コード例 #1
ファイル: test_weighted.py プロジェクト: networkx/networkx
    def test_all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self):
        cycle = nx.cycle_graph(7)
        p = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(cycle))
        assert_equal(p[0][3], [0, 1, 2, 3])

        cycle[1][2]['weight'] = 10
        p = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(cycle))
        assert_equal(p[0][3], [0, 6, 5, 4, 3])
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_weighted.py プロジェクト: ynux/networkx
    def test_all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self):
        cycle = nx.cycle_graph(7)
        p = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(cycle))
        assert p[0][3] == [0, 1, 2, 3]

        cycle[1][2]['weight'] = 10
        p = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(cycle))
        assert p[0][3] == [0, 6, 5, 4, 3]
コード例 #3
def get_lambdai(email_layer, hist_layer, email_graph, hist_graph):
    # aggregate network
    df = aggregated_network(email_layer, hist_layer)
    agg_G = nx.DiGraph()
    agg_G = agg_G.to_directed()
    triad = list(zip(*[df[c].values.tolist() for c in df]))
    # agg_G.remove_node('aaaa')
    # total number of shortest paths on multiplex network
    agg_path = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(agg_G)
    email_path = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(email_graph)
    hist_path = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(hist_graph)
    agg_dict, email_dict, hist_dict = {}, {}, {}
    email_edge_path_dict, hist_edge_path_dict, agg_edge_path_dict = {}, {}, {
    }  # shortest paths of all nodes
    lambdai = {}
    for node, path in email_path:
        for i in path:
            email_edge_path_dict['++'.join(path[i])] = 1
    for node, path in hist_path:
        for i in path:
            hist_edge_path_dict['++'.join(path[i])] = 1
    for node, path in agg_path:
        for i in path:
            agg_edge_path_dict['++'.join(path[i])] = 1
    # count the shortest path of node i in agg_network
    bottom_df = pd.DataFrame(list(agg_edge_path_dict.items()),
                             columns=['edge', 'count'])
    bottom_df['From'] = bottom_df['edge'].map(lambda x: x.split('++')[0])
    bottom_count = Counter(bottom_df['From'])
    for edge in email_edge_path_dict:
        if agg_edge_path_dict.get(edge, 'aaaa') != 'aaaa':
    # count the shortest path of all nodes between two layers
    for edge in hist_edge_path_dict:
        if agg_edge_path_dict.get(edge, 'aaaa') != 'aaaa':
    # count the shortest path of node i  between two layers
    top_df = pd.DataFrame(list(agg_edge_path_dict.items()),
                          columns=['edge', 'count'])
    top_df['From'] = top_df['edge'].map(lambda x: x.split('++')[0])
    top_count = Counter(top_df['From'])
    # calculate the lambda i
    lambdai = {}
    for k in bottom_count:
        if top_count.get(k, 'aaaa') != 'aaaa':
            lambdai[k] = round(top_count[k] / float(bottom_count[k]), 2)
    # if lambdai.get(nbr, 0) == nbr:
    #     return lambdai[nbr]
    # else:
    #     return 0
    return lambdai
コード例 #4
def get_path_generator(path_generation: str = 'empirical', G: Optional[nx.Graph]=None,
                       full_paths: Optional[List[List[int]]]=None,
                       zone_paths: Optional[List[List[int]]]=None,
                       synthetic_path_generator_args: Optional[list] = None):
    """Create path generator functions.
    Note that a zone path is a sequence of zones that a customer purchased items from, so consecutive zones in the sequence
    may not be adjacent in the store graph. We map the zone path to the full shopping path by assuming that
    customers walk shortest paths between purchases."""

