コード例 #1
ファイル: interpreter.py プロジェクト: gtzimpragos/Charm
 def test_gc_overhead(self):
     # Test time overhead for graph conversion.
     dfs_time = 0.
     z3_time = 0.
     mm_time = 0.
     N = 20
     for i in range(N):
         rg = RandomGraph(9, 9, sparse=False, drawable=self.drawable)
         self.graph = rg.getGraph()
         if self.use_z3:
             solvable, time = self.convert_to_functional_graph_using_z3()
         z3_time += time
         for e in self.graph.edge_set:
         start = timer()
         assert solvable == self.convert_to_functional_graph()
         end = timer()
         dfs_time += end - start
         self.graph = rg.getNxGraph()
         start = timer()
         end = timer()
         mm_time += end - start
     print 'Avg z3 time used: {}'.format(z3_time / N)
     print 'Avg dfs time used: {}'.format(dfs_time / N)
     print 'Avg mm time used: {}'.format(mm_time / N)
     return True
コード例 #2
ファイル: algorithms.py プロジェクト: IP-MATCH/pyhrtc
def max_card_matching(instance):
    """Given an instance, calculate the cardinality of the biggest matching.
    Note that this matching need not be, and probably won't be, stable.

    :param instance: The instance in question
    :type instance: Instance
    :rtype: int
    :return: The size of the largest cardinality matching.
    graph = NxGraph()
    if instance.number_of_couples_left() != 0:
        raise Exception("max card matching does not currently support couples")
    for left in instance.single_agents_left:
        graph.add_node(f"l%s" % left.ident, bipartite=0)
    for right in instance.single_agents_right:
        for cap in range(right.capacity):
            graph.add_node(f"r%s_%d" % (right.ident, cap), bipartite=1)
    for left in instance.single_agents_left:
        for pref_group in left.preferences:
            for right_id in pref_group:
                for cap in range(instance.single_agent_right(right_id).capacity):
                    graph.add_edge(f"l%s" % left.ident,
                                   f"r%s_%d" % (right_id, cap))
    size = 0
    for component in connected_component_subgraphs(graph):
        size += len(maximum_matching(component))
    return int(size/2)
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: korylprince/adventofcode
def graph():
    G = nx.Graph()
    for name, flds in {
         for i, f in enumerate(fields) if len(f.difference(rule)) == 0}
            for name, rule in valid.items()
        for f in flds:
            G.add_edge(name, f)
    return bip.maximum_matching(G)
コード例 #4
def part1():
    ingr_appearances, allergen_prospects = process_input()
    mm_edges = maximum_matching(Graph(allergen_prospects))
    ingr_without_allergens = ingr_appearances.keys() - (
        mm_edges.keys() - allergen_prospects.keys())

    # Uncomment the following to draw the graphs -
    # draw_bipartite_graph(Graph(allergen_prospects), allergen_prospects.keys())
    # draw_bipartite_graph(Graph(mm_edges.items()), allergen_prospects.keys())

    return sum([ingr_appearances[ingr] for ingr in ingr_without_allergens])
コード例 #5
def part2():
    _, allergen_prospects = process_input()
    mm_edges = maximum_matching(Graph(allergen_prospects))
    ingr_with_allergens = [
        mm_edges[allergen] for allergen in allergen_prospects

    # Uncomment the following to draw the graphs -
    # draw_bipartite_graph(Graph(allergen_prospects), allergen_prospects.keys())
    # draw_bipartite_graph(Graph(mm_edges.items()), allergen_prospects.keys())

    return ','.join(sorted(ingr_with_allergens, key=lambda x: mm_edges[x]))
コード例 #6
def halfint_lpvc2(graph: nx.Graph):
    Deprecated half integral LP solver
    n = graph.number_of_nodes()
    doubled = make_double(graph)
    print("double graph created")
    mates = bipartite.maximum_matching(doubled)
    print("matching found")
    vc = bipartite.to_vertex_cover(doubled, mates)
    print("vc found")
    lpval = {v: 0.5 * ((v in vc) + (v + n in vc)) for v in graph.nodes_iter()}
    return lpval
コード例 #7
def birkhoff_von_neumann(Y, tol=0.0001):
    if Y.shape[0] != Y.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('Y.shape[0] != Y.shape[1]')
    if np.any(Y < -tol):
        raise ValueError('np.any(Y < -tol)')

