コード例 #1
ファイル: notebook_exporter.py プロジェクト: waternk/HecHms
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Overwrites the extra loaders to get the right template.
        filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'rst_modified.tpl')
        with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            content = f.read()

        dl = DictLoader({'rst_modified.tpl': content})
        kwargs['extra_loaders'] = [dl]
        RSTExporter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Overwrites the extra loaders to get the right template.
        filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'rst_modified.tpl')
        with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            content = f.read()

        dl = DictLoader({'rst_modified.tpl': content})
        kwargs['extra_loaders'] = [dl]
        RSTExporter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
コード例 #3
ファイル: convert.py プロジェクト: jegpeek/dynabooks
    def convert(self, remove_executed=False):
        Convert the executed notebook to a restructured text (RST) file.

        delete_executed : bool, optional
            Controls whether to remove the executed notebook or not.

        if not path.exists(self._executed_nb_path):
            raise IOError(
                "Executed notebook file doesn't exist! Expected: {0}".format(

        if path.exists(self._rst_path) and not self.overwrite:
                "RST version of notebook already exists at {0}. Use "
                "overwrite=True or --overwrite (at cmd line) to re-run".format(
            return self._rst_path

        # Initialize the resources dict - see:
        # https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert/blob/master/nbconvert/nbconvertapp.py#L327
        resources = {}
        resources['config_dir'] = ''  # we don't need to specify config
        resources['unique_key'] = self.nb_name

        # path to store extra files, like plots generated
        resources['output_files_dir'] = 'nboutput'

        # Exports the notebook to RST
        logger.debug('Exporting notebook to RST...')
        exporter = RSTExporter()

        if self.template_file:
            exporter.template_file = self.template_file
        output, resources = exporter.from_filename(self._executed_nb_path,

        # Write the output RST file
        writer = FilesWriter()
        output_file_path = writer.write(output,

        if remove_executed:  # optionally, clean up the executed notebook file

        return output_file_path
コード例 #4
def remove_solutions(nb, nb_name):
    """Convert solution cells to markdown; embed images from Python output."""

    # -- Extract image data from the cell outputs
    c = Config()
    template = (f"../static/{nb_name}"
    c.ExtractOutputPreprocessor.output_filename_template = template

    # Note: using the RST exporter means we need to install pandoc as a dep
    # in the github workflow, which adds a little bit of latency, and we don't
    # actually care about the RST output. It's just a convenient way to get the
    # image resources the way we want them.
    exporter = RSTExporter()
    extractor = ExtractOutputPreprocessor(config=c)
    exporter.register_preprocessor(extractor, True)
    _, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)

    # -- Convert solution cells to markdown with embedded image
    nb_cells = nb.get("cells", [])
    outputs = resources["outputs"]
    solution_resources = {}

    for i, cell in enumerate(nb_cells):
        cell_text = cell["source"].replace(" ", "").lower()
        if cell_text.startswith("#@titlesolution"):

            # Just remove solution cells that generate no outputs
            if not cell["outputs"]:

            # Filter the resources for solution images
            image_paths = [k for k in outputs if f"Solution_{i}" in k]
            solution_resources.update({k: outputs[k] for k in image_paths})

            # Conver the solution cell to markdown, strip the source,
            # and embed the image as a link to static resource
            new_source = "**Example output:**\n\n" + "\n\n".join(
                [f"<img src='{f}' align='left'>" for f in image_paths])
            cell["source"] = new_source
            cell["cell_type"] = "markdown"
            del cell["outputs"]
            del cell["execution_count"]

    return nb, solution_resources
コード例 #5
    def _convert(self, tmpdir: Path, entry: Path, outdir: Path, depth: int):
        """Convert a notebook.

            tmpdir: Temporary working directory
            entry: notebook to convert
            outdir: output directory for .html and .rst files
            depth: depth below root, for fixing image paths
        test_mode = self.s.get("test_mode")
        # strip special cells.
        if self._has_tagged_cells(entry, set(self._cell_tags.values())):
            _log.debug(f"notebook '{entry.name}' has test cell(s)")
            orig_entry, entry = entry, self._strip_tagged_cells(
                tmpdir, entry, ("remove", "exercise"), "testing")
            notify(f"Stripped tags from: {orig_entry.name}", 3)
            # copy to temporary directory just to protect from output cruft
            tmp_entry = tmpdir / entry.name
            shutil.copy(entry, tmp_entry)
            orig_entry, entry = entry, tmp_entry

