コード例 #1
def demo_2():
    targetset = parsefile(dpath('FR.txt'), indexes=[0, 1, (4, 5)],
                          formatopt={1:lambda x:x.decode('utf-8')})
    alignset = parsefile(dpath('frenchbnf'), indexes=[0, 2, (14, 12)],
                         formatopt={2:lambda x:x.decode('utf-8')}, nbmax=30000)

    print "Finding neighbours"
    neighbours = findneighbours(alignset, targetset, indexes=(2, 2),

    # Let's define the processings to apply on the location's name
    tr_name = {'normalization': [aln.simplify], # Simply all the names (remove
                                              #   punctuation, lower case, etc)
               'metric': ald.levenshtein,     # Use the levenshtein distance
               'weighting': 1                 # Use 1 a name-distance matrix
                                              #   weighting coefficient

    processings = {1: tr_name}
    print "Start computation"
    for ind, (alignid, targetid) in enumerate(neighbours):
        print '%3d' % ind, len(alignid), 'x', len(targetid)
        _, matched = subalign(alignset,   # The dataset to align
                              targetset,  # The target dataset
        write_results(matched, alignset, targetset, dpath('demo2_results'))
    print "Done, see the results in %s" % dpath('demo2_results')
コード例 #2
def demo_0():
    # prixgoncourt is the list of Goncourt Prize, extracted
    # from wikipedia

    #We try to align Goncourt winers onto dbpedia results

    query = """
       SELECT ?writer, ?name WHERE {
          ?writer  <http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject> <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category:French_novelists>.
          ?writer rdfs:label ?name.
          FILTER(lang(?name) = 'fr')

    print "Sending query to dbpedia"
    targetset = sparqlquery('http://dbpedia.org/sparql', query)
    print "Reading the prixgoncourt file"
    alignset = parsefile(dpath('prixgoncourt'), indexes=[1, 1])

    tr_name = {'normalization': [lambda x:remove_after(x, '('),
               'metric': ald.levenshtein

    processings = {1: tr_name}

    print "Alignment started"
    align(alignset, targetset, 0.4, processings,

    print "Done, see the resuls in %s" % dpath('demo0_results')
コード例 #3
def demo_3():
    print "Parsing files"
    alignset = parserql(host='http://demo.cubicweb.org/elections/',
                        rql='Any E, N WHERE X is Commune, X eid E, X label N')
    targetset = parsefile(dpath('FR.txt'), indexes=[0, 1])
    print '%s×%s' % (len(alignset), len(targetset))

    tr_name = {'normalization': [aln.simplify],
               'metric': 'levenshtein'

    print "Alignment started"
    results = alignall(alignset, targetset, 0.75, processings={1: tr_name},
                       indexes=(1,1), mode='minhashing', kwordsgram=1, siglen=200,
    dicresults = dict([(a, b) for (a, b) in results])

    print "Done, writing output"

    with open(dpath('demo3_results'), 'w') as fout:
        for line in alignset:
            sent = u'http://demo.cubicweb.org/elections/commune/%s;'\
                   u'http://www.geonames.org/%s\n' \
                   % (line[0], dicresults.get(line[0], 'not_found'))

    print "See the results in %s" % dpath('demo3_results')
コード例 #4
def demo_1():
    # FR.txt is an extract of geonames, where locations have been sorted by name
    # frenchbnf is an extract of french BNF's locations, sorted by name too

    # For each line (ie location) we keep the identifier, the name and the
    # position (longitude, latitude)
    # ``nbmax`` is the number of locations to load

    print "Parsing the input files"
    targetset = parsefile(dpath('FR.txt'), indexes=[0, 1, (4, 5)],
    alignset = parsefile(dpath('frenchbnf'),
                         indexes=[0, 2, (14, 12)], nbmax=1000)

    # Let's define the processings to apply on the location's name
    tr_name = {'normalization': [aln.simplify], # Simply all the names (remove
                                              #   punctuation, lower case, etc)
               'metric': ald.levenshtein,       # Use the levenshtein distance
               'weighting': 1                 # Use 1 a name-distance matrix
                                              #   weighting coefficient
    tr_geo = {'normalization': [],              # No normalization needed
              'metric': ald.geographical,         # Use the geographical distance
              'metric_params': {'units': 'km'},# Arguments given the
                                                #   distance function. Here,
                                                #   the unit to use
              'weighting': 1

    processings = {1: tr_name, 2: tr_geo}

    print "Alignment started"
    align(alignset,           # The dataset to align
          targetset,          # The target dataset
          0.4,                # The maximal distance
                              #   threshold
          processings,         # The list of processings to
                              #   apply.
                              # Filename of the output
                              #   result file
    # the ``align()`` function return two items
    # 0. the computed distance matrix
    # 1. a boolean, True if at least one alignment has been done, False
    #    otherwise
    print "Done, see the results in %s" % dpath('demo1_results')