def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ['help', 'pass='******'-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt == '--pass': password = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Moodle Password", "Enter new password for the Moodle 'admin' account.") salt = _get_passwordsalt() hashpass = hashlib.md5((password + salt).encode('utf8')).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE moodle.user SET password=%s WHERE username=\"admin\";', (hashpass, ))
def main(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hp:", ['help', 'pass='******'-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt in ('-p', '--pass'): password = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "%s Password" % username.capitalize(), "Please enter new password for the %s user account. This password" " will also be used for the Sempahore 'admin' user." % username) command = ["chpasswd"] input = ":".join([username, password]) salt = bcrypt.gensalt() hashpass = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf8'), salt).decode('utf8') m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE semaphore.user SET password=%s WHERE id=1;', (hashpass, )) p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, shell=False) p.stdin.write(input.encode()) p.stdin.close() err = p.wait() if err: fatal(err) """use ssh-keygen to create an rsa key pair using the same password"""[ 'su', username, '-c', 'ssh-keygen -q -b 4096 -t rsa -f $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa -N %s' % pipes.quote(password) ]) if err: fatal(err)
def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ['help', 'pass='******'email=']) except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(e) password = "" email = "" for opt, val in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt == '--pass': password = val elif opt == '--email': email = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Joomla Password", "Enter new password for the Joomla 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "Joomla Email", "Enter email address for the Joomla 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) salt_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits salt = "".join(random.choice(salt_chars) for c in range(32)) cryptpass = "******" % (hashlib.md5( (password + salt).encode('utf8')).hexdigest(), salt) m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE joomla.jos_users SET email=%s WHERE username=\"admin\";', (email, )) m.execute( 'UPDATE joomla.jos_users SET password=%s WHERE username=\"admin\";', (cryptpass, ))
def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ['help', 'pass='******'domain=']) except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(e) password = "" domain = "" for opt, val in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt == '--pass': password = val elif opt == '--domain': domain = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "SuiteCRM Password", "Enter new password for the SuiteCRM 'admin' account.") if not domain: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') domain = d.get_input( "SuiteCRM Domain", "Enter the domain to serve SuiteCRM.", DEFAULT_DOMAIN) if domain == "DEFAULT": domain = DEFAULT_DOMAIN with open('/var/www/suitecrm/config.php', 'r') as fob: filedata = filedata = filedata.replace('', domain) with open('/var/www/suitecrm/config.php', 'w') as fob: fob.write(filedata) hash_pass = hashlib.md5(password.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE suitecrm.users SET user_hash=%s WHERE user_name=\"admin\";', (hash_pass,))
def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ['help', 'pass='******'email=']) except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(e) email = "" password = "" for opt, val in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt == '--pass': password = val elif opt == '--email': email = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "GNU social Password", "Enter new password for the GNU Social 'administrator' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "GNU social Email", "Please enter email address for the GNU Social 'administrator' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) hashpass = crypt.crypt(password, crypt.METHOD_SHA512) m = MySQL() m.execute( 'UPDATE gnusocial.user SET email=%s WHERE nickname=\"administrator\";', (email, )) m.execute( 'UPDATE gnusocial.user SET password=%s WHERE nickname=\"administrator\";', (hashpass, ))
def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ['help', 'pass='******'email=']) except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(e) email = "" password = "" for opt, val in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt == '--pass': password = val elif opt == '--email': email = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Bagisto Password", "Enter new password for the Bagisto 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "Bagisto Email", "Enter email address for the Bagisto 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) salt = bcrypt.gensalt() hashpass = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf8'), salt).decode('utf8') m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE bagisto.admins SET password=%s WHERE id=1;', (hashpass, )) m.execute('UPDATE bagisto.admins SET email=%s WHERE id=1;', (email, ))
def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ['help', 'pass='******'email=']) except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(e) password = "" email = "" for opt, val in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt == '--pass': password = val elif opt == '--email': email = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Mantis Password", "Enter new password for the Mantis 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "Mantis Email", "Enter email address for the Mantis 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") hashpass = hashlib.md5(password.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute( 'UPDATE mantis.mantis_user_table SET email=%s WHERE username=\"admin\";', (email, )) m.execute( 'UPDATE mantis.mantis_user_table SET password=%s WHERE username=\"admin\";', (hashpass, ))
