コード例 #1
ファイル: mnc.py プロジェクト: wydh/MITgcmutils
    def __init__(self, fpatt, layout=None, multitime=False):
        fnames = glob.glob(fpatt)
        #        if multitime:
        #            iters = [ f[-18:-8] for f in fnames if f.endswith('.t001.nc') ]
        #            iters.sort()
        #            fnames_first = [ f for f in fnames if f[-18:-8] == iters[0] ]
        #        else:
        #            fnames_first = fnames

        # open files
        self.nc = [netcdf_file(f, 'r') for f in fnames]

        # global attributes
        # get from first file, but remove/reset tile-specific ones
        self._attributes = getattributes(self.nc[0], _exclude_global)
        self._attributes['tile_number'] = 1
        self._attributes['bi'] = 1
        self._attributes['bj'] = 1
        haveexch2 = False
        for k in self._attributes.keys():
            if k.startswith('exch2_'):
                del self._attributes[k]
                haveexch2 = True

        sNx = self.sNx
        sNy = self.sNy
        ntx = self.nSx * self.nPx
        nty = self.nSy * self.nPy

        if layout is None:
            if haveexch2:
                layout = 'exch2'
                layout = 'model'

        self.layout = layout

        # precompute indices
        self._i0 = []
        self._ie = []
        self._j0 = []
        self._je = []
        self._fn = []
        self._nf = 0
        if layout == 'model':
            self._nx = self.Nx
            self._ny = self.Ny
            for nc in self.nc:
                tn = nc.tile_number
                bj, bi = divmod(tn - 1, ntx)
                ie = sNx * (bi + 1 - ntx)
                je = sNy * (bj + 1 - nty)
                self._i0.append(sNx * bi)
                self._j0.append(sNy * bj)
                self._ie.append(ie or None)
                self._je.append(je or None)
        elif layout == 'exch2':
            self._nx = 0
            self._ny = 0
            for nc in self.nc:
                i0 = nc.exch2_txGlobalo - 1
                j0 = nc.exch2_tyGlobalo - 1
                ie = i0 + sNx
                je = j0 + sNy
                self._nx = max(self._nx, ie)
                self._ny = max(self._ny, je)
            # make ie, je relative to end (for non-tracer points)
            for i in range(len(self._i0)):
                ie = self._ie[i] - self._nx
                je = self._je[i] - self._ny
                self._ie[i] = ie or None
                self._je[i] = je or None
        elif layout == 'faces':
            self._nx = {}
            self._ny = {}
            for nc in self.nc:
                fn = nc.exch2_myFace
                i0 = nc.exch2_tBasex
                j0 = nc.exch2_tBasey
                ie = i0 + sNx
                je = j0 + sNy
                self._nx[fn] = max(self._nx.get(fn, 0), ie)
                self._ny[fn] = max(self._ny.get(fn, 0), je)
            # make ie, je relative to end (for non-tracer points)
            for i in range(len(self._fn)):
                fn = self._fn[i]
                ie = self._ie[i] - self._nx[fn]
                je = self._je[i] - self._ny[fn]
                self._ie[i] = ie or None
                self._je[i] = je or None
            self._fns = sorted(self._nx.keys())
            self._nf = len(self._fns)
            for i in range(len(self._fn)):
                self._fn[i] = self._fns.index(self._fn[i])
            self._nx = np.array([self._nx[fn] for fn in self._fns])
            self._ny = np.array([self._ny[fn] for fn in self._fns])
            raise ValueError('Unknown layout: {}'.format(layout))

        # dimensions
        self.dimensions = {}
        for k, n in self.nc[0].dimensions.items():
            # compute size of dimension in global array for X* and Y*
            if k[0] == 'X':
                n += self._nx - sNx
            if k[0] == 'Y':
                n += self._ny - sNy
            self.dimensions[k] = n

