コード例 #1
def ner_predict_proba():
    from nerwindow import WindowMLP
    wv = np.random.randn(20, 10)
    clf = WindowMLP(wv, windowsize=3, dims=[None, 15, 3], rseed=10)
    J = clf.compute_loss([1, 2, 3], 1)
    print "  dummy: J = %g" % J
    J = clf.compute_loss([[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]], [0, 1])
    print "  dummy: J = %g" % J
コード例 #2
def ner_predict_proba():
    from nerwindow import WindowMLP
    wv = np.random.randn(20,10)
    clf = WindowMLP(wv, windowsize=3,
                    dims = [None, 15, 3], rseed=10)
    J = clf.compute_loss([1,2,3], 1)
    print "  dummy: J = %g" % J
    J = clf.compute_loss([[1,2,3], [2,3,4]], [0,1])
    print "  dummy: J = %g" % J
コード例 #3
def ner_predict_proba():
    from nerwindow import WindowMLP
    wv = np.random.randn(20, 10)
    clf = WindowMLP(wv, windowsize=3, dims=[None, 15, 3], rseed=10)
    p = clf.predict_proba([1, 2, 3])
    assert (len(p.flatten()) == 3)
    p = clf.predict_proba([[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]])
    assert (np.ndim(p) == 2)
    assert (p.shape == (2, 3))
コード例 #4
def ner_predict_proba():
    from nerwindow import WindowMLP
    wv = np.random.randn(20,10)
    clf = WindowMLP(wv, windowsize=3,
                    dims = [None, 15, 3], rseed=10)
    p = clf.predict_proba([1,2,3])
    assert(len(p.flatten()) == 3)
    p = clf.predict_proba([[1,2,3], [2,3,4]])
    assert(np.ndim(p) == 2)
    assert(p.shape == (2,3))
コード例 #5
def experiment(param):
    pms = param["param"]
    sche_name = param["setting_name"]
    clf = WindowMLP(**pms)
    if sche_name == "epoch":
        schedule = itertools.chain(*itertools.repeat(xrange(len(y_train)), nepoch))
    elif sche_name == "N":
        schedule = random.randint(0, len(y_train), N)
    elif sche_name == "mini_batch":
        schedule = trainig_schedule(N, len(y_train), k)

    cost = clf.train_sgd(X_train, y_train, idxiter=schedule)
    result = {"cost": cost, "name": sche_name}
    return result
コード例 #6
def experiment(param):
    pms = param["param"]
    sche_name = param["setting_name"]
    clf = WindowMLP(**pms)
    if sche_name == "epoch":
        schedule = itertools.chain(
            *itertools.repeat(xrange(len(y_train)), nepoch))
    elif sche_name == "N":
        schedule = random.randint(0, len(y_train), N)
    elif sche_name == "mini_batch":
        schedule = trainig_schedule(N, len(y_train), k)

    cost = clf.train_sgd(X_train, y_train, idxiter=schedule)
    result = {"cost": cost, "name": sche_name}
    return result
コード例 #7
def setup_probing():
    num_to_word = dict(enumerate(
                       ["hello", "world", "i", "am", "a", "banana",
                        "there", "is", "no", "spoon"]))
    tagnames = ["O", "LOC", "MISC", "ORG", "PER"]
    num_to_tag = dict(enumerate(tagnames))

    from nerwindow import WindowMLP
    wv = np.random.randn(10,50)
    clf = WindowMLP(wv, windowsize=3,
                    dims = [None, 100, 5], rseed=10)
    return clf, num_to_word, num_to_tag
コード例 #8
# Dummy test code
# run this script, and make sure nothing crashes
# (this is the same as sanity check for part 1.1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    num_to_word = dict(
            "hello", "world", "i", "am", "a", "banana", "there", "is", "no",
    tagnames = ["O", "LOC", "MISC", "ORG", "PER"]
    num_to_tag = dict(enumerate(tagnames))

    from nerwindow import WindowMLP
    wv = random.randn(10, 50)
    clf = WindowMLP(wv, windowsize=3, dims=[None, 100, 5], rseed=10)

    print("\n=== Testing Part (a) ===\n")
    s, w = part_a(clf, num_to_word, verbose=True)
    assert (len(s) == len(w))
    if type(s) == dict:  # some students may have done this
        for k in list(s.keys()):
            assert (k in w)
        for k in list(w.keys()):
            assert (k in s)
        assert (len(s) >= 5)
    else:  # list
        assert (len(s[0]) == len(w[0]))
        assert (len(s[0]) == 10)
        assert (type(w[0][0]) == str)
コード例 #9
def ner_init():
    from nerwindow import WindowMLP
    wv = np.random.randn(20, 10)
    clf = WindowMLP(wv, windowsize=3, dims=[None, 15, 3], rseed=10)
コード例 #10
ファイル: ner1.py プロジェクト: framr/ml
    # - `__init__()` (initialize parameters and hyperparameters)
    # - `_acc_grads()` (compute and accumulate gradients)
    # - `compute_loss()` (compute loss for a training example)
    # - `predict()`, `predict_proba()`, or other prediction method (for evaluation)
    # `NNBase` provides you with a few others that will be helpful:
    # - `grad_check()` (run a gradient check - calls `_acc_grads` and `compute_loss`)
    # - `train_sgd()` (run SGD training; more on this later)
    # Your task is to implement the window model in `nerwindow.py`; a scaffold has been provided for you with instructions on what to fill in.
    # When ready, you can test below:

    clf = WindowMLP(wv, windowsize=windowsize, dims=[None, 100, 5], reg=0.001, alpha=0.01)
    clf.grad_check(X_train[0], y_train[0]) # gradient check on single point

