コード例 #1
def main():

    # parse the command line

    headLimit = None
    requireEof = True

    for arg in argv[1:]:
        if ("=" in arg):
            argVal = arg.split("=", 1)[1]

        if (arg.startswith("--head=")):
            headLimit = int_with_unit(argVal)
        elif (arg in ["--noendmark", "--noeof", "--nomark"]):  # (unadvertised)
            requireEof = False
        elif (arg.startswith("--")):
            usage("unrecognized option: %s" % arg)
            usage("unrecognized option: %s" % arg)

    # process the alignments

    alignmentNum = 0
    for a in alignments(stdin, requireEof):
        alignmentNum += 1

        if (headLimit != None) and (alignmentNum > headLimit):
            print >> stderr, "limit of %d alignments reached" % headLimit

        positionalStats = a.positional_stats()

        numPositions = len(positionalStats)
        vec = [None] * (2 * numPositions + 1)
        vec[0] = a.lineNumber

        for (pos, stats) in enumerate(positionalStats):
            if ("m" not in stats):
                raise ValueError, \
                      "\"m\" missing from positional information for alignment at line %d" \
                    % a.lineNumber
            if ("x" not in stats):
                raise ValueError, \
                      "\"x\" missing from positional information for alignment at line %d" \
                    % a.lineNumber

            vec[1 + pos] = stats["m"]
            vec[1 + numPositions + pos] = stats["x"]

        print "\t".join(map(str, vec))
コード例 #2
def main():

	# parse the command line

	minMRatio  = None
	requireEof = True

	for arg in argv[1:]:
		if ("=" in arg):
			argVal = arg.split("=",1)[1]

		if (arg.startswith("--minmratio=")):
			minMRatio = parse_noise_rate(argVal)
			if (not (0.0 <= minMRatio <= 1.0)):
				exit("%s: mratio has to be between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.85 or 85%%)\n%s"
				   % (os_path.basename(argv[0]),arg))
		elif (arg.startswith("--maxnoise=")):
			minMRatio = 1 - parse_noise_rate(argVal)
			if (not (0.0 <= minMRatio <= 1.0)):
				exit("%s: noise has to be between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.15 or 15%%)\n%s"
				   % (os_path.basename(argv[0]),arg))
		elif (arg in ["--noendmark","--noeof","--nomark"]):   # (unadvertised)
			requireEof = False
		elif (arg.startswith("--")):
			usage("unrecognized option: %s" % arg)
			usage("unrecognized option: %s" % arg)

	# process the alignments

	print "\t".join(["#line","seq","strand","start","end","querybp","mRatio","nErrors","errors"])

	for a in alignments(stdin,requireEof):
		if (minMRatio != None) and (a.mRatio < minMRatio):

		errorPositions = []
		for (ix,ch) in enumerate(a.errorText):
			if (ch == "x"):
				errorPositions += [float(ix)/(len(a.errorText)-1)]

		print "\t".join([str(a.lineNumber),
		                 "%.1f%%" % (100*a.mRatio),
		              + map(lambda x:"%.3f"%x,errorPositions))
コード例 #3
def collect_alignments(f,
    alignmentList = []
    mxMatrix = []
    unitLength = None

    alignmentNum = 0
    for a in alignments(f, requireEof):
        alignmentNum += 1
        if    (reportProgress != None) \
          and ((alignmentNum == 1) or (alignmentNum % reportProgress == 0)):
            print >>stderr, "progress: reading alignment %s" \
                          % (commatize(alignmentNum))

        if (headLimit != None) and (alignmentNum > headLimit):
            print >> stderr, "limit of %d alignments reached" % headLimit

        if (subsampleN != None):
            if ((alignmentNum - 1) % subsampleN != (subsampleK - 1)): continue

        if (testWhich == "matches-insertions"):
            # note [1]
            mxRow = positional_error_vector(a, modified="m-i")
            mxRow = positional_error_vector(a)
        if (mxRow == None):
            raise ValueError, \
                  "alignment at line %d does not contain positional information" \
                % a.lineNumber

        if (unitLength == None):
            unitLength = len(mxRow) / 2
        elif (len(mxRow) != 2 * unitLength):
            raise ValueError, \
                  "alignments have different motif lengths, %d and %d (detected at line %d)" \
                % (unitLength,len(mxRow)/2,a.lineNumber)

        alignmentList += [a]
        mxMatrix += [mxRow]

    return (unitLength, alignmentList, mxMatrix)
コード例 #4
def main():

