form = "output_CITo2%s_M%d_CUETP8M1_Lam%sTeV%s%s_13TeV_Pythia8_Corrected-v4_ntuple.root" dyform = "output_DYTo2%s_M%d_CUETP8M1_13TeV_Pythia8_Corrected-v3_ntuple.root" r.gROOT.SetBatch(True) mvals = [300, 800, 1300] lvals = ["1", "10", "16", "22", "28", "34", "100k"] helis = ["LL", "LR", "RR"] intfs = ["Con", "Des"] supers = [400, 500, 700, 1100, 1900, 3500] for antype in antypes: base = "root://{0:s}{0:s}/".format( antype[2]) params = ndict() with open("ciparametrization_2%s.json" % (antype[1]), "w") as js: with open("cicounts_2%s.txt" % (antype[1]), "w") as out: for intf in intfs: for heli in helis: files = [] for point in supers[:-1]: # params["%s%s_%dGeV"%(intf,heli,point)] = np.zeros(len(lvals),'float64') params["%s%s_%dGeV" % (intf, heli, point)] = [ 0 for j in range(len(lvals)) ] print("{0:s}{1:s}".format(intf, heli)) for i, lval in enumerate(lvals): hist = None can = r.TCanvas("can", "", 800, 800)
r.gROOT.SetBatch(True) if args.debug: r.gROOT.SetBatch(False) pass mvals = [300, 800, 1300] supers = [400, 500, 700, 1100, 1900, 3500] bins = [ 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 700, 900, 1100, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 5000 ] rbins = np.array(bins, np.dtype('float64')) files = [] hist = ndict() pnames = ndict() samples = {"Num": numlist, "Den": denlist} for sample in samples: numsample = samples[sample] antype = antypes[numsample[1][1:]] flav = numsample[1] src = numsample[2] if numsample[0] == "CI": lval = numsample[3] intf = numsample[4] heli = numsample[5] pname = "ci2" + antype[0] + "lam" + lval + intf + heli + src else:
Cross section error 2.93421 Number of events 44360 M1300 Cross section 113.608 Cross section error 2.90056 Number of events 49322 M2000 """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("infile", help="Input filename",type=str) parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="debugging information",action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() sampleDict = ndict() keys = ndict() cuts = { "M300": [300., 800. ], "M800": [800., 1300.], "M1300":[1300.,2000.], "M2000":[2000.,1e8 ] # only for ConLL samples? or some? } with open("ci_private_xsec_data.pkl","wb") as pkl: with open("ci_private_xsec_data.json","w") as js: with open(args.infile) as f: # data = main = None lval = None inte = None