def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ['help', 'pass='******'email=']) except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(e) password = "" email = "" for opt, val in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt == '--pass': password = val elif opt == '--email': email = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Wordpress Password", "Enter new password for the Wordpress 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "Wordpress Email", "Please enter email address for the Wordpress 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) hashpass = hashlib.md5(password.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE wordpress.wp_users SET user_email=\"%s\" WHERE user_nicename=\"admin\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE wordpress.wp_users SET user_pass=\"%s\" WHERE user_nicename=\"admin\";' % hashpass)
def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ['help', 'pass='******'-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt == '--pass': password = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Zoneminder Password", "Enter new password for the Zoneminder 'admin' account.") m = MySQL() m.execute( 'UPDATE zm.Users SET Password=PASSWORD(%s) WHERE Username=\"admin\";', (password, ))
def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ['help', 'pass='******'email=', 'domain=']) except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(e) email = "" domain = "" password = "" for opt, val in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt == '--pass': password = val elif opt == '--email': email = val elif opt == '--domain': domain = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "PHPlist Password", "Enter new password for the PHPlist 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "PHPlist Email", "Enter email address for the PHPlist 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) if not domain: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') domain = d.get_input( "PHPlist Domain", "Enter the domain to serve PHPlist.", DEFAULT_DOMAIN) if domain == "DEFAULT": domain = DEFAULT_DOMAIN inithooks_cache.write('APP_DOMAIN', domain) m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE phplist.admin SET password=%s WHERE loginname=\"admin\";', (password,)) m.execute('UPDATE phplist.admin SET email=%s WHERE loginname=\"admin\";', (email,)) m.execute('UPDATE phplist.config SET value=%s WHERE item=\"website\";', (domain,))
def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ['help', 'pass='******'email=']) except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(e) password = "" email = "" for opt, val in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt == '--pass': password = val elif opt == '--email': email = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Redmine Password", "Enter new password for the Redmine 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "Redmine Email", "Enter email address for the Redmine 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) salt = "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for line in range(16)) pw_with_salt = salt + hashlib.sha1(password.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() hashpass = hashlib.sha1(pw_with_salt.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() user_id = 1 m = MySQL() m.execute( 'UPDATE redmine_production.email_addresses SET address=\"%s\" WHERE user_id=%i;' % (email, user_id)) m.execute( 'UPDATE redmine_production.users SET salt=\"%s\" WHERE login=\"admin\" AND id=%i;' % (salt, user_id)) m.execute( 'UPDATE redmine_production.users SET hashed_password=\"%s\" WHERE login=\"admin\" AND id = %i;' % (hashpass, user_id))
if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "Rhodecode Email", "Enter email address for the Rhodecode 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") # salt = "".join(random.choice(string.letters) for line in range(16)) hashpass = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt(10)) salt = _RandomNameSequence().next() admin_apikey = hashlib.sha1('admin' + salt).hexdigest() salt = _RandomNameSequence().next() default_apikey = hashlib.sha1('default' + salt).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE rhodecode.users SET email=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"admin\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE rhodecode.users SET password=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"admin\";' % hashpass) m.execute('UPDATE rhodecode.users SET api_key=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"admin\";' % admin_apikey) m.execute('UPDATE rhodecode.users SET api_key=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"default\";' % default_apikey) script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '') os.system(script) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
"") url = url[1] ALPHABET = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" chars=[] for i in range(13): chars.append(random.choice(ALPHABET)) salty="".join(chars) streamkey=[] for i in range(13): streamkey.append(random.choice(ALPHABET)) key="".join(chars) m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE yphptube.users SET channelName=\"%s\" WHERE user=\"admin\";' % key) urlfrontend = 'https://' + url + '/' eurlfrontend = re.escape(urlfrontend) streamingurl1 = 'http://' + url + '/plugin/Live/on_publish.php;' estreamingurl1 = re.escape(streamingurl1) streamingurl2 = 'http://' + url + '/plugin/Live/on_play.php;' estreamingurl2 = re.escape(streamingurl2) streamingurl3 = 'http://' + url + '/plugin/Live/on_record_done.php;' estreamingurl3 = re.escape(streamingurl3) """Replace Salt In YouPHPTube Config File""" system('sed', '-i', "s/.*salt.*/\$global\[\'salt\'\] = \'%s\'\;/g" % salty, '/var/www/youphptube/videos/configuration.php') """Replace URL In YouPHPTube Config File""" system('sed', '-i', "s/.*webSiteRootURL.*/\$global\[\'webSiteRootURL\'\] = \'%s\'\;/g" % eurlfrontend, '/var/www/youphptube/videos/configuration.php') """Replace URL In Nginx Config File"""
