コード例 #1
ファイル: nc2txt.py プロジェクト: HyeonJeongKim/tcrm
def _process(argv):
    recdim = None
    mv = -9999.
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"f:hm:r:v:",["filename=","help","missingvalue=","record=","variable="])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
    for opt,arg in opts:
        if opt in ("-h","--help"):
        elif opt in ("-f","--filename"):
            filename = arg
        elif opt in ("-m","--missingvalue"):
            mv = arg
        elif opt in ("-v","--variable"):
            variable = arg
        elif opt in ("-r,--record"):
            recdim = arg

    ncobj = nctools.ncLoadFile(filename)

    lat = nctools.ncGetDims(ncobj, 'lat')
    lon = nctools.ncGetDims(ncobj, 'lon')
    delta = lon[1] - lon[0]

    # Fix incorrectly reported corner of lower left pixel
    lon = lon - delta/2
    lat = lat - delta/2
    if recdim:
        recval = nctools.ncGetDims(ncobj,recdim)
    #data = nctools.ncGetData(ncobj, variable, missingValue=mv)
    data = nctools.ncGetData(ncobj, variable)
    if recdim:
        for i,v in enumerate(recval):
            outputfile = "%s.%s.%s"%(os.path.splitext(filename)[0],repr(recval[i]),'txt')
            print "Saving data to %s"%outputfile
            grid.grdSave(outputfile, numpy.flipud(data[i]), lon, lat, delta, delimiter=' ', nodata=mv, fmt='%6.2f')
        print "Saving data to %s"%outputfile
        grid.grdSave(outputfile, numpy.flipud(data), lon, lat, delta, delimiter=' ', nodata=mv, fmt='%6.2f')
コード例 #2
def ltmPressure(jdays, time, lon, lat, ncfile):
    Extract pressure value from a daily long-term mean SLP dataset at the
    given day of year and lon,lat position
    To use this function (and hence some form of daily LTM SLP data) requires
    knowledge of the day of year.

    :param jdays: Julian day (day of year) values.
    :param time: Time of day for each observation (fraction of a day).
    :param lon: Longitude of TC position.
    :param lat: Latitude of TC position.
    :param str ncfile: Path to netCDF file containing daily long-term mean
                       sea level pressure data.

    :type  jdays: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :type  time: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :type  lon: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :type  lat: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

    :returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of long-term mean sea level pressure
              values at the day of year and positions given.
    jtime = jdays + np.modf(time)[0]
    coords = np.array([jtime, lat, lon])

    LOG.debug("Sampling data from MSLP data in {0}".format(ncfile))
    ncobj = nctools.ncLoadFile(ncfile)
    slpunits = getattr(ncobj.variables['slp'], 'units')

    data = nctools.ncGetData(ncobj, 'slp')
    # Get the MSLP by interpolating to the location of the TC:
    penv = interp3d.interp3d(data,
                             scale=[365., 180., 360.],
                             offset=[0., -90., 0.])
    penv = metutils.convert(penv, slpunits, 'hPa')
    del data
    del ncobj

    return penv
コード例 #3
ファイル: loadData.py プロジェクト: HyeonJeongKim/tcrm
def ltmPressure(jdays, time, lon, lat, ncfile):
    Extract pressure value from a daily long-term mean SLP dataset at the
    given day of year and lon,lat position
    To use this function (and hence some form of daily LTM SLP data) requires
    knowledge of the day of year.

    :param jdays: Julian day (day of year) values.
    :param time: Time of day for each observation (fraction of a day).
    :param lon: Longitude of TC position.
    :param lat: Latitude of TC position.
    :param str ncfile: Path to netCDF file containing daily long-term mean
                       sea level pressure data.

    :type  jdays: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :type  time: :class:`numpy.ndarray` 
    :type  lon: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :type  lat: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

    :returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of long-term mean sea level pressure
              values at the day of year and positions given. 
    jtime = jdays + np.modf(time)[0]
    coords = np.array([jtime, lat, lon])

    logger.debug("Sampling data from MSLP data in {0}".format(ncfile))
    ncobj = nctools.ncLoadFile(ncfile)
    slpunits = getattr(ncobj.variables['slp'], 'units')

    data = nctools.ncGetData(ncobj, 'slp')
    # Get the MSLP by interpolating to the location of the TC:
    penv = interp3d.interp3d(data, coords, scale=[365., 180., 360.],
                             offset=[0., -90., 0.])
    penv = metutils.convert(penv, slpunits, 'hPa')
    del data
    del ncobj

    return penv
コード例 #4
ファイル: loadData.py プロジェクト: squireg/tcrm
def ltmPressure(jdays, time, lon, lat, ncfile):
    Extract pressure value from a daily long-term mean SLP dataset at the
    given day of year and lon,lat position
    To use this function (and hence some form of daily LTM SLP data) requires
    knowledge of the day of year.
    jtime = jdays + np.modf(time)[0]
    coords = np.array([jtime, lat, lon])

    logger.debug("Sampling data from MSLP data in {0}".format(ncfile))
    ncobj = nctools.ncLoadFile(ncfile)
    slpunits = getattr(ncobj.variables['slp'], 'units')

    data = nctools.ncGetData(ncobj, 'slp')
    # Get the MSLP by interpolating to the location of the TC:
    penv = interp3d.interp3d(data, coords)
    penv = metutils.convert(penv, slpunits, 'hPa')
    del data
    del ncobj

    return penv
コード例 #5
ファイル: grid.py プロジェクト: HyeonJeongKim/tcrm
def grdRead(filename, delimiter=None):
    Read formatted data from an ascii grid format file.
    Returns the longitude and latitude of the grid and the data values

    :param str filename: Path to an ascii grid format or netcdf file.
    :param delimiter: Delimiter for the ascii format file (optional).

