コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, metric_type, infile, hostname, aggr_metrics,
                 output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end,
                 rule_strings, important_sub_metrics,
                 anomaly_detection_metrics, **other_options):
        Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile, hostname, aggr_metrics,
                        output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start,
                        ts_end, rule_strings, important_sub_metrics,

        # Allow user to specify interested processes; in the format of 'PID=11 22' and 'COMMAND=firefox top'
        # It will search for any processes that match the PIDs listed or the commands listed. It's not an intersection of the PIDs and commands.
        self.PID = []
        self.COMMAND = []
        self.ts_valid_lines = True

        for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
            setattr(self, key, val.split())

        self.sub_metrics = None
        self.process_headers = []
        self.ts = ''
        self.ts_date = ''
        self.ts_time = ''
        self.saw_pid = False  # Controls when to process individual commands;

        self.data = {}  # Stores all data to be written out

        for key, val in other_options.iteritems():
            setattr(self, key, val.split())

        self.sub_metric_description = {
            'uptime_minute': 'uptime of the machine',
            'num_users': 'users sessions logged in',
            'load_aver_1_minute': 'average load on the system (last 1 minute)',
            'average load on the system (last 5 minutes)',
            'average load on the system (last 15 minutes)',
            'tasks_total': 'total processes',
            'tasks_running': 'processes running',
            'tasks_sleeping': 'processes sleeping',
            'tasks_stopped': 'processes stopped',
            'tasks_zombie': 'zombies',
            'cpu_us': 'cpu percentage of running user processes',
            'cpu_sy': 'cpu percentage of running system processes',
            'cpu_id': 'cpu percentage of idel time',
            'cpu_ni': 'cpu percentage of running niced processes',
            'cpu_wa': 'cpu percentage of waiting for IO',
            'cpu_hi': 'cpu percentage of serving hardware IRQ',
            'cpu_si': 'cpu percentage of serving software IRQ',
            'cpu_st': 'cpu percentage of being stolen',
            'mem_total': 'total memory in GB',
            'mem_used': 'total memory in use in GB',
            'mem_free': 'total free memory in GB',
            'mem_buffers': 'total buffers in GB',
            'swap_total': 'total swap size in GB',
            'swap_used': 'total swap in use in GB',
            'swap_free': 'total free swap in GB',
            'swap_cached': 'total swap cache in GB',
コード例 #2
ファイル: gc_metric.py プロジェクト: haricharankr/naarad
 def __init__ (self, metric_type, infile, access, outdir, label, ts_start, ts_end, **other_options):
   Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile, access, outdir, label, ts_start, ts_end)
   for (key,val) in other_options.iteritems():
     if key == 'gc-options':
       self.gc_options = val.split()
       setattr(self, key, val)
   self.metric_description = {
     "appstop" :"approximate application stop times",
     "gen0" :" young gen collection time, excluding gc_prologue & gc_epilogue",
     "gen0t" :" young gen collection time, including gc_prologue & gc_epilogue",
     "gen0usr" :" young gen collection time in cpu user secs",
     "gen0sys" :" young gen collection time in cpu sys secs",
     "gen1i" :" train generation incremental collection",
     "gen1t" :" old generation collection/full GC",
     "cmsIM" :" CMS initial mark pause",
     "cmsRM" :" CMS remark pause",
     "cmsRS" :" CMS resize pause",
     "GC" :" all stop-the-world GC pauses",
     "cmsCM" :" CMS concurrent mark phase",
     "cmsCP" :" CMS concurrent preclean phase",
     "cmsCS" :" CMS concurrent sweep phase",
     "cmsCR" :" CMS concurrent reset phase",
     "alloc":" object allocation in MB (approximate***)",
     "promo":" object promotion in MB (approximate***)",
     "used0":" young gen used memory size (before gc)",
     "used1":" old gen used memory size (before gc)",
     "used":" heap space used memory size (before gc) (excludes perm gen)",
     "commit0":" young gen committed memory size (after gc)",
     "commit1":" old gen committed memory size (after gc)",
     "commit":" heap committed memory size (after gc) (excludes perm gen)",
     "apptime" :" amount of time application threads were running",
     "safept" :" amount of time the VM spent at safepoints (app threads stopped)"
コード例 #3
ファイル: jmeter_metric.py プロジェクト: ShaoshanLiu/naarad
 def __init__ (self, metric_type, infile, hostname, output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end,
               rule_strings, **other_options):
   Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile, hostname, output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end,
   self.sub_metric_description = {
     'lb': 'Transaction Name',
     'lt': 'Time to First byte',
     'ts': 'Timestamp',
     'tn': 'Transaction Name (Parent)',
     's': 'Status',
     'ResponseTime': 'Response Time',
     'rc': 'Response Code',
     'rm': 'Response Message',
     'dt': 'Data Type',
     'ResponseSize': 'Response Size',
     'qps': 'Successful Transactions per second',
     'ErrorsPerSecond': 'Errors per second',
     'DataThroughput': 'Data Throughput'
   self.sub_metric_units = {
     'lt': 'ms',
     'ResponseTime': 'ms',
     'ResponseSize': 'bytes',
     'qps': 'qps',
     'DataThroughput': 'mbps',
     'ErrorsPerSecond': 'qps'
   self.calculated_stats = {}
   self.aggregation_granularity = 'minute'
   self.calculated_percentiles = {}
   self.summary_stats = defaultdict(dict)
   self.important_sub_metrics = naarad.naarad_imports.important_sub_metrics_import['JMETER']
   if other_options:
     for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
       setattr(self, key, val)
コード例 #4
ファイル: innotop_metric.py プロジェクト: yekeqiang/naarad
 def __init__(self, metric_type, infile, hostname, outdir, resource_path,
              label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings, important_sub_metrics,
              anomaly_detection_metrics, **other_options):
     Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile, hostname, outdir,
                     resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
                     important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics)
     for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
         setattr(self, key, val.split())
コード例 #5
 def __init__ (self, metric_type, infile, hostname, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
   Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile, hostname, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings)
   self.sub_metrics = self.val_types
   self.sub_metric_description = {
     "launch_time" :"the time taken to launch the client application",
     "nus_update_time" :"the time taken to update NUS list after launch"
コード例 #6
ファイル: sar_metric.py プロジェクト: ShaoshanLiu/naarad
 def __init__(self, metric_type, infile, hostname, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
   metric_type = self.extract_metric_name(metric_type)
   Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile,  hostname, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings)
   if self.metric_type in important_sub_metrics_import.keys():
     self.important_sub_metrics = important_sub_metrics_import[self.metric_type]
   self.options = None
   self.devices = None
   for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
     setattr(self, key, val.split())
コード例 #7
  def __init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, aggr_metrics, output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end,
               rule_strings, important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics, **other_options):
    Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, aggr_metrics, output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end,
                    rule_strings, important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics)
    self.sub_metrics = None
    for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
      setattr(self, key, val.split())

