def initialiseWAV(my_json): # -> 1716 secs, no probs print("Creating the WAV files.") navigate.set_path_to_dataset_MP3_sorted(my_json) all_datasets = utils.get_list_subs( ) # List all the sub folders of the dataset folder. threads = [] for index_d, dataset in enumerate(all_datasets): if (len(os.listdir(my_json['dataset_mp3_sorted_path'] + '\\' + dataset)) >= 30): navigate.set_path( my_json["dataset_mp3_sorted_path"] + "\\" + dataset ) # Set the path to the first sub dataset directory, which contains tracks. actual_dataset_path = navigate.get_actual_path() items_dataset = navigate.get_list_subs( ) # Return all the track of the actual folder. my_thread = WavThread("Wav Thread " + str(index_d), my_json, actual_dataset_path, dataset, items_dataset) threads.append(my_thread) navigate.set_path_to_dataset_MP3_sorted(my_json) else: print("There is less than 30 songs in the ", dataset, " dataset. I will not export it.") navigate.set_path_to_project_path(my_json) for thread in threads: thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join() navigate.set_path_to_project_path(my_json)
def initialiseFigs(my_json, dpi, height, width, legend, colormesh): # 1444 secs # We can't use threat, because matplotlib isn't thread protected. print("Creating the Images.") navigate.set_path_to_dataset_WAV(my_json) all_datasets = utils.get_list_subs( ) # List all the sub folders of the dataset folder. navigate.set_path_to_dataset_image(my_json) for dataset in all_datasets: if not (os.path.exists(dataset)): os.makedirs(dataset) navigate.set_path_to_dataset_WAV(my_json) processes = [] outputs_shaped = model.shapeOutputs(my_json) right_array = 0 flag = False for index_d, dataset in enumerate(all_datasets): for item in outputs_shaped: if (item['category_name'] == dataset): right_array = item["category_array"] flag = True navigate.set_path( dataset ) # Set the path to the first sub dataset directory, which contains tracks. actual_dataset_path = navigate.get_actual_path() items_dataset = utils.get_list_subs( ) # Return all the track of the actual folder. if (len(items_dataset) >= 50 and flag == True): # my_process = ImageProcess("Image process " + str(index_d), my_json, actual_dataset_path, dataset, items_dataset, right_array, my_json["dataset_image_path"] + "\\" + dataset, dpi, height, width, legend=legend, colormesh=colormesh) processes.append(my_process) navigate.set_path_to_dataset_WAV(my_json) processes = [mp.Process(, args=()) for p in processes] for p in processes: p.start() for p in processes: p.join() navigate.set_path_to_project_path(my_json)
def check(my_json): print("Checking the project.") navigate.set_path_to_project_path(my_json) for sub in get_list_subs(): if (sub != "__pycache__" and sub != ".ipynb_checkpoints" and sub != "train_model.ipynb"): if (sub in my_json["list_of_items_path"]): pass else: print(sub, " isn't existing yet, there is a problem.\n") navigate.set_path_to_datasets(my_json) for sub in get_list_subs(): if (sub in my_json["list_of_items_dataset"]): pass else: print(sub, " isn't existing yet, there is a problem.\n")
def saveResults(my_json, model, X_train, X_test, Y_train, scores, epochs, batch_size, my_time, nfft, overlap, Fs, optimizer, loss_func, frequency, categories, encoder, id_model): navigate.set_path_to_results(my_json) if not (os.path.exists(my_json['scores_file'])): open(my_json['scores_file'], 'a').close() print("File : ", my_json['scores_file'], " created.") else: print( "Writing the results (information) of the training dataset in : ", my_json['scores_file'], ".") f = open(my_json['scores_file'], "a") f.write(str("---- Results of " + str( + " ----\n")) f.write(str("Categories : " + str(categories) + " Hz.\n")) if (id_model == 0): f.write( str("Original frequency of a song : " + str(frequency) + " Hz.\n")) f.write(str("Frequency of a song : " + str(Fs) + " Hz.\n")) f.write(str("NFFT of a song : " + str(nfft) + ".\n")) f.write(str("overlap of a song : " + str(overlap) + ".\n")) else: pass f.write(str("Optimizer of the model : " + str(optimizer) + " .