コード例 #1
def is_name(word):
    m = NameDataset()
    return m.search_first_name(word) & m.search_last_name(word)
コード例 #2
companies = c_file.read()
tickers = t_file.read()

companies_list = companies.split("\n")
tickers_list = tickers.split("\n")

tick_to_comp = {
    tickers_list[i]: companies_list[i]
    for i in range(len(tickers_list))

important = {}

    "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = "fund-letters-1581736590834-1b21669dce2a.json"
m = NameDataset()

# Instantiates a client
client = language.LanguageServiceClient()

banned_items = {
コード例 #3
import random, time
from names_dataset import NameDataset
from natsort import natsorted
import numpy as np
from juyou_params import *

NDB = NameDataset()
FNAMES, LNAMES = list(NDB.first_names), list(NDB.last_names)

class Agemon:
    def __init__(self, name, ctime, cooktime, cooktimemax, lifetime, cost,
                 price, oilabrasion):
        self.name, self.lifetime = name, lifetime
        self.cooktime, self.cooktimemax = cooktime, cooktimemax
        self.cost, self.price, self.oilabrasion = cost, price, oilabrasion
        self.ctime = ctime  # time.time()
        self.cooked = False
        self.ftime = 0  # timestamp of leaving oil

    def id(self):
        return str(self.ctime)

    def profit(self):
        return self.price - self.cost

    def imamade(self, t):
        return t - self.ftime

    def rotten(self, t):
        return True if self.imamade(t) >= self.lifetime else False
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Giri-Chintala/name-dataset
from names_dataset import NameDataset

m = NameDataset()
コード例 #5
ファイル: task2.py プロジェクト: wuweiran/big-data
    return outputList

# since we can't install local python environment in dumbo, we complete the output data
# by local computer. However, we provide a extra Spark-style code on bottom.

for fn in readFilenameList():
    print('start process file: ', fn)

    fileName = fn.upper()
    fileName = fileName.split('.')
    cells, freqs = readData('NYCColumns/' + fn)
    relativeTypes = checkFileName(fileName[1])
    relativeDataSets = dict()
    if 'PERSON_NAME' in relativeTypes:
        relativeDataSets['PERSON_NAME'] = NameDataset()
    if 'CITY' in relativeTypes:
        relativeDataSets['CITY'] = readSingleColumnDataset(
    if 'NEIGHBORHOOD' in relativeTypes:
        relativeDataSets['NEIGHBORHOOD'] = readNeighborhoodDataset(
    if 'BOROUGH' in relativeTypes:
        relativeDataSets['BOROUGH'] = readSingleColumnDataset(
    if 'COLOR' in relativeTypes:
        relativeDataSets['COLOR'] = readDoubleColumnDataset(
    if 'CAR_MAKE' in relativeTypes:
        relativeDataSets['CAR_MAKE'] = readSingleColumnDataset(
コード例 #6

import json
import re

from names_dataset import NameDataset
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

import twitter

# defining object for names_dataset
m = NameDataset()

# defining of stopwords
stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))

# passing keys
key = "key"
secret_key = "secret_key"
access_token_key = "access_token_key"
access_token_secret = "access_token_secret"

# authenication
api = twitter.Api(consumer_key=key, consumer_secret=secret_key, access_token_key=access_token_key,
count = 100
search_query = "congratulations winner"

# passing query to twitter api
results = api.GetSearch(raw_query="q=" + search_query + "&result_type=top&count=" + str(count))
コード例 #7
ファイル: corpus.py プロジェクト: reidoja/cis510_nlp
class Corpus:
    NAME_FILE_EXT = ".pos-chunk-name"
    CHUNK_FILE_EXT = ".pos-chunk"

    CITY_LIST = None
    CITY_LIST_PATH = EXTERNAL_DATA_DIR / "LargestCity.txt"

    WORLD_CITY_LIST_PATH = EXTERNAL_DATA_DIR / "world-cities.csv"

    BROWN_CORPUS_PATH = EXTERNAL_DATA_DIR / "brown-c1000-freq1.txt"

    NAMES_DS = NameDataset()