コード例 #8
ファイル: netstat_metric.py プロジェクト: brainiac744/naarad
  def __init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end,
               rule_strings, important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics, **other_options):
    Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end,
                    rule_strings, important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics)
    self.sub_metrics = None
    for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
      setattr(self, key, val.split())

コード例 #9
ファイル: top_metric.py プロジェクト: Malu-hp/naarad
  def __init__(self, metric_type, infile, hostname, aggr_metrics, output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end,
               rule_strings, important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics, **other_options):
    Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile, hostname, aggr_metrics, output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end,
                    rule_strings, important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics)

    # Allow user to specify interested processes; in the format of 'PID=11 22' and 'COMMAND=firefox top'
    # It will search for any processes that match the PIDs listed or the commands listed. It's not an intersection of the PIDs and commands.
    self.PID = []
    self.COMMAND = []
    self.ts_valid_lines = True

    for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
      setattr(self, key, val.split())

    self.sub_metrics = None
    self.process_headers = []
    self.ts = ''
    self.ts_date = ''
    self.ts_time = ''
    self.saw_pid = False   # Controls when to process individual commands;

    self.data = {}  # Stores all data to be written out

    for key, val in other_options.iteritems():
      setattr(self, key, val.split())

    self.sub_metric_description = {
        'uptime_minute': 'uptime of the machine',
        'num_users': 'users sessions logged in',
        'load_aver_1_minute': 'average load on the system (last 1 minute)',
        'load_aver_5_minute': 'average load on the system (last 5 minutes)',
        'load_aver_15_minute': 'average load on the system (last 15 minutes)',
        'tasks_total': 'total processes',
        'tasks_running': 'processes running',
        'tasks_sleeping': 'processes sleeping',
        'tasks_stopped': 'processes stopped',
        'tasks_zombie': 'zombies',
        'cpu_us': 'cpu percentage of running user processes',
        'cpu_sy': 'cpu percentage of running system processes',
        'cpu_id': 'cpu percentage of idel time',
        'cpu_ni': 'cpu percentage of running niced processes',
        'cpu_wa': 'cpu percentage of waiting for IO',
        'cpu_hi': 'cpu percentage of serving hardware IRQ',
        'cpu_si': 'cpu percentage of serving software IRQ',
        'cpu_st': 'cpu percentage of being stolen',
        'mem_total': 'total memory in GB',
        'mem_used': 'total memory in use in GB',
        'mem_free': 'total free memory in GB',
        'mem_buffers': 'total buffers in GB',
        'swap_total': 'total swap size in GB',
        'swap_used': 'total swap in use in GB',
        'swap_free': 'total free swap in GB',
        'swap_cached': 'total swap cache in GB',
コード例 #10
 def __init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
              important_sub_metrics, **other_options):
   metric_type = self.extract_metric_name(metric_type)
   Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile_list,  hostname, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
   if not self.important_sub_metrics and self.metric_type in important_sub_metrics_import.keys():
     self.important_sub_metrics = important_sub_metrics_import[self.metric_type]
   self.options = None
   self.devices = None
   for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
     setattr(self, key, val.split())
コード例 #11
  def __init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
               important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics, **other_options):
    Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
                    important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics)
    if not self.important_sub_metrics and self.metric_type in important_sub_metrics_import.keys():
      self.important_sub_metrics = important_sub_metrics_import[self.metric_type]
    self.options = None

    self.CPUS = None
    for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
      setattr(self, key, val.split())
コード例 #12
 def __init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, aggr_metrics, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
              important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics, **other_options):
   Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, aggr_metrics, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
                   important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics)
   self.sub_metrics = self.val_types
   if not self.important_sub_metrics:
     self.important_sub_metrics = CONSTANTS.important_sub_metrics_import['LINKEDINANDROIDRUM']
   self.sub_metric_description = {
       "launch_time": "the time taken to launch the client application",
       "nus_update_time": "the time taken to update NUS list after launch"
コード例 #13
ファイル: cluster_metric.py プロジェクト: ShaoshanLiu/naarad
 def __init__ (self, section, aggregate_hosts, aggregate_metrics, metrics, output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end,
               rule_strings, **other_options):
   self.metrics = metrics
   self.aggr_metrics = re.split(",| |:", aggregate_metrics)  #support both "," and " ", ":" as separator
   self.aggr_hosts = re.split(",| |:", aggregate_hosts) 
   #Metric arguments take 'infile' and 'hostname', for ClusterMetric, they are invalid, so just provide empty strings.     
   Metric.__init__(self, section, '', '', output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings)
   # in particular, Section can specify a subset of all rows (default has 43 rows):  "sub_metrics=nr_free_pages nr_inactive_anon"
   for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
     setattr(self, key, val.split())   
コード例 #14
ファイル: cluster_metric.py プロジェクト: yekeqiang/naarad
 def __init__ (self, section, aggregate_hosts, aggregate_metrics, metrics, output_directory, resource_path, label,
               ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings, important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics, **other_options):
   self.metrics = metrics
   self.aggr_metrics = aggregate_metrics.split()
   self.aggr_hosts = aggregate_hosts.split()
   #Metric arguments take 'infile' and 'hostname', for ClusterMetric, they are invalid, so just provide empty strings.
   Metric.__init__(self, section, '', '', output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
                   important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics)
   for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
     setattr(self, key, val.split())
コード例 #15
ファイル: cluster_metric.py プロジェクト: Malu-hp/naarad
  def __init__(self, section, aggregate_hosts, aggregate_metrics, metrics, output_directory, resource_path, label,
               ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings, important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics, **other_options):
    self.metrics = metrics
    self.aggr_hosts = aggregate_hosts.split()

