コード例 #1
def to8bitRange(values):
    # Ensure the value is inside [minimum, maximum] range, then rezero by subtracting minimum, and divide by span (maximum - minimum)
    return [
            int(((min(max(val, minimum), maximum) - minimum) / span) *
                range_max)) for val in values
コード例 #2
def SpotDetectionRedFromHue(hue, data, ops, display):

	# get the dimensions
	dimensions2D=array( [hue.dimension(0), hue.dimension(1)], 'l')
	hue_shift=ops.add(hue, shift)
	display.createDisplay("shift", data.create(ImgPlus(hue_shift)))

	#test1=ops.op("otsu", hue_shift)
	# apply the threshold operation
	thresholded=ops.run("threshold", ops.create( dimensions2D, BitType()), hue_shift, manualthreshold)
	#thresholded=ops.run("threshold", ops.create( dimensions2D, BitType()), hue_shift, Otsu())
	return thresholded
def createType(bytesPerPixel):
    if 1:
        return UnsignedByteType()
    if 2:
        return UnsignedShortType()
    if 4:
        return FloatType()
    if 8:
        return UnsignedLongType()
コード例 #4
def SpotDetectionRedFromHue(hue, data, ops, display):

    # get the dimensions
    dimensions2D = array([hue.dimension(0), hue.dimension(1)], 'l')

    shift = UnsignedByteType()
    hue_shift = ops.add(hue, shift)
    display.createDisplay("shift", data.create(ImgPlus(hue_shift)))

    #test1=ops.op("otsu", hue_shift)
    manualthreshold = Manual()
    # apply the threshold operation
    thresholded = ops.run("threshold", ops.create(dimensions2D, BitType()),
                          hue_shift, manualthreshold)
    #thresholded=ops.run("threshold", ops.create( dimensions2D, BitType()), hue_shift, Otsu())

    return thresholded
コード例 #5
def rescale_uint8(ops, img):
    Rescale input image (imglib2) to full uint8 range
    scale_op = NormalizeScaleRealTypes()

    out_uint8 = ArrayImgFactory(UnsignedByteType()).create(img)
    ops.convert().imageType(out_uint8, img, scale_op)
    return out_uint8
コード例 #6
class MandelbrotRealRandomAccess(RealRandomAccess):
    def __init__(self):
        self.t = UnsignedByteType()
        self.pos = zeros(2, 'd')

    def get(self):
        self.t.set(M.mandelbrot(self.pos[0], self.pos[1], 255))
        return self.t

    def copyRealRandomAccess(self):
        return self.copy()

    def copy(self):
        a = MandelbrotRealRandomAccess()
        a.pos[0] = self.pos[0]
        a.pos[1] = self.pos[1]
        return a

    def localize(self, position):
        position[0] = self.pos[0]
        position[1] = self.pos[1]

    def getFloatPosition(self, d):
        return Float(self.pos[d])

    def getDoublePosition(self, d):
        return self.pos[d]

    def move(self, distance, d):
        pass  # many overlapping homonimous methods

    def setPosition(self, position):
        # ignore RealLozalizable instances of "position"
        self.pos[0] = position[0]
        self.pos[1] = position[1]

    def setPosition(self, position, d):
        self.pos[d] = position
コード例 #7
	def testRectangle(self):
		# create a test image with a filled rectangle
		testImg = ops.run("create.img", [256, 256], UnsignedByteType())
		formula = "(p[0]>10 && p[0]<110 && p[1]>10 && p[1]<110)*255"
		ops.image().equation(testImg, formula)
		edgesImage = findEdges(testImg);

		ra = edgesImage.randomAccess()

		ra.setPosition([9, 9])
		v1 = ra.get().get()
		ra.setPosition([10, 10])
		v2 = ra.get().get()
		v3 = ra.get().get()
		v4 = ra.get().get()
		self.assertEquals(v1, 0)
		self.assertEquals(v2, 64)
		self.assertEquals(v3, 255)
		self.assertEquals(v4, 0)
コード例 #8
from net.imglib2.img.array import ArrayImgFactory
from net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer import UnsignedByteType, UnsignedShortType
from net.imglib2.util import Intervals

# An 8-bit 256x256x256 volume
img = ArrayImgFactory(UnsignedByteType()).create([256, 256, 256])

# Another image of the same type and dimensions, but empty
img2 = img.factory().create(
    [img.dimension(d) for d in xrange(img.numDimensions())])