    # Decide how paths are generated
    if path_generation == 'empirical':
        path_generator_function = paths_generator_from_actual_paths
        if full_paths is not None:
            path_generator_args = [full_paths]
            assert zone_paths is not None, "If you use path_generation='empirical', you need to specify either zone_paths or full_paths"
            assert G is not None, "If you use path_generation='empirical' with zone_paths, you need to input the store network G"
            shortest_path_dict = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(G))
            shopping_paths = [zone_path_to_full_path(path, shortest_path_dict) for path in zone_paths]
            full_paths = [zone_path_to_full_path(path, shortest_path_dict) for path in shopping_paths]
            path_generator_args = [full_paths]
    elif path_generation == 'synthetic':
        assert synthetic_path_generator_args is not None, \
            "If you use path_generation='synthetic', " \
            "you need to input synthetic_path_generator_args=" \
            "[mu, sigma, entrance_nodes, till_nodes, exit_nodes, item_nodes, shortest_path_dict]"
        assert type(synthetic_path_generator_args) is list, \
            "If you use path_generation='synthetic', " \
            "you need to input synthetic_path_generator_args=" \
            "[mu, sigma, entrance_nodes, till_nodes, exit_nodes, item_nodes, shortest_path_dict]"
        assert len(synthetic_path_generator_args) == 7, \
            "If you use path_generation='synthetic', " \
            "you need to input synthetic_path_generator_args=" \
            "[mu, sigma, entrance_nodes, till_nodes, exit_nodes, item_nodes, shortest_path_dict]"
        path_generator_function = sythetic_paths_generator
        path_generator_args = synthetic_path_generator_args  # [mu, sigma, entrance_nodes,
        # till_nodes, exit_nodes, item_nodes, shortest_path_dict]
    elif path_generation == 'tmatrix':
        assert zone_paths is not None, "If you use path_generation='tmatrix', you need to input zone_paths"
        assert G is not None, "If you use path_generation='tmatrix', you need to input the store network G"
        shortest_path_dict = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(G))
        shopping_paths = [zone_path_to_full_path(path, shortest_path_dict) for path in zone_paths]
        tmatrix = get_transition_matrix(shopping_paths, len(G))
        path_generator_function = path_generator_from_transition_matrix
        path_generator_args = [tmatrix, shortest_path_dict]
        raise ValueError(f'Unknown path_generation scheme == {path_generation}')
    return path_generator_function, path_generator_args
コード例 #5
ファイル: state_space.py プロジェクト: safarzadeh-reza/tmmpy
 def __init__(self, network, **kwargs):
     assert type(network) is DirectedStreetNetwork
     self.street_network = network
     self.shortest_path_dictionary = {
         source: target_dict
         for source, target_dict in all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(
             network.graph, weight="length"
     self.shortest_paths = {
         source: target_dict
         for source, target_dict in all_pairs_dijkstra_path(
             self.street_network.graph, weight="length"
     if "gamma" in kwargs:
         self.gamma = kwargs["gamma"]
         self.gamma = 0.01
     if "sigma" in kwargs:
         self.sigma = kwargs["sigma"]
         self.sigma = 1
コード例 #6
def context_splitting_graph_many(obj: Union[HybridCloud, CloudEnsemble],
                                 sources: Iterable[int],
                                 max_dist: float) -> List[list]:
    """ Performs a dijkstra shortest paths on the obj's weighted graph to retrieve the skeleton nodes within `max_dist`
    for every source node ID in `sources`.

        obj: The HybridCloud/CloudEnsemble with the graph, nodes and vertices.
        sources: The source nodes.
        max_dist: The maximum distance to the source node (along the graph).

        The nodes within the requested context for every source node - same ordering as `sources`.
    g = obj.graph()
    if isinstance(sources, list) and len(sources) == 1:
        path = nx.single_source_dijkstra_path(g,
        return [list(path.keys())]
        paths = dict(
            nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(g, weight='weight', cutoff=max_dist))
        return [list(paths[s].keys()) for s in sources]
コード例 #7
def hub_algo(c):
    all_short = networkx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(c.g)

    clustering_map(c, c.number_of_busses-1)
    central_nodes = [get_subgraph_center(c, i) for i in range(1, c.number_of_busses)]

    central_route = []
    for i in range(len(central_nodes)-1):
        central_route += all_short[central_nodes[i]][central_nodes[i+1]]
    c.set_route(1, central_route)

    for i in range(1, len(central_nodes)+1):
        Gp =  networkx.Graph()
        for v in c.rv:
            for u in c.rv:
                if (v==u) or (c.clusters[u] != i) or (c.clusters[v] != i):
                Gp.add_edge(v, u, weight=c.get_route_weight_from_route(all_short[u][v]))

        problem = Problem(Gp)
        best = simple.aStarSearch(problem, unvisited_heuristic)

