import subprocess import threading import emailmod import networkdbmod import selectedplanmod # stuff for the IP detection import shlex import re import urllib2 import socket import time import wpa_cli_mod logger = logging.getLogger("hydrosys4." + __name__) localwifisystem = networkdbmod.getAPSSID() if localwifisystem == "": localwifisystem = "hydrosys4" print "error the name of AP not found, double check the hostapd configuration" logger.error( "error the name of AP not found, double check the hostapd configuration" ) LOCALPORT = 5020 PUBLICPORT = networkdbmod.getPORT() WAITTOCONNECT = networkdbmod.getWAITTOCONNECT() if WAITTOCONNECT == "": WAITTOCONNECT = 180 # should be 180 at least networkdbmod.changesavesetting( 'APtime', WAITTOCONNECT) # if field not present it will be added IPADDRESS = networkdbmod.getIPaddress() EXTERNALIPADDR = ""
import subprocess import threading import emailmod import networkdbmod import selectedplanmod # stuff for the IP detection import shlex import re import urllib2 import socket import time import wpa_cli_mod logger = logging.getLogger("hydrosys4."+__name__) localwifisystem=networkdbmod.getAPSSID() if localwifisystem=="": localwifisystem="hydrosys4" print "error the name of AP not found, double check the hostapd configuration" logger.error("error the name of AP not found, double check the hostapd configuration") LOCALPORT=5020 PUBLICPORT=networkdbmod.getPORT() WAITTOCONNECT=networkdbmod.getWAITTOCONNECT() if WAITTOCONNECT=="": WAITTOCONNECT=180 # should be 180 at least networkdbmod.changesavesetting('APtime',WAITTOCONNECT) # if field not present it will be added IPADDRESS =networkdbmod.getIPaddress() EXTERNALIPADDR=""