コード例 #1
    def align_all_phases(self):

	Makes sure the eigenfunctions saved to file does not change sign from
	one R to another.
	#File where the eigenstates are stored.
	filename = name_gen.electronic_eigenstates_R(self.basis.config)
	m_max = self.basis.config.m_max
	#q_max is the same as mu_max.
	q_max = self.basis.config.mu_max
	f = tables.openFile(filename, "r+")

	    for m in range(-m_max, m_max + 1):
		m_group = name_gen.m_name(m)
		for q in range(q_max + 1):
		    q_group = name_gen.q_name(q)
		    V = eval("f.root.%s.%s.V"%(m_group, q_group))
		    #Flipping the appropriate wavefunctions.

コード例 #2
    def calculate_dipole_eig_R(self, index_array, R):
	dipole_matrix_eig, E = calculate_dipole_eig_R(index_array, R)

	Calculates the dipole matrix in the eigenstate basis for a given 
	internuclear distance <R>.

	index_array : (3 x N) int array, where row i contains 
	    [m value, q value, index] of the i-th eigenstate basis function
	    in the eigenstate HDF5 file.
	R : float, the internuclear distance for which the dipole matrix 
	    should be calculated.
	dipole_matrix_eig : (N x N) complex array, containing the dipole 
	    matrix in the eigenstate basis.
	E : 1D float array, containing the energies of the eigenstate basis 

	#Create the correct basis.
	temp_config = config.Config(self.config)
	temp_config.R = R
	basis = psc_basis.PSC_basis(temp_config)

	#Computes the dipole matrix in the psc basis.
	dipole_matrix_psc = self.dipole_psc(basis)
	#Initialize eigenstate/value arrays.
	V = zeros([basis.basis_size, index_array.shape[0]], dtype = complex)
	E = zeros([index_array.shape[0]])

	f = tables.openFile(self.eigenstate_file)
	    #Find index of current R in the R_grid.
	    R_index = find(f.root.R_grid[:] == R)[0]

	    for i, [m, q, index] in enumerate(index_array):
		m_group = name_gen.m_name(m)
		q_group = name_gen.q_name(q)
		V[:,i] = eval("f.root.%s.%s.V[:, %i, %i]"%(
		    m_group, q_group, index, R_index))
		E[i] = eval("f.root.%s.%s.E[%i, %i]"%(
		    m_group, q_group, index, R_index))
	#Transform the dipole matrix to the eigenstate basis.
	dipole_matrix_eig = dot(conj(transpose(V)), dot(dipole_matrix_psc, V))
	return  dipole_matrix_eig, E
コード例 #3
    def sort_in_m_and_q(self, E, V):
	E_and_V_dictionary = sort_in_m_and_q(E, V)

	Sorts the eigenfunctions according to the m and q quantum number, 
	(i.e. number of nodes in the eta part of the function 
	(polar angle function, roughly)). Returns a dictionary with m and q 
	values as keys.
	E : 1D float array, containing the sorted eigenvalues.
	V : 2D complex array, containing the normalized eigenvectors.
	E_and_V_dictionary : nested dictionary instance, with m and q numbers as keys,
	    and a tuple of corresponding E and V constituents as values.

	The q quantum number seems to correspond to the l quantum number in 
	atoms. It is explained further in 
	Barmaki et al., Phys. Rev. A 69, 043403 (2004). 
	#Initialize dictionaries.
	index_dictionary = {}
	E_and_V_dictionary = {}

	#Getting the q quantum numbers from the eigenfunction.
	q = self.extract_q(V)
	#Loop over eigenstates.
	for i in range(V.shape[1]):
	    #Singling out a wavefunction.
	    v = V[:,i]
	    #Getting the m quantum number from the eigenfunction.
	    m = self.extract_m(v)
	    m_key = name_gen.m_name(m) 
	    q_key = name_gen.q_name(q[i]) 
	    #Add the index to the index dictionary.
	    if m_key in index_dictionary:
		if q_key in index_dictionary[m_key]:
		    index_dictionary[m_key][q_key] = [i]
		index_dictionary[m_key] = {q_key:[i]}
	#Putting the actual eigenstates/energies in the dictionary.
	for m_key, m_value in index_dictionary.iteritems():
	    for q_key, indices in m_value.iteritems():
		if m_key in E_and_V_dictionary:
		    E_and_V_dictionary[m_key][q_key] = (E[indices], 
			V[:, indices])
		    E_and_V_dictionary[m_key] = {q_key:(E[indices], 
			V[:, indices])}
	return E_and_V_dictionary
コード例 #4
    def BO_dipole_couplings(self, m_list, q_list, E_lim):
	BO_dipole_couplings(m_list, q_list, E_lim)

	Parallel program that calculates the dipole couplings for a 
	z-polarized laser in lenght gauge. An eigenstate basis is used, of 
	states whose quantum numbers are in <m_list> and <q_list>, that have 
	energies below <E_lim>. The couplings are stored to an HDF5 file.

	m_list : list of integers, containing the m values wanted in 
	    the basis.
	q_list : list of integers, containing the q values wanted in 
	    the basis.
	E_lim : float, the upper limit of the energies wanted in 
	    the basis, for R ~ 2.0.