    # parse the command line

    minMRatio = None
    requireEof = True

    for arg in argv[1:]:
        if ("=" in arg):
            argVal = arg.split("=", 1)[1]

        if (arg.startswith("--minmratio=")):
            minMRatio = parse_noise_rate(argVal)
            if (not (0.0 <= minMRatio <= 1.0)):
                    "%s: mratio has to be between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.85 or 85%%)\n%s"
                    % (os_path.basename(argv[0]), arg))
        elif (arg.startswith("--maxnoise=")):
            minMRatio = 1 - parse_noise_rate(argVal)
            if (not (0.0 <= minMRatio <= 1.0)):
                    "%s: noise has to be between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.15 or 15%%)\n%s"
                    % (os_path.basename(argv[0]), arg))
        elif (arg in ["--noendmark", "--noeof", "--nomark"]):  # (unadvertised)
            requireEof = False
        elif (arg.startswith("--")):
            usage("unrecognized option: %s" % arg)
            usage("unrecognized option: %s" % arg)

    # process the alignments

    for a in alignments(stdin, requireEof):
        if (minMRatio != None) and (a.mRatio < minMRatio):

        print "\t".join([
            str(a.end), ".",
            "%d" % (1000 * a.mRatio), a.strand
コード例 #5
def main():
    global debug

    # parse the command line

    countRatio = 1
    headLimit = None
    requireEof = True
    debug = []

    for arg in argv[1:]:
        if ("=" in arg):
            argVal = arg.split("=", 1)[1]

        if (arg.startswith("--minwordratio=")) or (
                arg.startswith("--ratio=")) or (arg.startswith("R=")):
            countRatio = float_or_fraction(argVal)
        elif (arg.startswith("--head=")):
            headLimit = int_with_unit(argVal)
        elif (arg in ["--noendmark", "--noeof", "--nomark"]):  # (unadvertised)
            requireEof = False
        elif (arg == "--debug"):
            debug += ["debug"]
        elif (arg.startswith("--debug=")):
            debug += argVal.split(",")
        elif (arg.startswith("--")):
            usage("unrecognized option: %s" % arg)
            usage("unrecognized option: %s" % arg)

    # process the alignments

    alignmentNum = 0
    for a in alignments(stdin, requireEof):
        alignmentNum += 1

        if (headLimit != None) and (alignmentNum > headLimit):
            print >> stderr, "limit of %d alignments reached" % headLimit

        if (alignmentNum > 1): print
        print "\n".join(a.lines)

        motifText = a.motifText
        seqText = a.seqText
        if ("noflip" in debug):
        elif (a.strand == "-") and (a.start < a.end):
            # alignment was reported in reverse complement of motif, so flip it
            motifText = reverse_complement(motifText)
            seqText = reverse_complement(seqText)

        (motifChunks, seqChunks) = chunkify(a.motif, motifText, seqText)

        wordCounts = Counter()
        for word in seqChunks:
            word = word.replace("-", "")
            if (word != a.motif): word = word.lower()
            wordCounts[word] += 1

        if (a.motif in wordCounts): motifCount = wordCounts[a.motif]
        else: motifCount = 0

        wordCounts = [(wordCounts[word], abs(len(word) - len(a.motif)), word)
                      for word in wordCounts
                      if (wordCounts[word] >= motifCount * countRatio)]
        print "# aligned words %s" % \
              " ".join(["%s:%d"%(word,count) for (count,_,word) in wordCounts])

        if ("chunks" in debug):
            if ("noflip" in debug):
                seqChunks = [
                    reverse_complement(word) for word in seqChunks[::-1]
                motifChunks = [
                    reverse_complement(word) for word in motifChunks[::-1]
            print "# words: %s" % " ".join(seqChunks)
            print "# motif: %s" % " ".join(motifChunks)

    if (requireEof):
        print "# ncrf end-of-file"
コード例 #6
def main():