    # Metric arguments take 'infile' and 'hostname', for ClusterMetric, they are invalid, so just provide empty strings.
    Metric.__init__(self, section, '', '', '', output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
                    important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics)
    self.aggr_metrics = aggregate_metrics.split()

    for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
      setattr(self, key, val.split())
コード例 #16
  def __init__ (self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end,
                rule_strings, important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics, **other_options):
    Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end,
                    rule_strings, important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics)

    # in particular, Section can specify a subset of all rows (default has 43 rows):  "sub_metrics=nr_free_pages nr_inactive_anon"
    for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
      setattr(self, key, val.split())   
    self.sub_metric_description = {
      'MemTotal': 'Total memory in KB',
      'MemFree': 'Total free memory in KB',
      'Buffers': 'Size of buffers in KB',
      'Cached': 'Size of page cache in KB',
コード例 #17
ファイル: procmeminfo_metric.py プロジェクト: zhenyun/naarad
    def __init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, output_directory,
                 resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
                 important_sub_metrics, **other_options):
        Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname,
                        output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start,
                        ts_end, rule_strings, important_sub_metrics)

        # in particular, Section can specify a subset of all rows (default has 43 rows):  "sub_metrics=nr_free_pages nr_inactive_anon"
        for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
            setattr(self, key, val.split())

        self.sub_metric_description = {
            'MemTotal': 'Total memory in KB',
            'MemFree': 'Total free memory in KB',
            'Buffers': 'Size of buffers in KB',
            'Cached': 'Size of page cache in KB',
コード例 #18
    def __init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, aggr_metrics,
                 outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
                 important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics,
        Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, aggr_metrics,
                        outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end,
                        rule_strings, important_sub_metrics,
        if not self.important_sub_metrics and self.metric_type in important_sub_metrics_import.keys(
            self.important_sub_metrics = important_sub_metrics_import[
        self.options = None

        self.CPUS = None
        for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
            setattr(self, key, val.split())
コード例 #19
    def __init__(

        self.sub_metrics = None
        # in particular, Section can specify a subset of all metrics: sub_metrics=pages.min nr_free_pages

        for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
            setattr(self, key, val.split())

        self.sub_metric_description = {
            "nr_free_pages": "Number of free pages",
            "nr_inactive_anon": "Number of inactive anonymous pages",
            "nr_active_anon": "Number of active anonymous pages",
            "nr_inactive_file": "Number of inactive file cache pages",
            "nr_active_file": "Number of active file cache pages",
コード例 #20
  def __init__ (self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end,
                rule_strings, important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics, **other_options):
    Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end,
                    rule_strings, important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics)

    self.sub_metrics = None
    # in particular, Section can specify a subset of all rows (default has 86 rows):  "sub_metrics=nr_free_pages nr_inactive_anon"

    for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
      setattr(self, key, val.split())

