def put(self, run_id, action): """ Delete / stop / start a run """ parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('user', type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument('force', action='store_true', default=False) args = parser.parse_args() arg_user = auth_get_username(request.authorization, args.get('user')) arg_force = args.get('force') errors = '' query = {'run_id': run_id} keys = {'work_dir': 1, 'output_dir': 1, 'status': 1, 'user': 1} pipeline = db.pipelines.find_one(query, keys) if not pipeline: errors = 'ERROR: Run ID %s not found' % str(run_id) elif pipeline['user'] != arg_user: errors = 'ERROR: cannot modify pipeline %s: permission denied' % str( run_id) elif action.lower() == "delete": if pipeline['status'] != JOB_STATUS.FAILED: errors = 'ERROR: Run status is %s: cannot delete' % pipeline[ 'status'].upper() else: db.steps.delete_many({'run_id': run_id}) db.pipelines.find_one_and_delete({'run_id': run_id}) errors = pm.delete_pipeline(run_id, arg_user, pipeline.get('output_dir'), pipeline.get('work_dir')) elif action.lower() == "resume": if pipeline['status'] != JOB_STATUS.INTERRUPTED: errors = 'ERROR: Run status is %s: cannot resume' % pipeline[ 'status'].upper() else: db.pipelines.update( {'run_id': run_id}, {'$set': { 'status': JOB_STATUS.QUEUED }}) errors = pm.resume_pipeline(run_id, arg_user, pipeline.get('work_dir')) elif action.lower() == "pause": if pipeline['status'] != JOB_STATUS.RUNNING: errors = 'ERROR: Run status is %s: cannot pause' % pipeline[ 'status'].upper() else: errors = pm.pause_pipeline(run_id, arg_user) else: errors = "Uknown action requested: %s" % str(action) if errors: ut.pretty_print(errors) return errors, 400 else: return 200
def validate_token(token): """ Send request to the server to check if the token is valid """ valid = False if token: address = "%s/verifytoken" % (cfg.SERVICE_ROOT_URL) ut.pretty_print("Sending request to...%s" % address) response = requests.get(address, data={"token": token, "username": getpass.getuser()}, verify=False) valid = response.json()['valid'] if not valid: ut.pretty_print("User %s not authenticated" %getpass.getuser()) return valid
def verify_token(username, token): """ Verify validity of token """ s = TimedJWSSerializer(app.config['SECRET_KEY']) try: ut.pretty_print("Trying to load the token") data = s.loads(token) except SignatureExpired: ut.pretty_print("ERROR: Expired Token") return False except BadSignature: ut.pretty_print("ERROR: Invalid Token") return False else: ut.pretty_print("Token successfully loaded") stored = db.sessions.find_one( filter={'username': data['username']}, sort=[('_id', -1)]) if not stored: return False result = json_util.loads(json_util.dumps(stored)) return pwd_context.verify( data['password'], result['password_hash']) and data['username'] == username
def verify_token(username, token): """ Verify validity of token """ s = TimedJWSSerializer(app.config['SECRET_KEY']) try: ut.pretty_print("Trying to load the token") data = s.loads(token) except SignatureExpired: ut.pretty_print("ERROR: Expired Token") return False except BadSignature: ut.pretty_print("ERROR: Invalid Token") return False else: ut.pretty_print("Token successfully loaded") stored = db.sessions.find_one(filter={'username': data['username']}, sort=[('_id', -1)]) if not stored: return False result = json_util.loads(json_util.dumps(stored)) return pwd_context.verify( data['password'], result['password_hash']) and data['username'] == username