    # parse the command line

    minMRatio = None
    requireEof = True

    for arg in argv[1:]:
        if ("=" in arg):
            argVal = arg.split("=", 1)[1]

        if (arg.startswith("--minmratio=")):
            minMRatio = parse_noise_rate(argVal)
            if (not (0.0 <= minMRatio <= 1.0)):
                    "%s: mratio has to be between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.85 or 85%%)\n%s"
                    % (os_path.basename(argv[0]), arg))
        elif (arg.startswith("--maxnoise=")):
            minMRatio = 1 - parse_noise_rate(argVal)
            if (not (0.0 <= minMRatio <= 1.0)):
                    "%s: noise has to be between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.15 or 15%%)\n%s"
                    % (os_path.basename(argv[0]), arg))
        elif (arg in ["--noendmark", "--noeof", "--nomark"]):  # (unadvertised)
            requireEof = False
        elif (arg.startswith("--")):
            usage("unrecognized option: %s" % arg)
            usage("unrecognized option: %s" % arg)

    # process the alignments

    print "\t".join([
        "#line", "motif", "seq", "start", "end", "strand", "seqLen", "querybp",

    userHasntBeenWarned = True
    for a in alignments(stdin, requireEof):
        seqLenStr = "NA"
        if (a.seqLen != None):
            seqLenStr = str(a.seqLen)

        if (hasattr(a, "mRatio")):
            if (minMRatio != None) and (a.mRatio < minMRatio):

        consensuses = []
        for line in a.lines:
            if (not line.startswith("# consensus")): continue
            line = line.split(None, 2)
            consensuses += [line[2]]

        if (consensuses == []):
            if (userHasntBeenWarned):
                print >>stderr, \
                                 ("WARNING: input alignments did not contain a consensus line"
                                + "\n         (ncrf_consensus_filter would create that line)")
                userHasntBeenWarned = False
            consensus = "(missing)"
            consensus = ",".join(consensuses)

        print "\t".join([
            str(a.lineNumber), a.motif, a.seqName,
            str(a.end), a.strand, seqLenStr,
            str(a.motifBaseCount), consensus
コード例 #7
def main():

	# parse the command line

	writeHeader = False
	writeWhat   = "per alignment"
	headLimit   = None
	requireEof  = True

	for arg in argv[1:]:
		if ("=" in arg):
			argVal = arg.split("=",1)[1]

		if (arg in ["--withheader","--with=header","--with:header"]):
			writeHeader = True
		elif (arg in ["--sumonly","--sum=only","--sum:only"]):
			writeWhat = "sum only"
		elif (arg.startswith("--head=")):
			headLimit = int_with_unit(argVal)
		elif (arg in ["--noendmark","--noeof","--nomark"]):   # (unadvertised)
			requireEof = False
		elif (arg.startswith("--")):
			usage("unrecognized option: %s" % arg)
			usage("unrecognized option: %s" % arg)

	# process the alignments

	sum = {"m":0, "mm":0, "io":0, "ix":0, "do":0, "dx":0}

	alignmentNum = 0
	for a in alignments(stdin,requireEof):
		alignmentNum +=1 

		if (headLimit != None) and (alignmentNum > headLimit):
			print >>stderr, "limit of %d alignments reached" % headLimit

		(nMatch,nMismatch,nInsO,nInsX,nDelO,nDelX) = extract_events(a)

		if (writeHeader):
			print "\t".join(["line","motif","mRatio","m","mm","io","ix","do","dx"])
			writeHeader = False

		if (writeWhat == "per alignment"):
			vec = [a.lineNumber,a.motif,a.mRatio,nMatch,nMismatch,nInsO,nInsX,nDelO,nDelX]
			print "\t".join(map(str,vec))

		sum["m"]  += nMatch
		sum["mm"] += nMismatch
		sum["io"] += nInsO
		sum["ix"] += nInsX
		sum["do"] += nDelO
		sum["dx"] += nDelX

	sum["events"] = (sum["m"] + sum["mm"] + sum["io"] + sum["ix"] + sum["do"] + sum["dx"])

	if (alignmentNum == 0):
		print >>stderr, "WARNING: input contained no alignments"
	elif (writeWhat == "sum only"):
		mRatio = float(sum["m"]) / sum["events"]
		mRatio = "%.3f" % mRatio
		vec = ["all",a.motif,mRatio,sum["m"],sum["mm"],sum["io"],sum["ix"],sum["do"],sum["dx"]]
		print "\t".join(map(str,vec))
コード例 #8
def main():