if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Drupal8 Password", "Enter new password for the Drupal8 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "Drupal8 Email", "Enter email address for the Drupal8 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE drupal8.users_field_data SET mail=\"%s\" WHERE name=\"admin\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE drupal8.users_field_data SET init=\"%s\" WHERE name=\"admin\";' % email) system("/usr/local/bin/drush -y config-set recipients %s" % email) system("/usr/local/bin/drush -y config-set update.settings notification.emails.0 %s" % email) system("/usr/local/bin/drush -y config-set mail %s" % email) system("/usr/local/bin/drush cache-rebuild") system("/usr/local/bin/drush user-password admin --password='******'" % password) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Tracks Password", "Enter new password for the Tracks 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "Tracks Email", "Enter email address for the Tracks 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) hashpass = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt(prefix=b"2a")) token = hashlib.sha1(os.urandom(128)).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute( 'UPDATE tracks_production.users SET crypted_password="******", token="%s" WHERE login="******";' % (hashpass, token)) config = "/var/www/tracks/config/site.yml" system('sed -i "/^admin_email/s|: .*$|: %s|" %s' % (email, config)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
elif opt == '--pass': password = val elif opt == '--email': email = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "SimpleInvoices Password", "Enter new password for the 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "SimpleInvoices Email", "Enter email address for the 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") hash = hashlib.md5(password).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE simpleinvoices.si_user SET password=\"%s\" WHERE id=1;' % hash) m.execute('UPDATE simpleinvoices.si_user SET email=\"%s\" WHERE id=1;' % email) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
if not email: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "Bugzilla Email", "Enter email address for the Bugzilla 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") if not password: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Bugzilla Password", "Enter new password for the Bugzilla '%s' account." % email) command = [join(dirname(__file__), ''), password] p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=False) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if stderr: fatal(stderr) cryptpass = stdout.strip() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE bugzilla.profiles SET cryptpassword=\"%s\" WHERE userid=\"1\";' % cryptpass) m.execute('UPDATE bugzilla.profiles SET login_name=\"%s\" WHERE userid=\"1\";' % email) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
elif opt == '--email': email = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "b2evolution Password", "Enter new password for the b2evolution 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "b2evolution Email", "Enter email address for the b2evolution 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) hash = hashlib.md5(password).hexdigest() m = MySQL() for username in ('admin', 'ablogger', 'demouser'): m.execute('UPDATE b2evolution.users SET user_pass=\"%s\", user_email=\"%s\", user_unsubscribe_key=\"%s\" WHERE user_login=\"%s\";' % (hash, email, randomkey(), username)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
usage() elif opt == '--pass': password = val elif opt == '--email': email = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Wordpress Password", "Enter new password for the Wordpress 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "Wordpress Email", "Please enter email address for the Wordpress 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") hashpass = hashlib.md5(password).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE wordpress.wp_users SET user_email=\"%s\" WHERE user_nicename=\"admin\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE wordpress.wp_users SET user_pass=\"%s\" WHERE user_nicename=\"admin\";' % hashpass) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
"Enter new password for the SilverStripe 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "SilverStripe Email", "Enter email address for the SilverStripe 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") salt = bcrypt.gensalt(10) hash = bcrypt.hashpw(password, salt) # munge the salt and hash, argh! _salt = salt[4:] _hash = "$2y$" + hash[4:] m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE silverstripe.Member SET Salt=\"%s\" WHERE ID=1;' % _salt) m.execute('UPDATE silverstripe.Member SET Password=\"%s\" WHERE ID=1;' % _hash) m.execute('UPDATE silverstripe.Member SET Email=\"%s\" WHERE ID=1;' % email) m.execute('UPDATE silverstripe.MemberPassword SET Salt=\"%s\" WHERE ID=1;' % _salt) m.execute('UPDATE silverstripe.MemberPassword SET Password=\"%s\" WHERE ID=1;' % _hash) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
"Enter email address for the ClipBucket 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") if not domain: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') domain = d.get_input( "ClipBucket Domain", "Enter the domain to serve ClipBucket.", DEFAULT_DOMAIN) if domain == "DEFAULT": domain = DEFAULT_DOMAIN hash = clipbucket_hash(password) m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE clipbucket.users SET password=\"%s\", email=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"admin\";' % (hash, email)) m.execute('UPDATE clipbucket.config SET value=\"%s\" WHERE name=\"support_email\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE clipbucket.config SET value=\"%s\" WHERE name=\"website_email\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE clipbucket.config SET value=\"%s\" WHERE name=\"welcome_email\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE clipbucket.config SET value=\"http://%s\" WHERE name=\"baseurl\";' % domain) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "eZ Platform Password", "Enter new password for the eZ Platform 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "eZ Platform Email", "Enter email address for the eZ Platform 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) # tweak configuration files # calculate password hash and tweak database hash = hashlib.md5("admin\n%s" % password).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE ezplatform.ezuser SET password_hash="%s" WHERE login="******";' % hash) m.execute('UPDATE ezplatform.ezuser SET email="%s" WHERE login="******";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE ezplatform.ezcontentobject_name SET name="TurnKey Linux eZ Platform" WHERE contentobject_id="1"') if __name__ == "__main__": main()
