def test_attrs(self): result = cdl(ov('x', dd=[od('p'), od('q')], aa=[oa('n1', _long(3)), oa('r1', 1.24)], data=np.array(1.0))) self.assertEqual(result, 'double x(p, q) ;\n' ' x:n1 = 3L ;\n' ' x:r1 = 1.24 ;')
def test_inner_groups(self): g = og('group_name', gg=[og('sub_group')]) result = cdl(g) self.assertEqual(result, 'netcdf group_name {\n' '\n' 'group: sub_group {\n' '} // group sub_group\n' '}')
def test_attr(self): g = og('group_name', aa=[oa('x', _long(2))]) result = cdl(g) self.assertEqual(result, 'netcdf group_name {\n' '\n' '// global attributes:\n' ' :x = 2L ;\n' '}')
def test_dim(self): g = og('group_name', dd=[od('x', 2)]) result = cdl(g) self.assertEqual(result, 'netcdf group_name {\n' '\n' 'dimensions:\n' ' x = 2 ;\n' '}')
def test_var(self): g = og('group_name', vv=[ov('x', data=np.array(1.0))]) result = cdl(g) self.assertEqual(result, 'netcdf group_name {\n' '\n' 'variables:\n' ' double x ;\n' '}')
def test_attrs(self): def _write_testdata(ds): # Create a simple x2 dimension for array testing. ds.createDimension('pair', 2) # Create variables + attributes of all netcdf basic types. for np_type, type_name in \ ncdl._DTYPES_TYPE_NAMES.iteritems(): if type_name == 'char': scalar = 'A' array = 'String_data' # N.B. Wrapping this with np.array() has no effect. else: scalar = np.array(1.25, dtype=np_type) array = np.array([1.25, 13.25], dtype=np_type) attr_name = 'scalar_attr_' + type_name ds.setncattr(attr_name, scalar) attr_name = 'vector_attr_' + type_name ds.setncattr(attr_name, array) var_name = 'scalar_var_' + type_name var = ds.createVariable(varname=var_name, datatype=np_type) var[:] = scalar var_name = 'array_var_' + type_name var = ds.createVariable(varname=var_name, datatype=np_type, dimensions=('pair',)) var[:] = array testfile_name = '' temp_dirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: file_path = os.path.join(temp_dirpath, testfile_name) with nc4.Dataset(file_path, 'w') as ds: _write_testdata(ds) ncdump_output = subprocess.check_output( 'ncdump -h ' + file_path, shell=True) with nc4.Dataset(file_path, 'r') as ds: read_data = read_data.rename('alltypes') cdl_results = cdl(read_data) expected = sort_lines(strip_lines(ncdump_output)) found = sort_lines(strip_lines(cdl_results)) self.assertEqual(found, expected) finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dirpath)
def test_inner_group_attr(self): g = og('group_name', gg=[og('sub_group', aa=[oa('x', _long(2))])]) result = cdl(g) self.assertEqual(result, 'netcdf group_name {\n' '\n' 'group: sub_group {\n' '\n' '// group attributes:\n' ' :x = 2L ;\n' '} // group sub_group\n' '}')
def check_file_cdl(file_path): # Load from the given file with netCDF4.Dataset(file_path) as ds: g = # Re-save to a temporary file, to get an ncdump output in known order. ncds.write('', g) # Rename so name matches temporary file name as seen by ncdump. g.rename('temp') # Generate cdl. g_cdl = cdl(g) try: # Run ncdump on the test file f_cdl = subprocess.check_output('ncdump -h', shell=True) finally: os.remove('') # Check that the two CDL strings are "essentially" the same. g_cdl_std = ncdl.comparable_cdl(g_cdl) f_cdl_std = ncdl.comparable_cdl(f_cdl) if g_cdl_std == f_cdl_std: print 'OK (ncdump and ncobj output EQUAL)' else: print 'FAIL: ncdump and ncobj output differ..' print
def test_ushort(self): result = cdl(ov('x', data=np.array(1, dtype=np.dtype('uint16')))) self.assertEqual(result, 'ushort x ;')