    :returns: longitude, latitude, data
    :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

    longitude, latitude, data = grdRead(filename, [delimiter])

    fileext = filename.rsplit('.')[-1]

    # If file extention is '.nc' then load as netcdf file
    # Otherwise load with grdRead
    if fileext == 'nc':
        nc_obj = nctools.ncLoadFile(filename)
        lon = numpy.array(nctools.ncGetDims(nc_obj, 'lon'),dtype=float)
        lat = numpy.array(nctools.ncGetDims(nc_obj, 'lat'),dtype=float)
        #lat = numpy.flipud(lat)
        data_varname = set.difference(set(nc_obj.variables.keys()),
        if len(data_varname) != 1:
            raise IOError, 'Cannot resolve data variable in netcdf file: ' + filename
        data = numpy.array(nctools.ncGetData(nc_obj, data_varname.pop()),dtype=float)
            fh = open(filename, 'r')
            #g_logger.flLog("Cannot open %s"%filename)
            raise IOError, "Cannot open %s"%filename

        metadata = {}
        metadata["ncols"] = []
        metadata["nrows"] = []
        metadata["xllcorner"] = []
        metadata["yllcorner"] = []
        metadata["cellsize"] = []
        metadata["NODATA_value"] = []

        for i in xrange(0,6):
            line = fh.readline()
            contents = line.split()
            label = contents[0]
            metadata[label] = float(contents[1])

        lon0 = metadata["xllcorner"]
        lon = numpy.array(range(int(metadata["ncols"])), dtype=float)
        lon = lon*metadata["cellsize"]+lon0
        lat0 = metadata["yllcorner"]
        lat = numpy.array(range(int(metadata["nrows"])), dtype=float)
        lat = lat*metadata["cellsize"]+lat0
        lat = numpy.flipud(lat)

        data = numpy.zeros([metadata["nrows"], metadata["ncols"]], dtype=float)

        for i in xrange(int(metadata["nrows"])):
            row = numpy.zeros([metadata["ncols"]], dtype=float)
            line = fh.readline()
            for j, val in enumerate(line.split(delimiter)):
                value = float(val)
                if value == metadata["NODATA_value"]:
                    value = Nan
                row[j] = value
            data[i,:] = row

    log.debug('filename %s mem:: lon %i lat %i data %i' % (filename, lon.nbytes, lat.nbytes, data.nbytes))

    return lon, lat, data
コード例 #6
def grdRead(filename, delimiter=None):
    Read formatted data from an ascii grid format file.
    Returns the longitude and latitude of the grid and the data values

    :param str filename: Path to an ascii grid format or netcdf file.
    :param delimiter: Delimiter for the ascii format file (optional).

    :returns: longitude, latitude, data
    :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

    longitude, latitude, data = grdRead(filename, [delimiter])

    fileext = filename.rsplit('.')[-1]

    # If file extention is '.nc' then load as netcdf file
    # Otherwise load with grdRead
    if fileext == 'nc':
        nc_obj = nctools.ncLoadFile(filename)
        lon = numpy.array(nctools.ncGetDims(nc_obj, 'lon'), dtype=float)
        lat = numpy.array(nctools.ncGetDims(nc_obj, 'lat'), dtype=float)
        data_varname = set.difference(set(nc_obj.variables.keys()),
        if len(data_varname) != 1:
            raise IOError('Cannot resolve data variable in netcdf file: ' +
        data = numpy.array(nctools.ncGetData(nc_obj, data_varname.pop()),
            fh = open(filename, 'r')
            raise IOError("Cannot open %s" % filename)

        metadata = {}
        metadata["ncols"] = []
        metadata["nrows"] = []
        metadata["xllcorner"] = []
        metadata["yllcorner"] = []
        metadata["cellsize"] = []
        metadata["NODATA_value"] = []

        for i in xrange(0, 6):
            line = fh.readline()
            contents = line.split()
            label = contents[0]
            metadata[label] = float(contents[1])

        lon0 = metadata["xllcorner"]
        lon = numpy.array(range(int(metadata["ncols"])), dtype=float)
        lon = lon * metadata["cellsize"] + lon0
        lat0 = metadata["yllcorner"]
        lat = numpy.array(range(int(metadata["nrows"])), dtype=float)
        lat = lat * metadata["cellsize"] + lat0
        lat = numpy.flipud(lat)