# Same, but easier reading of the image dimensions
img3 = img.factory().create(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(img))

# Same, but use an existing img as an Interval from which to read out the dimensions
img4 = img.factory().create(img)

# Now we change the type: same kind of image and same dimensions,
# but crucially a different pixel type (16-bit) via a new ImgFactory
imgShorts = img.factory().imgFactory(UnsignedShortType()).create(img)
コード例 #9
from net.imglib2.algorithm.math.ImgMath import compute, gen
from net.imglib2.img.display.imagej import ImageJFunctions as IL
from net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer import UnsignedByteType
from net.imglib2.img.array import ArrayImgs
from net.imglib2.util import Intervals
from net.imglib2 import KDTree, Point

locations = [(10, 15), (25, 40), (30, 75), (80, 60)]

points = [
    Point.wrap([x, y]) for x, y in [(10, 15), (25, 40), (30, 75), (80, 60)]
values = [UnsignedByteType(v) for v in [128, 164, 200, 255]]

kt = KDTree(values, points)
dimensions = [100, 100]

op = gen(kt, 10)
target = ArrayImgs.unsignedBytes(

IL.wrap(target, "KDTree").show()
コード例 #10
 def __init__(self):
     self.t = UnsignedByteType()
     self.pos = zeros(2, 'd')
コード例 #11
def intoImg(pixels):
    img = ArrayImgFactory(UnsignedByteType()).create([4, 4])
    System.arraycopy(pixels, 0,
                     img.update(None).getCurrentStorageArray(), 0, len(pixels))
    return img
コード例 #12
    table.addValue("y", p[1])
    table.addValue("sum", s)

table.show("Embryo intensities at peaks")

# Now show an image with white circles for every embryo found
# We'll use a sparse image: an image that doesn't have a data point for each pixel
# but instead has a function for generating pixel data from the x,y coordinates of each embryo

from net.imglib2 import KDTree, RealPoint, RealRandomAccess, RealRandomAccessible
from net.imglib2.neighborsearch import NearestNeighborSearchOnKDTree
from net.imglib2.img.display.imagej import ImageJFunctions as IL
from net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer import UnsignedByteType
from java.util import AbstractList

inside = UnsignedByteType(255)
outside = UnsignedByteType(0)
radius = 30  # = sigmaLarger, where sigmaLarger is the radius of the embryo
centers = dog.getSubpixelPeaks()  # in floating-point coordinates

class ConstantValueList(AbstractList):
    def __init__(self, constantvalue, count):
        self.constantvalue = constantvalue
        self.count = count

    def get(self, index):
        return self.constantvalue

    def size(self):
        return self.count
コード例 #13
# Make any non-zero pixel be 1
for t in img1:
    if 0 != t.getIntegerLong():

for t in img2:
    if 0 != t.getIntegerLong():

# Make both fit within the same window, centered

dims1 = Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(img1)
dims2 = Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(img2)
dims3 = [max(a, b) for a, b in izip(dims1, dims2)]

zero = UnsignedByteType(0)
img1E = Views.extendValue(img1, zero)
img2E = Views.extendValue(img2, zero)

img1M = Views.interval(
    img1E, [(dim1 - dim3) / 2 for dim1, dim3 in izip(dims1, dims3)],
    [dim1 + (dim3 - dim1) / 2 - 1 for dim1, dim3 in izip(dims1, dims3)])

img2M = Views.interval(
    img2E, [(dim2 - dim3) / 2 for dim2, dim3 in izip(dims2, dims3)],
    [dim2 + (dim3 - dim2) / 2 - 1 for dim2, dim3 in izip(dims2, dims3)])

IL.show(img1M, "img1M")
IL.show(img2M, "img2M")

# Scale by half (too slow otherwise)  -- ERROR: the smaller one (img1) doesn't remain centered.
コード例 #14

class Loader(ClassLoader):
  def defineClass(self, name, bytes):
    # Inheritance of protected methods is complicated in jython
    m = super(ClassLoader, self).__thisclass__.getDeclaredMethod("defineClass", String, Class.forName("[B"), Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE)
    return m.invoke(self, name.replace("/", "."), bytes, 0, len(bytes))

clazz = Loader().defineClass(class_name, cw.toByteArray())

loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
defineClass = loader.getClass().getSuperclass().getSuperclass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredMethod("defineClass", String, Class.forName("[B"), Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE)
bytes = cw.toByteArray()
clazz = defineClass.invoke(loader, class_name.replace("/", "."), bytes, 0, len(bytes))

bt = UnsignedByteType(120)
ft = FloatType()
conv = clazz.newInstance()
conv.convert(bt, ft)
print ft