        new_route = []
        for j in range(len(best)-1):
            new_route += all_short[best[j]][best[j+1]]
        c.set_route(i + 1, new_route)
    return c
コード例 #8
ファイル: topology.py プロジェクト: ptkhoa1984/CNO
 def all_shortest_paths(self, weights):
     if self.engine == "nx":
         for e in self.edges.keys():
             w = weights[e]
             self.G[self.edges[e][0]][self.edges[e][1]]['weight'] = w
         paths = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.G)
         return paths
     elif self.engine == "igraph":
         W = []
         for e in self.edges.keys():
             if weights == "delays":
         self.igr.es['weight'] = W
         res = []
         for node in self.nodes.keys():
             pnode = self.igr.get_shortest_paths(node, weights="weight")
             dic_node = {}
             for (i, path) in enumerate(pnode):
                 pnames = []
                 for p in path:
                 dic_node[self.igr.vs['name'][i]] = pnames
             res.append((node, dic_node))
         return res
コード例 #9
ファイル: world.py プロジェクト: volchek/Panther
 def __init__(self, static_map):
     self.lines = {line["idx"]: Line(line) for line in static_map["line"]}
     self.graph = nx.Graph()
     for line in static_map["line"]:
     self.edge_labels = dict([((line["point"][0], line["point"][1]), {
         "id": line["idx"],
         "weight": line["length"]
     }) for line in static_map["line"]])
     self.start_point_to_line_idx = {}
     self.shortest_path = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.graph))
     self.length = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(self.graph))
     self.post_id_to_point = {
         point["post_id"]: point["idx"]
         for point in static_map["point"] if point["post_id"]
     for line in static_map["line"]:
         start_idx = line["point"][0]
         if start_idx not in self.start_point_to_line_idx:
             self.start_point_to_line_idx[start_idx] = []
     self.line_idx_to_point = {
         line["idx"]: line["point"]
         for line in static_map["line"]
コード例 #10
ファイル: state_space.py プロジェクト: safarzadeh-reza/tmmpy
 def __init__(self, network: UndirectedStreetNetwork, **kwargs):
     """See class documentation."""
     assert type(network) is UndirectedStreetNetwork
     self.street_network = network
     self.states = list(set(map(lambda x: tuple(sorted(x)), network.graph.edges.keys())))
     self.shortest_paths = {
         source: target_dict
         for source, target_dict in all_pairs_dijkstra_path(
             self.street_network.graph, weight="length"
     self.shortest_path_dictionary = {
         source: target_dict
         for source, target_dict in all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(
             self.street_network.graph, weight="length"
     if "gamma" in kwargs:
         self.gamma = kwargs["gamma"]
         self.gamma = 0.01
     if "sigma" in kwargs:
         self.sigma = kwargs["sigma"]
         self.sigma = 1
コード例 #11
def route_remaining_edges_simple(G, T, n2c):
    """The original routing function --- not used now"""
    #for u,v in G.edges_iter():
    #    if T.are_adjacent(n2c[u], n2c[v]):
    #        print 'edge (%d,%d) at %d,%d good' % (u,v,n2c[u], n2c[v])

    if G.number_of_edges() == 0: return []

    H = construct_routing_graph(T, set(n2c.values()))
    SP = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(H)
    SP_len = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(H)
    nx.write_edgelist(H, "hex.graph")

    # for every remaining edge
    Routes = []
    for u, v in G.edges_iter():
        c = n2c[u]
        d = n2c[v]
        # find the combination of sides that gives the shortest path
        best = bestp = None
        for s1, s2 in itertools.product(T.hex_sides(), T.hex_sides()):
            source = T.side_name(c, s1)
            target = T.side_name(d, s2)

            if SP_len[source][target] < best or best is None:
                best = SP_len[source][target]
                bestp = SP[source][target]
        #print >>sys.stderr, "Route %d - %d (%g) %s" % (u, v, best, ",".join(bestp))
    return Routes
コード例 #12
    def restore_node(self, v, recompute_paths=True):
        """Restore a previously-removed node and update the network model.

