def process_update_network(self, context, data, result):
        """Implementation of abstract method from ExtensionDriver class."""
    	LOG.debug("RK: process_update_network().  data: %s" , data)

        net_id = result.get('id')
	net_min_attr = data.get(rk_const.RK_MIN_RATE)
	net_max_attr = data.get(rk_const.RK_MAX_RATE)

    	LOG.debug("RK: update_network: %s and %s", net_min_attr, net_max_attr)
        if attributes.is_attr_set(net_min_attr) and \

            with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
                    res = rk_db.get_vnet_profile(net_id, context.session)

		    if res:
           	        rk_db.update_vnet_rate_limit(net_id, net_min_attr, net_max_attr, context.session)

                        # Network not found and can't be updated.  Create instead
                    	    rk_db.create_vnet_record(net_id, net_min_attr, net_max_attr, context.session)
            	        except Exception as e:
                	    LOG.error(_LE("RK: update_network: error %s" % e)) 
                	    raise ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError()

    		    LOG.debug("RK: update_network: res: %s", res)

		except Exception as a:
                    LOG.error(_LE("RK: update_network: error %s" % a))
                    raise ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError()
    def extend_network_dict(self, session, model, result):
        """Implementation of abstract method from ExtensionDriver class."""
	LOG.debug("RK: extend_network_dict(). result: %s", result)

        net_id = result.get('id')
        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):
                res = rk_db.get_vnet_profile(net_id, session)
                result[rk_const.RK_MIN_RATE] = res.min_rate
                result[rk_const.RK_MAX_RATE] = res.max_rate
            except Exception as e:
                # Do nothing if the net is not found.
		LOG.debug(_LE("RK: do nothing... net not found: %s" % e))
    def process_create_port(self, context, data, result):
        """Implementation of abstract method from ExtensionDriver class."""
	LOG.debug("RK: process_create_port(). data: %s", data)

        port_id = result.get('id')
	port_min_attr = data.get(rk_const.RK_MIN_RATE)
	port_max_attr = data.get(rk_const.RK_MAX_RATE)

        if not attributes.is_attr_set(port_min_attr) or \
        	not attributes.is_attr_set(port_max_attr):

	    # check network defaults
	    network_id = result.get('network_id')
            with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
                    LOG.debug("RK: no limits on port... look for network_id: %s", network_id)
                    res = rk_db.get_vnet_profile(network_id, context.session)
		    net_min_attr, net_max_attr = res.min_rate, res.max_rate

		    if not attributes.is_attr_set(port_min_attr):
			port_min_attr = net_min_attr
		    if not attributes.is_attr_set(port_max_attr):
			port_max_attr = net_max_attr

		    port_min_attr, port_max_attr = self._validate_rates(
			port_min_attr, port_max_attr)

            	except Exception as e:
                    # Do nothing if the port is not found.
		    LOG.debug("RK: do nothing... port not found: %s" % e)

	LOG.debug("RK: port_min_attr %s, port_max_attr %s", port_min_attr, port_max_attr)

        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
	        network_id = -1
                rk_db.create_vif_record(port_id, network_id, port_min_attr, 
					port_max_attr, context.session)
	    except Exception as e:
		LOG.error(_LE("RK: error %s" % e))
                raise ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError()

	result[rk_const.RK_MIN_RATE] = port_min_attr
	result[rk_const.RK_MAX_RATE] = port_max_attr