	# parse the command line

	minMRatio  = None
	requireEof = True

	for arg in argv[1:]:
		if ("=" in arg):
			argVal = arg.split("=",1)[1]

		if (arg.startswith("--minmratio=")):
			minMRatio = parse_noise_rate(argVal)
			if (not (0.0 <= minMRatio <= 1.0)):
				exit("%s: mratio has to be between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.85 or 85%%)\n%s"
				   % (os_path.basename(argv[0]),arg))
		elif (arg.startswith("--maxnoise=")):
			minMRatio = 1 - parse_noise_rate(argVal)
			if (not (0.0 <= minMRatio <= 1.0)):
				exit("%s: noise has to be between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.15 or 15%%)\n%s"
				   % (os_path.basename(argv[0]),arg))
		elif (arg in ["--noendmark","--noeof","--nomark"]):   # (unadvertised)
			requireEof = False
		elif (arg.startswith("--")):
			usage("unrecognized option: %s" % arg)
			usage("unrecognized option: %s" % arg)

	# process the alignments

	print "\t".join(["#line","motif",

	userHasntBeenWarned = True
	for a in alignments(stdin,requireEof):
		seqLenStr      = "NA"
		mRatioStr      = "NA"
		nMatchStr      = "NA"
		nMismatchStr   = "NA"
		nInsertionsStr = "NA"
		nDeletionsStr  = "NA"

		if (a.seqLen != None):
			seqLenStr = str(a.seqLen)

		if (hasattr(a,"mRatio")):
			if (minMRatio != None) and (a.mRatio < minMRatio):
			mRatioStr = "%.1f%%" % (100*a.mRatio)

		if (hasattr(a,"nMatch")):
			nMatchStr = str(a.nMatch)

		if (hasattr(a,"nMismatch")):
			nMismatchStr = str(a.nMismatch)

		if (hasattr(a,"nInsertions")):
			nInsertionsStr = str(a.nInsertions)

		if (hasattr(a,"nDeletions")):
			nDeletionsStr = str(a.nDeletions)

		if (mRatioStr == "NA"):
			if (userHasntBeenWarned):
				print >>stderr, \
                     ("WARNING: input alignments did not contain an event stats line"
                    + "\n         (NCRF --stats=events would create that line)")
				userHasntBeenWarned = False

		print "\t".join([str(a.lineNumber),
コード例 #9
def main():
	global debug

	# parse the command line

	maxMRatio    = 0.85
	minColumns   = 10
	headLimit    = None
	reportClumps = False
	requireEof   = True
	debug        = []

	for arg in argv[1:]:
		if ("=" in arg):
			argVal = arg.split("=",1)[1]

		if (arg.startswith("--maxMRatio=")):
			maxMRatio = parse_noise_rate(argVal)
			if (not (0.0 <= minMRatio <= 1.0)):
				exit("%s: mratio has to be between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.85 or 85%%)\n%s"
				   % (os_path.basename(argv[0]),arg))
		elif (arg.startswith("--minnoise=")):
			maxMRatio = 1 - parse_noise_rate(argVal)
			if (not (0.0 <= minMRatio <= 1.0)):
				exit("%s: noise has to be between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.15 or 15%%)\n%s"
				   % (os_path.basename(argv[0]),arg))
		elif (arg.startswith("--mincolumns=")) or (arg.startswith("--mindenom=")):
			minColumns =int(argVal)
			if (minColumns < 2):
				usage("minimum length has to be at least two columns\n%s" % arg)
		elif (arg.startswith("--head=")):
			headLimit = int_with_unit(argVal)
		elif (arg == "--report:clumps") or (arg == "--report=clumps"):
			reportClumps = True
		elif (arg in ["--noendmark","--noeof","--nomark"]):   # (unadvertised)
			requireEof = False
		elif (arg == "--debug"):
			debug += ["debug"]
		elif (arg.startswith("--debug=")):
			debug += argVal.split(",")
		elif (arg.startswith("--")):
			usage("unrecognized option: %s" % arg)
			usage("unrecognized option: %s" % arg)