        # convert all tag-stripped versions of the notebook.
        # before running, check if converted result is newer than source file
        if self._already_converted(orig_entry, entry, outdir):
                f"Skip notebook conversion, output is newer, for: {entry.name}",
        notify(f"Running notebook: {entry.name}", 3)
        nb = self._parse_and_execute(entry)
        if test_mode:  # don't do conversion in test mode
        notify(f"Exporting notebook '{entry.name}' to directory {outdir}", 3)
        wrt = FilesWriter()
        # export each notebook into multiple target formats
        created_wrapper = False
        for (exp, postprocess_func, pp_args) in (
            (RSTExporter(), self._postprocess_rst, ()),
            (HTMLExporter(), self._postprocess_html, (depth, )),
                f"export '{orig_entry}' with {exp} to notebook '{entry}'")
            (body, resources) = exp.from_notebook_node(nb)
            body = postprocess_func(body, *pp_args)
            wrt.build_directory = str(outdir)
            wrt.write(body, resources, notebook_name=entry.stem)
            # create a 'wrapper' page
            if not created_wrapper:
                    f"create wrapper page for '{entry.name}' in '{outdir}'")
                self._create_notebook_wrapper_page(entry.stem, outdir)
                created_wrapper = True
            # move notebooks into docs directory
            _log.debug(f"move notebook '{entry} to output directory: {outdir}")
            shutil.copy(entry, outdir / entry.name)
コード例 #6
ファイル: execute_notebooks.py プロジェクト: yeebc/iblenv
    def convert(self):
        Converts the executed notebook to a restructured text (RST) file.
        output_file_path : str``
            The path to the converted notebook

        # Only convert if executed notebook exists
        if not os.path.exists(self.executed_nb_path):
            raise IOError(
                "Executed notebook file doesn't exist! Expected: {0}".format(

        # Initialize the resources dict
        resources = dict()
        resources['unique_key'] = self.nb_name

        # path to store extra files, like plots generated
        resources['output_files_dir'] = 'nboutput/'

        # Exports the notebook to RST
        _logger.info("Exporting executed notebook to RST format")
        exporter = RSTExporter()

        # If a RST template file has been specified use this template
        if self.rst_template:
            exporter.template_file = self.rst_template

        output, resources = exporter.from_filename(self.executed_nb_path,

        # Write the output RST file
        writer = FilesWriter()
        output_file_path = writer.write(output,

        return output_file_path
コード例 #7
ファイル: notebook_exporter.py プロジェクト: waternk/HecHms
    def default_filters(self):
        Overrides in subclasses to provide extra filters.

        This should return an iterable of 2-tuples: (name, class-or-function).
        You should call the method on the parent class and include the filters
        it provides.

        If a name is repeated, the last filter provided wins. Filters from
        user-supplied config win over filters provided by classes.
        for k, v in RSTExporter.default_filters(self):
            yield (k, v)
        yield ('convert_pandoc_rst', convert_pandoc_rst)
        yield ('process_raw_html', process_raw_html)
コード例 #8
    def default_filters(self):
        Overrides in subclasses to provide extra filters.

        This should return an iterable of 2-tuples: (name, class-or-function).
        You should call the method on the parent class and include the filters
        it provides.

        If a name is repeated, the last filter provided wins. Filters from
        user-supplied config win over filters provided by classes.
        for k, v in RSTExporter.default_filters(self):
            yield (k, v)
        yield ('convert_pandoc_rst', convert_pandoc_rst)
        yield ('process_raw_html', process_raw_html)
コード例 #9
def convert(
    srcdir: pathlib.Path = None,
    outdir: pathlib.Path = None,
    htmldir: pathlib.Path = None,
    options: dict = None,
    """Convert notebooks under `srcdir`, placing output in `outdir`.