        v : any hashable type
            Node to restore
        recompute_paths: bool, optional
            If True, recompute all shortest paths
        self.model.topology.add_node(v, **self.model.removed_nodes.pop(v))
        for u in self.model.disconnected_neighbors[v]:
            if (v, u) in self.model.removed_links:
                self.restore_link(v, u, recompute_paths=False)
        if v in self.model.removed_caches:
            self.model.cache[v] = self.model.removed_caches.pop(v)
        if v in self.model.removed_local_caches:
            self.model.local_cache[v] = self.model.removed_local_caches.pop(v)
        if v in self.model.removed_sources:
            self.model.source_node[v] = self.model.removed_sources.pop(v)
            for content in self.model.source_node[v]:
                self.model.countent_source[content] = v
        if recompute_paths:
            shortest_path = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.model.topology)
            self.model.shortest_path = symmetrify_paths(shortest_path)
コード例 #13
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: mehdi1902/MSSim
    def __init__(self, status):
        self.status = status
        self.INTERNAL_COST = self.status.INTERNAL_COST
        self.EXTERNAL_COST = self.status.EXTERNAL_COST
        self.core = self.status.core
        self.k = self.status.k
        self.h = self.status.h
        self.max_delay = self.h * self.INTERNAL_COST + self.EXTERNAL_COST

        if self.status.topo_type == 'tree':
            self.topology = self._create_topology(self.core, self.k, self.h)
        elif self.status.topo_type == 'rocket':
            self.topology = self._parse_rocketfuel_topology()
        self.clients = {node: self.topology.node[node] for node in self.topology.node
                        if self.topology.node[node]['type'] == 'leaf'}
        self.pops = {node: self.topology.node[node] for node in self.topology.node
                     if self.topology.node[node]['type'] == 'root'}
        self.routers = {node: self.topology.node[node] for node in self.topology.node
                        if self.topology.node[node]['type'] in ['root', 'intermediate']}        
        self.shortest_path = self._symmetrify_paths(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.topology))
        self.neighbors2 = {node: self._neighbors_of_neighbors(node) for node in self.topology.node}
コード例 #14
def ds_spt(G, start_node):
	find a dominating set, from which we construct a subgraph by the 
	union of all pairwise shortest paths.
	then run trimMST on the subgraph.
    subgraph = nx.Graph()
    ds = nx.dominating_set(G, start_node)

    shortest_paths = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(G)
    shortest_paths = dict(shortest_paths)

    # add all edges/nodes in shortest paths to subgraph
    for source in ds:
        for target in ds:
            if source != target:
                # path is a list of nodes along the s-t path
                path = shortest_paths[source][target]
                for i in range(len(path) - 1):
                    node_from = path[i]
                    node_to = path[i + 1]
                    weight = G[node_from][node_to]['weight']
                    if not subgraph.has_node(node_from):
                    if not subgraph.has_node(node_to):
                    if not subgraph.has_edge(node_from, node_to):
                        subgraph.add_edge(node_from, node_to, weight=weight)

    #tree = trimMST.solve(subgraph)
    tree = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(subgraph)
    return tree
コード例 #15
ファイル: Environment.py プロジェクト: zengman/DdpgLinkState
    def upd_env_R(self):
        weights = {}

        for e, w in zip(self.graph.edges(), self.env_W):
            weights[e] = w

        nx.set_edge_attributes(self.graph, 'weight', weights)
        # print(self.env_W)

        routing_nodes = np.full([self.ACTIVE_NODES] * 2, -1.0, dtype=int)
        routing_ports = np.full([self.ACTIVE_NODES] * 2, -1.0, dtype=int)

        all_shortest = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.graph)
        self.env_all_shortest = all_shortest.copy()
        sucess = self.check_if_link_failure()
        if sucess == False:
            return sucess
        for s in range(self.ACTIVE_NODES):
            for d in range(self.ACTIVE_NODES):
                if s != d:
                    next = all_shortest[s][d][1]
                    port = self.ports[s][next]
                    routing_nodes[s][d] = next
                    routing_ports[s][d] = port
                    routing_nodes[s][d] = -1
                    routing_ports[s][d] = -1