    self.sub_metric_description = {
      'nr_free_pages': 'Number of free pages',
      'nr_inactive_anon': 'Number of inactive anonymous pages',
      'nr_active_anon': 'Number of active anonymous pages',
      'nr_inactive_file': 'Number of inactive file pages',
      'nr_active_file': 'Number of active file pages',
コード例 #21
ファイル: gc_metric.py プロジェクト: fx19880617/naarad
 def __init__ (self, metric_type, infile, hostname, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
   Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile, hostname, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings)
   # TODO: Make this list configurable
   self.important_sub_metrics = important_sub_metrics_import['GC']
   self.sub_metrics = self.val_types
   self.beginning_ts = None
   self.beginning_date = None
   for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
     if key == 'gc-options':
       self.sub_metrics = val.split()
       setattr(self, key, val)
   self.sub_metric_description = {
     'appstop' : 'approximate application stop times',
     'gen0' : 'young gen collection time, excluding gc_prologue & gc_epilogue',
     'gen0t' : 'young gen collection time, including gc_prologue & gc_epilogue',
     'gen0usr' : 'young gen collection time in cpu user secs',
     'gen0sys' : 'young gen collection time in cpu sys secs',
     'gen0real' : 'young gen collection time in elapsed secs',
     'gen1i' : 'train generation incremental collection',
     'gen1t' : 'old generation collection/full GC',
     'cmsIM' : 'CMS initial mark pause',
     'cmsRM' : 'CMS remark pause',
     'cmsRS' : 'CMS resize pause',
     'GCPause' : 'all stop-the-world GC pauses',
     'cmsCM' : 'CMS concurrent mark phase',
     'cmsCP' : 'CMS concurrent preclean phase',
     'cmsCS' : 'CMS concurrent sweep phase',
     'cmsCR' : 'CMS concurrent reset phase',
     'alloc' : 'object allocation in MB (approximate***)',
     'promo' : 'object promotion in MB (approximate***)',
     'used0' : 'young gen used memory size (before gc)',
     'used1' : 'old gen used memory size (before gc)',
     'used' : 'heap space used memory size (before gc) (excludes perm gen)',
     'commit0' : 'young gen committed memory size (after gc)',
     'commit1' : 'old gen committed memory size (after gc)',
     'commit' : 'heap committed memory size (after gc) (excludes perm gen)',
     'apptime' : 'amount of time application threads were running',
     'safept' : 'amount of time the VM spent at safepoints (app threads stopped)',
     'used0AfterGC' : 'young gen used memory size (after gc)',
     'used1AfterGC' : 'old gen used memory size (after gc)',
     'usedAfterGC' : 'heap space used memory size (after gc)'
コード例 #22
 def __init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, output_directory,
              resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
              important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics,
     Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname,
                     output_directory, resource_path, label, ts_start,
                     ts_end, rule_strings, important_sub_metrics,
     self.sub_metric_description = {
         'lb': 'Transaction Name',
         'lt': 'Time to First byte',
         'ts': 'Timestamp',
         'tn': 'Transaction Name (Parent)',
         's': 'Status',
         'ResponseTime': 'Response Time',
         'rc': 'Response Code',
         'rm': 'Response Message',
         'dt': 'Data Type',
         'ResponseSize': 'Response Size',
         'qps': 'Successful Transactions per second',
         'ErrorsPerSecond': 'Errors per second',
         'DataThroughput': 'Data Throughput'
     self.sub_metric_units = {
         'lt': 'ms',
         'ResponseTime': 'ms',
         'ResponseSize': 'bytes',
         'qps': 'qps',
         'DataThroughput': 'mbps',
         'ErrorsPerSecond': 'qps'
     self.calculated_stats = {}
     self.aggregation_granularity = 'second'
     self.calculated_percentiles = {}
     self.summary_stats = defaultdict(dict)
     self.summary_html_content_enabled = True
     self.summary_charts = [self.label + '.Overall_Summary.div']
     if not self.important_sub_metrics:
         self.important_sub_metrics = important_sub_metrics_import['JMETER']
     if other_options:
         for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
             setattr(self, key, val)
コード例 #23
ファイル: gc_metric.py プロジェクト: brucezy/naarad
 def __init__ (self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
               important_sub_metrics, **other_options):
   Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
   if not self.important_sub_metrics:
     self.important_sub_metrics = important_sub_metrics_import['GC']
   self.sub_metrics = self.val_types
   self.beginning_ts = None
   self.beginning_date = None
   for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
     if key == 'gc-options' or key == 'sub_metrics':
       self.sub_metrics = val.split()
       setattr(self, key, val)
   self.sub_metric_description = {
     'gen0' : 'young gen collection time, excluding gc_prologue & gc_epilogue',
     'gen0t' : 'young gen collection time, including gc_prologue & gc_epilogue',
     'gen0usr' : 'young gen collection time in cpu user secs',
     'gen0sys' : 'young gen collection time in cpu sys secs',
     'gen0real' : 'young gen collection time in elapsed secs',
     'gen1i' : 'train generation incremental collection',
     'gen1t' : 'old generation collection/full GC',
     'cmsIM' : 'CMS initial mark pause',
     'cmsRM' : 'CMS remark pause',
     'cmsRS' : 'CMS resize pause',
     'GCPause' : 'all stop-the-world GC pauses',
     'cmsCM' : 'CMS concurrent mark phase',
     'cmsCP' : 'CMS concurrent preclean phase',
     'cmsCS' : 'CMS concurrent sweep phase',
     'cmsCR' : 'CMS concurrent reset phase',
     'alloc' : 'object allocation in MB (approximate***)',
     'promo' : 'object promotion in MB (approximate***)',
     'used0' : 'young gen used memory size (before gc)',
     'used1' : 'old gen used memory size (before gc)',
     'used' : 'heap space used memory size (before gc) (excludes perm gen)',
     'commit0' : 'young gen committed memory size (after gc)',
     'commit1' : 'old gen committed memory size (after gc)',
     'commit' : 'heap committed memory size (after gc) (excludes perm gen)',
     'apptime' : 'amount of time application threads were running',
     'safept' : 'amount of time the VM spent at safepoints (app threads stopped)',
     'used0AfterGC' : 'young gen used memory size (after gc)',
     'used1AfterGC' : 'old gen used memory size (after gc)',
     'usedAfterGC' : 'heap space used memory size (after gc)',
     'g1-pause-young' : 'G1 Young GC Pause (seconds)',
     'g1-pause-mixed' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause (seconds)',
     'g1-pause-remark' : 'G1 Remark Pause (seconds)',
     'g1-pause-cleanup' : 'G1 Cleanup Pause (seconds)',
     'g1-pause-remark.ref-proc' : 'G1 Remark: Reference Processing (seconds)',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel' : 'G1 Young GC Pause: Parallel Operations (ms)',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.gcworkers' : 'G1 Young GC Pause: Number of Parallel GC Workers',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-start.avg' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in GC worker start (ms)',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-start.max' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in GC worker start (ms)',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.ext-root-scanning.avg' : 'G1 Young GC Pause: Avg Time spent in ext-root-scanning',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.ext-root-scanning.max' : 'G1 Young GC Pause: Max Time spent in ext-root-scanning',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.update-rs.avg' : 'G1 Young GC Pause: Parallel : Avg Time spent in updating Rsets',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.update-rs.max' : 'G1 Young GC Pause: Parallel : Max Time spent in updating Rsets',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.update-rs.processed-buffers.avg' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Update Rset : Avg number of processed buffers',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.update-rs.processed-buffers.max' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Update Rset : Max number of processed buffers',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.scan-rs.avg' : 'G1 Young GC Pause: Parallel : Avg Time spent in scanning