	# process the alignments

	alignmentNum = 0
	for a in alignments(stdin,requireEof):
		alignmentNum +=1 

		if (headLimit != None) and (alignmentNum > headLimit):
			print >>stderr, "limit of %d alignments reached" % headLimit

		if (a.errorText == None):
			exit("%s: alignment at line %d doesn't include error text"
			   % (os_path.basename(argv[0]),a.lineNumber))

		if ("detail" in debug):
			print >>stderr, "\nlooking for clumps in %s %c %u-%u" \
			              % (a.seqName,a.strand,a.start,a.end)

		clumps = find_clumps(a.errorText,1-maxMRatio,minColumns,

		clumpText = ["-"] * len(a.errorText)
		for (start,end) in clumps:
			for ix in xrange(start,end): clumpText[ix] = "*"
		clumpText = "".join(clumpText)

		prefixLen = 1 + a.lines[0].find(" =")
		if (prefixLen < 0):
			prefixLen = 1 + a.lines[0].find(" x")

		if (alignmentNum > 1): print
		a.lines.insert(3,"# %-*s%s" % (prefixLen-2,"noise clumps",clumpText))
		print a

		if (reportClumps):
			for (start,end) in clumps:
				errorCount = matchCount = 0
				for ch in a.errorText[start:end]:
					if   (ch == 'x'): errorCount += 1
					elif (ch == '='): matchCount += 1
				print >>stderr, "line %d (%d,%d) m=%s x=%s mRatio: %.2f%%" \
							  % (a.lineNumber,

	if (requireEof):
		print "# ncrf end-of-file"
コード例 #10
def sliced_consensus_filter(f, motifsOfInterest, nameToMotif, sliceWidth,
    global userHasBeenWarned

    if (reportMsa) and (not userHasBeenWarned):
        print >> stderr, "WARNING: sliced consensus doesn't report MSA, ignoring that request"
        userHasBeenWarned = True

    alignmentNum = 0
    alignmentsWritten = 0
    for a in alignments(f, requireEof):
        alignmentNum += 1

        if (reportProgress != None):
            if (alignmentNum == 1) or (alignmentNum % reportProgress == 0):
                print >>stderr, "progress: testing alignment %s" \
                              % commatize(alignmentNum)

        if (headLimit != None) and (alignmentNum > headLimit):
            print >> stderr, "limit of %d alignments reached" % headLimit

        if (a.motif in nameToMotif):
            a.motif = nameToMotif[a.motif]

        if (motifsOfInterest != None) and (a.motif not in motifsOfInterest):

        if ([ch for ch in a.motif if (ch not in "ACGT")] != []):

        motifText = a.motifText
        seqText = a.seqText
        if ("noflip" in debug):
        elif (a.strand == "-") and (a.start < a.end):
            # alignment was reported in reverse complement of motif, so flip it
            motifText = reverse_complement(motifText)
            seqText = reverse_complement(seqText)

        # look for consensus over each slice, separately

        consensuses = set()

        numSlices = (len(motifText) + sliceStep -
                     1) / sliceStep  # (an overestimate)
        minSlice = 10 * len(a.motif)

        for sliceNum in xrange(numSlices):
            sliceStart = sliceNum * sliceStep
            sliceEnd = min(sliceStart + sliceWidth, len(motifText))
            if (sliceEnd - sliceStart < minSlice): break

            motifTextSlice = motifText[sliceStart:sliceEnd]
            seqTextSlice = seqText[sliceStart:sliceEnd]

            # derive consensus(es)

            seqChunks = chunkify(a.motif, motifTextSlice, seqTextSlice)

            if ("consensus" in debug):
                print >> stderr
                print >>stderr, "%d score=%d slice.start=%d slice.end=%d" \
                              % (a.lineNumber,a.score,sliceStart,sliceEnd)

            sliceConsensuses = derive_consensuses(
                seqChunks, winnerThreshold=winnerThreshold)
            sliceConsensuses = list(sliceConsensuses)
            if (sliceConsensuses == []):
                for word in sliceConsensuses:

                if ("consensus" in debug):
                    for word in sliceConsensuses:
                        print >> stderr, "consensus %s" % word

        consensuses = list(consensuses)

