コード例 #1
ファイル: network.py プロジェクト: deuxnids/sbb_challenge
    def add_route(self, route):
        for path in route.get_paths().values():
            sections = path.get_sections()
            n = len(sections)

            for (i, section) in enumerate(sections):

                start_id = self.from_node_id(route_path=path._data,
                end_id = self.to_node_id(route_path=path._data,

                if start_id not in self.nodes:
                    self.nodes[start_id] = Node(label=start_id)
                if end_id not in self.nodes:
                    self.nodes[end_id] = Node(label=end_id)

                start_node = self.nodes[start_id]
                end_node = self.nodes[end_id]

                section.start_node = start_node
                section.end_node = end_node


                self.sections[section.get_number()] = section

        for node_id in self.nodes:
            node = self.nodes[node_id]
            if len(node.in_links) == 0:
                del self.nodes[node_id]
                node.label = "start"
                self.nodes["start"] = node
            if len(node.out_links) == 0:
                del self.nodes[node_id]
                node.label = "end"
                self.nodes["end"] = node

        start_node = Node(label="depot")
        end_node = self.nodes["start"]
        _section = list(end_node.out_links)[-1]
        _data = copy.deepcopy(_section._data)
        _data["sequence_number"] = -1
        _data["minimum_running_time"] = "PT1S"
        section = Section(data=_data, path=_section.path)
        section.start_node = start_node
        section.requirement = None
        section.occupations = []
        section.marker = "depot"
        section.end_node = end_node

        self.nodes["depot"] = start_node
        self.sections[section.get_number()] = section
コード例 #2
ファイル: network.py プロジェクト: mxmaxime/python-blockchain
    def __init__(self):
        self.node = Node("", True)
        self.nodes = []
        self.blockchain = None

        # Thread management
        self._running = True
        self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.receiv)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_FastMIS_v2.py プロジェクト: skltl/log_star_sim
    def test_checkMsgsFromNeighbors(self):

        node = Node(5)
        node.memory['r'] = 3.14
        msg = Message(0, 5, {'r':6.28})
        alg = FastMIS_v2(None)
        result = alg.checkMsgsFromNeighbors(node, [msg])
        self.failUnless(result == False)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_FastMIS.py プロジェクト: skltl/log_star_sim
 def test_checkMsgsFromNeighbors(self):
     # 1 - wezel nie moze przystapic, bo jakis jego sasiad o wyzszym stopniu sie zaznaczyl
     # 2 - wezel moze przystapic, bo co ma sasiadow o wyzszym stopniu, ale nie zaznaczonych
     # 3 - wezel nie moze przystapic, bo ma sasiada o tym samym stopniu z wyzszym ID ktory sie zaznaczyl
     # 4 - wezel moze przystapic, bo ma sasiada o tym samym stopniu, ale nie zaznaczonego
     # 1:
     node = Node(5)
     node.memory['neighbors_cp'] = [0]
     msg = Message(0, 5, {'is_marked':'marked', 'degree':2})
     alg = FastMIS(None)
     result = alg.checkMsgsFromNeighbors(node, [msg])
     self.failUnless(result == False)
コード例 #5
    def decode_payload_node(self):
        services, host, port = self.decode_payload_content("Q16sH")
        if host[0:12] == '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF':
            host = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, str(host[12:16]))
        elif host[0:6] == '\xfd\x87\xd8\x7e\xeb\x43':
            # Onion, based on BMD/bitcoind
            host = base64.b32encode(host[6:]).lower() + ".onion"
            host = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, str(host))
        if host == "":
            # This can happen on Windows systems which are not 64-bit compatible 
            # so let us drop the IPv6 address. 
            host = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, str(host[12:16]))