        # variables
        var0 = self.nc[0].variables
        # find size of record dimension first
        if 'T' in self.dimensions and self.dimensions['T'] is None:
            self.times = list(var0.get('T', [])[:])
            self.iters = list(var0.get('iter', self.times)[:])
            self.nrec = len(self.iters)

        self.variables = dict((k, MNCVariable(self, k)) for k in var0)
コード例 #2
ファイル: genesis.py プロジェクト: tjfulle/Legacy
 def open_db(self, filepath, mode="r"):
     """Open the netcdf database file"""
     if mode not in "rw":
         raise ExodusIIFileError("{0}: bad read/write mode".format(mode))
     return nc.netcdf_file(filepath, mode)
コード例 #3
    refnoitersort,trns,dimnoitersort = zip(*sorted(zip(refnoiter,range(len(refnoiter)),dimnoiter),key=itemgetter(0,1)))
    icecube =rwicecube(fstream,shp,refiter,dimiter,dimiterpos,refnoitersort,dimnoitersort,None,vtype,vsize,voffset,rwchsize,'read') 

    # build the 'inverse permutation' operator for tranposition before writeout
    inv = range(len(trns))
    for itrns, etrns in enumerate(trns):
        inv[etrns] = itrns
    return np.transpose(icecube,inv)

fnin = '/home/hendrik/data/belgium_aq/rcm/aq09/stage1/int2lm/laf2009010100_urb_ahf.nc'
print fnin
# fobjin = open(fnin,'rb')
fin = netcdf.netcdf_file(fnin,'r')
fnout = '/home/hendrik/data/belgium_aq/rcm/aq09/stage1/int2lm/laf2009010100_urb_ahf2.nc'
os.system('rm '+fnout)
print fnout
# fobjout = open(fnout,'wb+')
fout = NetCDF.NetCDFFile(fnout,'w')

fnpointout = '/home/hendrik/data/belgium_aq/rcm/aq09/stage1/int2lm/laf2009010100_urb_ahf4.nc'
os.system('rm '+fnpointout)
print fnpointout
# fobjout = open(fnpointout,'wb+')
fpointout = open(fnpointout,'w')

# we kunnen eens proberen om een variabele aan te maken met een vooraf gespecifieerde dimensie!

datin =  [[fin,'QV'],[fin,'rlat']]
コード例 #4
ファイル: mnc.py プロジェクト: pittwolfe/MITgcmutils
    def __init__(self, fpatt, layout=None, multitime=False):
        fnames = glob.glob(fpatt)
        #        if multitime:
        #            iters = [ f[-18:-8] for f in fnames if f.endswith('.t001.nc') ]
        #            iters.sort()
        #            fnames_first = [ f for f in fnames if f[-18:-8] == iters[0] ]
        #        else:
        #            fnames_first = fnames

        # open files
        self.nc = [netcdf_file(f, "r") for f in fnames]

        # global attributes
        # get from first file, but remove/reset tile-specific ones
        self._attributes = getattributes(self.nc[0], _exclude_global)
        self._attributes["tile_number"] = 1
        self._attributes["bi"] = 1
        self._attributes["bj"] = 1
        haveexch2 = False
        for k in self._attributes.keys():
            if k.startswith("exch2_"):
                del self._attributes[k]
                haveexch2 = True

        sNx = self.sNx
        sNy = self.sNy
        ntx = self.nSx * self.nPx
        nty = self.nSy * self.nPy

        if layout is None:
            if haveexch2:
                layout = "exch2"
                layout = "model"

