def test_getting_git_info(self, repo_mock): # given now = repo = repo_mock.return_value repo.is_dirty.return_value = True repo.head.commit.hexsha = 'sha' repo.head.commit.message = 'message' = 'author_name' = 'author@email' repo.head.commit.committed_datetime = now = "master" repo.remotes = [] # when git_info = get_git_info('.') # then self.assertEqual( git_info, GitInfo(commit_id='sha', message='message', author_name='author_name', author_email='author@email', commit_date=now, repository_dirty=True, active_branch="master", remote_urls=[]))
def test_getting_some_git_info_from_current_repository(self): # when git_info = get_git_info('.') # then self.assertNotEqual(git_info, None)
def create_experiment(self, name=None, description=None, params=None, properties=None, tags=None, upload_source_files=None, abort_callback=None, logger=None, upload_stdout=True, upload_stderr=True, send_hardware_metrics=True, run_monitoring_thread=True, handle_uncaught_exceptions=True, git_info=None, hostname=None, notebook_id=None, notebook_path=None): """Create and start Neptune experiment. Create experiment, set its status to `running` and append it to the top of the experiments view. All parameters are optional, hence minimal invocation: ``neptune.create_experiment()``. Args: name (:obj:`str`, optional, default is ``'Untitled'``): Editable name of the experiment. Name is displayed in the experiment's `Details` (`Metadata` section) and in `experiments view` as a column. description (:obj:`str`, optional, default is ``''``): Editable description of the experiment. Description is displayed in the experiment's `Details` (`Metadata` section) and can be displayed in the `experiments view` as a column. params (:obj:`dict`, optional, default is ``{}``): Parameters of the experiment. After experiment creation ``params`` are read-only (see: :meth:`~neptune.experiments.Experiment.get_parameters`). Parameters are displayed in the experiment's `Details` (`Parameters` section) and each key-value pair can be viewed in `experiments view` as a column. properties (:obj:`dict`, optional, default is ``{}``): Properties of the experiment. They are editable after experiment is created. Properties are displayed in the experiment's `Details` (`Properties` section) and each key-value pair can be viewed in `experiments view` as a column. tags (:obj:`list`, optional, default is ``[]``): Must be list of :obj:`str`. Tags of the experiment. They are editable after experiment is created (see: :meth:`~neptune.experiments.Experiment.append_tag` and :meth:`~neptune.experiments.Experiment.remove_tag`). Tags are displayed in the experiment's `Details` (`Metadata` section) and can be viewed in `experiments view` as a column. upload_source_files (:obj:`list` or :obj:`str`, optional, default is ``None``): List of source files to be uploaded. Must be list of :obj:`str` or single :obj:`str`. Uploaded sources are displayed in the experiment's `Source code` tab. | If ``None`` is passed, Python file from which experiment was created will be uploaded. | Pass empty list (``[]``) to upload no files. | Unix style pathname pattern expansion is supported. For example, you can pass ``'*.py'`` to upload all python source files from the current directory. For recursion lookup use ``'**/*.py'`` (for Python 3.5 and later). For more information see `glob library <>`_. abort_callback (:obj:`callable`, optional, default is ``None``): Callback that defines how `abort experiment` action in the Web application should work. Actual behavior depends on your setup: * (default) If ``abort_callback=None`` and `psutil <>`_ is installed, then current process and it's children are aborted by sending `SIGTERM`. If, after grace period, processes are not terminated, `SIGKILL` is sent. * If ``abort_callback=None`` and `psutil <>`_ is **not** installed, then `abort experiment` action just marks experiment as *aborted* in the Web application. No action is performed on the current process. * If ``abort_callback=callable``, then ``callable`` is executed when `abort experiment` action in the Web application is triggered. logger (:obj:`logging.handlers` or `None`, optional, default is ``None``): If `handler <>`_ to `Python logger` is passed, new experiment's `text log` (see: :meth:`~neptune.experiments.Experiment.log_text`) with name `"logger"` is created. Each time `Python logger` logs new data, it is automatically sent to the `"logger"` in experiment. As a results all data from `Python logger` are in the `Logs` tab in the experiment. upload_stdout (:obj:`Boolean`, optional, default is ``True``): Whether to send stdout to experiment's *Monitoring*. upload_stderr (:obj:`Boolean`, optional, default is ``True``): Whether to send stderr to experiment's *Monitoring*. send_hardware_metrics (:obj:`Boolean`, optional, default is ``True``): Whether to send hardware monitoring logs (CPU, GPU, Memory utilization) to experiment's *Monitoring*. run_monitoring_thread (:obj:`Boolean`, optional, default is ``True``): Whether to run thread that pings Neptune server in order to determine if experiment is responsive. handle_uncaught_exceptions (:obj:`Boolean`, optional, default is ``True``): Two options ``True`` and ``False`` are possible: * If set to ``True`` and uncaught exception