def put(self, run_id, action): """ Delete / stop / start a run """ parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('user', type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument('force', action='store_true', default=False) args = parser.parse_args() arg_user = auth_get_username(request.authorization, args.get('user')) arg_force = args.get('force') errors = '' query = {'run_id' : run_id} keys = {'work_dir':1, 'output_dir':1, 'status':1, 'user':1} pipeline = db.pipelines.find_one(query, keys) if not pipeline: errors = 'ERROR: Run ID %s not found' % str(run_id) elif pipeline['user'] != arg_user: errors = 'ERROR: cannot modify pipeline %s: permission denied' % str(run_id) elif action.lower() == "delete": if pipeline['status'] != JOB_STATUS.FAILED: errors = 'ERROR: Run status is %s: cannot delete' % pipeline['status'].upper() else: db.steps.delete_many({'run_id': run_id}) db.pipelines.find_one_and_delete({'run_id': run_id}) errors = pm.delete_pipeline(run_id, arg_user, pipeline.get('output_dir'), pipeline.get('work_dir') ) elif action.lower() == "resume": if pipeline['status'] != JOB_STATUS.INTERRUPTED: errors = 'ERROR: Run status is %s: cannot resume' % pipeline['status'].upper() else: db.pipelines.update({'run_id': run_id}, {'$set': {'status': JOB_STATUS.QUEUED}}) errors = pm.resume_pipeline(run_id, arg_user, pipeline.get('work_dir')) elif action.lower() == "pause": if pipeline['status'] != JOB_STATUS.RUNNING: errors = 'ERROR: Run status is %s: cannot pause' % pipeline['status'].upper() else: errors = pm.pause_pipeline(run_id, arg_user) else: errors = "Uknown action requested: %s" % str(action) if errors: ut.pretty_print(errors) return errors, 400 else: return 200
def install_secret_key(app): """ Configure the SECRET_KEY from a file in the instance directory. If the file does not exist, print instructions to create it from a shell with a random key, then exit. """ keyfile = os.path.join(KEYDIR, 'flask_key') try: if not os.path.exists(keyfile): ut.pretty_print('No key file found: creating it') if not os.path.exists(KEYDIR): os.makedirs(KEYDIR, mode=0700) with open(keyfile, 'wb') as fh: key = os.urandom(256) fh.write(key) app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = key else: app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = open(keyfile, 'rb').read() except: raise Exception("Unable to install flask key")
def install_secret_key(app): """ Configure the SECRET_KEY from a file in the instance directory. If the file does not exist, print instructions to create it from a shell with a random key, then exit. """ keyfile = os.path.join(KEYDIR, "flask_key") try: if not os.path.exists(keyfile): ut.pretty_print("No key file found: creating it") if not os.path.exists(KEYDIR): os.makedirs(KEYDIR, mode=0700) with open(keyfile, "wb") as fh: key = os.urandom(256) fh.write(key) app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = key else: app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = open(keyfile, "rb").read() except: raise Exception("Unable to install flask key")
def put(self): """ Queue the specific pipeline """ data = request.get_json(force=True) config = data.get('config') user = auth_get_username(request.authorization, data.get('user')) errors = None # Pipeline.validate_config(config, user) if not errors: config = Pipeline.load_cfg(config) # Get id from DB db_info = dbmodel.PipelineDb(config['name'], config, Pipeline.ordered_steps(config), user) config['run_id'] = db_info.run_id ut.pretty_print("Submitting pipeline %s (ID %d) for user %s" % (config['label'], config['run_id'], user)) return pm.add_pipeline(config, user) else: return errors, 400
def get_new_token(user): """ Send request to the server to get a new token """ pwrd = getpass.getpass("Please enter your password: "******"%s/login" % (cfg.SERVICE_ROOT_URL) data = {'user': user, 'password': pwrd} ut.pretty_print("Sending request to...%s" % address) response =, data=data, verify=False) if response.json().get('token'): ut.pretty_print("user %s successsfully authenticated" % user) token = response.json()['token'] save_token(token) else: ut.pretty_print("Invalid username or password") token = None return token
def post(self): """ Queue the specific pipeline type """ user = request.form['user'] password = request.form['password'] # ip = request.remote_addr ut.pretty_print("Checking user %s" % user) # TODO : Provide proper code for special users wilee and demux if ((cfg.ACME_DEV or cfg.ACME_PROD) and (user == 'wilee' or user == 'demux')): return {'token': generate_token(user, password)} else: try: # Make sure the password is not empty to prevent LDAP anonymous bind to succeed if not password: raise ldap.LDAPError("Empty password for user %s!" % user) #check if the LDAP binding works ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER) conn = ldap.initialize(cfg.LDAPS_ADDRESS) conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0) conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3) conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, cfg.search_cfg_file('certificate_file.cer')) conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND) conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND, True) bind = conn.simple_bind_s("%s@%s" % user, password, cfg.COMPANY_ADDRESS) ut.pretty_print("Bind success!!") #then create a session return {'token': generate_token(user, password)} except ldap.LDAPError, e: ut.pretty_print("ERROR: authentication error: %s" % e) return "Authentication error", 401
def __init__(self, cfg, user='******', db=True, schedname="SCHED_CONDOR"): """ Read in the pipeline graph and load the configuration. """ self.all_ok = True self.user = user self.status = JOB_STATUS.QUEUED self.lock = '' self.completed = [] self.running = {} self.outputs = {} self.schedname = schedname db_model_name = "MONGO_DB" if db else "STUB_DB" # Load configuration self.one_step = False try: self.cfg = Pipeline.load_cfg(cfg) except Exception as e1: print('Failed to load config as pipeline (error=%s). Trying as step' % e1) try: self.cfg = Step.load_cfg(cfg) self.step = Step.load_step(self.cfg) self.one_step = True except Exception as e2: Exception("Unable to load config file %s:\n" \ "pipeline load: %s\n" \ "step load: %s" % (cfg, e1, e2)) # Set all additional information self.run_id = self.cfg.get('run_id') if self.one_step: = self.label = self.project_name = self.cfg.get('project_name', '') self.description = self.cfg.get('description', '') self.output_dir = self.step.output_dir self.ordered = [] else: = self.cfg['name'] self.label = self.cfg['label'] self.project_name = self.cfg['config']['pipeline'].get('project_name', '') self.description = self.cfg['config']['pipeline'].get('description', '') self.output_dir = self.cfg['config']['pipeline']['output_dir'] if not self.output_dir.startswith('/scratch'): self.cfg['dag']['nodes'][FINAL_STEP] = 'utils.Finalize' #TODO: Make it work for one_step as well self.ordered = Pipeline.ordered_steps(self.cfg) self.sys_path = self.cfg.get('sys_path') if self.sys_path: sys.path.insert(0, self.sys_path) self.dag = self.create_dag(self.cfg, one_step=self.one_step) self.meta = { 'pipeline': { 'label': self.label, 'project_name': self.project_name, 'descr': self.description, 'run_id': self.run_id }, 'steps': {}, 'job' : {} } self.db = db_models[db_model_name](, self.cfg, self.ordered, self.user, output_dir=self.output_dir) if hasattr(self.db, 'run_id'): self.run_id = self.db.run_id self.cfg['run_id'] = self.run_id # Define the output directories if not os.path.exists(self.output_dir): os.makedirs(self.output_dir, 0775) # Use default output dir under /scratch/cgi/nespipe (linked to user-defined dir.) # if: a) this run is using the db (so we have a run ID); b) it is not a demux. run; # and c) the user-defined directory is not already under /scratch if self.run_id and not ( == 'demultiplexing'): dirname = '%s_%d' % (, self.db.run_id) self.output_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, dirname) if not os.path.exists(self.output_dir): os.makedirs(self.output_dir, 0775) # In case of /scratch, do not create an additional sub-directory if self.output_dir.startswith('/scratch'): self.work_dir = self.output_dir else: self.work_dir = os.path.join(WORK_DIR, self.user, dirname) if not os.path.exists(self.work_dir): os.makedirs(self.work_dir, 0775) symlink = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'work_area') if not os.path.exists(symlink): os.symlink(self.work_dir, symlink) else: self.work_dir = self.output_dir ut.pretty_print('Output directories: output_dir=%s, work_dir=%s' % (self.output_dir, self.work_dir)) self.db.update_pipeline(self.run_id, {'output_dir': self.output_dir, 'work_dir': self.work_dir })
def load_cfg(cls, cfg): """ Return the json cfg Is expecting as input one between a file, a json text or a dictionary """ cfg_load = None try: if type(cfg) == dict: cfg_load = copy.deepcopy(cfg) elif isinstance(cfg, basestring): if os.path.exists(cfg): with open(cfg) as fh: cfg_load = json.load(fh) if 'sys_path' not in cfg_load: cfg_load['sys_path'] = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(cfg)) else: cfg_load = json.load(cfg) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to load config file %s: %s" % (cfg, e)) else: #load the spec_type or spec_file into the json_spec #if they exists cfg_data = { 'config' : {'steps': {}, 'pipeline' : {'project_name' : '', 'description' : '', 'output_dir': ''}}} ut.dict_update(cfg_data, cfg_load) if 'sys_path' in cfg_data: sys.path.insert(0, cfg_data['sys_path']) pipeline_to_load = cfg_data['dag'].pop("load") if "load" in cfg_data['dag'] else None if pipeline_to_load: try: if os.path.exists(pipeline_to_load): spec_file = pipeline_to_load else: if pipeline_to_load in pipeline_names: spec_file = pipeline_names[pipeline_to_load] else: raise Exception("Pipeline %s not found in list of pipelines: [%s]" % (pipeline_to_load, ','.join(pipeline_names))) with open(spec_file) as fh: ut.pretty_print("Loading pipeline spec from %s" % spec_file) spec = json.load(fh) stepobjs = Pipeline.create_steps(spec) steps_defaults = {} for step in stepobjs: step_default = stepobjs[step].keys_values(['params', 'requirements']) if step_default: steps_defaults[step] = step_default spec.setdefault('config', {}) spec['config'].setdefault('pipeline', {}) spec['config'].setdefault('steps', {}) ut.dict_update(spec['config']['steps'], steps_defaults, replace=False) ut.dict_update(spec['config'], cfg_data.get('config', '')) cfg_data = spec except: raise if cfg_data.get('config', {}).get('pipeline', {}).get('refgenome',{}): key_refgenome = cfg_data['config']['pipeline'].pop('refgenome') try: ref_genomes = Pipeline.get_refgenomes(cfg_data) if key_refgenome in ref_genomes: # set refgenome parameters in each step (update config if already exists) for step in ref_genomes[key_refgenome]: if step in cfg_data['config']['steps']: cfg_data['config']['steps'][step].update(ref_genomes[key_refgenome][step]) else: cfg_data['config']['steps'][step] = ref_genomes[key_refgenome][step] else: raise Exception("unable to load ref genome paths for %s " % key_refgenome) except Exception, e: raise if 'sys_path' in cfg_data: del sys.path[0] return cfg_data
def post(self, run_id): """ Pushes files into iRODS """ data = request.get_json(force=True) runmeta = data.get('meta') selection = data.get('selection') user = auth_get_username(request.authorization, data.get('user')) npdis = dbmodel.get_npdi_projects() npdi = runmeta.get('Project NPDI ID', '') study_nickname = runmeta.get('Study nickname', 'Required field missing') if (npdi + study_nickname) not in npdis: return { 'pipeline': { 'Project': '%s (%s)' % (npdi, study_nickname) } }, 400 run = db.pipelines.find_one({'run_id': run_id}, { 'meta': 1, 'run_id': 1 }) steps_names = selection.keys() steps = list( db.steps.find( { "run_id": run_id, "name": { '$in': steps_names }, "jobs": { "$elemMatch": { "outputs": { "$exists": True } } } }, { "name": 1, "jobs": 1, "outputs.output_dir": 1, "step_config": 1 })) outputs = {} for step in steps: if step.get('step_config', {}): s = Step.load_step(step['step_config']) output_files = {} for job_id, job in enumerate(step['jobs']): for key in job['outputs']: if key in s.keys(key_groups='outputs', key_filter={'type': 'file'}): for i, filename in enumerate( job['outputs'][key]): filemeta = { 'step': step['name'], 'job_id': job_id } ext = os.path.splitext( filename)[1][1:].upper() for key in job.get('meta', {}): meta = job['meta'][key] if key == 'sample_id': okey = 'Operational sample accession' else: okey = key if isinstance(meta, list): filemeta[okey] = meta[i] else: filemeta[okey] = meta filemeta[ 'File type'] = 'Processed data file' filemeta['File format'] = ext output_files[filename] = filemeta if output_files: outputs[step['name']] = output_files input_files = [] meta_data = [] for step_name, step_selection in selection.iteritems(): for filepath in step_selection: input_files.append(filepath) filemeta = outputs[step_name][filepath] filemeta.update(runmeta) meta_data.append(filemeta) cfg = Pipeline.load_cfg(pipeline_specs['irods_lz']) cfg['config']['steps']['irods_mvtolz'] = { 'input_files': input_files, 'meta_data': meta_data } cfg['config']['steps']['irods_monitorlz'] = { 'prun_id': run['run_id'] } cfg['config']['pipeline']['project_name'] = run['meta'][ 'project_name'] cfg['config']['pipeline'][ 'description'] = 'Archive data for run %s' % run['run_id'] cfg['config']['pipeline']['output_dir'] = '/scratch/cgi/irods' # Get id from DB db_info = dbmodel.PipelineDb(cfg['name'], cfg, Pipeline.ordered_steps(cfg), user) cfg['run_id'] = db_info.run_id ut.pretty_print("Submitting pipeline %s (ID %d) for user %s" % (cfg['label'], cfg['run_id'], user)) return pm.add_pipeline(cfg, user)
def __init__(self, cfg, user='******', db=True, schedname="SCHED_CONDOR"): """ Read in the pipeline graph and load the configuration. """ self.all_ok = True self.user = user self.status = JOB_STATUS.QUEUED self.lock = '' self.completed = [] self.running = {} self.outputs = {} self.schedname = schedname db_model_name = "MONGO_DB" if db else "STUB_DB" # Load configuration self.one_step = False try: self.cfg = Pipeline.load_cfg(cfg) except Exception as e1: print( 'Failed to load config as pipeline (error=%s). Trying as step' % e1) try: self.cfg = Step.load_cfg(cfg) self.step = Step.load_step(self.cfg) self.one_step = True except Exception as e2: Exception("Unable to load config file %s:\n" \ "pipeline load: %s\n" \ "step load: %s" % (cfg, e1, e2)) # Set all additional information self.run_id = self.cfg.get('run_id') if self.one_step: = self.label = self.project_name = self.cfg.get('project_name', '') self.description = self.cfg.get('description', '') self.output_dir = self.step.output_dir self.ordered = [] else: = self.cfg['name'] self.label = self.cfg['label'] self.project_name = self.cfg['config']['pipeline'].get( 'project_name', '') self.description = self.cfg['config']['pipeline'].get( 'description', '') self.output_dir = self.cfg['config']['pipeline']['output_dir'] if not self.output_dir.startswith('/scratch'): self.cfg['dag']['nodes'][ FINAL_STEP] = 'utils.Finalize' #TODO: Make it work for one_step as well self.ordered = Pipeline.ordered_steps(self.cfg) self.sys_path = self.cfg.get('sys_path') if self.sys_path: sys.path.insert(0, self.sys_path) self.dag = self.create_dag(self.cfg, one_step=self.one_step) self.meta = { 'pipeline': { 'label': self.label, 'project_name': self.project_name, 