Rsets',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.scan-rs.max' : 'G1 Young GC Pause: Parallel : Max Time spent in scannning Rsets',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.object-copy-rs.avg' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in Object Copy',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.object-copy-rs.max' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in Object Copy',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.termination.avg' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in termination',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.termination.max' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in termination',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-other.avg' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in other',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-other.max' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in other',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-total.avg' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Total time for GC worker',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-total.max' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Total time for GC worker',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-end.avg' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time for GC worker end',
     'g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-end.max' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time for GC worker end',
     'g1-pause-young.code-root-fixup' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Time spent in code root fixup (ms)',
     'g1-pause-young.clear-ct' : 'G1 Young GC Pause: Time spent in clear ct (ms)',
     'g1-pause-young.other' : 'G1 Young GC Pause: Time spent in other (ms)',
     'g1-pause-young.other.choose-cset' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Other : Time spent in choosing CSet (ms)',
     'g1-pause-young.other.ref-proc' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Other : Time spent in reference processing (ms)',
     'g1-pause-young.other.reg-enq' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Other : Time spent in reg-enq(ms)',
     'g1-pause-young.other.free-cset' : 'G1 Young GC Pause : Other : Time spent in processing free Cset(ms)',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Parallel Operations (ms)',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gcworkers' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Number of Parallel GC Workers',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-start.avg' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in GC worker start (ms)',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-start.max' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in GC worker start (ms)',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.ext-root-scanning.avg' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Avg Time spent in ext-root-scanning',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.ext-root-scanning.max' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Max Time spent in ext-root-scanning',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.update-rs.avg' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Parallel : Avg Time spent in updating Rsets',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.update-rs.max' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Parallel : Max Time spent in updating Rsets',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.update-rs.processed-buffers.avg' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Update Rset : Avg number of processed buffers',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.update-rs.processed-buffers.max' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Update Rset : Max number of processed buffers',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.scan-rs.avg' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Parallel : Avg Time spent in scanning Rsets',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.scan-rs.max' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Parallel : Max Time spent in scannning Rsets',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.object-copy-rs.avg' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in Object Copy',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.object-copy-rs.max' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in Object Copy',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.termination.avg' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in termination',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.termination.max' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in termination',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-other.avg' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in other',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-other.max' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in other',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-total.avg' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Total time for GC worker',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-total.max' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Total time for GC worker',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-end.avg' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time for GC worker end',
     'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-end.max' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time for GC worker end',
     'g1-pause-mixed.code-root-fixup' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Time spent in code root fixup (ms)',
     'g1-pause-mixed.clear-ct' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Time spent in clear ct (ms)',
     'g1-pause-mixed.other' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Time spent in other (ms)',
     'g1-pause-mixed.other.choose-cset' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Other : Time spent in choosing CSet (ms)',
     'g1-pause-mixed.other.ref-proc' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Other : Time spent in reference processing (ms)',
     'g1-pause-mixed.other.reg-enq' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Other : Time spent in reg-enq(ms)',
     'g1-pause-mixed.other.free-cset' : 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Other : Time spent in processing free Cset(ms)',
     'g1-eden-occupancy-before-gc' : 'G1 Eden Occupancy (MB) (Before GC)',
     'g1-eden-capacity-before-gc' : 'G1 Eden Capacity (MB) (Before GC)',
     'g1-eden-occupancy-after-gc' : 'G1 Eden Occupancy (MB) (After GC)',
     'g1-eden-capacity-after-gc' : 'G1 Efen Capacity (MB) (After GC)',
     'g1-survivor-before-gc' : 'G1 Survivor Size (MB) (Before GC)',
     'g1-survivor-after-gc' : 'G1 Survivor Size (MB) (After GC)',
     'g1-heap-occupancy-before-gc' : 'G1 Heap Occupancy (MB) (Before GC)',
     'g1-heap-capacity-before-gc' : 'G1 Heap Capacity (MB) (Before GC)',
     'g1-heap-occupancy-after-gc' : 'G1 Heap Occupancy (MB) (After GC)',
     'g1-heap-capacity-after-gc' : 'G1 Heap Capacity (MB) (After GC)',
     'g1-young-cpu.sys' : 'G1 Young GC : sys cpu time (seconds)',
     'g1-young-cpu.usr' : 'G1 Young GC : usr cpu time (seconds)',
     'g1-young-cpu.real' : 'G1 Young GC : elapsed time (seconds)',
     'g1-mixed-cpu.usr' : 'G1 Mixed GC : usr cpu time (seconds)',
     'g1-mixed-cpu.sys' : 'G1 Mixed GC : sys cpu time (seconds)',
     'g1-mixed-cpu.real' : 'G1 Mixed GC : elapsed time (seconds)'
コード例 #24
ファイル: gc_metric.py プロジェクト: xj2jx/naarad
 def __init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, aggr_metrics, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
              important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics, **other_options):
   Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile_list, hostname, aggr_metrics, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings,
                   important_sub_metrics, anomaly_detection_metrics)
   if not self.important_sub_metrics:
     self.important_sub_metrics = important_sub_metrics_import['GC']
   self.sub_metrics = self.val_types
   self.beginning_ts = None
   self.beginning_date = None
   for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
     if key == 'gc-options' or key == 'sub_metrics':
       self.sub_metrics = val.split()
       setattr(self, key, val)
   self.sub_metric_description = {
       'gen0': 'young gen collection time, excluding gc_prologue & gc_epilogue',
       'gen0t': 'young gen collection time, including gc_prologue & gc_epilogue',