        return Node(services, host, port)
コード例 #6
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: PeterSurda/PyBitmessage
 def test_version(self):
     """check encoding/decoding of the version message"""
     # with single stream
     msg = protocol.assembleVersionMessage('', 8444, [1])
     decoded = self._decode_msg(msg, "IQQiiQlsLv")
     peer, _, ua, streams = self._decode_msg(msg, "IQQiiQlsLv")[4:]
     self.assertEqual(peer, Node(3, '', 8444))
     self.assertEqual(ua, '/PyBitmessage:' + softwareVersion + '/')
     self.assertEqual(streams, [1])
     # with multiple streams
     msg = protocol.assembleVersionMessage('', 8444, [1, 2, 3])
     decoded = self._decode_msg(msg, "IQQiiQlslv")
     peer, _, ua = decoded[4:7]
     streams = decoded[7:]
     self.assertEqual(streams, [1, 2, 3])
コード例 #7
ファイル: network.py プロジェクト: mxmaxime/python-blockchain
class Network:
    def __init__(self):
        self.node = Node("", True)
        self.nodes = []
        self.blockchain = None

        # Thread management
        self._running = True
        self.t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.receiv)

    def stop(self):
        self._running = False

    def set_blockchain(self, blockchain_):  # Done
        self.blockchain = blockchain_

    def broadcast_transaction(self, str_transaction_):  # Done
        for nodeList in self.nodes:
            self.node.send("-t ", nodeList, str_transaction_)

    def broadcast_block(self, str_block_):  # Done
        for nodeList in self.nodes:
            self.node.send("-b ", nodeList, str_block_)

    def broadcast_ask_chain(self):  # Done
        for nodeList in self.nodes:
            self.node.send("-c ", nodeList, "")

    def _broadcast_ping(self):  #Not use
        nodeBroadcast = Node("")
        myNodeToSend = jsonpickle.encode(self.node)
        self.node.send("-p ", nodeBroadcast, myNodeToSend)

    def receiv(self):
        print("ready to receiv")

        while self._running is True:
            data, addr = self.node.my_socket.recvfrom(4096)

            cureNode = addr

            myData = data.decode()

            if myData[:3] == "-c ":  # Done
                # Retourne le JSON de la chaine
                self.node.send("-ac", cureNode,

            elif myData[:3] == "-n ":  # Done
                print("I received a Node")
                # Parcourir la liste de noeud et les envois a l'emmeteur
                for nodeList in self.nodes:
                    nodeToSend = jsonpickle.encode(nodeList)
                    self.node.send("-an", cureNode, nodeToSend)

            elif myData[:3] == "-t ":  # Done
                # Reception d'une transaction

            elif myData[:3] == "-b ":  # Done
                # Reception d'un block

            elif myData[:3] == "-p ":  # Done
                print('Ping received')
                # Repond present
                nodeToSend = jsonpickle.encode(self.node)
                self.node.send("-ap", cureNode, nodeToSend)

                nodeReceiv = jsonpickle.decode(myData[3:len(myData)])
                print("Try to add node : ", nodeReceiv.host)

                notFind = True
                for nodeList in self.nodes:
                    if nodeList.host == nodeReceiv.host:
                        notFind = False

                if notFind:
                    print("Connecting to a new Node: ", nodeReceiv.host)
                    notFind = False

            elif myData[:3] == "-ac":  # En suspend
                some = None

            elif myData[:3] == "-ap":  # Done
                nodeReceiv = jsonpickle.decode(myData[3:len(myData)])

                print("Try to add node : ", nodeReceiv.host)

                notFind = True
                for nodeList in self.nodes:
                    if nodeList.host == nodeReceiv.host:
                        notFind = False

                if notFind:
                    print("Connecting to a new Node: ", nodeReceiv.host)
                    notFind = False
コード例 #8
ファイル: network.py プロジェクト: mxmaxime/python-blockchain
 def _broadcast_ping(self):  #Not use
     nodeBroadcast = Node("")
     myNodeToSend = jsonpickle.encode(self.node)
     self.node.send("-p ", nodeBroadcast, myNodeToSend)