    MALE_FIRST_NAMES = dict()
    LAST_NAMES = dict()

    class Token:
        def __init__(self, word: str, pos: str, chunk: str,
                     tag: Optional[str]):
            self.word = word
            self._pos = pos
            self._chunk = chunk
            self._tag = tag

            self._fields = dict()

        def fit_features(self, idx: int, prv: 'Optional[Corpus.Token]',
                         nxt: 'Optional[Corpus.Token]'):
            # Position in the sentence
            # self._fields["idx"] = idx
            # self._fields["is_first"] = int(idx == 0)
            self._fields["last_label"] = "@@"
            for (name, token) in (("self", self), ("prv", prv), ("nxt", nxt)):
                if token is None: continue
                self._fields[f"{name}_word"] = token.word.lower()

            self._add_name_fields("this", self)
            self._add_name_fields("prev", prv)
            self._add_name_fields("next", nxt)

            self._fields["prev_chunk_mismatch"] = int(
                prv is None or self._chunk != prv._chunk)
            self._fields["next_chunk_mismatch"] = int(
                nxt is None or self._chunk != nxt._chunk)
            self._fields["is_np"] = int(self._chunk == "I-NP")

            self._fields["is_punc"] = int(self._pos in string.punctuation)
            # self._fields["any_punc"] = int(any(punc in self._pos for punc in string.punctuation))
            # If True, then the word has a capital letter
            self._fields["has_cap"] = int(self.word != self.word.lower())
            # self._fields["prev_has_cap"] = int(prv is not None and prv.word != prv.word.lower())
            # self._fields["next_has_cap"] = int(nxt is not None and nxt.word != nxt.word.lower())
            self._fields["all_caps"] = int(self.word.isupper())

            self._test_against_set("is_city", Corpus.CITY_LIST, prv, nxt)
            if Corpus.WORLD_CITY_INFO is not None:
                for key in Corpus.WORLD_CITY_INFO.keys():
                    self._test_against_set(key, Corpus.WORLD_CITY_INFO[key],
                                           prv, nxt)

            self._add_brown_corpus("self", self, [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11])
            self._add_brown_corpus("prv", prv, [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11])
            self._add_brown_corpus("nxt", nxt, [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11])

        def _add_pos_fields(self):
            r""" Add high level fields based on whether the term is a specific POS type """
            # Basic part of speech checks
            self._fields["is_adj"] = int(self._pos[:2] == "JJ")
            self._fields["is_adv"] = int(self._pos[:1] == "R")
            # self._fields["is_dt"] = int(self._pos[-2:] == "DT")
            self._fields["is_noun"] = int(self._pos[:2] == "NN")
            # self._fields["is_sym"] = int(self._pos == "SYM")
            self._fields["is_verb"] = int(self._pos[:2] == "VB")
            # self._fields["is_dig"] = int(self._pos == "CD")
            # self._fields["is_fw"] = int(self._pos == "FW")

        def _add_name_fields(self, prefix: str,
                             token: 'Optional[Corpus.Token]'):
            r""" Add fields related to standard names """
            flds = (("male_first", Corpus.MALE_FIRST_NAMES),
                    ("female_first", Corpus.FEMALE_FIRST_NAMES),
                    ("last_name", Corpus.LAST_NAMES))
            for name, name_dict in flds:
                name = prefix + "_" + name
                if token is None:
                    self._fields[name] = 0.
                    self._fields[name] = name_dict[token.word.upper()]
                except KeyError:
                    self._fields[name] = 0.

            def _name_ds_fld(attr: str) -> str:
                return prefix + "_" + attr + "_names-ds"

            word = "XXXXXX" if token is None else token.word  # Check is case sensitive below
                "first")] = Corpus.NAMES_DS.search_first_name(word)
                "last")] = Corpus.NAMES_DS.search_last_name(word)

        def _test_against_set(self, prefix: str,
                              set_to_test: Optional[Set[str]], prev_tok,
            r""" Checks whether token is in the set \p set_to_test """
            if not set_to_test: return

            def _check_concat(suffix: str, *args):
                r""" Checks whether concatenated string is in the dictionary """
                fld_name = prefix + "_" + suffix
                if any(x is None for x in args):
                    self._fields[fld_name] = int(False)

                comb = " ".join(x.word.lower() for x in args)
                self._fields[fld_name] = int(comb in set_to_test)

            self_fld = prefix + "_self"
            self._fields[self_fld] = int(self.word.lower() in set_to_test)
            if self._fields[self_fld] == 0 and "-" in self.word:
                no_hyp = self.word.replace("-", " ").lower()
                self._fields[self_fld] = int(no_hyp in set_to_test)

