def __init__(self, args, batchNorm=False, div_flow = 20.): super(FlowNet2CS,self).__init__() self.batchNorm = batchNorm self.div_flow = div_flow self.rgb_max = args.rgb_max self.args = args self.channelnorm = ChannelNorm() # First Block (FlowNetC) self.flownetc = FlowNetC.FlowNetC(args, batchNorm=self.batchNorm) self.upsample1 = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=4, mode='bilinear') if args.fp16: self.resample1 = nn.Sequential( tofp32(), Resample2d(), tofp16()) else: self.resample1 = Resample2d() # Block (FlowNetS1) self.flownets_1 = FlowNetS.FlowNetS(args, batchNorm=self.batchNorm) self.upsample2 = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=4, mode='bilinear') for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): if m.bias is not None: init.uniform(m.bias) init.xavier_uniform(m.weight) if isinstance(m, nn.ConvTranspose2d): if m.bias is not None: init.uniform(m.bias) init.xavier_uniform(m.weight)
def detect_occlusion(fw_flow, bw_flow): ## fw-flow: img1 => img2 ## bw-flow: img2 => img1 with torch.no_grad(): ## convert to tensor fw_flow_t = img2tensor(fw_flow).cuda() bw_flow_t = img2tensor(bw_flow).cuda() ## warp fw-flow to img2 flow_warping = Resample2d().cuda() fw_flow_w = flow_warping(fw_flow_t, bw_flow_t) ## convert to numpy array fw_flow_w = tensor2img(fw_flow_w) ## occlusion fb_flow_sum = fw_flow_w + bw_flow fb_flow_mag = compute_flow_magnitude(fb_flow_sum) fw_flow_w_mag = compute_flow_magnitude(fw_flow_w) bw_flow_mag = compute_flow_magnitude(bw_flow) mask1 = fb_flow_mag > 0.01 * (fw_flow_w_mag + bw_flow_mag) + 0.5 ## motion boundary fx_du, fx_dv, fy_du, fy_dv = compute_flow_gradients(bw_flow) fx_mag = fx_du**2 + fx_dv**2 fy_mag = fy_du**2 + fy_dv**2 mask2 = (fx_mag + fy_mag) > 0.01 * bw_flow_mag + 0.002 ## combine mask mask = np.logical_or(mask1, mask2) occlusion = np.zeros((fw_flow.shape[0], fw_flow.shape[1])) occlusion[mask == 1] = 1 return occlusion
### start training while model.epoch < opts.epoch_max: model.epoch += 1 ### re-generate train data loader for every epoch data_loader = utils.create_data_loader(train_dataset, opts, "train") ### update learning rate current_lr = utils.learning_rate_decay(opts, model.epoch) for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = current_lr ## submodule flow_warping = Resample2d().to(device) downsampler = nn.AvgPool2d((2, 2), stride=2).to(device) ### criterion and loss recorder if opts.loss == 'L2': criterion = nn.MSELoss(size_average=True) elif opts.loss == 'L1': criterion = nn.L1Loss(size_average=True) else: raise Exception("Unsupported criterion %s" %opts.loss) ### start epoch ts =
class Object(object): pass """ Flownet """ args = Object() args.rgb_max = 1.0 args.fp16 = False FlowNet = networks.FlowNet2(args, requires_grad=False) model_filename = os.path.join("pretrained_models", "FlowNet2_checkpoint.pth.tar") checkpoint = torch.load(model_filename) FlowNet.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) FlowNet = FlowNet.cuda() """ Submodules """ flow_warping = Resample2d().cuda() downsampler = nn.AvgPool2d((2, 2), stride=2).cuda() def norm(t): return torch.sum(t * t, dim=1, keepdim=True) def train_lstm_epoch(epoch, data_loader, model, criterion_L1, criterion_ssim, optimizer, opt): opt.w_ST, opt.w_LT, opt.w_Flow = 1.0, 1.0, 10.0 model.train() ts = opt.t_stride ### start epoch for i, (inputs, masks, _) in enumerate(data_loader): # inputs: BxCxTxHxW
def __init__(self, args, batchNorm=False, div_flow = 20., requires_grad=False): super(FlowNet2,self).__init__() self.batchNorm = batchNorm self.div_flow = div_flow self.rgb_max = args.rgb_max self.args = args self.channelnorm = ChannelNorm() # First Block (FlowNetC) self.flownetc = networks.FlowNetC.FlowNetC(args, batchNorm=self.batchNorm) self.upsample1 = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=4, mode='bilinear') if args.fp16: self.resample1 = nn.Sequential( tofp32(), Resample2d(), tofp16()) else: self.resample1 = Resample2d() # Block (FlowNetS1) self.flownets_1 = networks.FlowNetS.FlowNetS(args, batchNorm=self.batchNorm) self.upsample2 = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=4, mode='bilinear') if args.fp16: self.resample2 = nn.Sequential( tofp32(), Resample2d(), tofp16()) else: self.resample2 = Resample2d() # Block (FlowNetS2) self.flownets_2 = networks.FlowNetS.FlowNetS(args, batchNorm=self.batchNorm) # Block (FlowNetSD) self.flownets_d = networks.FlowNetSD.FlowNetSD(args, batchNorm=self.batchNorm) self.upsample3 = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=4, mode='nearest') self.upsample4 = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=4, mode='nearest') if args.fp16: self.resample3 = nn.Sequential( tofp32(), Resample2d(), tofp16()) else: self.resample3 = Resample2d() if args.fp16: self.resample4 = nn.Sequential( tofp32(), Resample2d(), tofp16()) else: self.resample4 = Resample2d() # Block (FLowNetFusion) self.flownetfusion = networks.FlowNetFusion.FlowNetFusion(args, batchNorm=self.batchNorm) for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): if m.bias is not None: init.uniform_(m.bias) init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight) if isinstance(m, nn.ConvTranspose2d): if m.bias is not None: init.uniform_(m.bias) init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight) # init_deconv_bilinear(m.weight) if not requires_grad: for param in self.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False
def __init__(self): super(FlowWarping, self).__init__() self.channelnorm = ChannelNorm() self.resample1 = Resample2d()