コード例 #1
def area_filter(graph, bounds):
    """Restrict a graph to a geographical area.

    Removes objects outside bounds from graph.  An edge is retained if
    at least one of its endpoints is inside bounds.  A node is
    retained if it is an endpoint of such an edge (even if the node
    itself is outside bounds).


    graph -- the Graph object to filter.  It is destructively

    bounds -- a dictionary with keys (minLon, maxLon, minLat, maxLat)
    describing the bounds of the interesting region.

    def in_bounds(node):
        """Check if node is within bounds"""
        return (bounds['minLon'] <= node.lon <= bounds['maxLon']
                and bounds['minLat'] <= node.lat <= bounds['maxLat'])

    def edge_connected_to(edge, nodehash):
        """Check if edge is connected to a node in the nodehash"""
        return edge.source.id in nodehash or edge.target.id in nodehash

    nodes = filter_dict(in_bounds, graph.nodes)
    edges = filter_dict(lambda edge: edge_connected_to(edge, nodes),
    node_ids = (set(nodes.keys())
                | set([e.source.id for e in edges.values()])
                | set([e.target.id for e in edges.values()]))
    graph.nodes = subdict(graph.nodes, node_ids)
    graph.edges = edges
コード例 #2
ファイル: graph.py プロジェクト: alexanderfefelov/nav
def area_filter(graph, bounds):
    """Restrict a graph to a geographical area.

    Removes objects outside bounds from graph.  An edge is retained if
    at least one of its endpoints is inside bounds.  A node is
    retained if it is an endpoint of such an edge (even if the node
    itself is outside bounds).


    graph -- the Graph object to filter.  It is destructively

    bounds -- a dictionary with keys (minLon, maxLon, minLat, maxLat)
    describing the bounds of the interesting region.

    def in_bounds(node):
        """Check if node is within bounds"""
        return (bounds['minLon'] <= node.lon <= bounds['maxLon'] and
                bounds['minLat'] <= node.lat <= bounds['maxLat'])

    def edge_connected_to(edge, nodehash):
        """Check if edge is connected to a node in the nodehash"""
        return edge.source.id in nodehash or edge.target.id in nodehash

    nodes = filter_dict(in_bounds, graph.nodes)
    edges = filter_dict(lambda edge: edge_connected_to(edge, nodes),
    node_ids = (set(nodes.keys())
                | set([e.source.id for e in edges.values()])
                | set([e.target.id for e in edges.values()]))
    graph.nodes = subdict(graph.nodes, node_ids)
    graph.edges = edges
コード例 #3
ファイル: graph.py プロジェクト: hmpf/nav
def collapse_nodes(graph, node_sets, property_aggregators):
    """Collapse sets of nodes to single nodes.

    Replaces each set of nodes in node_sets by a single (new) node and
    redirects the edges correspondingly.  Edges which would end up
    having both endpoints in the same node are removed.

    Each new node is positioned at the average of the positions of the
    node set it represents.  It also gets a property containing the
    original nodes; the name of this property is given by

    Properties from the original nodes may be combined to form
    aggregate values in the new node.  The property_aggregators
    argument determines how (and whether) this is done.  Some useful
    aggregator functions are sum and avg (for numbers) and lambda lst:
    ', '.join(map(str, lst)).


    graph -- a Graph object.  It is destructively modified.

    node_sets -- a list of lists of nodes in graph.  Each node should
    occur in exactly one of the lists.

    subnode_list_name -- name for the property containing the original
    nodes a newly created node represents.

    property_aggregators -- describes how to create aggregate
    properties.  Dictionary with names of properties as keys and
    aggregator functions as corresponding values.  Each aggregator
    function should take a single argument, a list.

    if property_aggregators is None:
        property_aggregators = {}
    graph.nodes = {}
    nodehash = {}
    for node_set in node_sets:
        properties = aggregate_properties([x.properties for x in node_set],
        new_node = Node(
            'cn[%s]' % combine_ids(node_set),
            avg([n.lon for n in node_set]),
            avg([n.lat for n in node_set]),
        for node in node_set:
            nodehash[node.id] = new_node
    # Now nodehash maps original node ids to new node objects.  Use it
    # to redirect the edges to the new nodes:
    for edge in graph.edges.values():
        edge.source = nodehash[edge.source.id]
        edge.target = nodehash[edge.target.id]
    graph.edges = filter_dict(lambda e: e.source != e.target, graph.edges)
コード例 #4
ファイル: graph.py プロジェクト: alexanderfefelov/nav
def collapse_nodes(graph, node_sets, property_aggregators):
    """Collapse sets of nodes to single nodes.

    Replaces each set of nodes in node_sets by a single (new) node and
    redirects the edges correspondingly.  Edges which would end up
    having both endpoints in the same node are removed.

    Each new node is positioned at the average of the positions of the
    node set it represents.  It also gets a property containing the
    original nodes; the name of this property is given by

    Properties from the original nodes may be combined to form
    aggregate values in the new node.  The property_aggregators
    argument determines how (and whether) this is done.  Some useful
    aggregator functions are sum and avg (for numbers) and lambda lst:
    ', '.join(map(str, lst)).


    graph -- a Graph object.  It is destructively modified.

    node_sets -- a list of lists of nodes in graph.  Each node should
    occur in exactly one of the lists.

    subnode_list_name -- name for the property containing the original
    nodes a newly created node represents.

    property_aggregators -- describes how to create aggregate
    properties.  Dictionary with names of properties as keys and
    aggregator functions as corresponding values.  Each aggregator
    function should take a single argument, a list.

    if property_aggregators is None:
        property_aggregators = {}
    graph.nodes = {}
    nodehash = {}
    for node_set in node_sets:
        properties = aggregate_properties(
            [x.properties for x in node_set],
        new_node = Node('cn[%s]' % combine_ids(node_set),
                        avg([n.lon for n in node_set]),
                        avg([n.lat for n in node_set]),
        for node in node_set:
            nodehash[node.id] = new_node
    # Now nodehash maps original node ids to new node objects.  Use it
    # to redirect the edges to the new nodes:
    for edge in graph.edges.values():
        edge.source = nodehash[edge.source.id]
        edge.target = nodehash[edge.target.id]
    graph.edges = filter_dict(lambda e: e.source != e.target, graph.edges)