'descr': self.description, 'run_id': self.run_id }, 'steps': {}, 'job': {} } self.db = db_models[db_model_name](, self.cfg, self.ordered, self.user, output_dir=self.output_dir) if hasattr(self.db, 'run_id'): self.run_id = self.db.run_id self.cfg['run_id'] = self.run_id # Define the output directories if not os.path.exists(self.output_dir): os.makedirs(self.output_dir, 0775) # Use default output dir under /scratch/cgi/nespipe (linked to user-defined dir.) # if: a) this run is using the db (so we have a run ID); b) it is not a demux. run; # and c) the user-defined directory is not already under /scratch if self.run_id and not ( == 'demultiplexing'): dirname = '%s_%d' % (, self.db.run_id) self.output_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, dirname) if not os.path.exists(self.output_dir): os.makedirs(self.output_dir, 0775) # In case of /scratch, do not create an additional sub-directory if self.output_dir.startswith('/scratch'): self.work_dir = self.output_dir else: self.work_dir = os.path.join(WORK_DIR, self.user, dirname) if not os.path.exists(self.work_dir): os.makedirs(self.work_dir, 0775) symlink = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'work_area') if not os.path.exists(symlink): os.symlink(self.work_dir, symlink) else: self.work_dir = self.output_dir ut.pretty_print('Output directories: output_dir=%s, work_dir=%s' % (self.output_dir, self.work_dir)) self.db.update_pipeline(self.run_id, { 'output_dir': self.output_dir, 'work_dir': self.work_dir })
def load_cfg(cls, cfg): """ Return the json cfg Is expecting as input one between a file, a json text or a dictionary """ cfg_load = None try: if type(cfg) == dict: cfg_load = copy.deepcopy(cfg) elif isinstance(cfg, basestring): if os.path.exists(cfg): with open(cfg) as fh: cfg_load = json.load(fh) if 'sys_path' not in cfg_load: cfg_load['sys_path'] = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(cfg)) else: cfg_load = json.load(cfg) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to load config file %s: %s" % (cfg, e)) else: #load the spec_type or spec_file into the json_spec #if they exists cfg_data = { 'config': { 'steps': {}, 'pipeline': { 'project_name': '', 'description': '', 'output_dir': '' } } } ut.dict_update(cfg_data, cfg_load) if 'sys_path' in cfg_data: sys.path.insert(0, cfg_data['sys_path']) pipeline_to_load = cfg_data['dag'].pop( "load") if "load" in cfg_data['dag'] else None if pipeline_to_load: try: if os.path.exists(pipeline_to_load): spec_file = pipeline_to_load else: if pipeline_to_load in pipeline_names: spec_file = pipeline_names[pipeline_to_load] else: raise Exception( "Pipeline %s not found in list of pipelines: [%s]" % (pipeline_to_load, ','.join(pipeline_names))) with open(spec_file) as fh: ut.pretty_print("Loading pipeline spec from %s" % spec_file) spec = json.load(fh) stepobjs = Pipeline.create_steps(spec) steps_defaults = {} for step in stepobjs: step_default = stepobjs[step].keys_values( ['params', 'requirements']) if step_default: steps_defaults[step] = step_default spec.setdefault('config', {}) spec['config'].setdefault('pipeline', {}) spec['config'].setdefault('steps', {}) ut.dict_update(spec['config']['steps'], steps_defaults, replace=False) ut.dict_update(spec['config'], cfg_data.get('config', '')) cfg_data = spec except: raise if cfg_data.get('config', {}).get('pipeline', {}).get('refgenome', {}): key_refgenome = cfg_data['config']['pipeline'].pop('refgenome') try: ref_genomes = Pipeline.get_refgenomes(cfg_data) if key_refgenome in ref_genomes: # set refgenome parameters in each step (update config if already exists) for step in ref_genomes[key_refgenome]: if step in cfg_data['config']['steps']: cfg_data['config']['steps'][step].update( ref_genomes[key_refgenome][step]) else: cfg_data['config']['steps'][ step] = ref_genomes[key_refgenome][step] else: raise Exception( "unable to load ref genome paths for %s " % key_refgenome) except Exception, e: raise if 'sys_path' in cfg_data: del sys.path[0] return cfg_data
