コード例 #1
 def _edit_running_config(self, conf_str, snippet):
     conn = self._get_connection()
     LOG.info("Config generated for [%(device)s] %(snip)s is:%(conf)s "
              {'device': self.hosting_device['id'],
               'snip': snippet,
               'conf': conf_str,
               'caller': self.caller_name()})
         rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=conf_str)
         self._check_response(rpc_obj, snippet, conf_str=conf_str)
     except Exception as e:
         # Here we catch all exceptions caused by REMOVE_/DELETE_ configs
         # to avoid config agent to get stuck once it hits this condition.
         # This is needed since the current ncclient version (0.4.2)
         # generates an exception when an attempt to configure the device
         # fails by the device (ASR1K router) but it doesn't provide any
         # details about the error message that the device reported.
         # With ncclient 0.4.4 version and onwards the exception returns
         # also the proper error. Hence this code can be changed when the
         # ncclient version is increased.
         if re.search(r"REMOVE_|DELETE_", snippet):
             LOG.warning("Pass exception for %s", snippet)
         elif isinstance(e, ncclient.operations.rpc.RPCError):
             e_tag = e.tag
             e_type = e.type
             params = {'snippet': snippet, 'type': e_type, 'tag': e_tag,
                       'dev_id': self.hosting_device['id'],
                       'ip': self._host_ip, 'confstr': conf_str}
             raise cfg_exc.IOSXEConfigException(**params)
コード例 #2
    def _check_response(self, rpc_obj, snippet_name, conf_str=None):
        """This function checks the rpc response object for status.

        This function takes as input the response rpc_obj and the snippet name
        that was executed. It parses it to see, if the last edit operation was
        a success or not.
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <rpc-reply message-id="urn:uuid:81bf8082-....-b69a-000c29e1b85c"
                <ok />
        In case of error, IOS XE device sends a response as follows.
        We take the error type and tag.
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <rpc-reply message-id="urn:uuid:81bf8082-....-b69a-000c29e1b85c"
        :return: True if the config operation completed successfully
        :raises: networking_cisco.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.cfg_exceptions.
        LOG.debug("RPCReply for %(snippet_name)s is %(rpc_obj)s", {
            'snippet_name': snippet_name,
            'rpc_obj': rpc_obj.xml
        xml_str = rpc_obj.xml
        if "<ok />" in xml_str:
            # LOG.debug("RPCReply for %s is OK", snippet_name)
            LOG.info("%s was successfully executed", snippet_name)
            return True
        # Not Ok, we throw a ConfigurationException
        e_type = rpc_obj._root[0][0].text
        e_tag = rpc_obj._root[0][1].text
        params = {
            'snippet': snippet_name,
            'type': e_type,
            'tag': e_tag,
            'dev_id': self.hosting_device['id'],
            'ip': self._host_ip,
            'confstr': conf_str
        raise cfg_exc.IOSXEConfigException(**params)