	I sometimes observe unnatural spikes in the couplings 
	(as a function of R), which should be removed before the couplings 
	are used. I don't know why they are there.    

	>>> filename = "el_states_m_0_nu_70_mu_25_beta_1_00_theta_0_00.h5"
	>>> tdse = tdse_electron.TDSE_length_z(filename = filename)
	>>> m = [0]
	>>> q = [0,1,2,3]
	>>> E_lim = 5.0
	>>> tdse.BO_dipole_couplings(m, q, E_lim)
	#Name of the HDF5 file where the couplings will be saved.
	self.coupling_file = name_gen.electronic_eig_couplings_R(self, 
	    m_list, q_list, E_lim)

	#Parallel stuff
	#Get processor 'name'.
	my_id = pypar.rank() 
	#Get total number of processors.
	nr_procs = pypar.size()

	#Size of eigenstate basis. (Buffer for broadcast.)
	basis_size_buffer = r_[0]

	#Get number of tasks.
	f = tables.openFile(self.eigenstate_file)
	    R_grid = f.root.R_grid[:]
	nr_tasks = len(R_grid)

	#Get a list of the indices of this processors share of R_grid. 
	my_tasks = nice_stuff.distribute_work(nr_procs, nr_tasks, my_id)

	#The processors will be writing to the same file.
	#In order to avoid problems, the procs will do a relay race of writing to
	#file. This is handeled by blocking send() and receive().
	#Hopefully there will not be to much waiting.

	#ID of the processor that will start writing.
	starter = 0

	#ID of the processor that will be the last to write.
	ender = (nr_tasks - 1) % nr_procs

	#Buffer for the baton, i.e. the permission slip for file writing.
	baton = r_[0]

	#The processor one is to receive the baton from.
	receive_from = (my_id - 1) % nr_procs 

	#The processor one is to send the baton to.
	send_to = (my_id + 1) % nr_procs 

	#Initializing the HDF5 file
	if my_id == 0:
	    #Initialize index list.
	    index_array = []

	    #Find the index of the R closest to 2.0.
	    R_index = argmin(abs(R_grid - 2.0))
	    #Choose basis functions.
	    f = tables.openFile(self.eigenstate_file)
		for m in m_list:
		    m_group = name_gen.m_name(m)
		    for q in q_list:
			q_group = name_gen.q_name(q)
			for i in range(self.config.nu_max + 1):
			    if eval("f.root.%s.%s.E[%i,%i]"%(m_group, q_group, 
				i, R_index)) > E_lim:
				#Collect indices of the basis functions.
				index_array.append(r_[m, q, i])
	    #Cast index list as an array.
	    index_array = array(index_array)
	    #Number of eigenstates in the basis.
	    basis_size = len(index_array)
	    print basis_size, "is the basis size"
	    basis_size_buffer[0] = basis_size

	    f = tables.openFile(self.coupling_file, 'w')
		f.createArray("/", "R_grid", R_grid)
		#Saving the index array.
		f.createArray("/", "index_array", index_array)
		#Initializing the arrays for the couplings and energies.
		f.createCArray('/', 'E', 
		    (basis_size, nr_tasks),
		    chunkshape=(basis_size, 1))
		f.createCArray('/', 'couplings', 
		    (basis_size, basis_size, nr_tasks),
		    chunkshape=(basis_size, basis_size, 1))
	    #Save config instance.

	#Calculating the dipole couplings
	#Broadcasting the basis size from processor 0.
	pypar.broadcast(basis_size_buffer, 0)

	#Initializing the index array.
	if my_id != 0:
	    index_array = zeros([basis_size_buffer[0], 3], dtype=int)
	#Broadcasting the index array from proc. 0.
	pypar.broadcast(index_array, 0)

	#Looping over the tasks of this processor.
	for i in my_tasks:

	    #Calculate the dipole couplings for one value of R.
	    couplings, E = self.calculate_dipole_eig_R(index_array, R_grid[i])

	    #First file write. (Send, but not receive baton.)
	    if starter == my_id:
		#Write to file.
		self.save_dipole_eig_R(couplings, E, R_grid[i])
		#Avoiding this statement 2nd time around.
		starter = -1

		#Sending the baton to the next writer.
		pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True)

	    #Last file write. (Receive, but not send baton.)
	    elif i == my_tasks[-1] and ender == my_id :
		#Receiving the baton from the previous writer.
		pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton)

		#Write to file.
		self.save_dipole_eig_R(couplings, E, R_grid[i])
	    #The rest of the file writes.
		#Receiving the baton from the previous writer.
		pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton)

