def setUp(self): db = ndnabs.PickleDb('%s/test_authority.db' % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) self.aa = ndnabs.AttributeAuthority(db) fd, self.tmpDbPath = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) shutil.copy('%s/test_signer.db' % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), self.tmpDbPath) print (self.tmpDbPath) db = ndnabs.PickleDb(self.tmpDbPath) self.signer = ndnabs.Signer(db) self.signer.install_public_params(self.aa.get_public_params())
def __init__(self, absPath, maxAttributes): self.keyChain = KeyChain("pib-memory:", "tpm-memory:") self.keyChain.createIdentityV2("/test/identity") self.validator = Validator( ValidationPolicyFromPib(self.keyChain.getPib())) # , filename, groupSize, nAttributes, absPath, keepData = False): # sys.stderr.write ("Using NDN-ABS authority, signer, and verifier database from %s\n" % absPath) self.db = ndnabs.PickleDb(absPath) self.signer = ndnabs.Signer(self.db) self.verifier = ndnabs.Verifier(self.db) try: info = self.signer.get_public_params_info() if info.getName().getPrefix( -2).toUri() != "/icn2019/test/authority": raise RuntimeError( 'NDN-ABS authority exists, but not setup for experiment. Use `ndnabs setup -f /icn2019/test/authority` to force-setup the authority' ) except: raise RuntimeError( "Public parameters are not properly installed for the signer/verifier" ) maxAttributes = [ b'attribute%d' % i for i in range(1, maxAttributes + 1) ] for attr in maxAttributes: if not attr in self.signer.get_attributes(): raise RuntimeError( "%s attribute missing. Generate attributes for the experiment using `ndnabs gen-secret %s | ndnabs install-secret`" % (str(attr, 'utf-8'), ' '.join( [str(i, 'utf-8') for i in maxAttributes])))
def test_setup(self): fd, tmpDbPath = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) os.remove(tmpDbPath) print(tmpDbPath) db = ndnabs.PickleDb(tmpDbPath) self.aa = ndnabs.AttributeAuthority(db) self.aa.setup(pyndn.Name("/test/name"))
def setUp(self): db = ndnabs.PickleDb('%s/test_authority.db' % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) self.aa = ndnabs.AttributeAuthority(db)