        srcdir: Input directory
        outdir: Output directory
        htmldir: Where HTML files will end up (Sphinx build directory)
        options: Options controlling the conversion:
            * "continue": if true, continue if there is an error executing the
              notebook; if false, raise NotebookError
            * "kernel": name of kernel for notebook execution, ie conda env name
            * "format": output format, either "html" or "rst"
            * "pat": if not None, a `re` expression that must match notebook
               filenames, or they will be skipped
        NotebookError: error executing or parsing the notebook
    ep_kw = {}
    if options["kernel"]:
        ep_kw["kernel_name"] = options["kernel"]
    ep = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=600, **ep_kw)
    if options["format"] == "html":
        exp = HTMLExporter()
    elif options["format"] == "rst":
        exp = RSTExporter()
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid output format: {options['fmt']}")
    wrt = FilesWriter()

    _convert(srcdir, outdir, htmldir, wrt, exp, ep, options)
コード例 #10
ファイル: conf.py プロジェクト: mindriot101/photutils
def notebooks_to_rst(app):
    from glob import glob

        # post "big-split", nbconvert is a separate namespace
        from nbconvert.nbconvertapp import NbConvertApp
        from nbconvert.writers import FilesWriter
        from nbconvert.preprocessors import Preprocessor, ExecutePreprocessor, execute
        from nbconvert.exporters import RSTExporter
        from nbformat import NotebookNode
    except ImportError:
            from IPython.nbconvert.nbconvertapp import NbConvertApp
            from IPython.nbconvert.writers import FilesWriter
            from IPython.nbconvert.preprocessors import Preprocessor, ExecutePreprocessor, execute
            from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import RSTExporter
            from IPython.nbformat import NotebookNode
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError(
                "Failed to find Jupyter or IPython. Cannot build "
                "the notebooks embedded in the docs. Proceeding "
                "the rest of the doc build, but additional "
                "warnings are likely."

    class OrphanizerWriter(FilesWriter):
        def write(self, output, resources, **kwargs):
            output = ":orphan:\n\n" + output
            FilesWriter.write(self, output, resources, **kwargs)

    class AddSysPath(Preprocessor):
        Adds the local system path to the top of the notebook.  This makes sure
        when build_sphinx is invoked that the notebook actually runs with the
        current build.

        def preprocess(self, nb, resources):
            syspathstr = "sys.path = {} + sys.path".format(str(sys.path))
            cell = {
                "cell_type": "code",
                "execution_count": None,
                "metadata": {},
                "outputs": [],
                "source": "import sys\n" + syspathstr,
            nb.cells.insert(0, NotebookNode(cell))
            return nb, resources

    class RemoveSysPath(Preprocessor):
        Removes the sys.path cell added by AddSysPath

        def preprocess(self, nb, resources):
            if "sys.path" in nb.cells[0].source:
                del nb.cells[0]
            return nb, resources

    class MonkeypatchCellExecutionError(execute.CellExecutionError):
        def __str__(self):
            sstr = super(MonkeypatchCellExecutionError, self).__str__()
            return sstr + " Traceback:\n" + str(self.traceback)

    execute.CellExecutionError = MonkeypatchCellExecutionError

    olddir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
        srcdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(__file__)[0])
        if os.path.isdir("notebooks"):
            os.chdir(os.path.join(srcdir, "notebooks"))
            nbs = glob("*.ipynb")

            app.info("Executing and converting these notebooks to sphinx files: " + str(nbs))

            nbc_app = NbConvertApp()

            nbc_app.writer = OrphanizerWriter()

            nbc_app.export_format = "rst"

            pps = RSTExporter().default_preprocessors
            pps.insert(0, AddSysPath)
            nbc_app.config.RSTExporter.preprocessors = pps

            nbc_app.notebooks = nbs

            app.info("No notebook directory found in docs so not converting any notebooks.")
        e = sys.exc_info()[0]
        app.warn("Failed to convert notebooks to RST (see above): " + str(e))
コード例 #11
ファイル: convert.py プロジェクト: uberstig/astropy-tutorials
    def convert(self, remove_executed=False):
        Convert the executed notebook to a restructured text (RST) file.

        delete_executed : bool, optional
            Controls whether to remove the executed notebook or not.

        if not path.exists(self._executed_nb_path):
            raise IOError("Executed notebook file doesn't exist! Expected: {0}"

        if path.exists(self._rst_path) and not self.overwrite:
            logger.debug("RST version of notebook already exists at {0}. Use "
                         "overwrite=True or --overwrite (at cmd line) to re-run"
            return self._rst_path

        # Initialize the resources dict - see:
        # https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert/blob/master/nbconvert/nbconvertapp.py#L327
        resources = {}
        resources['config_dir'] = '' # we don't need to specify config
        resources['unique_key'] = self.nb_name

        # path to store extra files, like plots generated
        resources['output_files_dir'] = 'nboutput'

        # Exports the notebook to RST
        logger.debug('Exporting notebook to RST...')
        exporter = RSTExporter()

        if self.template_file:
            exporter.template_file = self.template_file
        output, resources = exporter.from_filename(self._executed_nb_path,

        # Write the output RST file
        writer = FilesWriter()
        output_file_path = writer.write(output, resources,

        # read the executed notebook, grab the keywords from the header,
        # add them in to the RST as filter keywords
        with open(self._executed_nb_path) as f:
            nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=IPYTHON_VERSION)

        top_cell_text = nb['cells'][0]['source']
        match = re.search('## [kK]eywords\s+(.*)', top_cell_text)

        if match:
            keywords = match.groups()[0].split(',')
            keywords = [clean_keyword(k) for k in keywords if k.strip()]
            keyword_filters = ['filter{0}'.format(k) for k in keywords]
            keyword_filters = []

        # Add metatags to top of RST files to get rendered into HTML, used for
        # the search and filter functionality in Learn Astropy
        meta_tutorials = '.. meta::\n    :keywords: {0}\n'
        filters = ['filterTutorials'] + keyword_filters
        meta_tutorials = meta_tutorials.format(', '.join(filters))
        with open(output_file_path, 'r') as f:
            rst_text = f.read()

        with open(output_file_path, 'w') as f:
            rst_text = '{0}\n{1}'.format(meta_tutorials, rst_text)

        if remove_executed: # optionally, clean up the executed notebook file

        return output_file_path
コード例 #12
ファイル: convert.py プロジェクト: Cadair/astropy-tutorials
    def convert(self, remove_executed=False):
        Convert the executed notebook to a restructured text (RST) file.

        delete_executed : bool, optional
            Controls whether to remove the executed notebook or not.

        if not path.exists(self._executed_nb_path):
            raise IOError("Executed notebook file doesn't exist! Expected: {0}"

        if path.exists(self._rst_path) and not self.overwrite:
            logger.debug("RST version of notebook already exists at {0}. Use "
                         "overwrite=True or --overwrite (at cmd line) to re-run"
            return self._rst_path

        # Initialize the resources dict - see:
        # https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert/blob/master/nbconvert/nbconvertapp.py#L327
        resources = {}
        resources['config_dir'] = '' # we don't need to specify config
        resources['unique_key'] = self.nb_name

        # path to store extra files, like plots generated
        resources['output_files_dir'] = 'nboutput'

        # these keywords are used to build the filter keywords
        # TODO: add a pre-processor that extracts the keywords from the markdown
        # cell in the header and adds them to this list
        # NOTE: the split[-4] trick below is brittle in that it will break if
        # a notebook is, say, nested two layers deep instead of just one like
        # all of our notebooks thus far.
        resources['nb_keywords'] = [self.nb_path.split(sep)[-4]]

        # Exports the notebook to RST
        logger.debug('Exporting notebook to RST...')
        exporter = RSTExporter()

        if self.template_file:
            exporter.template_file = self.template_file
        output, resources = exporter.from_filename(self._executed_nb_path,

        # Write the output RST file
        writer = FilesWriter()
        output_file_path = writer.write(output, resources,

        # read the executed notebook, grab the keywords from the header,
        # add them in to the RST as filter keywords
        with open(self._executed_nb_path) as f:
            nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=IPYTHON_VERSION)

        top_cell_text = nb['cells'][0]['source']
        match = re.search('## [kK]eywords\s+(.*)', top_cell_text)

        if match:
            keywords = match.groups()[0].split(',')
            keywords = [clean_keyword(k) for k in keywords if k.strip()]
            keyword_filters = ['filter{0}'.format(k) for k in keywords]
            keyword_filters = []