if not domain: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') domain = d.get_input( "Elgg Domain", "Enter the domain to serve Elgg.", DEFAULT_DOMAIN) if domain == "DEFAULT": domain = DEFAULT_DOMAIN domain = domain.strip("/") if not domain.startswith("http://"): domain = "http://%s/" % domain salt = "".join(random.choice(string.letters) for line in range(8)) hashpass = hashlib.md5(password + salt).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE elgg.elgg_users_entity SET salt=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"admin\";' % salt) m.execute('UPDATE elgg.elgg_users_entity SET password=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"admin\";' % hashpass) m.execute('UPDATE elgg.elgg_users_entity SET email=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"admin\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE elgg.elgg_metastrings SET string=\"%s\" WHERE string LIKE \"%%@%%\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE elgg.elgg_sites_entity SET url=\"%s\" WHERE url LIKE \"http://%%\";' % domain) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ['help', 'pass='******'-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt == '--pass': password = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "ZMUSER Password", "Enter new password for the ZMUSER database connection.") m = MySQL() m.execute('grant all on zm.* to zmuser@localhost identified by \"%s\";' % password)'/usr/lib/inithooks/bin/ %s' % (str(password)), shell=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
email = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Zoneminder Password", "Enter new password for the Zoneminder 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "Zoneminder Email", "Enter email address for the Zoneminder alerts.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) m = MySQL() hash=m.execute('') m.execute('UPDATE zm.Users SET Password=PASSWORD(\"%s\") WHERE Username=\"admin\";' % password ) m.execute('UPDATE zm.Config SET Value=\"%s\" WHERE Name=\"ZM_EMAIL_ADDRESS\";' % email) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
elif opt == '--email': email = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Kliqqi Password", "Enter new password for the Kliqqi 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "Kliqqi Email", "Enter email address for the Kliqqi 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) salt = ''.join((random.choice(string.letters+string.digits) for x in range(9))) hash = salt + hashlib.sha1(salt + password).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE kliqqi.users SET user_pass=\"%s\" WHERE user_login=\"admin\";' % hash) m.execute('UPDATE kliqqi.users SET user_email=\"%s\" WHERE user_login=\"admin\";' % email) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
"Magento Email", "Enter email address for the Magento 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") if not domain: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') domain = d.get_input( "Magento Domain", "Enter the domain to serve Magento.", DEFAULT_DOMAIN) if domain == "DEFAULT": domain = DEFAULT_DOMAIN hashpass = hashlib.md5("qX" + password).hexdigest() + ":qX" m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE magento.admin_user SET email=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"admin\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE magento.admin_user SET password=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"admin\";' % hashpass) m.execute('UPDATE magento.core_config_data SET value=\"http://%s/\" WHERE path=\"web/unsecure/base_url\";' % (domain)) m.execute('UPDATE magento.core_config_data SET value=\"https://%s/\" WHERE path=\"web/secure/base_url\";' % (domain)) # delete cache so it will be rebuilt for new domain shutil.rmtree("/var/www/magento/var/cache", ignore_errors=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
password = val elif opt == '--email': email = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Phreedom Password", "Enter new password for the Phreedom 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "Phreedom Email", "Enter email address for the Phreedom 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") salt = ''.join((random.choice(string.letters+string.digits) for x in range(2))) hash = ':'.join([hashlib.md5(salt+password).hexdigest(), salt]) m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE phreedom.users SET admin_pass=\"%s\" WHERE admin_name=\"admin\";' % hash) m.execute('UPDATE phreedom.users SET admin_email=\"%s\" WHERE admin_name=\"admin\";' % email) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ['help', 'pass='******'-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt == '--pass': password = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "SugarCRM Password", "Enter new password for the SugarCRM 'admin' account.") hash_pass = hashlib.md5(password).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute( 'UPDATE sugarcrm.users SET user_hash=\"%s\" WHERE user_name=\"admin\";' % hash_pass) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Mambo Password", "Enter new password for the Mambo 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "Mambo Email", "Enter email address for the Mambo 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) hash = hashlib.md5(password).