occurs, then Neptune automatically place `Traceback` in the experiment's `Details` and change experiment status to `Failed`. * If set to ``False`` and uncaught exception occurs, then no action is performed in the Web application. As a consequence, experiment's status is `running` or `not responding`. git_info (:class:`~neptune.git_info.GitInfo`, optional, default is ``None``): | Instance of the class :class:`~neptune.git_info.GitInfo` that provides information about the git repository from which experiment was started. | If ``None`` is passed, system attempts to automatically extract information about git repository in the following way: * System looks for `.git` file in the current directory and, if not found, goes up recursively until `.git` file will be found (see: :meth:`~neptune.utils.get_git_info`). * If there is no git repository, then no information about git is displayed in experiment details in Neptune web application. hostname (:obj:`str`, optional, default is ``None``): If ``None``, neptune automatically get `hostname` information. User can also set `hostname` directly by passing :obj:`str`. Returns: :class:`~neptune.experiments.Experiment` object that is used to manage experiment and log data to it. Raises: `ExperimentValidationError`: When provided arguments are invalid. `ExperimentLimitReached`: When experiment limit in the project has been reached. Examples: .. code:: python3 # minimal invoke neptune.create_experiment() # explicitly return experiment object experiment = neptune.create_experiment() # create experiment with name and two parameters neptune.create_experiment(name='first-pytorch-ever', params={'lr': 0.0005, 'dropout': 0.2}) # create experiment with name and description, and no sources files uploaded neptune.create_experiment(name='neural-net-mnist', description='neural net trained on MNIST', upload_source_files=[]) # Send all py files in cwd (excluding hidden files with names beginning with a dot) neptune.create_experiment(upload_source_files='*.py') # Send all py files from all subdirectories (excluding hidden files with names beginning with a dot) # Supported on Python 3.5 and later. neptune.create_experiment(upload_source_files='**/*.py') # Send all files and directories in cwd (excluding hidden files with names beginning with a dot) neptune.create_experiment(upload_source_files='*') # Send all files and directories in cwd including hidden files neptune.create_experiment(upload_source_files=['*', '.*']) # Send files with names being a single character followed by '.py' extension. neptune.create_experiment(upload_source_files='?.py') # larger example neptune.create_experiment(name='first-pytorch-ever', params={'lr': 0.0005, 'dropout': 0.2}, properties={'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 17, 'key3': 'other-value'}, description='write longer description here', tags=['list-of', 'tags', 'goes-here', 'as-list-of-strings'], upload_source_files=['', '']) """ if name is None: name = "Untitled" if description is None: description = "" if params is None: params = {} if properties is None: properties = {} if tags is None: tags = [] if git_info is None: git_info = get_git_info(discover_git_repo_location()) if hostname is None: hostname = get_hostname() if notebook_id is None and os.getenv(NOTEBOOK_ID_ENV_NAME, None) is not None: notebook_id = os.environ[NOTEBOOK_ID_ENV_NAME] if isinstance(upload_source_files, six.string_types): upload_source_files = [upload_source_files] upload_source_entries = [] main_file = sys.argv[0] entrypoint = main_file or None if upload_source_files is None: if os.path.isfile(main_file): entrypoint = normalize_file_name(os.path.basename(main_file)) upload_source_entries = [ UploadEntry(os.path.abspath(main_file), normalize_file_name(os.path.basename(main_file))) ] else: expanded_source_files = set() for filepath in upload_source_files: expanded_source_files |= set(glob(filepath)) for filepath in expanded_source_files: upload_source_entries.append(UploadEntry(os.path.abspath(filepath), normalize_file_name(filepath))) if notebook_path is None and os.getenv(NOTEBOOK_PATH_ENV_NAME, None) is not None: notebook_path = os.environ[NOTEBOOK_PATH_ENV_NAME] abortable = abort_callback is not None or DefaultAbortImpl.requirements_installed() checkpoint_id = None if notebook_id is not None and notebook_path is not None: checkpoint = create_checkpoint(backend=self._backend, notebook_id=notebook_id, notebook_path=notebook_path) if checkpoint is not None: checkpoint_id = experiment = self._backend.create_experiment( project=self, name=name, description=description, params=params, properties=properties, tags=tags, abortable=abortable, monitored=run_monitoring_thread, git_info=git_info, hostname=hostname, entrypoint=entrypoint, notebook_id=notebook_id, checkpoint_id=checkpoint_id ) # pylint: disable=protected-access experiment._start( upload_source_entries=upload_source_entries, abort_callback=abort_callback, logger=logger, upload_stdout=upload_stdout, upload_stderr=upload_stderr, send_hardware_metrics=send_hardware_metrics, run_monitoring_thread=run_monitoring_thread, handle_uncaught_exceptions=handle_uncaught_exceptions ) self._push_new_experiment(experiment) click.echo(self._get_experiment_link(experiment)) return experiment