        data = numpy.zeros([int(metadata["nrows"]),

        for i in xrange(int(metadata["nrows"])):
            row = numpy.zeros([int(metadata["ncols"])], dtype=float)
            line = fh.readline()
            for j, val in enumerate(line.split(delimiter)):
                value = float(val)
                if value == metadata["NODATA_value"]:
                    value = numpy.nan
                row[j] = value
            data[i, :] = row

    log.debug('filename %s mem:: lon %i lat %i data %i' %
              (filename, lon.nbytes, lat.nbytes, data.nbytes))

    return lon, lat, data
コード例 #7
ファイル: plotField.py プロジェクト: HyeonJeongKim/tcrm
def _process(argv):
    A wrapper function to provide an interface between the command line
    args and the actual plotField function. This function reads settings
    from a configuration file and then passes those arguments to the
    plotField function.
    if len(argv)==0:

    logLevel = 'INFO'
    verbose = False
    configFile = flConfigFile()

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "c:hl:v", ["config=", "help",
                                                   "loglevel=", "verbose"])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
    for opt,arg in opts:
        if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
        elif opt in ("-c", "--config"):
            configFile = arg
        elif opt in ("-l", "--loglevel"):
            logLevel = arg
        elif opt in ("-v", "--verbose"):
            verbose = True

    flStartLog(cnfGetIniValue(configFile, 'Logging', 'LogFile', flConfigFile('.log')),
               cnfGetIniValue(configFile, 'Logging', 'LogLevel', logLevel),
               cnfGetIniValue(configFile, 'Logging', 'Verbose', verbose))

    # Input data:
    inputFile = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, 'Input', 'File')
    inputFormat = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, 'Input', 'Format', os.path.splitext(inputFile)[-1])
    varname = cnfGetIniValue(configFile,'Input','Variable','')
    record = cnfGetIniValue(configFile,'Input','Record',0)
    lvl = cnfGetIniValue(configFile,'Input','Level',0)

    # Output settings - the default is to use the input filename, with
    # the extension replaced by the image format:
    # The smoothing is optional. Set it to the number of grid points to
    # smooth over (recommend the reciprocal of the data resolution in degrees).
    imgfmt = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, 'Output', 'Format','png')
    outputFile = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, 'Output', 'File',
                                "%s.%s" % (os.path.splitext(inputFile)[0], imgfmt))
    smoothing = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, 'Output', 'Smoothing', False)
    cmapName = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, 'Output', 'ColourMap', 'gist_ncar')
    label = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, 'Output', 'Label', '')
    mask = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, 'Output', 'MaskLand', False)
    maskocean = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, 'Output', 'MaskOcean', False)
    fill = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, 'Output', 'FillContours', True)
    title = cnfGetIniValue(configFile,'Plot','Title',None)
    # Load data:
    if inputFormat == '.txt':
        # Attempt to load the dataset:
            lon,lat,data = grid.grdRead(inputFile)
            logger.critical("Cannot load input file: %s"%inputFile)
    elif inputFormat == '.nc':
            ncobj = nctools.ncLoadFile(inputFile)
            lon = nctools.ncGetDims(ncobj,'lon')
            lat = nctools.ncGetDims(ncobj,'lat')
            data = nctools.ncGetData(ncobj,varname)
            mv = getattr(ncobj.variables[varname],'_FillValue')
            logger.critical("Cannot load input file: %s"%inputFile)
        if len(shape(data))==3:
            data = data[record,:,:]
        elif len(shape(data))==4:
            data = data[record,lvl,:,:]

        # Create a masked array:
        datamask = (data==mv)
        data = ma.array(data,mask=datamask)

        logger.critical("Unknown data format")
        raise IOError

    # Set defaults for the extent of the map to match the data in the
    # input file:
    llLon = min(lon)
    urLon = max(lon)
    llLat = min(lat)
    urLat = max(lat)
    res = 'l'
    dl = 10.

    # Domain settings - can override the default settings:
    domain = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, 'Domain', 'Name', None)
    if domain is not None:
        llLon = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, domain, 'LowerLeftLon', min(lon))
        llLat = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, domain, 'LowerLeftLat', min(lat))
        urLon = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, domain, 'UpperRightLon', max(lon))
        urLat = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, domain, 'UpperRightLat', max(lat))
        res = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, domain, 'Resolution', res)
        dl = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, domain, 'GridInterval', dl)

    [x,y] = meshgrid(lon, lat)

    # Set the scale:
    scaleMin = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, 'Output', 'ScaleMin', 0)
    scaleMax = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, 'Output', 'ScaleMax', 101)
    scaleInt = cnfGetIniValue(configFile, 'Output', 'ScaleInt', 10)
    levels = arange(scaleMin, scaleMax, scaleInt)
    plotField(x,y,data, llLon, llLat, urLon, urLat, res, dl, levels,
              cmapName, smoothing, title=title, xlab='Longitude',
              ylab='Latitude', clab=label, maskland=mask,

    logger.info("Completed %s"%sys.argv[0])