コード例 #1
def unify(cur):
    When a new table comes in, reduce it using reduce_log() and then run this function
    to incorporate it into the unified table, along with partitioning
    cur.execute("USE reduced_log")
    cur.execute('SHOW TABLES')
    tables = set(x for x, in cur.fetchall())
    cur.execute("""SELECT PARTITION_NAME
                   WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'reduced_log'
                         AND TABLE_NAME = 'unified'""")
    partitions = set(x for x, in cur.fetchall())

    tables_to_add = sorted(tables - partitions - set(['unified', 'users', 'servers', 'unified_users', 'unified_servers']))
    for table in tables_to_add:
        print_and_execute("""ALTER TABLE unified REORGANIZE PARTITION other INTO ({0},
                  PARTITION other VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE)""".format(partition_from_str(table)), cur)
        print_and_execute("INSERT INTO unified SELECT * FROM {0}".format(table), cur)
コード例 #2
def create_unified(cur):
    When the reduced_log.unified table does not exist, or when the schema
    changes, run this function to regenerate it.

    @Precondition: all the tables in @initial_tables must be in the reduced log

    cur.execute("USE reduced_log")

    # Get list of 2 initial tables
    cur.execute("SHOW TABLES")
    initial_tables = [x for x, in cur.fetchall()][:2]

    print_and_execute("CREATE TABLE unified {0}".format(" UNION ALL ".join("SELECT * FROM {0}".format(t) for t in initial_tables)), cur)
    print_and_execute("ALTER TABLE unified ADD INDEX (userid)", cur)
    print_and_execute("ALTER TABLE unified ADD INDEX (serverid)", cur)
    print_and_execute("ALTER TABLE unified ADD INDEX (event_time)", cur)

    print_and_execute("ALTER TABLE unified PARTITION BY RANGE( TO_DAYS(event_time) ) ( " + 
                      ", ".join(partition_from_str(t) for t in initial_tables) + 
                      ", PARTITION other VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE" + ")", cur)