コード例 #1
from networksim import NetworkSimulator
from beacon_chain_node import Node, NOTARIES, SHARDS, BeaconBlock, MainChainBlock, ShardCollation, main_genesis, beacon_genesis

net = NetworkSimulator(latency=19)
notaries = [Node(i, net, sleepy=i % 5 == 9) for i in range(NOTARIES)]
net.agents = notaries
for i in range(2000):
for n in notaries:
    print("Beacon head: %d" % n.blocks[n.beacon_chain[-1]].number)
    print("Main chain head: %d" % n.blocks[n.main_chain[-1]].number)
    print("Shard heads: %r" % [n.blocks[x[-1]].number for x in n.shard_chains])
    print("Total beacon blocks received: %d" % (len([b for b in n.blocks.values() if isinstance(b, BeaconBlock)]) - 1))
    print("Total beacon blocks received and signed: %d" % (len([b for b in n.blocks.keys() if b in n.sigs and len(n.sigs[b]) >= n.blocks[b].notary_req]) - 1))
    print("Total main chain blocks received: %d" % (len([b for b in n.blocks.values() if isinstance(b, MainChainBlock)]) - 1))
    print("Total shard blocks received: %r" % [len([b for b in n.blocks.values() if isinstance(b, ShardCollation) and b.shard_id == i]) - 1 for i in range(SHARDS)])

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import random


#positions = {main_genesis.hash: 0, beacon_genesis.hash: 0}
#queue = [

for b in n.blocks.values():
    if b.number > 0:
        if isinstance(b, BeaconBlock):
            G.add_edge(b.hash, b.main_chain_ref, color='g')