'

        self.assertEqual(51, utils.read_int(buf,1)[1])
        self.assertEqual(13363, utils.read_int(buf,2)[1])
        self.assertEqual(3486771, utils.read_int(buf,3)[1])
        self.assertEqual(943010867, utils.read_int(buf,4)[1])
        self.assertEqual(7089898577412305971, utils.read_int(buf,8)[1])
コード例 #6
ファイル: protocol.py プロジェクト: bopopescu/mythbox
    def parse_eof(self, packet):
        """Parse a MySQL EOF-packet"""
        if not (packet[4] == '\xfe' and len(packet) <= 9):
            raise errors.InterfaceError("Failed parsing EOF packet.")

        res = {}
        packet = packet[5:]  # disregard the first checking byte
        (packet, res['warning_count']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
        (packet, res['status_flag']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
        return res
コード例 #7
ファイル: protocol.py プロジェクト: khankuan/IvleHangout
    def parse_eof(self, packet):
        """Parse a MySQL EOF-packet"""
        if not (packet[4] == '\xfe' and len(packet) <= 9):
            raise errors.InterfaceError("Failed parsing EOF packet.")

        res = {}
        packet = packet[5:] # disregard the first checking byte
        (packet, res['warning_count']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
        (packet, res['status_flag']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
        return res
コード例 #8
ファイル: column.py プロジェクト: bopopescu/mysqlsub
    def __init__(self, column_type, column_schema, buf):
        self.type = column_type
        self.name = column_schema["COLUMN_NAME"]
        self.collation_name = column_schema["COLLATION_NAME"]
        self.character_set_name = column_schema["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"]
        self.comment = column_schema["COLUMN_COMMENT"]
        self.unsigned = False
        head = buf

        if column_schema["COLUMN_TYPE"].find("unsigned") != -1:
            self.unsigned = True
        if self.type == FieldType.VAR_STRING or self.type == FieldType.STRING:
            self.__read_string_metadata(packet, column_schema)
        elif self.type == FieldType.VARCHAR:
            head, self.max_length = utils.read_int(head, 2)
        elif self.type == FieldType.BLOB:
            head, self.length_size = utils.read_int(head, 1)
        elif self.type == FieldType.GEOMETRY:
            head, self.length_size = utils.read_int(head, 1)
        elif self.type == FieldType.NEWDECIMAL:
            head, self.precision = utils.read_int(head, 1)
            head, self.decimals = utils.read_int(head, 1)
        elif self.type == FieldType.DOUBLE:
            head, self.size = utils.read_int(head, 1)
        elif self.type == FieldType.FLOAT:
            head, self.size = utils.read_int(head, 1)
        elif self.type == FieldType.BIT:
            head, bits = utils.read_int(head, 1)
            head, bytes = utils.read_int(head, 1)
            self.bits = (bytes * 8) + bits
            self.bytes = int((self.bits + 7) / 8)
コード例 #9
ファイル: column.py プロジェクト: yelu/mysqlsub
    def __init__(self, column_type, column_schema, buf):
        self.type = column_type
        self.name = column_schema["COLUMN_NAME"]
        self.collation_name = column_schema["COLLATION_NAME"]
        self.character_set_name = column_schema["CHARACTER_SET_NAME"]
        self.comment = column_schema["COLUMN_COMMENT"]
        self.unsigned = False
        head = buf