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE mambo.users SET password=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"admin\";' % hash) m.execute('UPDATE mambo.users SET email=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"admin\";' % email) config = "/var/www/mambo/configuration.php" system("sed -i \"s|mailfrom =.*|mailfrom = '%s';|\" %s" % (email, config)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "Concrete5 Email", "Enter email address for the Concrete5 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) salt = '' config = '/var/www/concrete5/config/site.php' for s in file(config).readlines(): s = s.strip() m = re.match("define\('PASSWORD_SALT', '(.*)'\);", s) if m: salt = break if not salt: usage("Could not identify salt from: %s" % config) hashpass = hashlib.md5(':'.join([password, salt])).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE concrete5.Users SET uPassword=\"%s\" WHERE uName=\"admin\";' % hashpass) m.execute('UPDATE concrete5.Users SET uEmail=\"%s\" WHERE uName=\"admin\";' % email) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ['help', 'pass='******'email=', 'domain=']) except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(e) password = "" email = "" domain = "" for opt, val in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt == '--pass': password = val elif opt == '--email': email = val elif opt == '--domain': domain = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "OpenCart Password", "Enter new password for the OpenCart 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "OpenCart Email", "Enter email address for the OpenCart 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) if not domain: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') domain = d.get_input("OpenCart domain", "Enter domain to serve OpenCart", DEFAULT_DOMAIN) if domain == "DEFAULT": domain = DEFAULT_DOMAIN inithooks_cache.write('APP_DOMAIN', domain) def php_uniqid(prefix=''): return prefix + hex(int(time.time()))[2:10] + hex( int(time.time() * 1000000) % 0x100000)[2:7][ "sed", "-ri", "s|('HTTP(S?)_SERVER',) '.*'|\\1 'http\\L\\2://%s/'|g" % domain, "/var/www/opencart/config.php" ])[ "sed", "-ri", "s|('HTTP(S?)_SERVER',) '.*'|\\1 'http\\L\\2://%s/admin/'|g" % domain, "/var/www/opencart/admin/config.php" ])[ "sed", "-ri", "s|('HTTP(S?)_CATALOG',) '.*'|\\1 'http\\L\\2://%s/'|g" % domain, "/var/www/opencart/admin/config.php" ]) salt = hashlib.md5( php_uniqid(str(randint(100000000, 999999999))).encode('utf8')).hexdigest()[:9] apache_conf = "/etc/apache2/sites-available/opencart.conf"[ "sed", "-i", "\|RewriteRule|s|https://.*|https://%s/\$1 [R,L]|" % domain, apache_conf ]) ["sed", "-i", "\|RewriteCond|s|!^.*|!^%s$|" % domain, apache_conf])["service", "apache2", "restart"]) password_hash = hashlib.sha1(password.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() password_hash = hashlib.sha1( (salt + password_hash).encode('utf8')).hexdigest() password_hash = hashlib.sha1( (salt + password_hash).encode('utf8')).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE opencart.oc_user SET email=%s WHERE username="******"', (email, )) m.execute('UPDATE opencart.oc_user SET password=%s WHERE username="******"', (password_hash, )) m.execute('UPDATE opencart.oc_user SET salt=%s WHERE username="******"', (salt, ))
domain = d.get_input( "PrestaShop Domain", "Enter the domain to serve Prestashop.", DEFAULT_DOMAIN) if domain == "DEFAULT": domain = DEFAULT_DOMAIN inithooks_cache.write('APP_DOMAIN', domain) for line in file('/var/www/prestashop/config/').readlines(): m = re.match("define\('_COOKIE_KEY_', '(.*)'", line.strip()) if m: cookie_key = hashpass = hashlib.md5(cookie_key + password).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE prestashop.ps_employee SET email=\"%s\" WHERE id_employee=\"1\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE prestashop.ps_employee SET passwd=\"%s\" WHERE id_employee=\"1\";' % hashpass) m.execute('UPDATE prestashop.ps_configuration SET value=\"%s\" WHERE name=\"PS_SHOP_DOMAIN\";' % domain) m.execute('UPDATE prestashop.ps_configuration SET value=\"%s\" WHERE name=\"PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL\";' % domain) m.execute('UPDATE prestashop.ps_shop_url SET domain=\"%s\" WHERE id_shop_url=\"1\";' % domain) m.execute('UPDATE prestashop.ps_shop_url SET domain_ssl=\"%s\" WHERE id_shop_url=\"1\";' % domain) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
"Enter email address for the Vanilla 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) command = ["php", join(dirname(__file__), 'vanilla_pass.php'), password] p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=False) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if stderr: fatal(stderr) cryptpass = stdout.strip() m = MySQL() m.execute( 'UPDATE vanilla.GDN_User SET Password=\"%s\" WHERE Name=\"admin\";' % cryptpass) m.execute( 'UPDATE vanilla.GDN_User SET Email=\"%s\" WHERE Name=\"admin\";' % email) CONFIG = "/var/www/vanilla/conf/config.php" old = file(CONFIG).read() new = re.sub("\['SupportAddress.*;", "['SupportAddress'] = '%s';" % email, old) file(CONFIG, "w").write(new) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "GNU social Password", "Enter new password for the GNU Social 'administrator' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "GNU social Email", "Please enter email address for the GNU Social 'administrator' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) hashpass = hashlib.md5(password + '1').hexdigest() # userid m = MySQL() m.execute( 'UPDATE gnusocial.user SET email=\"%s\" WHERE nickname=\"administrator\";' % email) m.execute( 'UPDATE gnusocial.user SET password=\"%s\" WHERE nickname=\"administrator\";' % hashpass) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage() elif opt == "--pass": password = val elif opt == "--email": email = val if not password: d = Dialog("TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration") password = d.get_password("ProcessMaker Password", "Enter new password for the ProcessMaker 'admin' account.") if not email: if "d" not in locals(): d = Dialog("TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration") email = d.get_email( "ProcessMaker Email", "Enter email address for the ProcessMaker 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**" ) hashpass = hashlib.md5(password).hexdigest() m = MySQL() for database in ("wf_workflow", "rb_workflow"): m.execute('UPDATE %s.USERS SET USR_PASSWORD="******" WHERE USR_USERNAME="******";' % (database, hashpass)) m.execute('UPDATE %s.USERS SET USR_EMAIL="%s" WHERE USR_USERNAME="******";' % (database, email)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