       'gen0usr': '******',
       'gen0sys': 'young gen collection time in cpu sys secs',
       'gen0real': 'young gen collection time in elapsed secs',
       'gen1i': 'train generation incremental collection',
       'gen1t': 'old generation collection or full GC',
       'cmsIM': 'CMS initial mark pause',
       'cmsRM': 'CMS remark pause',
       'cmsRS': 'CMS resize pause',
       'GCPause': 'all stop-the-world GC pauses',
       'cmsCM': 'CMS concurrent mark phase',
       'cmsCP': 'CMS concurrent preclean phase',
       'cmsCS': 'CMS concurrent sweep phase',
       'cmsCR': 'CMS concurrent reset phase',
       'alloc': 'object allocation in MB (approximate***)',
       'promo': 'object promotion in MB (approximate***)',
       'used0': 'young gen used memory size (before gc)',
       'used1': 'old gen used memory size (before gc)',
       'used': 'heap space used memory size (before gc) (excludes perm gen)',
       'commit0': 'young gen committed memory size (after gc)',
       'commit1': 'old gen committed memory size (after gc)',
       'commit': 'heap committed memory size (after gc) (excludes perm gen)',
       'apptime': 'amount of time application threads were running',
       'safept': 'amount of time the VM spent at safepoints (app threads stopped)',
       'used0AfterGC': 'young gen used memory size (after gc)',
       'used1AfterGC': 'old gen used memory size (after gc)',
       'usedAfterGC': 'heap space used memory size (after gc)',
       'g1-pause-young': 'G1 Young GC Pause (seconds)',
       'g1-pause-mixed': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause (seconds)',
       'g1-pause-remark': 'G1 Remark Pause (seconds)',
       'g1-pause-cleanup': 'G1 Cleanup Pause (seconds)',
       'g1-pause-remark.ref-proc': 'G1 Remark: Reference Processing (seconds)',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel': 'G1 Young GC Pause: Parallel Operations (ms)',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.gcworkers': 'G1 Young GC Pause: Number of Parallel GC Workers',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-start.avg': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in GC worker start (ms)',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-start.max': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in GC worker start (ms)',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.ext-root-scanning.avg': 'G1 Young GC Pause: Avg Time spent in ext-root-scanning',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.ext-root-scanning.max': 'G1 Young GC Pause: Max Time spent in ext-root-scanning',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.update-rs.avg': 'G1 Young GC Pause: Parallel : Avg Time spent in updating Rsets',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.update-rs.max': 'G1 Young GC Pause: Parallel : Max Time spent in updating Rsets',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.update-rs.processed-buffers.avg': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Update Rset : Avg number of processed buffers',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.update-rs.processed-buffers.max': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Update Rset : Max number of processed buffers',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.scan-rs.avg': 'G1 Young GC Pause: Parallel : Avg Time spent in scanning Rsets',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.scan-rs.max': 'G1 Young GC Pause: Parallel : Max Time spent in scannning Rsets',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.object-copy-rs.avg': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in Object Copy',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.object-copy-rs.max': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in Object Copy',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.termination.avg': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in termination',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.termination.max': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in termination',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-other.avg': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in other',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-other.max': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in other',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-total.avg': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Total time for GC worker',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-total.max': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Total time for GC worker',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-end.avg': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time for GC worker end',
       'g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-end.max': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time for GC worker end',
       'g1-pause-young.code-root-fixup': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Time spent in code root fixup (ms)',
       'g1-pause-young.clear-ct': 'G1 Young GC Pause: Time spent in clear ct (ms)',
       'g1-pause-young.other': 'G1 Young GC Pause: Time spent in other (ms)',
       'g1-pause-young.other.choose-cset': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Other : Time spent in choosing CSet (ms)',
       'g1-pause-young.other.ref-proc': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Other : Time spent in reference processing (ms)',
       'g1-pause-young.other.reg-enq': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Other : Time spent in reg-enq(ms)',
       'g1-pause-young.other.free-cset': 'G1 Young GC Pause : Other : Time spent in processing free Cset(ms)',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Parallel Operations (ms)',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gcworkers': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Number of Parallel GC Workers',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-start.avg': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in GC worker start (ms)',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-start.max': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in GC worker start (ms)',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.ext-root-scanning.avg': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Avg Time spent in ext-root-scanning',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.ext-root-scanning.max': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Max Time spent in ext-root-scanning',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.update-rs.avg': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Parallel : Avg Time spent in updating Rsets',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.update-rs.max': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Parallel : Max Time spent in updating Rsets',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.update-rs.processed-buffers.avg': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Update Rset : Avg number of processed buffers',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.update-rs.processed-buffers.max': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Update Rset : Max number of processed buffers',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.scan-rs.avg': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Parallel : Avg Time spent in scanning Rsets',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.scan-rs.max': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Parallel : Max Time spent in scannning Rsets',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.object-copy-rs.avg': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in Object Copy',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.object-copy-rs.max': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in Object Copy',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.termination.avg': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in termination',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.termination.max': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in termination',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-other.avg': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in other',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-other.max': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in other',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-total.avg': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Total time for GC worker',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-total.max': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Total time for GC worker',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-end.avg': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time for GC worker end',