\n")) f.write(str("Loss function of the model : " + str(loss_func) + " .\n")) f.write( str("Totat dataset : " + str(len(X_train) + len(X_test)) + " items.\n")) f.write(str("Length train set : " + str(len(X_train)) + ".\n")) f.write(str("Length test set : " + str(len(X_test)) + ".\n")) f.write(str("Epochs : " + str(epochs) + ".\n")) f.write(str("Batch Size : " + str(batch_size) + ".\n")) f.write(str("Loss : " + str(int(scores[0] * 100)) + "%.\n")) f.write(str("Accuracy : " + str(int(scores[1] * 100)) + "%.\n")) f.write( str("Using encoder to encode outputs : " + str(encoder) + ".\n")) f.write( str("It takes : " + str(int(my_time / 60)) + " minutes to train my model.\n")) model.summary(print_fn=lambda x: f.write(x + '\n')) f.write( str("------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" )) f.close() navigate.set_path_to_project_path(my_json)
def initialiseMP3Sorted(my_json): # -> 1748 secs, no probs print("Sorting the MP3 files.") datas = pd.read_csv(tracks, encoding="utf-8", usecols=["album", 'track.19', "track.7", "track.16"], dtype={ "album": object, 'track.19': object, "track.7": object, "track.16": object }) datas = datas.rename( columns={ "album": "track_id", 'track.19': "title", "track.7": "genre_top", "track.16": "number" }) threads = [] navigate.set_path_to_datasets(my_json) if not (os.path.exists("Mp3Sorted")): os.makedirs("Mp3Sorted") navigate.set_path_to_dataset_MP3(my_json) for index_dir, x_dir in enumerate(utils.get_list_subs()): if (x_dir != 'checksums' and x_dir != "fma_metadata" and x_dir != "README.txt"): navigate.set_path(x_dir) actual_dataset_path = navigate.get_actual_path() items_dataset = navigate.get_list_subs( ) # Return all the track of the actual folder. my_thread = SortMP3Thread("MP3 Sorted Thread " + str(index_dir), my_json, actual_dataset_path, x_dir, items_dataset, datas) threads.append(my_thread) else: print("This is not a directory of mp3 tracks.") navigate.set_path_to_dataset_MP3(my_json) navigate.set_path_to_project_path(my_json) for thread in threads: thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join() navigate.set_path_to_project_path(my_json)
def initialiseFigsGTZAN(my_json, dpi, height, width, legend): # 1444 secs # We can't use threat, because matplotlib isn't thread protected. print("Creating the Images.") navigate.set_path_to_dataset_WAV_GTZAN(my_json) all_datasets = utils.get_list_subs( ) # List all the sub folders of the dataset folder. navigate.set_path_to_dataset_image_GTZAN(my_json) for dataset in all_datasets: if not (os.path.exists(dataset)): os.makedirs(dataset) navigate.set_path_to_dataset_WAV_GTZAN(my_json) processes = [] for index_d, dataset in enumerate(all_datasets): navigate.set_path( dataset ) # Set the path to the first sub dataset directory, which contains tracks. actual_dataset_path = navigate.get_actual_path() items_dataset = utils.get_list_subs( ) # Return all the track of the actual folder. if (len(items_dataset) >= 50): # my_process = ImageProcessGTZAN( "Image GTZAN process " + str(index_d), my_json, actual_dataset_path, dataset, items_dataset, my_json["dataset_images_gtzan_path"] + "\\" + dataset, dpi, height, width, legend=legend) processes.append(my_process) navigate.set_path_to_dataset_WAV_GTZAN(my_json) processes = [mp.Process(, args=()) for p in processes] for p in processes: p.start() for p in processes: p.join() navigate.set_path_to_project_path(my_json)
def razImages(my_json): print("Erasing all the images.") navigate.set_path_to_dataset_image(my_json) for x_dir in get_list_subs(): shutil.rmtree(x_dir) navigate.set_path_to_project_path(my_json)
def razImagesGTZAN(my_json): print("Erasing all the mp3 songs in MP3Sorted directory.") navigate.set_path_to_dataset_image_GTZAN(my_json) for x_dir in get_list_subs(): shutil.rmtree(x_dir) navigate.set_path_to_project_path(my_json)
def razWAV(my_json): print("Erasing all the wav files.") navigate.set_path_to_dataset_WAV(my_json) for x_dir in get_list_subs(): shutil.rmtree(x_dir) navigate.set_path_to_project_path(my_json)