コード例 #1
ファイル: centrality.py プロジェクト: thiagoki/Tdevel
def _edge_betweenness(G, source, nodes, cutoff=False):
    Edge betweenness helper.
    between = {}
    # get the predecessor data
    (pred, length) = predecessor(G, source, cutoff=cutoff, return_seen=True)
    # order the nodes by path length
    onodes = [
        nn for dd, nn in sorted((dist, n) for n, dist in length.iteritems())
    # intialize betweenness, doesn't account for any edge weights
    for u, v in G.edges(nodes):
        between[(u, v)] = 1.0
        between[(v, u)] = 1.0

    while onodes:  # work through all paths
        v = onodes.pop()
        if v in pred:
            num_paths = len(pred[v])  # Discount betweenness if more than
            for w in pred[v]:  # one shortest path.
                if w in pred:
                    num_paths = len(pred[w])  # Discount betweenness, mult path
                    for x in pred[w]:
                        between[(w, x)] += between[(v, w)] / num_paths
                        between[(x, w)] += between[(w, v)] / num_paths
    return between
コード例 #2
ファイル: centrality.py プロジェクト: jbjorne/CVSTransferTest
def _edge_betweenness(G,source,nodes,cutoff=False):
    Edge betweenness helper.
    # get the predecessor data
    # order the nodes by path length
    onodes = [ nn for dd,nn in sorted( (dist,n) for n,dist in length.iteritems() )]
    # intialize betweenness, doesn't account for any edge weights
    for u,v in G.edges(nodes):

    while onodes:           # work through all paths
        if v in pred:
            num_paths=len(pred[v])   # Discount betweenness if more than 
            for w in pred[v]:        # one shortest path.
                if w in pred:
                    num_paths=len(pred[w])  # Discount betweenness, mult path  
                    for x in pred[w]: 
    return between
コード例 #3
ファイル: centrality.py プロジェクト: thiagoki/Tdevel
def _node_betweenness(G,
    """Node betweenness helper:
    see betweenness_centrality for what you probably want.

    This actually computes "load" and not betweenness.
    See https://networkx.lanl.gov/ticket/103

    This calculates the load of each node for paths from a single source.
    (The fraction of number of shortests paths from source that go
    through each node.)

    To get the load for a node you need to do all-pairs shortest paths.

    If weighted_edges is True then use Dijkstra for finding shortest paths.
    In this case a cutoff is not implemented and so is ignored.


    # get the predecessor and path length data
    if weighted_edges:
        (pred, length) = dijkstra_predecessor_and_distance(G, source)
        (pred, length) = predecessor(G,

    # order the nodes by path length
    onodes = [(l, vert) for (vert, l) in length.items()]
    onodes[:] = [vert for (l, vert) in onodes if l > 0]

    # intialize betweenness
    between = {}.fromkeys(length, 1.0)

    while onodes:
        v = onodes.pop()
        if v in pred:
            num_paths = len(pred[v])  # Discount betweenness if more than
            for x in pred[v]:  # one shortest path.
                if x == source:  # stop if hit source because all remaining v
                    break  #  also have pred[v]==[source]
                between[x] += between[v] / float(num_paths)
    #  remove source
    for v in between:
        between[v] -= 1
    # rescale to be between 0 and 1
    if normalized:
        l = len(between)
        if l > 2:
            scale = 1.0 / float(
                (l - 1) * (l - 2))  # 1/the number of possible paths
            for v in between:
                between[v] *= scale
    return between
コード例 #4
ファイル: centrality.py プロジェクト: jbjorne/CVSTransferTest
def _node_betweenness(G,source,cutoff=False,normalized=True,weighted_edges=False):
    """Node betweenness helper:
    see betweenness_centrality for what you probably want.

    This actually computes "load" and not betweenness.
    See https://networkx.lanl.gov/ticket/103

    This calculates the load of each node for paths from a single source.
    (The fraction of number of shortests paths from source that go
    through each node.)

    To get the load for a node you need to do all-pairs shortest paths.

    If weighted_edges is True then use Dijkstra for finding shortest paths.
    In this case a cutoff is not implemented and so is ignored.


    # get the predecessor and path length data
    if weighted_edges:

    # order the nodes by path length
    onodes = [ (l,vert) for (vert,l) in length.items() ]
    onodes[:] = [vert for (l,vert) in onodes if l>0]
    # intialize betweenness

    while onodes:           
        if v in pred:
            num_paths=len(pred[v])   # Discount betweenness if more than 
            for x in pred[v]:        # one shortest path.
                if x==source:   # stop if hit source because all remaining v  
                    break       #  also have pred[v]==[source]
    #  remove source
    for v in between:
    # rescale to be between 0 and 1                
    if normalized:
        if l > 2:
            scale=1.0/float((l-1)*(l-2)) # 1/the number of possible paths
            for v in between:
                between[v] *= scale
    return between