    # Now we'll train your model on some data! You can implement your own SGD method, but we recommend that you just call `clf.train_sgd`. 
    #This takes the following arguments:
    # - `X`, `y` : training data
    # - `idxiter`: iterable (list or generator) that gives index (row of X) of training examples in the order they should be visited by SGD
    # - `printevery`: int, prints progress after this many examples
    # - `costevery`: int, computes mean loss after this many examples. This is a costly operation, so don't make this too frequent!
    # The implementation we give you supports minibatch learning; 
    # if `idxiter` is a list-of-lists (or yields lists), then gradients will be computed for all indices in a minibatch 
    # before modifying the parameters (this is why we have you write `_acc_grad` instead of applying them directly!).
    # Before training, you should generate a training schedule to pass as `idxiter`. 
コード例 #11
def main():
    # Load the starter word vectors
    wv, word_to_num, num_to_word = ner.load_wv('data/ner/vocab.txt',
    tagnames = ["O", "LOC", "MISC", "ORG", "PER"]
    num_to_tag = dict(enumerate(tagnames))
    tag_to_num = du.invert_dict(num_to_tag)

    # Set window size
    windowsize = 3

    # Load the training set
    docs = du.load_dataset('data/ner/train')
    X_train, y_train = du.docs_to_windows(docs,

    # Load the dev set (for tuning hyperparameters)
    docs = du.load_dataset('data/ner/dev')
    X_dev, y_dev = du.docs_to_windows(docs,

    # Load the test set (dummy labels only)
    docs = du.load_dataset('data/ner/test.masked')
    X_test, y_test = du.docs_to_windows(docs,
    clf = WindowMLP(wv,
                    dims=[None, 100, 5],
    train_size = X_train.shape[0]
    costs = pickle.load(open("costs.dat", "rb"))
    clf = pickle.load(open("clf.dat", "rb"))
    nepoch = 5
    N = nepoch * len(y_train)
    k = 5  # minibatch size
    costs = clf.train_sgd(X_train,
                          idxiter=random_mini(k, N, train_size),

    pickle.dump(clf, open("clf.dat", "wb"))
    pickle.dump(costs, open("costs.dat", "wb"))
    plot_learning_curve(clf, costs)
    # Predict labels on the dev set
    yp = clf.predict(X_dev)
    # Save predictions to a file, one per line
    ner.save_predictions(yp, "dev.predicted")
    full_report(y_dev, yp, tagnames)  # full report, helpful diagnostics
    eval_performance(y_dev, yp, tagnames)  # performance: optimize this F1
    # L: V x 50
    # W[:,50:100]: 100 x 50
    responses = clf.sparams.L.dot(clf.params.W[:, 50:100].T)  # V x 100
    index = np.argsort(responses, axis=0)[::-1]

    neurons = [1, 3, 4, 6, 8]  # change this to your chosen neurons
    for i in neurons:
        print "Neuron %d" % i
        top_words = [num_to_word[k] for k in index[:10, i]]
        top_scores = [responses[k, i] for k in index[:10, i]]
        print_scores(top_scores, top_words)
コード例 #12
ファイル: nerwindow.py プロジェクト: gargvinit/cs224d
import data_utils.utils as du
import data_utils.ner as ner
# Load the starter word vectors
wv, word_to_num, num_to_word = ner.load_wv('data/ner/vocab.txt',
tagnames = ["O", "LOC", "MISC", "ORG", "PER"]
num_to_tag = dict(enumerate(tagnames))
tag_to_num = du.invert_dict(num_to_tag)

# Set window size
windowsize = 3

# Load the training set
docs = du.load_dataset('data/ner/train')
X_train, y_train = du.docs_to_windows(docs, word_to_num, tag_to_num,

# Load the dev set (for tuning hyperparameters)
docs = du.load_dataset('data/ner/dev')
X_dev, y_dev = du.docs_to_windows(docs, word_to_num, tag_to_num,

# Load the test set (dummy labels only)
docs = du.load_dataset('data/ner/test.masked')
X_test, y_test = du.docs_to_windows(docs, word_to_num, tag_to_num,
clf = WindowMLP(wv, windowsize=windowsize, dims=[None, 100, 5],
                reg=0.001, alpha=0.01)
clf.grad_check(X_train[0], y_train[0])
clf.train_sgd( X_train, y_train)
コード例 #13
ファイル: part1-NER.py プロジェクト: Tang7/rnn224
# - `grad_check()` (run a gradient check - calls `_acc_grads` and `compute_loss`)
# - `train_sgd()` (run SGD training; more on this later)
# Your task is to implement the window model in `nerwindow.py`; a scaffold has been provided for you with instructions on what to fill in.
# When ready, you can test below:

# In[72]:


# In[5]:

from nerwindow import WindowMLP
clf = WindowMLP(wv, windowsize=windowsize, dims=[None, 100, 5],
                reg=0.001, alpha=0.01)
# clf._acc_grads(X_train[0],y_train[0])
clf.grad_check(X_train[0], y_train[0]) # gradient check on single point

# Now we'll train your model on some data! You can implement your own SGD method, but we recommend that you just call `clf.train_sgd`. This takes the following arguments:
# - `X`, `y` : training data
# - `idxiter`: iterable (list or generator) that gives index (row of X) of training examples in the order they should be visited by SGD
# - `printevery`: int, prints progress after this many examples
# - `costevery`: int, computes mean loss after this many examples. This is a costly operation, so don't make this too frequent!
# The implementation we give you supports minibatch learning; if `idxiter` is a list-of-lists (or yields lists), then gradients will be computed for all indices in a minibatch before modifying the parameters (this is why we have you write `_acc_grad` instead of applying them directly!).
# Before training, you should generate a training schedule to pass as `idxiter`. If you know how to use Python generators, we recommend those; otherwise, just make a static list. Make the following in the cell below: