def load(self, path): img=nd2.ND2Reader(path) img.bundle_axes='yx' img.default_coords['v'] = 1 img.iter_axes='t' self.img_set=img self.pixes_size=self.img_set.metadata['pixel_microns']**2
def file_open(self): name = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, 'Open File', filter="ND2 files (*.nd2);;TIFF (*.tif);;All files (*)") self.frame = nd2.ND2Reader(name[0]) self.dims = self.frame.sizes
def _initND2(self): self.reader = nd2reader.ND2Reader(self.filename) self.positionCount = float(len(self.reader.metadata['fields_of_view'])) self.timepointCount = float(len(self.reader.metadata['frames'])) self.zLevelCount = float(len(self.reader.metadata['z_levels'])) self.channels = self.reader.metadata['channels'] self.micronsPerPixel = self.reader.metadata['pixel_microns'] self.experimentDurationSeconds = float( self.reader.metadata['experiment']['loops'][0]['duration'] / 1000) self.timepointIntervalSeconds = float( self.reader.metadata['experiment']['loops'][0]['sampling_interval'] / 1000) self.height = float(self.reader.metadata['height']) self.width = float(self.reader.metadata['width']) self.position_names = [] points = self.reader.parser._raw_metadata.image_metadata[ b'SLxExperiment'][b'ppNextLevelEx'][b''][b'uLoopPars'][b'Points'][ b''] for point in points: self.position_names.append(point[b'dPosName'].decode('UTF-8'))
nuclear_local_thresholding_size = 701 min_size_nuclear = 15000 max_size_nuclear = 130000 min_size_cell = 50000 max_size_cell = 1000000 dirs = [x for x in os.listdir(data_path)] dirs.pop(0) num_dir = len(dirs) for s in range(len(dirs)): name = dirs[s][:-4] print("### DATA PROCESSING: %s (%d / %d)" % (name, s + 1, num_dir)) imgs = nd2.ND2Reader('%s/%s.nd2' % (data_path, name)) # 0: SG channel # 1: cell boundary channel # 2: nuclei channel # identify SG print("### SG IDENTIFICATION ...") sg = find_organelle(imgs[0], thresholding, 3000, 200, min_size_sg, max_size_sg) # identify cell print("### CELL SEGMENTATION ...") cell, cell_ft = find_cell(imgs[0], imgs[1], imgs[2], nuclear_local_thresholding_size, min_size_nuclear, max_size_nuclear,
def cell_segmentation(nd2_path, coor_path, saveImages=False): #This is the meat of our script: #Getting current time: now = date = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H%M%S") masksFolderPath = r"Masks ({})".format(date) try: os.mkdir(masksFolderPath) except: None #Folder already exists macroFolderPath = r"Macros ({})".format(date) try: os.mkdir(macroFolderPath) except: None #Folder already exists #Loading in the nd2 file nd2_file = nd2.ND2Reader(nd2_path) #Setting the FITC channel and finding out how many points there are in # the nd2 file: try: nd2_file.default_coords['c'] = 1 except: #If there is one channel (the FITC) channel None try: # Defining the number of points for iteration: num_points = nd2_file.sizes['v'] except: #If there is no property 'v' then we set the number of points to # 1: num_points = 1 # Defining the number of z_stacks num_stacks = nd2_file.sizes['z'] # YK # Defining a list for all of our points: #YK # Defining a list for all of stack arrays z_stacks = [] # We will iterate over the number of points taken for i in range(0, num_points): if num_points != 1: # For every loop, we will change the point. nd2_file.default_coords['v'] = i # Temporary list to store z-stack images post extraction z_stack_post = [] # We will iterate over the number of #YK stacks for j in range(0, num_stacks): z_stack_post.append(np.asarray(nd2_file[j])) z_stacks.append(z_stack_post) z_stacks = normalizeZStacks(z_stacks) #If the user wants to save the z-stacks as images: if saveImages: org_images = z_stacks.copy() #Applying Median Filter: z_stacks = applyMedianFilter(z_stacks) #Applying threshold: z_stacks = applyTresholding(z_stacks) # Contains [BlobsListsPerImage[blobs[Blob2D]]] blobStacks = [] # YK # Minimum area size minAreaSize = 5000 #Image index counts start at 1: imageIncInd = 1 # We iterate like we've seen for the other sections. We loop through each # z-stack and then we iterate through each image. for zInd in range(0, len(z_stacks)): z_stack_th = z_stacks[zInd] # BlobImage lists i.e. all images' areas bStack = BlobStack(zstackInd=zInd) # iterating through each image. We use our median fitered image # to draw contours on. imageInd = 0 for image_th in z_stack_th: # List of Blob2D i.e. areas in an image blobImage = BlobImage(incInd=imageIncInd) # Finding contours with function: contour, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(image_th, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) for c in contour: area = cv2.contourArea(c) # Filtering contours to an area larger than 4000. if area > minAreaSize: # Calculating the centroid of each object M = cv2.moments(c) cX = int(M['m10'] / M['m00']) cY = int(M['m01'] / M['m00']) blobImage.add( Blob2D(imageInd=imageInd, imageIncInd=imageIncInd, centroid=(cX, cY), contour=c, areaMembers=getAreaMembers(image=image_th, contour=c), radius=getFarthest(centroid=(cX, cY), contour=c), area=area, zstackInd=zInd)) imageInd += 1 imageIncInd += 1 # Finally storing all our data bStack.add(blobImage) # YK blobStacks.append(bStack) # membership testing # Per stack for bStack in blobStacks: bImages = bStack.getBlobImages() for bImage in bImages: # lists grouped per images blobs = bImage.getBlobs() # blobs on a given image for bInd in range(0, len(blobs)): blob = blobs[bInd] masses = bStack.getMasses() if not isAMember(blob, masses): mId = len(masses) + 1 m = Mass(mId=mId, zstackInd=bStack.zstackInd) m.add(blob) bStack.addMass(mass=m) for m in bStack.getMasses(): if not m.isSphere(): continue m.setAlone(isAlone(masse=m, bImages=bImages)) # The masses are available on the bStack object print('\n') print("Finding target masses in each z-stack...") coordinates = pd.read_excel( coor_path, sheet_name='Recorded Data', index_col=0, usecols=['Index', 'X Coord [µm]', 'Y Coord [µm]', 'Ti ZDrive [µm]']) for bsInd in tqdm(range(0, len(blobStacks))): bStack = blobStacks[bsInd] print('z-stack {0} has {1} {2}'.format(bsInd + 1, bStack.numOfMasses(), 'masses')) for m in bStack.getMasses(): if m.isAlone(): # m.isSphere() biggestBlob = m.getBiggestRadiusBlob() biggestBlob.zstackInd biggestBlob.imageInd biggestBlob.contour if m.isSphere() and biggestBlob.isSoliditaryElongation( ) and not (biggestBlob.isOnEdge()): mask = biggestBlob.areaMembers cv2.drawContours(mask, biggestBlob.contour, -1, (255, 0, 0), 3) imagePath = join( masksFolderPath, 'z{0}_image_{1}.png'.format(biggestBlob.zstackInd + 1, biggestBlob.imageInd + 1)) cv2.imwrite(imagePath, mask.astype('uint8')) x = coordinates.loc[biggestBlob.imageIncInd, 'X Coord [µm]'] y = coordinates.loc[biggestBlob.imageIncInd, 'Y Coord [µm]'] z = coordinates.loc[biggestBlob.imageIncInd, 'Ti ZDrive [µm]'] generateMacroFile(macroFolder=macroFolderPath, zInd=biggestBlob.zstackInd + 1, iInd=biggestBlob.imageInd + 1, nd2FilePath=nd2_path, imagePath=imagePath, x=x, y=y, z=z) # send those info to the microscope # shoot laser on it # # for accessing contained data # for k, b in m.getBlobDict().items(): #Saving images if user wants to: if saveImages: print('\n') print("Saving Images...") savedImg_path = r"Contours ({})".format(date) try: os.mkdir(savedImg_path) except: None #Folder already exists #Initiating list to store cell data (e.g. circularity, convexity, etc): z_r = [] b_r = [] i_r = [] cir = [] sol = [] elong = [] area = [] j = 1 for bsInd, z in zip(range(0, len(blobStacks)), org_images): bStack = blobStacks[bsInd] temp_zstack = z.copy() temp_zstack = [ cv2.cvtColor(i, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) for i in temp_zstack ] for m, blob_index in zip(bStack.getMasses(), range(1, bStack.numOfMasses() + 1)): biggestBlob = m.getBiggestRadiusBlob() for key, val in m.getBlobDict().items(): #Storing your data: data = val.calculation() z_r.append(j) i_r.append(val.imageInd + 1) b_r.append(blob_index) area.append(data[0]) cir.append(data[1]) sol.append(data[2]) elong.append(data[3]) # Creating an ROI mask from contours in the local directory img_index = val.imageInd c = val.contour # Limiting the area to test if a point is in the contour font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX bottomLeftCornerOfText = val.centroid fontScale = 1 fontColor = (55, 55, 55) lineType = 2 if m.isSphere() and biggestBlob.isSoliditaryElongation( ) and not (biggestBlob.isOnEdge()): cv2.drawContours(temp_zstack[img_index], c, -1, (0, 255, 0), 3) # Saving the cv2.putText(temp_zstack[img_index], str(blob_index), bottomLeftCornerOfText, font, fontScale, fontColor, lineType) else: cv2.drawContours(temp_zstack[img_index], c, -1, (0, 0, 255), 3) # Putting number for objects in images: cv2.putText(temp_zstack[img_index], str(blob_index), bottomLeftCornerOfText, font, fontScale, fontColor, lineType) j += 1 #Cell data: cell_data = pd.DataFrame({ 'b_ind': b_r, 'z_ind': z_r, 'area': area, 'circularity': cir, 'solidity': sol, 'elongation': elong }) cell_data.to_csv(join(savedImg_path, 'contour_data.csv'), index=False) #Saving each z-stack for i, ind in zip(temp_zstack, range(1, len(temp_zstack) + 1)): cv2.imwrite( join(savedImg_path, 'z{0}_image_{1}.png'.format( (bsInd + 1), ind)), i) print("Contours has been saved in {}".format(savedImg_path))
def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): """ Initialize the tile class. See the base class for other available parameters. :param path: a filesystem path for the tile source. """ super(ND2FileTileSource, self).__init__(path, **kwargs) self._largeImagePath = self._getLargeImagePath() self._pixelInfo = {} try: self._nd2 = nd2reader.ND2Reader(self._largeImagePath) except (UnicodeDecodeError, nd2reader.exceptions.InvalidVersionError, nd2reader.exceptions.EmptyFileError): raise TileSourceException('File cannot be opened via nd2reader.') self._logger = config.getConfig('logger') self._tileLock = threading.RLock() self._recentFrames = cachetools.LRUCache(maxsize=6) self.sizeX = self._nd2.metadata['width'] self.sizeY = self._nd2.metadata['height'] self.tileWidth = self.tileHeight = self._tileSize if self.sizeX <= self._singleTileThreshold and self.sizeY <= self._singleTileThreshold: self.tileWidth = self.sizeX self.tileHeight = self.sizeY self.levels = int( max( 1, math.ceil( math.log( float(max(self.sizeX, self.sizeY)) / self.tileWidth) / math.log(2)) + 1)) # There is one file that throws a warning 'Z-levels details missing in # metadata'. In this instance, there should be no z-levels. try: if (self._nd2.sizes.get('z') and self._nd2.sizes.get('z') == self._nd2.sizes.get('v') and not len( self._nd2._parser._raw_metadata._parse_dimension( r""".*?Z\((\d+)\).*?""")) and self._nd2.sizes['v'] * self._nd2.sizes.get('t', 1) == self._nd2.metadata.get('total_images_per_channel')): self._nd2._parser._raw_metadata._metadata_parsed[ 'z_levels'] = [] self._nd2.sizes['z'] = 1 except Exception: pass frames = self._nd2.sizes.get('c', 1) * self._nd2.metadata.get( 'total_images_per_channel', 0) self._framecount = frames if frames else None self._nd2.iter_axes = sorted( [a for a in self._nd2.axes if a not in {'x', 'y', 'v'}], reverse=True) if frames and len(self._nd2) != frames and 'v' in self._nd2.axes: self._nd2.iter_axes = ['v'] + self._nd2.iter_axes if 'c' in self._nd2.iter_axes and len( self._nd2.metadata.get('channels', [])): self._bandnames = { name.lower(): idx for idx, name in enumerate(self._nd2.metadata['channels']) } # self._nd2.metadata # {'channels': ['CY3', 'A594', 'CY5', 'DAPI'], # 'date': datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 21, 15, 13, 45), # 'events': [], # 'experiment': {'description': '', # 'loops': [{'duration': 0, # 'sampling_interval': 0.0, # 'start': 0, # 'stimulation': False}]}, # 'fields_of_view': range(0, 2500), # v # 'frames': [0], # 'height': 1022, # 'num_frames': 1, # 'pixel_microns': 0.219080212825376, # 'total_images_per_channel': 2500, # 'width': 1024, # 'z_coordinates': [1890.8000000000002, # 1891.025, # 1891.1750000000002, # ... # 1905.2250000000001, # 1905.125, # 1905.1000000000001], # 'z_levels': range(0, 2500)} # self._nd2.axes ['x', 'y', 'c', 't', 'z', 'v'] # self._nd2.ndim 6 # self._nd2.pixel_type numpy.float64 # self._nd2.sizes {'x': 1024, 'y': 1022, 'c': 4, 't': 1, 'z': 2500, 'v': 2500} self._getND2Metadata()