def test_ulong_type(self): result = cdl(oa('x', np.array(5, dtype=np.dtype('uint64')))) self.assertEqual(result, 'x = 5UL')
def test_float_type(self): result = cdl(oa('x', np.array(1.23, dtype=np.dtype('float32')))) self.assertEqual(result, 'x = 1.23f')
def test_empty(self): g = og('group_name') result = cdl(g) self.assertEqual(result, 'netcdf group_name {\n}')
def test__group(self): g = _make_complex_group() result_cdl = cdl(g) expect_cdl = _complex_cdl[:] self.assertEqual(result_cdl, expect_cdl)
def test_chars(self): result = cdl(ov('x', dd=[od('STRLEN_4', 4)], data=np.array(['t', 'h', 'i', 's']))) self.assertEqual(result, 'char x(STRLEN_4) ;')
def test_unsigned_type(self): result = cdl(oa('x', np.array(5, dtype=np.dtype('uint32')))) self.assertEqual(result, 'x = 5U')
def test_double_type(self): result = cdl(oa('x', np.array(1.23, dtype=np.dtype('float64')))) self.assertEqual(result, 'x = 1.23')
def ncfile_cdl(file_path): with netCDF4.Dataset(file_path) as ds: group = result = cdl(group) return result
def test_basic(self): result = cdl(od('x', 3)) self.assertEqual(result, 'x = 3 ;')
def test_ubyte(self): result = cdl(ov('x', data=np.array(1, dtype=np.dtype('uint8')))) self.assertEqual(result, 'ubyte x ;')
def test_unlimited(self): result = cdl(od('x', 3, u=True)) self.assertEqual(result, 'x = UNLIMITED ;')
def test_nd(self): result = cdl(ov('x', dd=[od('p'), od('q')], data=np.array(1.0))) self.assertEqual(result, 'double x(p, q) ;')
def test_scalar(self): result = cdl(ov('x', data=np.array(3.21, dtype=np.float32))) self.assertEqual(result, 'float x ;')
def test_int(self): result = cdl(ov('x', data=np.array(1, dtype=np.dtype('int32')))) self.assertEqual(result, 'int x ;')
def test_ulong(self): result = cdl(ov('x', data=np.array(1, dtype=np.dtype('uint64')))) self.assertEqual(result, 'uint64 x ;')
def show_results(extracted): #print extracted print cdl(extracted) print 'vars data: \n' + '\n'.join("{}:{}".format(, for var in ncg.all_variables(extracted))
def test_float(self): result = cdl(ov('x', data=np.array(1.0, dtype=np.dtype('float32')))) self.assertEqual(result, 'float x ;')
""" Example code demonstrating 'flatten' operation for enhanced semantic containers definition. """ from ncobj.cdl import cdl import ncobj.examples.semantic_containers as egs g = egs.eg_simple_flat() g_cdl = cdl(g) print print '----------------' print 'Original flat version:' print '----------------' print g_cdl print '----------------' g_grouped = egs.group_flat_containers(g) g_grouped_cdl = cdl(g_grouped) print print '----------------' print 'Result, grouped from flat form:' print '----------------' print g_grouped_cdl print '----------------' g_grp_eg = egs.eg_simple_grouped()
def test_double(self): result = cdl(ov('x', data=np.array(1.0))) self.assertEqual(result, 'double x ;')
""" Example code demonstrating 'flatten' operation for enhanced semantic containers definition. """ from ncobj.cdl import cdl import ncobj.examples.semantic_containers as egs g = egs.eg_simple_grouped() g_cdl = cdl(g) print print '----------------' print 'Original grouped version:' print '----------------' print g_cdl print '----------------' g_flattened = egs.flatten_grouped_containers(g) g_flattened_cdl = cdl(g_flattened) print print '----------------' print 'Result, flattened from grouped form:' print '----------------' print g_flattened_cdl print '----------------' g_flat_eg = egs.eg_simple_flat()
def test_single_type(self): result = cdl(oa('x', np.array(5, dtype=np.dtype('int32')))) self.assertEqual(result, 'x = 5')