        # discard the alignment if it meets the filtering criterion (if there
        # is any such criterion)

        if (filterToKeep == "consensus"):
            if (a.motif not in consensuses): continue  # (discard it)
        elif (filterToKeep == "non consensus"):
            if (a.motif in consensuses): continue  # (discard it)
        else:  # if (filterToKeep == "no filter"):

        # copy the (unfiltered) alignment to the output

        if (alignmentsWritten > 0): print
        alignmentsWritten += 1

        print "\n".join(a.lines)

        # report the consensus, if we're supposed to

        if (reportConsensus):
            if (consensuses == []):
                print "# consensus (none)"
                canonicalized = []
                for motif in consensuses:
                    if (motif == None): continue
                    if (motif != a.motif) and (canonicalizeConsensuses):
                        (motif, strand) = canonical_motif(motif)
                    canonicalized += [motif]
                if (None in consensuses):
                    canonicalized += ["(none)"]
                print "# consensus %s" % ",".join(canonicalized)

    if (requireEof):
        print "# ncrf end-of-file"
コード例 #11
def simple_consensus_filter(f, motifsOfInterest, nameToMotif):
    alignmentNum = 0
    alignmentsWritten = 0
    for a in alignments(f, requireEof):
        alignmentNum += 1

        if (reportProgress != None):
            if (alignmentNum == 1) or (alignmentNum % reportProgress == 0):
                print >>stderr, "progress: testing alignment %s" \
                              % commatize(alignmentNum)

        if (headLimit != None) and (alignmentNum > headLimit):
            print >> stderr, "limit of %d alignments reached" % headLimit

        if (a.motif in nameToMotif):
            a.motif = nameToMotif[a.motif]

        if (motifsOfInterest != None) and (a.motif not in motifsOfInterest):

        if ([ch for ch in a.motif if (ch not in "ACGT")] != []):

        motifText = a.motifText
        seqText = a.seqText
        if ("noflip" in debug):
        elif (a.strand == "-") and (a.start < a.end):
            # alignment was reported in reverse complement of motif, so flip it
            motifText = reverse_complement(motifText)
            seqText = reverse_complement(seqText)

        # derive consensus(es)

        seqChunks = chunkify(a.motif, motifText, seqText)

        if ("consensus" in debug):
            print >> stderr
            print >> stderr, "%d score=%d" % (a.lineNumber, a.score)

        consensuses = derive_consensuses(seqChunks,
        consensuses = list(consensuses)

        # discard the alignment if it meets the filtering criterion (if there
        # is any such criterion)

        if (filterToKeep == "consensus"):
            if (a.motif not in consensuses): continue  # (discard it)
        elif (filterToKeep == "non consensus"):
            if (a.motif in consensuses): continue  # (discard it)
        else:  # if (filterToKeep == "no filter"):

        # copy the (unfiltered) alignment to the output

        if (alignmentsWritten > 0): print
        alignmentsWritten += 1

        print "\n".join(a.lines)

        # report the consensus, if we're supposed to

        if (reportConsensus):
            if (consensuses == []):
                print "# consensus (none)"
                canonicalized = []
                for motif in consensuses:
                    if (motif != a.motif) and (canonicalizeConsensuses):
                        (motif, strand) = canonical_motif(motif)
                    canonicalized += [motif]
                print "# consensus %s" % ",".join(canonicalized)

        # report the MSA from which the consensus was derived, if we're
        # supposed to

        if (reportMsa):
            motifLen = len(a.motif)
            positionLength = [1] * motifLen
            for chunk in seqChunks:
                for (motifIx, seqNucs) in enumerate(chunk):
                    if (seqNucs == None): continue
                    positionLength[motifIx] = max(positionLength[motifIx],

            line = []
            for (motifIx, motifNuc) in enumerate(a.motif):
                line += [motifNuc.ljust(positionLength[motifIx], ".")]
            print "# msa.query %s" % "".join(line)

            for chunk in seqChunks:
                line = []
                for (motifIx, seqNucs) in enumerate(chunk):
                    if (seqNucs == None):
                        line += ["." * positionLength[motifIx]]
                    elif (seqNucs == a.motif[motifIx]):
                        line += ["=" * positionLength[motifIx]]
                        line += [seqNucs.ljust(positionLength[motifIx], ".")]
                print "# msa.seq   %s" % "".join(line)

    if (requireEof):
        print "# ncrf end-of-file"