コード例 #15
width = img.dimension(0)
min_width = 32
imgE = Views.extendBorder(integralImg)
blockSide = 1
# Corners for level 1: a box of 2x2
corners = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]]
pyramid = []  # level 0 is the image itself, not added

while width > min_width:
    blockSide *= 2
    width /= 2
    # Scale the corner coordinates to make the block larger
    cs = [[c * blockSide for c in corner] for corner in corners]
    blockRead = div(block(imgE, cs), pow(blockSide, 2))  # the op
    # a RandomAccessibleInterval view of the op, computed with shorts but seen as bytes
    view = blockRead.view(UnsignedShortType(), UnsignedByteType())
    # Views.subsample by 2 will turn a 512-pixel width to a 257 width,
    # so crop to proper interval 256
    level = Views.interval(
        Views.subsample(view, blockSide),
        [0] * img.numDimensions(),  # min
            img.dimension(d) / blockSide - 1
            for d in xrange(img.numDimensions())
        ])  # max
for i, level in enumerate(pyramid):
  imp_level = IL.wrap(level, str(i+1))
  win = imp.getWindow().getCanvas().
コード例 #16
from net.imglib2.img.display.imagej import ImageJFunctions as IL
from net.imglib2.img.array import ArrayImg
from net.imglib2.img.basictypeaccess import ByteAccess
from net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer import UnsignedByteType
from math import sin, cos, pi

# Example 1: a virtual blank image. No pixel array backing.
t = UnsignedByteType()
img = ArrayImg(
    type('ConstantValue', (ByteAccess, ), {
        'getValue': lambda self, index: 255
    })(), [512, 512], t.getEntitiesPerPixel())

#IL.wrap(img, "white").show()

# Example 1b: a virtual blank image, with the ByteAccess unpacked into a class
class ConstantValue(ByteAccess):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def getValue(self, index):
        return self.value

    def setValue(self, index, value):

t = UnsignedByteType()
data = ConstantValue(255)
コード例 #17
from net.imglib2.view import Views
from net.imglib2.util import Intervals
from net.imglib2.view import IterableRandomAccessibleInterval
from net.imagej.ops.stats import IterableMax
from net.imglib2.algorithm.neighborhood import RectangleShape

except OSError:

input = scifio.datasetIO().open(input_path)

# add constant
input = ops.math().add(input, UnsignedByteType(100))

# normalization
normalized = ops.create().img(input)
ops.image().normalize(normalized, input)

# convolution
kernel = ops.run("create.img", [3, 3], FloatType())
for p in kernel:
    p.set(1.0 / kernel.size())
convoluted = ops.create().img(normalized)
ops.filter().convolve(convoluted, Views.extendMirrorSingle(normalized), kernel)
コード例 #18
#@ DatasetService ds
ops threshold types here:


# Apply an automatic threshold from a given method. The threshold value 'threshold_value'
# can be modulated by a relative parameter called 'relative_threshold' (if equal to 1 it does
# not modify 'threshold_value')

from net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer import UnsignedByteType

# Get the histogram
histo = ops.run("image.histogram", data)

# Get the threshold
threshold_value = ops.run("threshold.%s" % method_threshold, histo)

# Modulate 'threshold_value' by 'relative_threshold'
threshold_value = int(round(threshold_value.get() * relative_threshold))

# We should not have to do that...
threshold_value = UnsignedByteType(threshold_value)

# Apply the threshold
thresholded = ops.run("threshold.apply", data, threshold_value)

# Create output Dataset
output = ds.create(thresholded)
コード例 #19
#@ OpService ops
#@ SCIFIO scifio
#@ String input_path
#@ String output_path
#@ UIService ui
#@ DatasetService datasets

import os
from net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer import UnsignedByteType
from net.imglib2.type.logic import BitType
from net.imglib2.view import Views

except OSError:

input = scifio.datasetIO().open(input_path)
output = ops.create().img(input, BitType())
threshold = UnsignedByteType(128)
ops.threshold().apply(output, input, threshold)

output8bit = ops.convert().uint8(output)
output8bit = ops.math().multiply(output8bit, UnsignedByteType(255))

scifio.datasetIO().save(datasets.create(output8bit), output_path)