def test_get_all_techniques_filenames(self): """test_get_all_techniques_filenames should return a list of all techniques files""" base_dir = ncf.get_root_dir() + "/tree/50_techniques" alternative_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/test_methods" # Get list of techniques without prefix "_" on the filesystem list_methods_files = [] ## Get recursivly each promises in the basic path and the alternative one list_methods_files += [ os.path.join(full_path, filename) for full_path, dirname, files in os.walk(base_dir) for filename in files if not filename.startswith("_") and filename.endswith(".cf") ] list_methods_files += [ os.path.join(full_path, filename) for full_path, dirname, files in os.walk(alternative_path + "/50_techniques") for filename in files if not filename.startswith("_") and filename.endswith(".cf") ] filenames = ncf.get_all_techniques_filenames(alternative_path) filenames.sort() list_methods_files.sort() self.assertEquals(filenames, list_methods_files)
def test_get_all_techniques_filenames(self): """test_get_all_techniques_filenames should return a list of all techniques files""" base_dir = ncf.get_root_dir() + "/tree/50_techniques" alternative_path = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/test_methods" # Get list of techniques without prefix "_" on the filesystem list_methods_files = [] ## Get recursivly each promises in the basic path and the alternative one list_methods_files += [ os.path.join(full_path, filename) for full_path, dirname, files in os.walk(base_dir) for filename in files if not filename.startswith('_') and filename.endswith('.cf') ] list_methods_files += [ os.path.join(full_path, filename) for full_path, dirname, files in os.walk(alternative_path + "/50_techniques") for filename in files if not filename.startswith('_') and filename.endswith('.cf') ] filenames = ncf.get_all_techniques_filenames(alternative_path) filenames.sort() list_methods_files.sort() self.assertEqual(filenames, list_methods_files)
def test_get_all_generic_methods_filenames(self): """test_get_all_generic_methods_filenames should return a list of all generic_methods files""" base_dir = ncf.get_root_dir() + "/tree/30_generic_methods" conf_repo_dir = "/var/rudder/configuration-repository/ncf/30_generic_methods" alternative_path = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/test_methods" # Get list of generic_methods without prefix "_" on the filesystem list_methods_files = [] ## Get recursively each promises in the basic path and the alternative one list_methods_files += [ os.path.join(full_path, filename) for full_path, dirname, files in os.walk(base_dir) for filename in files if not filename.startswith('_') and filename.endswith('.cf') ] list_methods_files += [ os.path.join(full_path, filename) for full_path, dirname, files in os.walk(conf_repo_dir) for filename in files if not filename.startswith('_') and filename.endswith('.cf') ] filenames = ncf.get_all_generic_methods_filenames() filenames.sort() list_methods_files.sort() self.assertEqual(filenames, list_methods_files)
def test_get_ncf_root_dir(self): self.assertEquals(ncf.get_root_dir(), os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../../"))
def test_get_ncf_root_dir(self): self.assertEqual( ncf.get_root_dir(), os.path.realpath( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../../"))