def post(self, run_id): """ Pushes files into iRODS """ data = request.get_json(force=True) runmeta = data.get('meta') selection = data.get('selection') user = auth_get_username(request.authorization, data.get('user')) npdis = dbmodel.get_npdi_projects() npdi = runmeta.get('Project NPDI ID', '') study_nickname = runmeta.get('Study nickname', 'Required field missing') if (npdi + study_nickname) not in npdis: return {'pipeline': { 'Project': '%s (%s)' %(npdi, study_nickname) }}, 400 run = db.pipelines.find_one({'run_id': run_id}, {'meta':1, 'run_id':1}) steps_names = selection.keys() steps = list(db.steps.find( {"run_id":run_id, "name": {'$in': steps_names}, "jobs": {"$elemMatch": {"outputs": {"$exists": True}}}}, {"name":1, "jobs":1, "outputs.output_dir": 1, "step_config": 1})) outputs = {} for step in steps: if step.get('step_config', {}): s = Step.load_step(step['step_config']) output_files = {} for job_id, job in enumerate(step['jobs']): for key in job['outputs']: if key in s.keys(key_groups='outputs', key_filter={'type':'file'}): for i, filename in enumerate(job['outputs'][key]): filemeta = {'step': step['name'], 'job_id': job_id} ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:].upper() for key in job.get('meta', {}): meta = job['meta'][key] if key == 'sample_id': okey = 'Operational sample accession' else: okey = key if isinstance(meta, list): filemeta[okey] = meta[i] else: filemeta[okey] = meta filemeta['File type'] = 'Processed data file' filemeta['File format'] = ext output_files[filename] = filemeta if output_files: outputs[step['name']] = output_files input_files = [] meta_data = [] for step_name, step_selection in selection.iteritems(): for filepath in step_selection: input_files.append(filepath) filemeta = outputs[step_name][filepath] filemeta.update(runmeta) meta_data.append(filemeta) cfg = Pipeline.load_cfg(pipeline_specs['irods_lz']) cfg['config']['steps']['irods_mvtolz'] = { 'input_files' : input_files, 'meta_data' : meta_data } cfg['config']['steps']['irods_monitorlz'] = { 'prun_id' : run['run_id'] } cfg['config']['pipeline']['project_name'] = run['meta']['project_name'] cfg['config']['pipeline']['description'] = 'Archive data for run %s' %run['run_id'] cfg['config']['pipeline']['output_dir'] = '/scratch/cgi/irods' # Get id from DB db_info = dbmodel.PipelineDb(cfg['name'], cfg, Pipeline.ordered_steps(cfg), user) cfg['run_id'] = db_info.run_id ut.pretty_print("Submitting pipeline %s (ID %d) for user %s" % (cfg['label'], cfg['run_id'], user)) return pm.add_pipeline(cfg, user)
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Pypers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Pypers. If not, see <>. """ import getpass import nespipe.utils.utils as ut from nespipe.utils import security if __name__ == '__main__': doc = """ Create a new authentication tokem """ user = getpass.getuser() token = security.read_token() if not security.validate_token(token): ut.pretty_print("get new toke....") token = security.get_new_token(user) else: ut.pretty_print('%s already has a valid token' % user)
(at your option) any later version. Pypers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Pypers. If not, see <>. """ import getpass import nespipe.utils.utils as ut from nespipe.utils import security if __name__ == '__main__': doc=""" Create a new authentication tokem """ user = getpass.getuser() token = security.read_token() if not security.validate_token(token): ut.pretty_print("get new toke....") token = security.get_new_token(user) else: ut.pretty_print('%s already has a valid token' % user)