コード例 #1
ファイル: getActiveScans.py プロジェクト: 1havran/splunk
                        # Connect to the server and login
                        (server, session) = nCircleAPI._login(host, user, password)
                        ScanConfigurations = []
                        for dp in deviceProfilers:
                                params = {}
                                params['query'] = "active = \'true\' AND dp = \'%s\'" % (dp)
                                ScanConfiguration = server.call(session, 'class.ScanConfiguration', 'search', params)
                                if ScanConfiguration:
                                        for ScanConfigurationItem in ScanConfiguration:

                        if ScanConfigurations:
				timestamp = str(time.time())
                                for ScanConfigurationItem in ScanConfigurations:
                                        scanProfile = server.call(session, ScanConfigurationItem, 'getAttributes', {})                 
                                        scanProfileDetail = nCircleAPI._getItem(server, session, scanList, scanProfile['scanProfile'])
                                        networkDetail = nCircleAPI._getItem(server, session, networkList, scanProfile['network'])

                                        print '{"timestamp": "' + timestamp + '", ',

                                        print ', "scanProfile" : ',
					scanProfileDetail['profile'] = json.dumps(xmltodict.parse(scanProfileDetail['profile']))
					#scanProfileDetail['profile'] = str(data).replace('\'','"')
					#data = str(data).replace('"{','{')
					#data = str(data).replace('}"','}')
					#scanProfileDetail['profile'] = data
                                        #data = nCircleAPI._printJson(scanProfileDetail)
					scanProfileDetail = str(scanProfileDetail).replace('\'','"')
					scanProfileDetail = str(scanProfileDetail).replace('"{','{')
コード例 #2
ファイル: setup.py プロジェクト: 1havran/splunk
		print "\thint: use min value if you want to fetch all audit records"
		print "\thint: use max value if you want to fetch only new audit records"
	print ""	
	results = server.call(session, 'class.Audit', 'search', {'query':'id>0'})	
	if results:					
		print 'getAuditDetails.py: IDs in range from ' + results[0].rsplit('.')[1] + ' to ' + results[-1].rsplit('.')[1]
		print "\tupdate variable called blg in getAuditDetails.py by number in this range"
		print "\thint: use min value if you want to fetch all audit scan records"
		print "\thint: use max value if you want to fech only new audit scan records"
	results = server.call(session, 'class.DP', 'search', {'query':'id>0'})
	if results:				
		print 'Device profiler setup'
		for deviceProfiler in results:
			deviceProfilerDetail = nCircleAPI._getItem(server, session, dpList, deviceProfiler)
			for key in ['name', 'IPAddress']:
				print key + ": " + str(deviceProfilerDetail[key])
			toInclude = "n"
			toInclude = raw_input("Do you want to include this device profiler into the app? y/n: [default: n]: ")
			if toInclude is "y" :
			print ""
		print 'getActiveScans.py, getAuditDetails.py, getDpStats.py: update variable called deviceProfilers by this string'
		print dpDict
	nCircleAPI._logout(server, session)
except xmlrpclib.Fault, fault:
コード例 #3
ファイル: getAuditDetails.py プロジェクト: 1havran/splunk
						# Vulnerabilities for particular hosts are stored under VulnResult IDs
						vulnResultIDs = server.call(session, 'class.VulnResult', 'search', params)
						if vulnResultIDs:
							for vulnResultID in vulnResultIDs:
								vulnResult = {}
								vulnDetail = {}
								hostDetail = {}
								osDetail = {}
								vulnResult = server.call(session, vulnResultID, 'getAttributes', {})
								# Get additional details that are being referenced in the vulnResult
								vulnDetail = nCircleAPI._getItem(server, session, vulnList, vulnResult['vuln'])
								hostDetail = nCircleAPI._getItem(server, session, hostList, vulnResult['host'])
								osDetail = nCircleAPI._getItem(server, session, osList, hostDetail['os'])
								print "{",

								print ', "VulnDetail" : {',
								print "},",

								print '"hostDetail" : {',
								print "},",
								print '"osDetail" : {',