    Y = np.where(Y < tol, 0, Y)

    m = Y.shape[0]

    lambdas = []
    perms = []

    residuals = Y > tol
    while np.any(residuals):

        adj = residuals.astype(int)
        adj = sparse.csr_matrix(adj)

        G = bp.from_biadjacency_matrix(adj)

        M = bp.maximum_matching(G)
        M_ = [(kk, v - m) for kk, v in M.items() if kk < m]

        if len(
        ) < m:  # this can happen due to numerical stability issues TODO add test

        M_ = sorted(
            M_, key=itemgetter(0)
        )  # if tuples sorted by rows, then the columns are the permutation

        rows, columns = zip(*M_)
        perm = np.array(columns)

        assert perm.shape == (m, )

        lambda_ = np.min(Y[rows, columns])

        P = np.zeros((m, m), dtype=float)
        P[rows, columns] = 1.

        Y -= lambda_ * P

        residuals = Y > tol
    return np.array(lambdas), np.array(perms)
コード例 #8
def part2():
    ticket_fields, my_ticket, nearby_tickets = process_input()
    # Create a set that contains the union of
    # the valid values for all of the fields
    all_valid_vals = set.union(*ticket_fields.values())
    valid_tickets = [
        t for t in nearby_tickets if is_ticket_valid(t, all_valid_vals)[0]

    graph = build_bipartite_graph(valid_tickets, ticket_fields)
    departures_product = 1
    mm_edges = maximum_matching(graph).items()
    for start_edge, end_edge in mm_edges:
        if isinstance(start_edge, str) and "departure" in start_edge:
            departures_product *= my_ticket[end_edge]

    # Uncomment the following to draw the graphs -
    # draw_bipartite_graph(graph, ticket_fields.keys())
    # draw_bipartite_graph(Graph(mm_edges), ticket_fields.keys())

    return departures_product
コード例 #9
    def _create_loops(self):
        points = []
        g_cities = nx.DiGraph()

        for city in self.cities:
            city = self.cities.get(city)
            g_cities.add_node('f-' + str(city.id), bipartite=0)
            g_cities.add_node('t-' + str(city.id), bipartite=1)
            points.append([city.x, city.y])
        points = np.array(points)
        vor = Voronoi(points, incremental=True)

        for point in vor.ridge_points:
            g_cities.add_edge('f-' + str(self.cities[point[0]]),
                              't-' + str(self.cities[point[1]]))
            g_cities.add_edge('f-' + str(self.cities[point[1]]),
                              't-' + str(self.cities[point[0]]))

        temp = bipartite.maximum_matching(g_cities)
        del g_cities
        islands = nx.DiGraph()
        i = 0
        for key, value in temp.items():
            # connect cities ...
            i += 1
            if (i >= temp.__len__() / 2):
        for i, c in enumerate(nx.recursive_simple_cycles(islands)):
            # for i, c in enumerate(nx.simple_cycles(islands)):
            loop = Loop(c, i)
コード例 #10
ファイル: catvsdog.py プロジェクト: bcaine/CatVsDog
    def max_satisfied_voters(self):
        """Calculates the maximum number of satisfied voters of an instance"""
        if self.v == 0:
            return 0

        # Construct bipartite graph
        for i, vote in enumerate(self.votes):
            loves_val = "cat" if "C" in vote[0] else "dog"
            self.graph.add_node(i, loves=loves_val, votes=vote)

        # Create edges for each conflict
        for node_1 in self.graph.nodes():
            for node_2 in self.graph.nodes():
                if node_1 == node_2:

                if self._conflict(node_1, node_2):
                    self.graph.add_edge(node_1, node_2)

        matching = bipartite.maximum_matching(self.graph)
        matching = self._remove_duplicates(matching)

        return self.v - len(matching)
コード例 #11
        # lendo linha
        linha = input("")

        # separando elementos
        n, m = linha.split(" ")

        # convertendo para inteiro
        n = int(n)
        m = int(m)

        # adicionando no
        G.add_nodes_from(range(1, m), bipartite=0)

        for j in range(1, m + 1):
            # lendo linha
            linha = input("")

            # separando elementos
            tam1, tam2 = linha.split(" ")

            # adicionando nos
            G.add_nodes_from([tam1, tam2], bipartite=1)

            # adicionando arestas
            G.add_edges_from([(j, tam1), (j, tam2)])
        # end for

        print("NO" if (len(bipartite.maximum_matching(G)) / 2 < m) else "YES")
    # end for
# end main
コード例 #12
ファイル: network_flow.py プロジェクト: luyang1210/PPRL
def calculate_entity_mapping(G, method=None):
    """Given the networkx graph, calculate a dictionary mapping
    each row node to the most highly similar column node.