       'g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-end.max': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time for GC worker end',
       'g1-pause-mixed.code-root-fixup': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Time spent in code root fixup (ms)',
       'g1-pause-mixed.clear-ct': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Time spent in clear ct (ms)',
       'g1-pause-mixed.other': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause: Time spent in other (ms)',
       'g1-pause-mixed.other.choose-cset': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Other : Time spent in choosing CSet (ms)',
       'g1-pause-mixed.other.ref-proc': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Other : Time spent in reference processing (ms)',
       'g1-pause-mixed.other.reg-enq': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Other : Time spent in reg-enq(ms)',
       'g1-pause-mixed.other.free-cset': 'G1 Mixed GC Pause : Other : Time spent in processing free Cset(ms)',
       'g1-eden-occupancy-before-gc': 'G1 Eden Occupancy (MB) (Before GC)',
       'g1-eden-capacity-before-gc': 'G1 Eden Capacity (MB) (Before GC)',
       'g1-eden-occupancy-after-gc': 'G1 Eden Occupancy (MB) (After GC)',
       'g1-eden-capacity-after-gc': 'G1 Eden Capacity (MB) (After GC)',
       'g1-survivor-before-gc': 'G1 Survivor Size (MB) (Before GC)',
       'g1-survivor-after-gc': 'G1 Survivor Size (MB) (After GC)',
       'g1-heap-occupancy-before-gc': 'G1 Heap Occupancy (MB) (Before GC)',
       'g1-heap-capacity-before-gc': 'G1 Heap Capacity (MB) (Before GC)',
       'g1-heap-occupancy-after-gc': 'G1 Heap Occupancy (MB) (After GC)',
       'g1-heap-capacity-after-gc': 'G1 Heap Capacity (MB) (After GC)',
       'g1-young-cpu.sys': 'G1 Young GC : sys cpu time (seconds)',
       'g1-young-cpu.usr': '******',
       'g1-young-cpu.real': 'G1 Young GC : elapsed time (seconds)',
       'g1-mixed-cpu.usr': '******',
       'g1-mixed-cpu.sys': 'G1 Mixed GC : sys cpu time (seconds)',
       'g1-mixed-cpu.real': 'G1 Mixed GC : elapsed time (seconds)'
コード例 #25
ファイル: innotop_metric.py プロジェクト: ShaoshanLiu/naarad
 def __init__(self, metric_type, infile, hostname, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings, **other_options):
   Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile,  hostname, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings)
   for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
     setattr(self, key, val.split())
コード例 #26
ファイル: sar_metric.py プロジェクト: haricharankr/naarad
 def __init__(self, metric_type, infile, access, outdir, label, ts_start, ts_end, **other_options):
     Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile, access, outdir, label, ts_start, ts_end)
     self.options = None
     self.devices = None
     for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
         setattr(self, key, val.split())
コード例 #27
ファイル: gc_metric.py プロジェクト: haricharankr/naarad
 def __init__(self, metric_type, infile, access, outdir, label, ts_start,
              ts_end, **other_options):
     Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile, access, outdir, label,
                     ts_start, ts_end)
     for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
         if key == 'gc-options':
             self.gc_options = val.split()
             setattr(self, key, val)
     self.metric_description = {
         "approximate application stop times",
         " young gen collection time, excluding gc_prologue & gc_epilogue",
         " young gen collection time, including gc_prologue & gc_epilogue",
         " young gen collection time in cpu sys secs",
         " train generation incremental collection",
         " old generation collection/full GC",
         " CMS initial mark pause",
         " CMS remark pause",
         " CMS resize pause",
         " all stop-the-world GC pauses",
         " CMS concurrent mark phase",
         " CMS concurrent preclean phase",
         " CMS concurrent sweep phase",
         " CMS concurrent reset phase",
         " object allocation in MB (approximate***)",
         " object promotion in MB (approximate***)",
         " young gen used memory size (before gc)",
         " old gen used memory size (before gc)",
         " heap space used memory size (before gc) (excludes perm gen)",
         " young gen committed memory size (after gc)",
         " old gen committed memory size (after gc)",
         " heap committed memory size (after gc) (excludes perm gen)",
         " amount of time application threads were running",
         " amount of time the VM spent at safepoints (app threads stopped)"
コード例 #28
ファイル: innotop_metric.py プロジェクト: haricharankr/naarad
 def __init__(self, metric_type, infile, access, outdir, label, ts_start,
              ts_end, **other_options):
     Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile, access, outdir, label,
                     ts_start, ts_end)
     for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
         setattr(self, key, val.split())
コード例 #29
ファイル: gc_metric.py プロジェクト: sachinrase/naarad
 def __init__(
     if not self.important_sub_metrics:
         self.important_sub_metrics = important_sub_metrics_import["GC"]
     self.sub_metrics = self.val_types
     self.beginning_ts = None
     self.beginning_date = None
     for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
         if key == "gc-options" or key == "sub_metrics":
             self.sub_metrics = val.split()
             setattr(self, key, val)
     self.sub_metric_description = {
         "gen0": "young gen collection time, excluding gc_prologue & gc_epilogue",
         "gen0t": "young gen collection time, including gc_prologue & gc_epilogue",
         "gen0usr": "******",
         "gen0sys": "young gen collection time in cpu sys secs",
         "gen0real": "young gen collection time in elapsed secs",
         "gen1i": "train generation incremental collection",
         "gen1t": "old generation collection or full GC",
         "cmsIM": "CMS initial mark pause",
         "cmsRM": "CMS remark pause",
         "cmsRS": "CMS resize pause",
         "GCPause": "all stop-the-world GC pauses",
         "cmsCM": "CMS concurrent mark phase",
         "cmsCP": "CMS concurrent preclean phase",
         "cmsCS": "CMS concurrent sweep phase",
         "cmsCR": "CMS concurrent reset phase",
         "alloc": "object allocation in MB (approximate***)",
         "promo": "object promotion in MB (approximate***)",
         "used0": "young gen used memory size (before gc)",
         "used1": "old gen used memory size (before gc)",
         "used": "heap space used memory size (before gc) (excludes perm gen)",
         "commit0": "young gen committed memory size (after gc)",
         "commit1": "old gen committed memory size (after gc)",
         "commit": "heap committed memory size (after gc) (excludes perm gen)",
         "apptime": "amount of time application threads were running",
         "safept": "amount of time the VM spent at safepoints (app threads stopped)",
         "used0AfterGC": "young gen used memory size (after gc)",
         "used1AfterGC": "old gen used memory size (after gc)",
         "usedAfterGC": "heap space used memory size (after gc)",
         "g1-pause-young": "G1 Young GC Pause (seconds)",
         "g1-pause-mixed": "G1 Mixed GC Pause (seconds)",
         "g1-pause-remark": "G1 Remark Pause (seconds)",
         "g1-pause-cleanup": "G1 Cleanup Pause (seconds)",