            _check_concat("_prev", prev_tok, self)
            _check_concat("_next", self, next_tok)
            _check_concat("_all", prev_tok, self, next_tok)

        def export(self, f_out: TextIO):
            r""" Export the \p Token object to a data file """

            sorted_keys = sorted(self._fields.keys())
                                  for key in sorted_keys))

            if self._tag is not None: f_out.write(f"\t{self._tag}")

        def _add_brown_corpus(self, prefix: str,
                              token: 'Optional[Corpus.Token]',
                              wc_length: List[int]) -> None:
            Add the brown corpus to disk

            :param wc_length: Number of bits to add as a feature
            if token is None: return
            if Corpus.BROWN_CORPUS is None: return

            word = token.word.lower()
            if word not in Corpus.BROWN_CORPUS: return

            bit_str = Corpus.BROWN_CORPUS[word]
            for n_bits in wc_length:
                fld_name = f"{prefix}_wd_02d"
                if n_bits > len(bit_str):
                    self._fields[fld_name] = bit_str
                    self._fields[fld_name] = bit_str[:n_bits]

    class Sentence:
        def __init__(self, lines: List[str], is_labeled: bool):
            self._tokens = []
            for line in lines:
                spl = line.split()
                assert (is_labeled and len(spl) == 4) or (not is_labeled and len(spl) == 3), \
                    f"{line} is not a valid file line"
                tag = None if not is_labeled else spl[-1]
                self._tokens.append(Corpus.Token(*spl[:3], tag))

        def fit_features(self):
            for i, token in enumerate(self._tokens):
                    i, self._tokens[i - 1] if i > 0 else None,
                    self._tokens[i + 1] if i < len(self._tokens) - 1 else None)

        def export(self, f_out: TextIO):
            r""" Export the \p Sentence object to a data file """
            for token in self._tokens:

    def __init__(self, filepath: Path):
        if filepath.suffix == self.NAME_FILE_EXT:
            self._labeled = True
        elif filepath.suffix == self.CHUNK_FILE_EXT:
            self._labeled = False
            raise ValueError(f"Unable to detect type for: {filepath}")

        self._sentences = []
        with open(str(filepath), "r") as f_in:
            lines = []
            for line in f_in:
                line = line.strip()
                # Handle end of sentence with blank line
                if not line:
                    if lines:
                            Corpus.Sentence(lines, self._labeled))
                    lines = []

    def fit_features(self):
        for sentence in self._sentences:

    def export(self, path: Union[Path, str]):
        r""" Export the \p Corpus object to a data file """
        if path.exists(): path.unlink()  # Delete exported file
        with open(str(path), "w+") as f_out:
            for sentence in self._sentences:
            # f_out.write("\n")

    def configure_external_sources(cls):
        r""" Configures and builds any data structures for external data """

    def _build_city_list(cls):
        r""" Build a list of the well known cities """
        if not cls.CITY_LIST_PATH.exists():
            raise ValueError(
                f"Unable to file city list file: {cls.CITY_LIST_PATH}")

        with open(str(cls.CITY_LIST_PATH), "r") as f_in:
            cls.CITY_LIST = set(
                [x.lower() for x in f_in.read().splitlines()[2:]])

    def _build_name_lists(cls):
        r""" Builds list of common first names """
        flds = [(cls.MALE_FIRST_NAMES, "first:male"),
                (cls.FEMALE_FIRST_NAMES, "first:female"),
                (cls.LAST_NAMES, "last")]
        for name_dict, file in flds:
            with open(names.FILES[file], "r") as f_in:
                lines = f_in.read().splitlines()
            for line in lines:
                spl = line.split()
                name_dict[spl[0]] = float(spl[1])

    def _build_world_city_info(cls):
        r""" Import the world city information"""
        cls.WORLD_CITY_INFO = {"city": set(), "country": set(), "state": set()}
        with open(cls.WORLD_CITY_LIST_PATH, "r") as f_in:
            lines = f_in.read().splitlines()
        for line in lines[1:]:
            if not line: continue
            spl = line.split(",")

    def _import_brown_clustering(cls):
        r""" Imports the Brown bit clustering information from disk """
        cls.BROWN_CORPUS = dict()

        with open(str(cls.BROWN_CORPUS_PATH), "r") as f_in:
            for line in f_in:
                spl = line.strip().split()
                cls.BROWN_CORPUS[spl[1].lower()] = spl[0]