		#Write to file.
		self.save_dipole_eig_R(couplings, E, R_grid[i])

		#Sending the baton to the next writer.
		pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True)
	    #Showing the progress of the work.
	    if my_id == 0:
		nice_stuff.status_bar("Electronic dipole couplings:", 
		    i, len(my_tasks))
	#Letting everyone catch up. 
コード例 #5
def save_electronic_eigenstates(m_max, nu_max, mu_max, R_grid, beta, theta):
    save_electronic_eigenstates(m_max, nu_max, mu_max, R_grid, beta, theta)

    This program solves the electronic TISE for a range of internuclear 
    distances, given in <R_grid>, and stores them in an HDF5 file. 
    This program must be run in parallel.
    To run this program on 5 processors:
	$  mpirun -n 5 python electronic_BO.py 

    #Parallel stuff
    #Get processor 'name'.
    my_id = pypar.rank() 
    #Get total number of processors.
    nr_procs = pypar.size()
    #Get number of tasks.
    nr_tasks = len(R_grid)

    #Get a list of the indices of this processors share of R_grid. 
    my_tasks = nice_stuff.distribute_work(nr_procs, nr_tasks, my_id)

    #The processors will be writing to the same file.
    #In order to avoid problems, the procs will do a relay race of writing to
    #file. This is handeled by blocking send() and receive().
    #Hopefully there will not be to much waiting.

    #ID of the processor that will start writing.
    starter = 0

    #ID of the processor that will be the last to write.
    ender = (nr_tasks - 1) % nr_procs

    #Buffer for the baton, i.e. the permission slip for file writing.
    baton = r_[0]

    #The processor one is to receive the baton from.
    receive_from = (my_id - 1) % nr_procs 

    #The processor one is to send the baton to.
    send_to = (my_id + 1) % nr_procs 

    #Initializing the HDF5 file
    if my_id == 0:
	#Creates a config instance.
	my_config = config.Config(m = m_max, nu = nu_max, mu = mu_max, 
	    R = R_grid[0], beta = beta, theta = theta)
	#Number of basis functions.
	basis_size = (2 * m_max + 1) * (nu_max + 1) * (mu_max + 1)

	#Generate a filename.
	filename = name_gen.electronic_eigenstates_R(my_config)

	f = tables.openFile(filename, 'w')
	    f.createArray("/", "R_grid", R_grid)	    
	    #Looping over the m values.
	    for m in range(-1 * m_max, m_max + 1):
		#Creating an m group in the file.
		m_group = name_gen.m_name(m)
		f.createGroup("/", m_group)
		#Looping over th q values.
		for q in range(mu_max + 1):
		    #Creating a q group in the m group in the file.
		    q_group = name_gen.q_name(q)
		    f.createGroup("/%s/"%m_group, q_group)

		    #Initializing the arrays for the eigenvalues and states.
		    f.createCArray('/%s/%s/'%(m_group, q_group),'E', 
			(basis_size/(mu_max + 1), nr_tasks),
			chunkshape=(basis_size/(mu_max + 1), 1))
		    f.createCArray('/%s/%s/'%(m_group, q_group),'V', 
			(basis_size, basis_size/(mu_max + 1), nr_tasks),
			chunkshape=(basis_size, basis_size/(mu_max + 1), 1))
	#Save config instance.

    #Solving the TISE
    #Looping over the tasks of this processor.
    for i in my_tasks:
	#Creating TISE instance.
	tise = tise_electron.TISE_electron(m = m_max, nu = nu_max, 
	    mu = mu_max, R = R_grid[i], beta = beta, theta = theta)
	#Diagonalizing the hamiltonian.
	E,V = tise.solve()
	#First file write. (Send, but not receive baton.)
	if starter == my_id:
	    #Write to file.
	    tise.save_eigenfunctions_R(E, V, R_grid[i])

	    #Avoiding this statement 2nd time around.
	    starter = -1

	    #Sending the baton to the next writer.
	    pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True)
	#Last file write. (Receive, but not send baton.)
	elif i == my_tasks[-1] and ender == my_id :
	    #Receiving the baton from the previous writer.
	    pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton)

	    #Write to file.
	    tise.save_eigenfunctions_R(E, V, R_grid[i])
	#The rest of the file writes.
	    #Receiving the baton from the previous writer.
	    pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton)

	    #Write to file.
	    tise.save_eigenfunctions_R(E, V, R_grid[i])

	    #Sending the baton to the next writer.
	    pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True)
	#Showing the progress of the work.
	if my_id == 0:
	    nice_stuff.status_bar("Electronic BO calculations", 
		i, len(my_tasks))
    #Letting everyone catch up. 

    #Since the sign of the eigenfunctions are completely arbitrary, one must
    #make sure they do not change sign from one R to another.
    if my_id == 0:
    #Letting 0 catch up. 