         "g1-pause-remark.ref-proc": "G1 Remark: Reference Processing (seconds)",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel": "G1 Young GC Pause: Parallel Operations (ms)",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.gcworkers": "G1 Young GC Pause: Number of Parallel GC Workers",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-start.avg": "G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in GC worker start (ms)",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-start.max": "G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in GC worker start (ms)",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.ext-root-scanning.avg": "G1 Young GC Pause: Avg Time spent in ext-root-scanning",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.ext-root-scanning.max": "G1 Young GC Pause: Max Time spent in ext-root-scanning",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.update-rs.avg": "G1 Young GC Pause: Parallel : Avg Time spent in updating Rsets",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.update-rs.max": "G1 Young GC Pause: Parallel : Max Time spent in updating Rsets",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.update-rs.processed-buffers.avg": "G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Update Rset : Avg number of processed buffers",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.update-rs.processed-buffers.max": "G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Update Rset : Max number of processed buffers",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.scan-rs.avg": "G1 Young GC Pause: Parallel : Avg Time spent in scanning Rsets",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.scan-rs.max": "G1 Young GC Pause: Parallel : Max Time spent in scannning Rsets",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.object-copy-rs.avg": "G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in Object Copy",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.object-copy-rs.max": "G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in Object Copy",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.termination.avg": "G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in termination",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.termination.max": "G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in termination",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-other.avg": "G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in other",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-other.max": "G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in other",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-total.avg": "G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Total time for GC worker",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-total.max": "G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Total time for GC worker",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-end.avg": "G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time for GC worker end",
         "g1-pause-young.parallel.gc-worker-end.max": "G1 Young GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time for GC worker end",
         "g1-pause-young.code-root-fixup": "G1 Young GC Pause : Time spent in code root fixup (ms)",
         "g1-pause-young.clear-ct": "G1 Young GC Pause: Time spent in clear ct (ms)",
         "g1-pause-young.other": "G1 Young GC Pause: Time spent in other (ms)",
         "g1-pause-young.other.choose-cset": "G1 Young GC Pause : Other : Time spent in choosing CSet (ms)",
         "g1-pause-young.other.ref-proc": "G1 Young GC Pause : Other : Time spent in reference processing (ms)",
         "g1-pause-young.other.reg-enq": "G1 Young GC Pause : Other : Time spent in reg-enq(ms)",
         "g1-pause-young.other.free-cset": "G1 Young GC Pause : Other : Time spent in processing free Cset(ms)",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel": "G1 Mixed GC Pause: Parallel Operations (ms)",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gcworkers": "G1 Mixed GC Pause: Number of Parallel GC Workers",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-start.avg": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in GC worker start (ms)",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-start.max": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in GC worker start (ms)",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.ext-root-scanning.avg": "G1 Mixed GC Pause: Avg Time spent in ext-root-scanning",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.ext-root-scanning.max": "G1 Mixed GC Pause: Max Time spent in ext-root-scanning",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.update-rs.avg": "G1 Mixed GC Pause: Parallel : Avg Time spent in updating Rsets",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.update-rs.max": "G1 Mixed GC Pause: Parallel : Max Time spent in updating Rsets",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.update-rs.processed-buffers.avg": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Update Rset : Avg number of processed buffers",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.update-rs.processed-buffers.max": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Update Rset : Max number of processed buffers",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.scan-rs.avg": "G1 Mixed GC Pause: Parallel : Avg Time spent in scanning Rsets",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.scan-rs.max": "G1 Mixed GC Pause: Parallel : Max Time spent in scannning Rsets",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.object-copy-rs.avg": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in Object Copy",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.object-copy-rs.max": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in Object Copy",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.termination.avg": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in termination",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.termination.max": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in termination",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-other.avg": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time spent in other",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-other.max": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time spent in other",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-total.avg": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Total time for GC worker",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-total.max": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Total time for GC worker",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-end.avg": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Avg Time for GC worker end",
         "g1-pause-mixed.parallel.gc-worker-end.max": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Parallel : Max Time for GC worker end",
         "g1-pause-mixed.code-root-fixup": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Time spent in code root fixup (ms)",
         "g1-pause-mixed.clear-ct": "G1 Mixed GC Pause: Time spent in clear ct (ms)",
         "g1-pause-mixed.other": "G1 Mixed GC Pause: Time spent in other (ms)",
         "g1-pause-mixed.other.choose-cset": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Other : Time spent in choosing CSet (ms)",
         "g1-pause-mixed.other.ref-proc": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Other : Time spent in reference processing (ms)",
         "g1-pause-mixed.other.reg-enq": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Other : Time spent in reg-enq(ms)",
         "g1-pause-mixed.other.free-cset": "G1 Mixed GC Pause : Other : Time spent in processing free Cset(ms)",
         "g1-eden-occupancy-before-gc": "G1 Eden Occupancy (MB) (Before GC)",
         "g1-eden-capacity-before-gc": "G1 Eden Capacity (MB) (Before GC)",
         "g1-eden-occupancy-after-gc": "G1 Eden Occupancy (MB) (After GC)",
         "g1-eden-capacity-after-gc": "G1 Eden Capacity (MB) (After GC)",
         "g1-survivor-before-gc": "G1 Survivor Size (MB) (Before GC)",
         "g1-survivor-after-gc": "G1 Survivor Size (MB) (After GC)",
         "g1-heap-occupancy-before-gc": "G1 Heap Occupancy (MB) (Before GC)",
         "g1-heap-capacity-before-gc": "G1 Heap Capacity (MB) (Before GC)",
         "g1-heap-occupancy-after-gc": "G1 Heap Occupancy (MB) (After GC)",
         "g1-heap-capacity-after-gc": "G1 Heap Capacity (MB) (After GC)",
         "g1-young-cpu.sys": "G1 Young GC : sys cpu time (seconds)",
         "g1-young-cpu.usr": "******",
         "g1-young-cpu.real": "G1 Young GC : elapsed time (seconds)",
         "g1-mixed-cpu.usr": "******",
         "g1-mixed-cpu.sys": "G1 Mixed GC : sys cpu time (seconds)",
         "g1-mixed-cpu.real": "G1 Mixed GC : elapsed time (seconds)",
コード例 #30
ファイル: innotop_metric.py プロジェクト: Malu-hp/naarad
 def __init__(self, metric_type, infile, hostname, aggr_metrics, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings, important_sub_metrics,
              anomaly_detection_metrics, **other_options):
   Metric.__init__(self, metric_type, infile, hostname, aggr_metrics, outdir, resource_path, label, ts_start, ts_end, rule_strings, important_sub_metrics,
   for (key, val) in other_options.iteritems():
     setattr(self, key, val.split())