"*****@*****.**") if not password: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Vtiger Password", "Enter new password for the Vtiger 'admin' account.") hashpass = hashlib.md5(password).hexdigest() command = ["php", join(dirname(__file__), 'vt_crypt.php'), "admin", password] p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=False) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if stderr: fatal(stderr) cryptpass = stdout.strip() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE vtigercrm.vtiger_users SET email1=\"%s\" WHERE user_name=\"admin\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE vtigercrm.vtiger_users SET user_hash=\"%s\" WHERE user_name=\"admin\";' % hashpass) m.execute('UPDATE vtigercrm.vtiger_users SET user_password=\"%s\" WHERE user_name=\"admin\";' % cryptpass) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
if not domain: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') domain = d.get_input( "iceScrum Domain", "Enter the domain to serve iceScrum.", DEFAULT_DOMAIN) if domain == "DEFAULT": domain = DEFAULT_DOMAIN hash = hashlib.sha256(password).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE icescrum.icescrum2_user SET passwd=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"admin\";' % hash) m.execute('UPDATE icescrum.icescrum2_user SET email=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"admin\";' % email) config = "/etc/icescrum/config.groovy" system("sed -i \"s|serverURL =.*|serverURL = \\\"http://%s\\\"|\" %s" % (domain, config)) # restart tomcat if running so changes will take effect try: system("/etc/init.d/tomcat7 status >/dev/null") system("/etc/init.d/tomcat7 restart") except: pass if __name__ == "__main__": main()
DEFAULT_DOMAIN) if domain == "DEFAULT": domain = DEFAULT_DOMAIN fqdn = re.compile(r"https?://") fqdn = fqdn.sub('', domain).strip('/') domain = "https://%s/" % fqdn inithooks_cache.write('APP_DOMAIN', fqdn) salt = bcrypt.gensalt(10) hashpass = bcrypt.hashpw(password, salt) m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE elgg.elgg_users_entity SET password_hash=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"admin\";' % hashpass) m.execute('UPDATE elgg.elgg_users_entity SET email=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"admin\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE elgg.elgg_metastrings SET string=\"%s\" WHERE string LIKE \"%%@%%\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE elgg.elgg_sites_entity SET url=\"%s\" WHERE guid = 1;' % domain) with open('/etc/cron.d/elgg', 'r') as fob: contents = contents = re.sub("ELGG='.*'", "ELGG='%s'" % domain, contents) with open('/etc/cron.d/elgg', 'w') as fob: fob.write(contents) apache_conf = "/etc/apache2/sites-available/elgg.conf"
"Enter new password for the ProjectPier 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "ProjectPier Email", "Please enter email address for the ProjectPier 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) pos = random.randrange(25) salt = hashlib.sha1(str(uuid.uuid4())).hexdigest()[pos:pos+13] token = hashlib.sha1(salt + password).hexdigest() x = [str(i) for i in range(10)] random.shuffle(x) twister = ''.join(x) m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE projectpier.users SET email = "%s", token = "%s", salt = "%s", twister = "%s", updated_on = NOW() WHERE id = 1;' % (email, token, salt, twister)) m.execute('UPDATE projectpier.contacts SET email="%s", updated_on=NOW() WHERE user_id = 1;') if __name__ == "__main__": main()
"Enter new password for the LimeSurvey 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "LimeSurvey Email", "Enter email address for the LimeSurvey 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") hashpass = hashlib.sha256(password).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute( 'UPDATE limesurvey.users SET email=\"%s\" WHERE users_name=\"admin\";' % email) m.execute( 'UPDATE limesurvey.users SET password=\"%s\" WHERE users_name=\"admin\";' % hashpass) # these settings don't exist until first login and browsing # just delete and recreate (supports re-initialization) m.execute( 'DELETE FROM limesurvey.settings_global WHERE stg_name=\"siteadminemail\";' ) m.execute( 'DELETE FROM limesurvey.settings_global WHERE stg_name=\"siteadminbounce\";' ) m.execute( 'INSERT INTO limesurvey.settings_global SET stg_name=\"siteadminemail\", stg_value=\"%s\";'
# Solr - enable SSL. # system("echo 'SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks' >> /var/lib/solr/") # system("echo 'SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=%s' >> /var/lib/solr/" % adminpass) # system("echo 'SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks' >> /var/lib/solr/") # system("echo 'SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD=%s' >> /var/lib/solr/" % adminpass) # system("echo 'SOLR_SSL_NEED_CLIENT_AUTH=false' >> /var/lib/solr/") # system("echo 'SOLR_SSL_WANT_CLIENT_AUTH=false' >> /var/lib/solr/") # system("echo 'SOLR_SSL_OPTS=\"\"' >> /var/lib/solr/") # Drupal - check change admin/password. try: pwd.getpwnam('admin') system("echo admin:%s | chpasswd" % adminpass) m = MySQL() m.execute('SET PASSWORD FOR drupal7@localhost = PASSWORD(%s) ;' % adminpass) except KeyError: system("useradd -g root -m -s /bin/bash admin") system("echo admin:%s | chpasswd" % adminpass) m = MySQL() m.execute('CREATE USER drupal7@localhost IDENTIFIED BY \"%s\";' % adminpass) # Drupal - check change cssadmin/password with toggle to create base site. try: # Check cssadmin exists with exception if not. pwd.getpwnam('cssadmin') # Change cssadmin password. system("echo cssadmin:%s | chpasswd" % adminpass) # Base site should already exist if cssadmin exists.
p = Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if stderr: fatal(stderr) cryptpass = stdout.strip() sedcom = """ /0 => '',/ a\ '1' => '%s', """ call(['sed', '-i', "/^'1' => /d", '/usr/share/owncloud/config/config.php']) call([ 'sed', '-i', sedcom % domain, '/usr/share/owncloud/config/config.php' ]) m.execute( 'UPDATE owncloud.users SET password=\"%s\" WHERE uid=\"admin\";' % cryptpass) m.execute( 'UPDATE owncloud.preferences SET configvalue = 1 where userid = \"admin\" and appid = \"firstrunwizard\" and configkey = \"show\"' ) m.execute( 'DELETE FROM owncloud.preferences where userid = \"admin\" and appid = \"login\" and configkey = \"lastLogin\"' ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
password = d.get_password( "ProcessMaker Password", "Enter new password for the ProcessMaker 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "ProcessMaker Email", "Enter email address for the ProcessMaker 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) hashpass = hashlib.md5(password).hexdigest() m = MySQL() for table in ('USERS', 'RBAC_USERS'): m.execute( 'UPDATE wf_workflow.%s SET USR_PASSWORD=\"%s\" WHERE USR_USERNAME=\"admin\";' % (table, hashpass)) m.execute( 'UPDATE wf_workflow.%s SET USR_EMAIL=\"%s\" WHERE USR_USERNAME=\"admin\";' % (table, email)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ['help', 'pass='******'email=', 'domain=']) except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(e) email = "" domain = "" password = "" for opt, val in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt == '--pass': password = val elif opt == '--email': email = val elif opt == '--domain': domain = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Gitea Password", "Enter new password for the Gitea 'admin' account.", pass_req=8, min_complexity=4) if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "Gitea Email", "Enter email address for the Gitea 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) if not domain: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') domain = d.get_input("Gitea Domain", "Enter the domain to serve Gitea.", DEFAULT_DOMAIN) if domain == "DEFAULT": domain = DEFAULT_DOMAIN inithooks_cache.write('APP_DOMAIN', domain) config = "/etc/gitea/app.ini"[ "su", "git", "-c", "cd /home/git && ./gitea admin change-password -u gitea -p %s" % password ])['sed', '-i', "\|DOMAIN|s|=.*|= %s|" % domain, config]) ['sed', '-i', "\|ROOT_URL|s|=.*|= https://%s/|" % domain, config])['sed', '-i', "\|FROM|s|=.*|= %s|" % email, config]) m = MySQL() m.execute("UPDATE gitea.user SET email='%s' WHERE id=1;" % (email, ))["systemctl", "restart", "gitea"])
"e107 Password", "Enter new password for the e107 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "e107 Email", "Enter email address for the e107 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") inithooks_cache.write('APP_EMAIL', email) hash = hashlib.md5(password).hexdigest() timestamp = int(mktime( m = MySQL() m.execute( 'UPDATE e107.e107_user SET user_password=\"%s\" WHERE user_loginname=\"admin\";' % hash) m.execute( 'UPDATE e107.e107_user SET user_email=\"%s\" WHERE user_loginname=\"admin\";' % email) m.execute( 'UPDATE e107.e107_user SET user_pwchange=\"%s\" WHERE user_loginname=\"admin\";' % timestamp) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
if not domain: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') domain = d.get_input( "Piwik Domain", "Enter the domain to serve Piwik.", DEFAULT_DOMAIN) if domain == "DEFAULT": domain = DEFAULT_DOMAIN domain = domain.strip("/") if not domain.startswith("http://"): domain = "http://%s/" % domain m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE piwik.piwik_option SET option_value=\"%s\" WHERE option_name=\"piwikUrl\";' % domain) piwik_config.update("[General]", "trusted_hosts[]", domain) hash = hashlib.md5(password).hexdigest() token = hashlib.md5('admin' + hash).hexdigest() m.execute('UPDATE piwik.piwik_user SET password=\"%s\", token_auth=\"%s\" WHERE login = \"admin\" AND superuser_access = 1;' % (hash, token)) m.execute('UPDATE piwik.piwik_user SET email=\"%s\" WHERE login = \"admin\" AND superuser_access = 1;' % email) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
elif opt == '--pass': password = val elif opt == '--email': email = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Collabtive Password", "Enter new password for the Collabtive 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "Collabtive Email", "Enter email address for the Collabtive 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") hash = hashlib.sha1(password).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE collabtive.user SET pass=\"%s\", email=\"%s\" WHERE name=\"admin\";' % (hash, email)) m.execute('UPDATE collabtive.settings SET settingsValue=\"%s\" WHERE settingsKey=\"mailfrom\";' % email) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
if not domain: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') domain = d.get_input( "SimpleMachines Domain", "Enter the domain to serve SimpleMachines.", DEFAULT_DOMAIN) if domain == "DEFAULT": domain = DEFAULT_DOMAIN hash = hashlib.sha1('admin' + password).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE simplemachines.members SET passwd=\"%s\" WHERE member_name=\"admin\";' % hash) m.execute('UPDATE simplemachines.members SET email_address=\"%s\" WHERE member_name=\"admin\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE simplemachines.settings SET value=\"http://%s/Smileys\" WHERE variable=\"smileys_url\";' % domain) m.execute('UPDATE simplemachines.settings SET value=\"http://%s/avatars\" WHERE variable=\"avatar_url\";' % domain) m.execute('UPDATE simplemachines.themes SET value=\"http://%s/Themes/default\" WHERE variable=\"theme_url\" AND id_theme=1;' % domain) m.execute('UPDATE simplemachines.themes SET value=\"http://%s/Themes/default/images\" WHERE variable=\"images_url\" AND id_theme=1;' % domain) m.execute('UPDATE simplemachines.themes SET value=\"http://%s/Themes/core\" WHERE variable=\"theme_url\" AND id_theme=2;' % domain) m.execute('UPDATE simplemachines.themes SET value=\"http://%s/Themes/core/images\" WHERE variable=\"images_url\" AND id_theme=2;' % domain) config = "/var/www/simplemachines/Settings.php" system("sed -i \"s|boardurl.*|boardurl = 'http://%s';|\" %s" % (domain, config)) system("sed -i \"s|webmaster_email.*|webmaster_email = '%s';|\" %s" % (email, config))
