processPool=processPool, featureName=settingsDict['Feature Name'], numFeatures=int(settingsDict['Number of Features']), downSampleFactor=int(settingsDict['Feature DownSample Factor']), timeDelay=int(settingsDict['CRP Time Delay']), dimension=int(settingsDict['CRP Dimension']), method=settingsDict['CRP Method'], neighbourhoodSize=settingsDict['CRP Neighbourhood Size'], runType='validation', sequenceLength=int(settingsDict['NCD Sequence Length']), weightMatrix=weightMatrix, biases=biases, featureOffset=featureOffset, featureScaling=featureScaling, timeStacking=int(settingsDict['NN Time Stacking'])) # Convert NCD files into a dataframe dfNCDs = convertNCDfiles(dataFrameFileName=settingsDict['Run Name']) # Get the overall MAP of the run and add to the setting MAPresult = getDataFrameMAPresult(dfNCDs) if MAPresult is not None: print 'Mean Average Precision: %0.3f\n' % MAPresult else: print 'No MAP result found!' settingsDict['Mean Average Precision'] = MAPresult settingsDict['Run Duration'] = - startDateTime # Save run settings and result pickle.dump(settingsDict, open(resultsFn, 'wb'))
featureName, setting['DownSample Factor'], setting['Time Delay'], setting['Dimension'], CRPmethod, setting['Neighbourhood Size'], numFilesPerFolder, setting['Sequence Length'], weightMatrix, biases, featureOffset, featureScaling) # create and save a record of the run settings runDict = {'featureName': featureName, 'method': CRPmethod, 'numFilesPerFolder': numFilesPerFolder, 'networkType': NNtype} for key in setting.keys(): runDict[key] = setting[key] runTime = str(':', '-') pickle.dump(runDict, open(runHistoryPath + runTime + '.pkl', 'wb')) # Convert NCD files into a dataframe dfNCDs = convertNCDfiles(dataFrameFileName = runTime) # Create subfolders and move results files into them NCDdest = NCDpath + subFolder + '/' runHistDest = runHistoryPath + subFolder + '/' createPath(NCDdest) createPath(runHistDest) moveFiles(NCDpath, NCDdest, '.pkl.res') moveFiles(runHistoryPath, runHistDest, '.pkl') # Get the overall MAP of the run and add to the setting MAPresult = getDataFrameMAPresult(dfNCDs) if MAPresult is not None: print 'Mean Average Precision: %0.3f\n' % MAPresult else: print 'No MAP result found!'
deleteNCDPickleFiles() existingNCDs = None processPool = Pool(numProcesses) for downSampleFactor in downSampleFactors[::-1]: for neighbourhoodSize in CRPneighbourhoodSizes: for method in CRPmethods: for dimension in CRPdimensions: for timeDelay in CRPtimeDelays: for sequenceLength in sequenceLengths: createNCDfiles(existingNCDs, processPool, featureName, downSampleFactor, timeDelay, dimension, method, neighbourhoodSize, numFilesPerFolder, sequenceLength) runDict = {'featureName': featureName, 'downSampleFactor': downSampleFactor, 'timeDelay': timeDelay, 'dimension': dimension, 'method': method, 'neighbourhoodSize': neighbourhoodSize, 'numFilesPerFolder': numFilesPerFolder, 'sequenceLength': sequenceLength} runTime = str(':', '-') pickle.dump(runDict, open(runHistoryPath + runTime + '.pkl', 'wb')) convertNCDfiles(runTime)