    :param G: A `networkx.Graph` comprising of nodes from two entities,
    connected by equally weighted edges if the similarity was above a

    :param method: The method to use to solve the entity mapping.
    Options are
        - 'flow' or None (default) - `networkx.maximum_flow` method.
        - 'bipartite' - the `networkx.bipartite.maximum_matching` algorithm (fastest)
        - 'weighted' - the `networkx.max_weight_matching` (slowest but most accurate
          with close matches)

    :return: A dictionary mapping of row index to column index. If no mate
    is found, the node isn't included.

    if method == 'bipartite':
            'Solving entity matches with bipartite maximum matching solver')
        network = bipartite.maximum_matching(G)
        entity_map = _to_int_map(network, lambda network, node: network[node])

    elif method == 'weighted':
            'Solving entity matches with networkx maximum weight matching solver'
        network = nx.max_weight_matching(G)
        entity_map = _to_int_map(network, lambda network, node: network[node])

    elif method == 'flow' or method is None:
            'Solving entity matches with networkx maximum flow solver')
        # The maximum flow solver requires a SOURCE and SINK
        num_rows, num_cols = 0, 0
        for i, node in enumerate(G.nodes()):
            if node.startswith("row"):
                G.add_edge('start', node, capacity=1.0)
                num_rows += 1
            if node.startswith("col"):
                G.add_edge(node, 'end', capacity=1.0)
                num_cols += 1
        flow_value, network = nx.maximum_flow(G, 'start', 'end')

        # This method produces a quality metric `flow`, however
        # it needs to be compared to the number of entities
        if flow_value < num_rows:
            logging.info('Matching not perfect - {:.3f}'.format(flow_value))
            logging.info('Matching complete. (perfect matching)')

        def find_pair(network, node):
            # Make sure to deal with unconnected nodes

            possible_nodes = [n for n in network[node] if n != 'start']
            if len(possible_nodes) > 0:

                def get_score(node_name):
                    return network[node][node_name]

                return max(possible_nodes, key=get_score)
                return None

        entity_map = _to_int_map(network, find_pair)

        raise NotImplementedError("Haven't implemented that matching method")

    return entity_map
コード例 #13
def display_maximum_matching(B):
    """Displays the maximum matching of a bipartite graph. """
    for k, v in bipartite.maximum_matching(B).iteritems():
        if k < v:
            print "%d %d" % (k+1, v+1)
コード例 #14
def maximalMatch(graph):
    match = bipartite.maximum_matching(graph)
    return match
コード例 #15
                  or rr[1][0] <= f <= rr[1][1], fields[field]))
    field_name[(field, rule)] = res
    return res

for i in range(N):
    for j in range(N):
        rr = rul[j][1]
        field_name[(i, j)] = all(map(lambda f: rr[0][0] <= f <= rr[0][1]
                                     or rr[1][0] <= f <= rr[1][1], fields[i]))
# networkX bipartite matching algo
g = nx.Graph()
g.add_nodes_from(range(N), bipartite=0)
g.add_nodes_from(range(N, 2*N), bipartite=1)
g.add_edges_from((i, j+N) for i in range(N)
                 for j in range(N) if field_name[(i, j)])
matching = bipartite.maximum_matching(g)
ass = [x for _, x in sorted((i, j-N)
                            for i, j in matching.items() if i < N)]
print(f"Part2: {dep()}")

# Sorting + backtracking
counts = [(i, sum(1 for j in range(N) if field_name[(i, j)]), sum(
    1 for j in range(N) if field_name[(j, i)])) for i in range(N)]
fields_sorted = list(map(lambda x: x[0], sorted(counts, key=lambda x: x[1])))
names_sorted = list(map(lambda x: x[0], sorted(counts, key=lambda x: x[2])))

ass = []  # index into fields_sorted
asss = set()
NUMS = [10, 4, 5, 8, 18, 17, 0, 7, 13, 15, 16, 14, 3, 12, 2, 6, 1, 19, 9, 11]
print("Computing by backtracking")
done = False