        # Add metatags to top of RST files to get rendered into HTML, used for
        # the search and filter functionality in Learn Astropy
        meta_tutorials = '.. meta::\n    :keywords: {0}\n'
        filters = ['filterTutorials'] + keyword_filters
        meta_tutorials = meta_tutorials.format(', '.join(filters))
        with open(output_file_path, 'r') as f:
            rst_text = f.read()

        with open(output_file_path, 'w') as f:
            rst_text = '{0}\n{1}'.format(meta_tutorials, rst_text)

        if remove_executed: # optionally, clean up the executed notebook file

        return output_file_path
コード例 #13
def compile_tutorial(tutorial_name, force_recompile=False):
    print('- Tutorial "' + tutorial_name + '"')

    notebook_path = 'tutorial_notebooks/' + tutorial_name + '/' + tutorial_name + '.ipynb'
    export_path = 'tutorials/' + tutorial_name + '/' + tutorial_name
    thumb_dest = os.path.dirname(export_path) + '/thumb.png'

    if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(export_path)):

    # Read in notebook
    print('  Reading notebook...')
    notebook = nbformat.read(notebook_path, 4)

    # Scrape title, description and thumbnail
    first_cell = notebook.cells[0]

    title = first_cell.source.splitlines()[0]
    if '#' in title:
        title = title.replace('#', '').strip()

    description = ''
    for line in first_cell.source.splitlines()[1:]:
        if line.strip():
            description = line.strip()

    if not description:
        print('  Description could not be found in the notebook.')

    if 'thumbnail_figure_index' in notebook.metadata:
        thumbnail_figure_index = notebook.metadata['thumbnail_figure_index']
        thumbnail_figure_index = -1

    if 'level' in notebook.metadata:
        level = notebook.metadata['level'].capitalize()
    elif 'difficulty' in notebook.metadata:
        level = notebook.metadata['difficulty'].capitalize()
        level = 'Unknown'

    # Check if the tutorial was already executed.
    if os.path.exists(export_path + '.rst'):
        if os.path.getmtime(export_path +
                            '.rst') > os.path.getmtime(notebook_path):
            if force_recompile:
                print('  Already compiled. Recompiling anyway...')
                print('  Already compiled. Skipping compilation...')
                return title, level, description, thumb_dest.split('/', 1)[-1]

    # Execute notebook if not already executed
    already_executed = any(
        c.get('outputs') or c.get('execution_count') for c in notebook.cells
        if c.cell_type == 'code')

    resources = {'metadata': {'path': os.path.dirname(notebook_path)}}

    if not already_executed:
        print('  Executing', end='')
        start = time.time()

        additional_cell_1 = {
            "metadata": {},
            "outputs": [],
            r"%matplotlib inline" + '\n' +
            r"%config InlineBackend.print_figure_kwargs = {'bbox_inches': None}"

        additional_cell_2 = {
            "metadata": {},
            "outputs": [],
            "import matplotlib as mpl\nmpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8, 6)\nmpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 150\nmpl.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 150"

        notebook.cells.insert(1, nbformat.from_dict(additional_cell_1))
        notebook.cells.insert(2, nbformat.from_dict(additional_cell_2))

        client = NotebookClient(nb=notebook,

            with client.setup_kernel():
                for i, cell in enumerate(notebook.cells):
                    print('.', end='')

                    client.execute_cell(cell, i)

        except CellExecutionError as err:
            print('  Error while processing notebook:')
            print('  ', err)



        end = time.time()

        time_taken = end - start
        if time_taken > 60:
            print('  Execution took %dm%02ds.' %
                  (time_taken / 60, time_taken % 60))
            print('  Execution took %ds.' % time_taken)
        print('  Notebook was already executed.')

    print('  Rendering tutorial...')
    exporter = RSTExporter()
    output, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook, resources)

    writer = FilesWriter(build_directory=os.path.dirname(export_path))

    pictures = sorted(resources['outputs'], key=output.find)

        thumbnail_source = pictures[thumbnail_figure_index]

        # Read in thumbnail source image
        img = Image.open(os.path.dirname(export_path) + '/' + thumbnail_source)

        # Trim whitespace
        bg = Image.new(img.mode, img.size, img.getpixel((0, 0)))
        diff = ImageChops.difference(img, bg)
        diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff)
        bbox = diff.getbbox()
        if bbox:
            img = img.crop(bbox)

        # Resize image to have a width of 400px
        img.thumbnail([400, 1000])

        # Save thumbnail
        shutil.copyfile('_static/no_thumb.png', thumb_dest)

    print('  Done!')

    return title, level, description, thumb_dest.split('/', 1)[-1]
コード例 #14
    def convert(self, remove_executed=False):
        Convert the executed notebook to a restructured text (RST) file or HTML.

        delete_executed : bool, optional
            Controls whether to remove the executed notebook or not.


        if not path.exists(self._executed_nb_path):
            raise IOError(
                "Executed notebook file doesn't exist! Expected: {0}".format(

        if path.exists(self._output_path) and not self.overwrite:
                "{0} version of notebook already exists at {1}. Use "
                "overwrite=True or --overwrite (at cmd line) to re-run".format(
                    self._output_type, self._output_path))
            return self._output_path

        # Initialize the resources dict - see:
        # https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert/blob/master/nbconvert/nbconvertapp.py#L327
        resources = {}
        resources['config_dir'] = ''  # we don't need to specify config
        resources['unique_key'] = self.nb_name

        # path to store extra files, like plots generated
        resources['output_files_dir'] = 'nboutput'

        if self.base_path is None:
            path_to_root = ''
            path_to_root = path.relpath(self.base_path,
            path_to_root += path.sep
        resources['path_to_pages_root'] = request.pathname2url(path_to_root)

        # Exports the notebook to the output format
        logger.debug('Exporting notebook to {}...'.format(self._output_type))
        if self._output_type == 'RST':
            exporter = RSTExporter()
        elif self._output_type == 'HTML':
            exporter = HTMLExporter()
            raise ValueError('This should be impossible... output_type should '
                             'have been checked earlier, but it is '

        if self.template_file:
            exporter.template_file = self.template_file
        output, resources = exporter.from_filename(self._executed_nb_path,

        # Write the output file
        writer = FilesWriter()
        output_file_path = writer.write(output,

        if self._output_type == 'RST':

        if remove_executed:  # optionally, clean up the executed notebook file

        title = ''
            with open(self.nb_path) as f:
                nb = nbformat.reader.read(f)
                title = nb['cells'][0]['source'].split('#')[1].split(
        except Exception:
                'Failed to parse notebook title from first cell, please check notebook.'

        page_info = dict(output_file_path=output_file_path,
                         name=self.nb_name.replace("_", ' ').title(),

        return page_info
コード例 #15
ファイル: conf.py プロジェクト: LejayChen/photutils
def notebooks_to_rst(app):
    from glob import glob

        # post "big-split", nbconvert is a separate namespace
        from nbconvert.nbconvertapp import NbConvertApp
        from nbconvert.writers import FilesWriter
        from nbconvert.preprocessors import Preprocessor, ExecutePreprocessor, execute
        from nbconvert.exporters import RSTExporter
        from nbformat import NotebookNode
    except ImportError:
            from IPython.nbconvert.nbconvertapp import NbConvertApp
            from IPython.nbconvert.writers import FilesWriter
            from IPython.nbconvert.preprocessors import Preprocessor, ExecutePreprocessor, execute
            from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import RSTExporter
            from IPython.nbformat import NotebookNode
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError(
                'Failed to find Jupyter or IPython. Cannot build '
                'the notebooks embedded in the docs. Proceeding '
                'the rest of the doc build, but additional '
                'warnings are likely.')

    class OrphanizerWriter(FilesWriter):
        def write(self, output, resources, **kwargs):
            output = ':orphan:\n\n' + output
            FilesWriter.write(self, output, resources, **kwargs)

    class AddSysPath(Preprocessor):
        Adds the local system path to the top of the notebook.  This makes sure
        when build_sphinx is invoked that the notebook actually runs with the
        current build.
        def preprocess(self, nb, resources):
            syspathstr = 'sys.path = {} + sys.path'.format(str(sys.path))
            cell = {
                'cell_type': 'code',
                'execution_count': None,
                'metadata': {},
                'outputs': [],
                'source': 'import sys\n' + syspathstr
            nb.cells.insert(0, NotebookNode(cell))
            return nb, resources

    class RemoveSysPath(Preprocessor):
        Removes the sys.path cell added by AddSysPath
        def preprocess(self, nb, resources):
            if 'sys.path' in nb.cells[0].source:
                del nb.cells[0]
            return nb, resources

    class MonkeypatchCellExecutionError(execute.CellExecutionError):
        def __str__(self):
            sstr = super(MonkeypatchCellExecutionError, self).__str__()
            return sstr + ' Traceback:\n' + str(self.traceback)

    execute.CellExecutionError = MonkeypatchCellExecutionError

    olddir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
        srcdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(__file__)[0])
        if os.path.isdir('notebooks'):
            os.chdir(os.path.join(srcdir, 'notebooks'))
            nbs = glob('*.ipynb')

                "Executing and converting these notebooks to sphinx files: " +

            nbc_app = NbConvertApp()

            nbc_app.writer = OrphanizerWriter()

            nbc_app.export_format = 'rst'

            pps = RSTExporter().default_preprocessors
            pps.insert(0, AddSysPath)
            nbc_app.config.RSTExporter.preprocessors = pps

            nbc_app.notebooks = nbs

                'No notebook directory found in docs so not converting any notebooks.'
        e = sys.exc_info()[0]
        app.warn('Failed to convert notebooks to RST (see above): ' + str(e))
コード例 #16
def compile_tutorial(tutorial_name, force_recompile=False):
	print('- Compiling tutorial ' + tutorial_name + '...')

	notebook_path = 'tutorial_notebooks/' + tutorial_name + '/' + tutorial_name + '.ipynb'
	export_path = 'tutorials/' + tutorial_name + '/' + tutorial_name
	thumb_dest = os.path.dirname(export_path) + '/thumb.png'

	if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(export_path)):
	# Read in notebook
	notebook = nbformat.read(notebook_path, 4)

	# Scrape title, description and thumbnail
	first_cell = notebook.cells[0]

	title = first_cell.source.splitlines()[0]
	if '#' in title:
		title = title.replace('#', '').strip()
	description = first_cell.source.splitlines()[2].strip()
	if 'thumbnail_figure_index' in notebook.metadata:
		thumbnail_figure_index = notebook.metadata['thumbnail_figure_index']
		thumbnail_figure_index = -1
	if 'level' in notebook.metadata:
		level = notebook.metadata['level'].capitalize()
	elif 'difficulty' in notebook.metadata:
		level = notebook.metadata['difficulty'].capitalize()
		level = 'Unknown'
	# Check if the tutorial was already compiled.
	if os.path.exists(export_path + '.rst'):
		if os.path.getmtime(export_path + '.rst') > os.path.getmtime(notebook_path):
			if force_recompile:
				print('  Already compiled. Recompiling anyway...')
				print('  Already compiled. Skipping...')
				return title, level, description, thumb_dest.split('/', 1)[-1]

	# Execute notebook if not already executed
	already_executed = any(c.get('outputs') or c.get('execution_count') for c in notebook.cells if c.cell_type == 'code')

	resources = {}
	if not already_executed:
		ep = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=120, kernel_name='python3')
			notebook, resources = ep.preprocess(notebook, resources={'metadata': {'path': os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(notebook_path))}})
		except CellExecutionError as err:
			print('Error while processing notebook.')

	exporter = RSTExporter()
	output, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook, resources)

	writer = FilesWriter(build_directory=os.path.dirname(export_path))
	writer.write(output, resources, notebook_name=os.path.basename(export_path))

	pictures = sorted(resources['outputs'], key=output.find)

		thumbnail_source = pictures[thumbnail_figure_index]

		# Read in thumbnail source image
		img = Image.open(os.path.dirname(export_path) + '/' + thumbnail_source)

		# Trim whitespace
		bg = Image.new(img.mode, img.size, img.getpixel((0, 0)))
		diff = ImageChops.difference(img, bg)
		diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff)
		bbox = diff.getbbox()
		if bbox:
			img = img.crop(bbox)

		# Resize image to have a width of 400px
		img.thumbnail([400, 1000])

		# Save thumbnail
		shutil.copyfile('_static/no_thumb.png', thumb_dest)
	print('  Done!')

	return title, level, description, thumb_dest.split('/', 1)[-1]