def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('path', type=str, help='the path to training data') args = parser.parse_args() test_data_path = args.path ids, sentences = load_dev_set(test_data_path) nb = NB() nb.load_model('./nbmodel.txt') results = list() for s in sentences: re = nb.classify(s) results.append(re) save_results('./nboutput.txt', results, ids)
def main(): os.system("clear") print "Sentiment Analysis by Luca Giacomel. Disclaimer: this very simple algorithm wont probably work, but it might be worth a try." def update_progress(progress,current_operation_message,p): df=2 #dimension factor, len of the graph = 100/df sys.stdout.write('\r[{0}{1}] {2}% (Page: {4}) Current operation: {3}\r\r'.format('#'*(progress/df)," "*(100/df-(progress/df)), progress,current_operation_message,p)) sys.stdout.flush() load_from_hd="n" if os.path.exists("/tmp/db.bin") and os.path.exists("/tmp/neg.tweets") and os.path.exists("/tmp/pos.tweets"): proceed=raw_input("I found some tweets already stored, do you want me to use them [y=Yes | n=No | a=Append]? [y/N/a] ").lower() while proceed not in ["","y","n","a"]: proceed=raw_input("I found some tweets already stored, do you want me to use them? [y/N] ").lower() load_from_hd=proceed.lower() if load_from_hd=="y" or load_from_hd=="": test_tweets=[] nb=NaiveBayesClassifier(db_path="/tmp/db.bin",categories=['positive','negative']) print "Done. Read a db of %s words" % len(nb.db) search_value=raw_input("What keyword do you want to use to perform the analysis? (you can use @ # :) :( as special operators) ") print "Downloading 30 tweets for keywords %s.." % search_value z=json.loads(urllib.urlopen("" % (urllib.quote(search_value))).read()) print "Done." for m in z['results']: test_tweets.append(m['text']) elif load_from_hd=="n" or load_from_hd=="a": pages_to_load=raw_input("How many pages should I load? [default=20] ") while 1: try: if pages_to_load=="": pages_to_load=20 break pages_to_load=int(pages_to_load) break except: pages_to_load=raw_input("How many pages should I load? [default=20] ") if load_from_hd=="a": pos_tweets=json.load(open("/tmp/neg.tweets")) neg_tweets=json.load(open("/tmp/pos.tweets")) else: pos_tweets,neg_tweets=[],[] for p in range(1,pages_to_load+1): perc=int(float(p*100)/pages_to_load) isleep=0 cycle=True while 1: try: if cycle: raw_pos_tweets=json.loads(urllib.urlopen("" % (p,urllib.quote(":)"))).read()) raw_neg_tweets=json.loads(urllib.urlopen("" % (p,urllib.quote(":("))).read()) if len(neg_tweets)<len(pos_tweets): cycle=False else: raw_neg_tweets=json.loads(urllib.urlopen("" % (p,urllib.quote(":("))).read()) raw_pos_tweets=json.loads(urllib.urlopen("" % (p,urllib.quote(":)"))).read()) if len(neg_tweets)>len(pos_tweets): cycle=True raw_pos_tweets['results'],raw_neg_tweets['results'] time.sleep(1) for i in raw_pos_tweets['results']: if pos_tweets.count((i['text'],'positive'))==0: pos_tweets.append((i['text'],'positive')) for i in raw_neg_tweets['results']: if neg_tweets.count((i['text'],'negative'))==0: neg_tweets.append((i['text'],'negative')) update_progress(perc, "Elements: %s positive, %s negative." % (len(pos_tweets),len(neg_tweets)),p) break except: update_progress(perc, "Failed to fetch the json, trying again in %s seconds" % 2**isleep ,p) time.sleep(2**isleep) isleep+=1 if 2**isleep>64: update_progress(perc, "Load time >64sec. Skipping page.. "+str(p),p) break update_progress(perc, "\n",p) open("/tmp/pos.tweets","w").write(json.dumps(pos_tweets)) open("/tmp/neg.tweets","w").write(json.dumps(neg_tweets)) training_start=time.time() index=min(len(pos_tweets),len(neg_tweets)) test_tweets=[] search_value=raw_input("What keyword do you want to use to perform the analysis? (you can use @ # :) :( as special operators) ") print "Downloading 30 tweets for keywords %s.." % search_value z=json.loads(urllib.urlopen("" % (urllib.quote(search_value))).read()) print "Done." for m in z['results']: test_tweets.append(m['text']) print "Training the classifier. This might take a while, grab a coffe while I work." nb=NaiveBayesClassifier(db={},categories=['negative','positive']) nb.train(pos_tweets[:index]+neg_tweets[:index]) print "Done. Training based on a set of %s elements took %s seconds." % (index*2,time.time()-training_start) for tx in test_tweets: print "Tweet: "+OKBLUE+tx+ENDC r=nb.classify(tx.lower()) if r=="positive": print "Result: "+OKGREEN+r+ENDC elif r=="negative": print "Result: "+FAIL+r+ENDC #else: #print "Result: "+WARNING+"neutral (was %s with accuracy %s)" % (r[0],r[1]) +ENDC nb.save_to_hard_disk() nb.show_most_informative()
from naive_bayes import NaiveBayesClassifier from data_harvester import data import random import pdb from collections import defaultdict random.seed(0) train_data, test_data = split_data(data, 0.75) print("train_data_length = %s" % len(train_data)) print("test_data_length = %s" % len(test_data)) classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier() # pdb.set_trace() classifier.train(train_data) classified = [(subject, is_spam, classifier.classify(subject)) for subject, is_spam in test_data] true_positives = [] true_negatives = [] false_positives = [] false_negatives = [] subject, classification, predicted_prob = 0, 1, 2 for my_tuple in classified: is_spam = my_tuple[classification] predict_is_spam = (my_tuple[predicted_prob] > 0.5) # if predict_is_spam: # print('hey ho!') # pdb.set_trace() if is_spam and predict_is_spam: true_positives.append(my_tuple[subject])
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from naive_bayes import NaiveBayesClassifier # Upload Dataset spams = pd.read_csv("spam.csv", engine="python") # Clean the DataFrame spams = spams.dropna(axis=1) spams.columns = ["spam", "body"] spams = spams[["body", "spam"]] # Encode the label spams["spam"] = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(spams["spam"]) emails = spams["body"] labels = spams["spam"] X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(emails, labels, test_size=0.3) train_data = pd.concat([X_train, y_train], axis=1) # Train and classify nc = NaiveBayesClassifier() nc.train(train_data) print(nc) print(nc.classify("sign up today and win a prize")) print(nc.classify("At what time would you like to meet")) # Notes: this type of models work better on small datasets