        self.layout = layout

        # precompute indices
        self._i0 = []
        self._ie = []
        self._j0 = []
        self._je = []
        self._fn = []
        self._nf = 0
        if layout == "model":
            self._nx = self.Nx
            self._ny = self.Ny
            for nc in self.nc:
                tn = nc.tile_number
                bj, bi = divmod(tn - 1, ntx)
                ie = sNx * (bi + 1 - ntx)
                je = sNy * (bj + 1 - nty)
                self._i0.append(sNx * bi)
                self._j0.append(sNy * bj)
                self._ie.append(ie or None)
                self._je.append(je or None)
        elif layout == "exch2":
            self._nx = 0
            self._ny = 0
            for nc in self.nc:
                i0 = nc.exch2_txGlobalo - 1
                j0 = nc.exch2_tyGlobalo - 1
                ie = i0 + sNx
                je = j0 + sNy
                self._nx = max(self._nx, ie)
                self._ny = max(self._ny, je)
            # make ie, je relative to end (for non-tracer points)
            for i in range(len(self._i0)):
                ie = self._ie[i] - self._nx
                je = self._je[i] - self._ny
                self._ie[i] = ie or None
                self._je[i] = je or None
        elif layout == "faces":
            self._nx = {}
            self._ny = {}
            for nc in self.nc:
                fn = nc.exch2_myFace
                i0 = nc.exch2_tBasex
                j0 = nc.exch2_tBasey
                ie = i0 + sNx
                je = j0 + sNy
                self._nx[fn] = max(self._nx.get(fn, 0), ie)
                self._ny[fn] = max(self._ny.get(fn, 0), je)
            # make ie, je relative to end (for non-tracer points)
            for i in range(len(self._fn)):
                fn = self._fn[i]
                ie = self._ie[i] - self._nx[fn]
                je = self._je[i] - self._ny[fn]
                self._ie[i] = ie or None
                self._je[i] = je or None
            self._fns = sorted(self._nx.keys())
            self._nf = len(self._fns)
            for i in range(len(self._fn)):
                self._fn[i] = self._fns.index(self._fn[i])
            self._nx = np.array([self._nx[fn] for fn in self._fns])
            self._ny = np.array([self._ny[fn] for fn in self._fns])
            raise ValueError("Unknown layout: {}".format(layout))

        # dimensions
        self.dimensions = {}
        for k, n in self.nc[0].dimensions.items():
            # compute size of dimension in global array for X* and Y*
            if k[0] == "X":
                n += self._nx - sNx
            if k[0] == "Y":
                n += self._ny - sNy
            self.dimensions[k] = n

        # variables
        var0 = self.nc[0].variables
        # find size of record dimension first
        if "T" in self.dimensions and self.dimensions["T"] is None:
            self.times = list(var0.get("T", [])[:])
            self.iters = list(var0.get("iter", self.times)[:])
            self.nrec = len(self.iters)

        self.variables = dict((k, MNCVariable(self, k)) for k in var0)
コード例 #5
 def open_db(self, filepath):
     """Open the netcdf database file"""
     return nc.netcdf_file(filepath, "r")
コード例 #6
datout = [[fout,'QV'],[fout,'TEST']]
# adtypeoutspec = [None,None] # to be obtained automatically from the data output stream (if it already exists)

# selection of function dimension input
func = lambda x, y: (np.array([[[np.mean(x)]],[[np.mean(x)]]],dtype=np.float) , np.array([[[np.mean(x)]],[[np.mean(x)]]],dtype=np.float)) # *(1.+np.zeros(x.shape))
dnamsel = ('rlon','time','t')

# obtain definitions of the variable stream input
vsdin = [] # input variable stream definitions
for idatin,edatin in enumerate(datin):
    # read in scipy.netcdf mode to obtain varariable offsets
    # obtain file name from open netcdf!! very nasty!!!
    ncfn =  str(datin[idatin][0])[19:(str(datin[idatin][0]).index("'",19))]

    nctemp = netcdf.netcdf_file(ncfn,'r')
    # nctemp = datin[idatin][0]

    vsdin[idatin]['dnams'] = []
    for idim,edim in enumerate(nctemp.variables[datin[idatin][1]].dimensions):
    vsdin[idatin]['dims'] = list(nctemp.variables[datin[idatin][1]].shape)
    vsdin[idatin]['itemsize'] = nctemp.variables[datin[idatin][1]].itemsize()
    vsdin[idatin]['dtype']  =   nctemp.variables[datin[idatin][1]]._dtype
    vsdin[idatin]['voffset']  = nctemp.variables[datin[idatin][1]]._voffset

# obtain definitions of the variable stream output
vsdout = [] # input variable stream definitions
for idatout,edatout in enumerate(datout):