        self.env_R = np.asarray(routing_ports)
        self.env_Rn = np.asarray(routing_nodes)
        return sucess
コード例 #16
 def setShortestRoutes(self):
     paths = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.gg, weight='weight')
     for node1 in paths.keys():
         host1 = self.get(node1)
         debug("Starting node: "+node1+'\n')
         debug("\tpaths: "+str(paths[node1])+'\n')
         for node2 in paths[node1].keys():
             if node2 != node1:
                 if len(paths[node1][node2]) > 2:
                     debug("\tDestination node: "+node2+'\n')
                     nextHop = self.get(paths[node1][node2][1])
                     debug("\tNextHop node: "+nextHop.name+'\n')
                     dsts = self.getNodeAddrs(self.get(node2))
                     intfs = host1.connectionsTo(nextHop)
                     nextAddrs = [ couple[1].ip for couple in intfs if couple[1].ip ]
                     rintf = intfs[0][0] # WARNING we just consider one link
                     for dst in dsts:
                         for addr in nextAddrs:
                             debug("\tip route add "+str(dst)+" via "+str(addr)+'\n')
                             host1.cmd("ip route add "+dst+" via "+addr+" dev "+rintf.name)
                             debug("\tip route add "+dst+" via "+addr+'\n')
                 else :
                     host2 = self.get(node2)
                     intfs = [ couple[0] for couple in host1.connectionsTo(host2) ]
                     rintf = intfs[0] # WARNING we just consider one link
                     raddrs = self.getNodeAddrs(host2)
                     for addr in raddrs:
コード例 #17
def route_remaining_edges_simple(G, T, n2c):
    """The original routing function --- not used now"""
    #for u,v in G.edges_iter():
    #    if T.are_adjacent(n2c[u], n2c[v]):
    #        print 'edge (%d,%d) at %d,%d good' % (u,v,n2c[u], n2c[v])

    if G.number_of_edges() == 0: return []

    H = construct_routing_graph(T, set(n2c.values()))
    SP = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(H)
    SP_len = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(H)
    nx.write_edgelist(H, "hex.graph")

    # for every remaining edge
    Routes = []
    for u,v in G.edges_iter():
        c = n2c[u]
        d = n2c[v]
        # find the combination of sides that gives the shortest path
        best = bestp = None
        for s1,s2 in itertools.product(T.hex_sides(),T.hex_sides()):
            source = T.side_name(c,s1)
            target = T.side_name(d,s2)

            if SP_len[source][target] < best or best is None:
                best = SP_len[source][target]
                bestp = SP[source][target]
        #print >>sys.stderr, "Route %d - %d (%g) %s" % (u, v, best, ",".join(bestp)) 
    return Routes
コード例 #18
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: milliele/CDN-EVA
def parse_ashiip(path):
    Parse a topology from an output file generated by the aShiip topology

    path : str
        The path to the aShiip output file

    topology : Topology
    topology = fnss.Topology(type='ashiip')

    for line in open(path, "r").readlines():
        # There is no documented aShiip format but we assume that if the line
        # does not start with a number it is not part of the topology
        if line[0].isdigit():
            node_ids = re.findall("\d+", line)
            if len(node_ids) < 2:
                raise ValueError('Invalid input file. Parsing failed while ' \
                                 'trying to parse a line')
            node = int(node_ids[0])
            # level = int(node_ids[1])
            for i in range(1, len(node_ids)):
                topology.add_edge(node, int(node_ids[i]))
    paths = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(topology))
    for u in paths:
        for v in paths[u]:
            paths[u][v] = len(paths[u][v])
    return paths
コード例 #19
def hub_algo(c):
    all_short = networkx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(c.g)

    clustering_map(c, c.number_of_busses - 1)
    central_nodes = [
        get_subgraph_center(c, i) for i in range(1, c.number_of_busses)

    central_route = []
    for i in range(len(central_nodes) - 1):
        central_route += all_short[central_nodes[i]][central_nodes[i + 1]]
    c.set_route(1, central_route)

    for i in range(1, len(central_nodes) + 1):
        Gp = networkx.Graph()
        for v in c.rv:
            for u in c.rv:
                if (v == u) or (c.clusters[u] != i) or (c.clusters[v] != i):

        problem = Problem(Gp)
        best = simple.aStarSearch(problem, unvisited_heuristic)

        new_route = []
        for j in range(len(best) - 1):
            new_route += all_short[best[j]][best[j + 1]]
        c.set_route(i + 1, new_route)
    return c
コード例 #20
def highest_activity_paths(input_network, percentile):
    path_length_thresh = 2

    #print "Calculating shortest paths..."
    shortest_paths = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(input_network)

    #print "Extracting paths with length >=",path_length_thresh,"and corresponding costs into an array..."
    # list of tuples (cost, path)
    # path is a list of nodes
    cost_paths = []
    for src, dest_paths in shortest_paths.items():
        for dest, path in dest_paths.items():
            if (len(path) - 1) >= path_length_thresh:
                cost_paths.append((get_path_cost(input_network, path), path))
    costs = [tup[0] for tup in cost_paths
             ]  # this is necessary for the percentile computation
    #print "Got ", len(cost_paths), " shortest paths"

