def test_restart_long(): with open(join(dirname(__file__), "LST.json")) as f: base = json.load(f) base["prefix"] = "test_restart_long" workdir = join(base_dir, base["prefix"]) config = configure(base, {'name': base["prefix"]}, workdir) res = series(config, tusr, job_time = 0.25) run_all([res,], base)[0] with open(join(workdir, "{}-3.stdout".format(config["name"]))) as f: test = f.readlines() with open(join(dirname(__file__), "LST_ref.out")) as f: ref = f.readlines() tests = grep_log(test, "Maximum scalar") refs = grep_log(ref, "Maximum scalar") max_scalar_diff = np.max(np.abs(tests[-1]-refs[-1])) assert max_scalar_diff < 1.e-9 tests = grep_log(test, "Maximum velocity") refs = grep_log(ref, "Maximum velocity") max_velocity_diff = np.max(np.abs(tests[-1]-refs[-1])) assert max_velocity_diff < 1.e-9 return
def test_restart_long(): with open(join(dirname(__file__), "LST.json")) as f: base = json.load(f) base["prefix"] = "test_restart_long" workdir = join(base_dir, base["prefix"]) config = configure(base, {'name': base["prefix"]}, workdir) res = series(config, tusr, job_time=0.25) run_all([ res, ], base)[0] with open(join(workdir, "{}-3.stdout".format(config["name"]))) as f: test = f.readlines() with open(join(dirname(__file__), "LST_ref.out")) as f: ref = f.readlines() tests = grep_log(test, "Maximum scalar") refs = grep_log(ref, "Maximum scalar") max_scalar_diff = np.max(np.abs(tests[-1] - refs[-1])) assert max_scalar_diff < 1.e-9 tests = grep_log(test, "Maximum velocity") refs = grep_log(ref, "Maximum velocity") max_velocity_diff = np.max(np.abs(tests[-1] - refs[-1])) assert max_velocity_diff < 1.e-9 return
def ndiff(test, ref): tests = grep_log(test, "Maximum scalar") refs = grep_log(ref, "Maximum scalar") assert tests.shape[0] == refs.shape[0] max_scalar_diff = np.max(np.abs(tests-refs)) assert max_scalar_diff < 1.e-9 tests = grep_log(test, "Maximum velocity") refs = grep_log(ref, "Maximum velocity") assert tests.shape[0] == refs.shape[0] max_velocity_diff = np.max(np.abs(tests-refs)) assert max_velocity_diff < 1.e-9 return
def ndiff(test, ref): tests = grep_log(test, "Maximum scalar") refs = grep_log(ref, "Maximum scalar") assert tests.shape[0] == refs.shape[0] max_scalar_diff = np.max(np.abs(tests - refs)) assert max_scalar_diff < 1.e-9 tests = grep_log(test, "Maximum velocity") refs = grep_log(ref, "Maximum velocity") assert tests.shape[0] == refs.shape[0] max_velocity_diff = np.max(np.abs(tests - refs)) assert max_velocity_diff < 1.e-9 return
def test_bdf3(): with open(join(dirname(__file__), "eddy_uv.json")) as f: base = json.load(f) base["prefix"] = "test_bdf3" base["torder"] = 3 sweep = {"courant": [0.5, 0.25, 0.125]} overrides = list(outer_product(sweep)) for ov in overrides: ov["name"] = work_name(base["prefix"], ov) workdir = join(base_dir, base["prefix"]) configs = [ configure(base, ov, join(base_dir, ov["name"])) for ov in overrides ] res = [series(config, tusr) for config in configs] run_all(res, base) errs = {} for config in configs: with open(join(config["workdir"], "{}-0.stdout".format(config["name"]))) as f: test = f.readlines() errs[config["courant"]] = np.max( np.abs(grep_log(test, "X err", pos=2)[10:])) assert errs[.5] / errs[.25] > 6 assert errs[.5] / errs[.25] < 12 assert errs[.25] / errs[.125] > 6 assert errs[.25] / errs[.125] < 12 return
def test_bdf4(): with open(join(dirname(__file__), "eddy_uv.json")) as f: base = json.load(f) base["prefix"] = "test_bdf4" base["torder"] = 4 sweep = {"courant" : [0.5, 0.25, 0.125]} overrides = list(outer_product(sweep)) for ov in overrides: ov["name"] = work_name(base["prefix"], ov) workdir = join(base_dir, base["prefix"]) configs = [configure(base, ov, join(base_dir, ov["name"])) for ov in overrides] res = [series(config, tusr) for config in configs] run_all(res, base) errs = {} for config in configs: with open(join(config["workdir"], "{}-0.stdout".format(config["name"]))) as f: test = f.readlines() errs[config["courant"]] = np.max(np.abs(grep_log(test, "X err", pos=2)[10:])) assert errs[.5] / errs[.25] > 12 assert errs[.5] / errs[.25] < 24 assert errs[.25] / errs[.125] > 12 assert errs[.25] / errs[.125] < 24 return
def test_single(): with open(join(dirname(__file__), "eddy_uv.json")) as f: base = json.load(f) base["prefix"] = "test_single" workdir = join(base_dir, base["prefix"]) config = configure(base, {'name': base["prefix"]}, workdir) res = series(config, tusr) run_all([res,], base)[0] with open(join(workdir, "{}-0.stdout".format(config["name"]))) as f: test = f.readlines() errs = grep_log(test, "X err", pos=2)[10:] assert np.max(np.abs(errs)) < 2.0e-08 return
def test_single(): with open(join(dirname(__file__), "eddy_uv.json")) as f: base = json.load(f) base["prefix"] = "test_single" workdir = join(base_dir, base["prefix"]) config = configure(base, {'name': base["prefix"]}, workdir) res = series(config, tusr) run_all([ res, ], base)[0] with open(join(workdir, "{}-0.stdout".format(config["name"]))) as f: test = f.readlines() errs = grep_log(test, "X err", pos=2)[10:] assert np.max(np.abs(errs)) < 2.0e-08 return