if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email("TomatoCart Email", "Enter email address for the 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") salt = ''.join( (random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for x in range(2))) hash = ':'.join([hashlib.md5(salt + password).hexdigest(), salt]) m = MySQL() m.execute( 'UPDATE tomatocart.administrators SET user_password=\"%s\",email_address=\"%s\" WHERE user_name=\"admin\";' % (hash, email)) m.execute( 'UPDATE tomatocart.configuration SET configuration_value=\"%s\" WHERE configuration_key=\"STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS\";' % email) m.execute( 'UPDATE tomatocart.configuration SET configuration_value=\"\\"Store Owner\\" <%s>\" WHERE configuration_key=\"EMAIL_FROM\";' % email) # delete cache system("rm -f /var/cache/tomatocart/*") if __name__ == "__main__":
domain = d.get_input("Piwik Domain", "Enter the domain to serve Piwik.", DEFAULT_DOMAIN) if domain == "DEFAULT": domain = DEFAULT_DOMAIN inithooks_cache.write('APP_DOMAIN', domain) domain = domain.strip("/") if not domain.startswith("http://"): domain = "http://%s/" % domain m = MySQL() m.execute( 'UPDATE piwik.piwik_option SET option_value=\"%s\" WHERE option_name=\"piwikUrl\";' % domain) piwik_config.update("[General]", "trusted_hosts[]", domain) hash = bcrypt.hashpw(hashlib.md5(password).hexdigest(), bcrypt.gensalt()) m.execute( 'UPDATE piwik.piwik_user SET password=\"%s\" WHERE login = \"admin\" AND superuser_access = 1;' % hash) m.execute( 'UPDATE piwik.piwik_user SET email=\"%s\" WHERE login = \"admin\" AND superuser_access = 1;' % email) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
email = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "PHPNuke Password", "Enter new password for the PHPNuke 'admin' account.") if not email: if 'd' not in locals(): d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') email = d.get_email( "PHPNuke Email", "Enter email address for the PHPNuke 'admin' account.", "*****@*****.**") hash = hashlib.md5(password).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE phpnuke.nuke_authors SET pwd=\"%s\" WHERE aid=\"admin\";' % hash) m.execute('UPDATE phpnuke.nuke_authors SET email=\"%s\" WHERE aid=\"admin\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE phpnuke.nuke_config SET adminmail=\"%s\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE phpnuke.nuke_config SET notify_email=\"%s\";' % email) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
"Enter the domain to serve PunBB.", DEFAULT_DOMAIN) if domain == "DEFAULT": domain = DEFAULT_DOMAIN inithooks_cache.write('APP_DOMAIN', domain) def sha1(s): return hashlib.sha1(s).hexdigest() salt = ''.join((random.choice(string.letters+string.digits) for x in range(12))) hash = sha1(salt + sha1(password)) m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE punbb.users SET password=\"%s\", salt=\"%s\", email=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"admin\";' % (hash, salt, email)) m.execute('UPDATE punbb.config SET conf_value=\"%s\" WHERE conf_name=\"o_mailing_list\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE punbb.config SET conf_value=\"%s\" WHERE conf_name=\"o_admin_email\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE punbb.config SET conf_value=\"%s\" WHERE conf_name=\"o_webmaster_email\";' % email) conf = "/var/www/punbb/config.php" system("sed -i \"s|base_url.*|base_url = 'https://%s';|\" %s" % (domain, conf)) apache_conf = "/etc/apache2/sites-available/punbb.conf" system("sed -i \"s|https://.*|https://%s/\$1 [R,L]|\" %s" % (domain, apache_conf)) system("service apache2 restart") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ['help', 'pass='******'-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt == '--pass': password = val if not password: d = Dialog('TurnKey Linux - First boot configuration') password = d.get_password( "Observium Password", "Enter new password for the Observium 'admin' account.") random = SystemRandom() salt = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest()[:8] hash = crypt.crypt(password, "$1$" + salt + "$") m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE observium.users SET password=\"%s\" WHERE username=\"admin\";' % hash) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
sed("AdminEmail=", email, conf) conf = "/var/www/ezpublish/settings/siteaccess/site/site.ini.append.php" sed("SiteURL=", domain, conf) sed("ActionURL=", "http://%s/index.php/site_admin/user/login" % domain, conf) sed("AdminEmail=", email, conf) conf = "/var/www/ezpublish/settings/siteaccess/site_admin/site.ini.append.php" sed("SiteURL=", domain, conf) sed("AdminEmail=", email, conf) conf = "/var/www/ezpublish/settings/override/site.ini.append.php" sed("AdminEmail=", email, conf) # calculate password hash and tweak database hash = hashlib.md5("admin\n%s" % password).hexdigest() m = MySQL() m.execute('UPDATE ezpublish.ezuser SET password_hash=\"%s\" WHERE login=\"admin\";' % hash) m.execute('UPDATE ezpublish.ezuser SET email=\"%s\" WHERE login=\"admin\";' % email) m.execute('UPDATE ezpublish.ezcontentobject_attribute SET data_text=\"%s\" WHERE id=175;' % email) m.execute('UPDATE ezpublish.ezcontentobject_attribute SET data_text=\"%s\" WHERE id=176;' % domain) # clear cache system("cd /var/www/ezpublish; su www-data -c \"php5 bin/php/ezcache.php --quiet --clear-all --purge\"") if __name__ == "__main__": main()