        if column_schema["COLUMN_TYPE"].find("unsigned") != -1:
            self.unsigned = True
        if self.type == FieldType.VAR_STRING or self.type == FieldType.STRING:
            self.__read_string_metadata(packet, column_schema)
        elif self.type == FieldType.VARCHAR:
            head, self.max_length = utils.read_int(head, 2)
        elif self.type == FieldType.BLOB:
            head, self.length_size = utils.read_int(head, 1)
        elif self.type == FieldType.GEOMETRY:
            head, self.length_size = utils.read_int(head, 1)
        elif self.type == FieldType.NEWDECIMAL:
            head, self.precision = utils.read_int(head, 1)
            head, self.decimals = utils.read_int(head, 1)
        elif self.type == FieldType.DOUBLE:
            head, self.size = utils.read_int(head, 1)
        elif self.type == FieldType.FLOAT:
            head, self.size = utils.read_int(head, 1)
        elif self.type == FieldType.BIT:
            head, bits = utils.read_int(head, 1)
            head, bytes = utils.read_int(head, 1)
            self.bits = (bytes * 8) + bits
            self.bytes = int((self.bits + 7) / 8)
コード例 #10
ファイル: column.py プロジェクト: yelu/mysqlsub
 def __read_string_metadata(self, head, column_schema):
     head, byte0 = utils.read_int(head, 1)
     head, byte1 = utils.read_int(head, 1)
     metadata  = (byte0 << 8) + byte1
     real_type = metadata >> 8
     if real_type == FieldType.SET or real_type == FieldType.ENUM:
         self.type = real_type
         self.size = metadata & 0x00ff
         self.max_length = (((metadata >> 4) & 0x300) ^ 0x300) + (metadata & 0x00ff)
コード例 #11
ファイル: column.py プロジェクト: bopopescu/mysqlsub
 def __read_string_metadata(self, head, column_schema):
     head, byte0 = utils.read_int(head, 1)
     head, byte1 = utils.read_int(head, 1)
     metadata = (byte0 << 8) + byte1
     real_type = metadata >> 8
     if real_type == FieldType.SET or real_type == FieldType.ENUM:
         self.type = real_type
         self.size = metadata & 0x00ff
         self.max_length = ((
             (metadata >> 4) & 0x300) ^ 0x300) + (metadata & 0x00ff)
コード例 #12
 def parse_handshake(self, packet):
     """Parse a MySQL Handshake-packet"""
     res = {}
     (packet, res["protocol"]) = utils.read_int(packet[4:], 1)
     (packet, res["server_version_original"]) = utils.read_string(packet, end=b"\x00")
     (packet, res["server_threadid"]) = utils.read_int(packet, 4)
     (packet, res["scramble"]) = utils.read_bytes(packet, 8)
     packet = packet[1:]  # Filler 1 * \x00
     (packet, res["capabilities"]) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
     (packet, res["charset"]) = utils.read_int(packet, 1)
     (packet, res["server_status"]) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
     packet = packet[13:]  # Filler 13 * \x00
     (packet, scramble_next) = utils.read_bytes(packet, 12)
     res["scramble"] += scramble_next
     return res
コード例 #13
ファイル: protocol.py プロジェクト: richfab/LOG210-server
    def parse_binary_prepare_ok(self, packet):
        """Parse a MySQL Binary Protocol OK packet"""
        if not packet[4] == 0:
            raise errors.InterfaceError("Failed parsing Binary OK packet")

        ok_pkt = {}
            (packet, ok_pkt['statement_id']) = utils.read_int(packet[5:], 4)
            (packet, ok_pkt['num_columns']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
            (packet, ok_pkt['num_params']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
            packet = packet[1:]  # Filler 1 * \x00
            (packet, ok_pkt['warning_count']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
        except ValueError:
            raise errors.InterfaceError("Failed parsing Binary OK packet")

        return ok_pkt
コード例 #14
ファイル: protocol.py プロジェクト: rjones30/rcdb
 def parse_handshake(self, packet):
     """Parse a MySQL Handshake-packet"""
     res = {}
     (packet, res['protocol']) = utils.read_int(packet[4:], 1)
     (packet, res['server_version_original']) = utils.read_string(
         packet, end='\x00')
     (packet, res['server_threadid']) = utils.read_int(packet, 4)
     (packet, res['scramble']) = utils.read_bytes(packet, 8)
     packet = packet[1:]  # Filler 1 * \x00
     (packet, res['capabilities']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
     (packet, res['charset']) = utils.read_int(packet, 1)
     (packet, res['server_status']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
     packet = packet[13:]  # Filler 13 * \x00
     (packet, scramble_next) = utils.read_bytes(packet, 12)
     res['scramble'] += scramble_next
     return res
コード例 #15
ファイル: protocol.py プロジェクト: christopherfan/urlShorty
 def parse_handshake(self, packet):
     """Parse a MySQL Handshake-packet"""
     res = {}
     (packet, res['protocol']) = utils.read_int(packet[4:], 1)
     (packet, res['server_version_original']) = utils.read_string(
         packet, end='\x00')
     (packet, res['server_threadid']) = utils.read_int(packet, 4)
     (packet, res['scramble']) = utils.read_bytes(packet, 8)
     packet = packet[1:]  # Filler 1 * \x00
     (packet, res['capabilities']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
     (packet, res['charset']) = utils.read_int(packet, 1)
     (packet, res['server_status']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
     packet = packet[13:]  # Filler 13 * \x00
     (packet, scramble_next) = utils.read_bytes(packet, 12)
     res['scramble'] += scramble_next
     return res
コード例 #16
ファイル: errors.py プロジェクト: richfab/LOG210-server
def get_exception(packet):
    """Returns an exception object based on the MySQL error

