コード例 #1
    # Setup log file
                        format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',

    # Warn user about script threshold checking.
    if opt.script_threshold:

    # Check if script files exist and are executable and warn users if they
    # are not.
    script_opts = ['after', 'before', 'exec_fail', 'post_fail']
    for key in script_opts:
        parameter_val = options[key]
        check_script_option(parser, parameter_val)

    # Check if the values specified for the --report-values option are valid.
    for report in opt.report_values.split(','):
        if report.lower() not in ("health", "gtid", "uuid"):
            parser.error("The value for the option --report-values is not "
                         "valid: '{0}', the values allowed are 'health', "
                         "'gitd' or 'uuid'".format(opt.report_values))

    # Check the daemon options
    if opt.daemon:
        # Check if a POSIX system
        if os.name != "posix":
            parser.error("Running mysqlfailover with --daemon is only "
                         "available for POSIX systems.")
コード例 #2
        'timeout': int(opt.timeout),
        'demote': opt.demote,
        'quiet': opt.quiet,
        'logging': opt.log_file is not None,
        'log_file': opt.log_file,
        'no_health': opt.no_health,
        'rpl_user': opt.rpl_user,
        'script_threshold': opt.script_threshold,

    # Check if script files exist and are executable and warn users if they
    # are not.
    script_opts = ['after', 'before']
    for key in script_opts:
        parameter_val = options[key]
        check_script_option(parser, parameter_val)

    # Add ssl options to options instead of connection.

    # If command = HEALTH, turn on --force
    if command == 'health' or command == 'gtid':
        options['force'] = True

    # Purge log file of old data
    if opt.log_file is not None and not purge_log(opt.log_file, opt.log_age):
        parser.error("Error purging log file.")

    # Warn user about script threshold checking.
    if opt.script_threshold: