#ag_commnds['rlat'] = 'MEAN' #ag_commnds['rlon'] = 'MEAN' ##################################################################### ####################### NAMELIST PLOT ####################### nDPlot = 2 # How many dimensions should plot have (1 or 2) i_diffPlot = 0 # Draw plot showing difference filtered - unfiltered # TODO plotOutDir = '../00_plots/04_coldPools' import os if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir): os.makedirs(plotOutDir) #hrStr = '{num:02d}'.format(num=hour) #dtStr = format(startTime,'%d_%H') plotName = '11_WVP_1_1_1400_1700' an = analysis.analysis(inpPath, fieldNames) an.subSpaceInds = subSpaceIndsIN an.ag_commnds = ag_commnds an.i_info = i_info an.i_resolutions = i_resolutions # RUN ANALYSIS an.run() import matplotlib if i_plot == 2: matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt widthStretch = 13.8
elif fieldName == 'zQV': absMin = 0 absMax = 14 step = 0.7 Mticks = list(np.arange(absMin, absMax + 0.001, step)) elif fieldName in ['zT', 'zU', 'zV']: autoTicks = 1 cmapM = 'seismic' else: autoTicks = 1 MThrMinRel = 0.15 # Relative amount of max value to mask (see Mmask) # COLORBAR Models cmapD = 'bwr' # colormap for Difference output (bwr) ##################################################################### an = analysis.analysis(inpPath, [fieldName]) an.subSpaceInds = ssI an.ag_commnds = ag_commnds an.i_info = i_info an.i_resolutions = i_resolutions # RUN ANALYSIS an.run() # If temperature remove lapse rate if fieldName == 'zT': for res in an.resolutions: for mode in an.modes: field = an.vars['zT'].ncos[res + mode].field alts = field.dims['altitude'].vals
##### 2D Contour ###### contourTranspose = 0 # Reverse contour dimensions? plotContour = 0 # Besides the filled contour, also plot the contour? cmapM = 'jet' # colormap for Model output (jet, terrain, inferno, YlOrRd) axis = 'equal' # set 'equal' if keep aspect ratio, else 'auto' # COLORBAR Models autoTicks = 0 # 1 if colorbar should be set automatically Mmask = 1 # Mask Model values lower than MThrMinRel of maximum value? MThrMinRel = 0.02 # Relative amount of max value to mask (see Mmask) Mticks = list(np.arange(10, 125, 10)) # COLORBAR Models cmapD = 'bwr' # colormap for Difference output (bwr) ##################################################################### an = analysis.analysis(inpPath, fieldNames, use_obs=True) #an.subSpaceInds = subSpaceInds an.subSpaceInds = ssI an.ag_commnds = ag_commnds an.i_info = i_info an.i_resolutions = i_resolutions # RUN ANALYSIS an.run() print(an.vars['nTOT_PREC'].ncos['RAW1'].field.vals.shape) #quit() import matplotlib if i_plot == 2: matplotlib.use('Agg')
elif i_resolutions == 2: ress = ['4.4', '2.2'] elif i_resolutions == 3: ress = ['4.4', '2.2', '1.1'] elif i_resolutions == 4: ress = ['2.2'] elif i_resolutions == 5: ress = ['1.1'] modes = ['', 'f'] for fieldName in fieldNames: print(fieldName) fieldList = [fieldName] print('ANALYSIS') an = analysis.analysis(inpPath, fieldList) an.subSpaceInds = subSpaceInds an.ag_commnds = {} an.i_info = i_info an.i_resolutions = i_resolutions # RUN ANALYSIS an.run() print('SAVING') for res in ress: for mode in modes: print('\t' + str(res) + mode) nco = an.vars[fieldName].ncos[res + mode] outFilePath = outPath + '/' + res + mode + '/' + fieldName + '.nc'