    Returns an exception object based on the MySQL error in the given

    Returns an Error-Object.
    errno = errmsg = None

    if packet[4] != '\xff':
        raise ValueError("Packet is not an error packet")

    sqlstate = None
        packet = packet[5:]
        (packet, errno) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
        if packet[0] != '\x23':
            # Error without SQLState
            errmsg = packet.decode('utf8')
            (packet, sqlstate) = utils.read_bytes(packet[1:], 5)
            sqlstate = sqlstate.decode('utf8')
            errmsg = packet.decode('utf8')
    except StandardError as err:
        return InterfaceError("Failed getting Error information (%r)" % err)
        return get_mysql_exception(errno, errmsg, sqlstate)
コード例 #17
ファイル: errors.py プロジェクト: BenMayo/exetest8
def get_exception(packet):
    """Returns an exception object based on the MySQL error

    Returns an exception object based on the MySQL error in the given

    Returns an Error-Object.
    errno = errmsg = None

    if packet[4] != '\xff':
        raise ValueError("Packet is not an error packet")

    sqlstate = None
        packet = packet[5:]
        (packet, errno) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
        if packet[0] != '\x23':
            # Error without SQLState
            errmsg = packet.decode('utf8')
            (packet, sqlstate) = utils.read_bytes(packet[1:], 5)
            sqlstate = sqlstate.decode('utf8')
            errmsg = packet.decode('utf8')
    except StandardError as err:
        return InterfaceError("Failed getting Error information (%r)" % err)
        return get_mysql_exception(errno, errmsg, sqlstate)
コード例 #18
ファイル: protocol.py プロジェクト: bopopescu/HawkProxy
    def parse_binary_prepare_ok(self, packet):
        """Parse a MySQL Binary Protocol OK packet"""
        if not packet[4] == '\x00':
            raise errors.InterfaceError("Failed parsing Binary OK packet")

        ok_packet = {}
            (packet, ok_packet['statement_id']) = utils.read_int(packet[5:], 4)
            (packet, ok_packet['num_columns']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
            (packet, ok_packet['num_params']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
            packet = packet[1:]  # Filler 1 * \x00
            (packet, ok_packet['warning_count']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
        except ValueError:
            raise errors.InterfaceError("Failed parsing Binary OK packet")

        return ok_packet
コード例 #19
ファイル: protocol.py プロジェクト: khankuan/IvleHangout
    def parse_ok(self, packet):
        """Parse a MySQL OK-packet"""
        if not packet[4] == '\x00':
            raise errors.InterfaceError("Failed parsing OK packet.")

        ok = {}
            (packet, ok['field_count']) = utils.read_int(packet[4:], 1)
            (packet, ok['affected_rows']) = utils.read_lc_int(packet)
            (packet, ok['insert_id']) = utils.read_lc_int(packet)
            (packet, ok['server_status']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
            (packet, ok['warning_count']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
            if packet:
                (packet, ok['info_msg']) = utils.read_lc_string(packet)
        except ValueError:
            raise errors.InterfaceError("Failed parsing OK packet.")
        return ok
コード例 #20
ファイル: protocol.py プロジェクト: bopopescu/mythbox
    def parse_ok(self, packet):
        """Parse a MySQL OK-packet"""
        if not packet[4] == '\x00':
            raise errors.InterfaceError("Failed parsing OK packet.")

        ok = {}
            (packet, ok['field_count']) = utils.read_int(packet[4:], 1)
            (packet, ok['affected_rows']) = utils.read_lc_int(packet)
            (packet, ok['insert_id']) = utils.read_lc_int(packet)
            (packet, ok['server_status']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
            (packet, ok['warning_count']) = utils.read_int(packet, 2)
            if packet:
                (packet, ok['info_msg']) = utils.read_lc_string(packet)
        except ValueError:
            raise errors.InterfaceError("Failed parsing OK packet.")
        return ok