    #print "Sorting paths based on costs..."
    cost_paths_sorted = sorted(cost_paths)

    network_path_cost_thresh = np.percentile(costs, percentile)

    # Get highest activity paths
    highestActivityPaths_network = set()
    for tup in cost_paths_sorted:
        if tup[0] < network_path_cost_thresh:
    #print "Got ", len(highestActivityPaths_network), " highest activity paths in network"
    return highestActivityPaths_network
コード例 #21
 def compute_distance(root_path,
     vertice = function_library.reading_text(root_path + vertice_name)
     polygon_edge = function_library.reading_text(root_path + polygon_name)
     print('Vertice and polygon are loaded!')
     # compute edge
     edge = function_library.convert_to_edge(polygon_edge, vertice)
     if compute_distance:
         G = nx.Graph()
         G.add_nodes_from(list(np.arange(1, len(vertice))))
         for i in range(len(edge)):
             G.add_edge(int(edge[i, 0]), int(edge[i, 1]), weight=edge[i, 2])
         path = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(G)
         print('Shortest path computed!')
         # compute the distance
         distance_matrix = np.zeros((len(vertice), len(vertice)))
         for iter1 in range(1, len(vertice) + 1):
             for iter2 in range(1, len(vertice) + 1):
                 if iter2 > iter1:
                     node_path = path[iter1][iter2]
                     dis = 0
                     for i in range(len(node_path) - 1):
                         dis = dis + np.linalg.norm(
                             vertice[int(node_path[i] - 1), :] -
                             vertice[int(node_path[i + 1] - 1), :])
                     distance_matrix[iter1 - 1, iter2 - 1] = dis
         distance_matrix = distance_matrix + distance_matrix.T
         print('Distance computed!')
         return distance_matrix
         return vertice, edge
コード例 #22
    def remove_link(self, u, v, recompute_paths=True):
        """Remove a link from the topology and update the network model.

        Note well. With great power comes great responsibility. Be careful when
        using this method. In fact as a result of link removal, network
        partitions and other corner cases might occur. Ensure that the
        implementation of strategies using this method deal with all potential
        corner cases appropriately.

        Also, note that, for these changes to be effective, the strategy must
        use fresh data provided by the network view and not storing local copies
        of network state because they won't be updated by this method.

        u : any hashable type
            Origin node
        v : any hashable type
            Destination node
        recompute_paths: bool, optional
            If True, recompute all shortest paths
        self.model.removed_links[(u, v)] = self.model.topology.edge[u][v]
        self.model.topology.remove_edge(u, v)
        if recompute_paths:
            shortest_path = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.model.topology)
            self.model.shortest_path = symmetrify_paths(shortest_path)
コード例 #23
 def __init__(self, cityMap):
   VRPProblem.__init__(self, cityMap)
   self.src_nodes = {s for s, d in cityMap.passengers}
   self.relevant_nodes = {d for s, d in cityMap.passengers} | self.src_nodes
   print(self.relevant_nodes - self.src_nodes)
   self.short_path = networkx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(cityMap.g)
コード例 #24
    def shortest_path(self):
        source = tk.StringVar.get(self.source)
        destination = tk.StringVar.get(self.destination)
        if source == "":
            source = 1
            source = int(source)

        if destination == "":
            destination = self.rows
            destination = int(destination)

        path = nx.shortest_path(self.graph,
        length = nx.shortest_path_length(self.graph,
        print("shortest path: {}, with weight: {}".format(path, length))

        all_paths = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.graph))
        for node in all_paths.keys():
            temp = dict(all_paths[node])
            for dest_node in temp.keys():
                print("path from node {} to node {}: {}".format(
                    node, dest_node, all_paths[node][dest_node]))
コード例 #25
    def update_env_r(self):
        weights = {}
        for e, w in zip(self.graph.edges(), self.env_w):
            weights[e] = w

        nx.set_edge_attributes(self.graph, name='weight', values=weights)
        routing_nodes = np.full([self.active_nodes] * 2, -1.0, dtype=int)
        routing_ports = np.full([self.active_nodes] * 2, -1.0, dtype=int)
        all_shortest = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.graph)
        for s in range(self.active_nodes):
            for d in range(self.active_nodes):
                if s != d:
                    # TODO
                    # must be updated for networkx 2.x
                    # `nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path` returns a generator instead of a list
                    next_ = all_shortest[s][d][1]
                    port = self.ports[s][next_]
                    routing_nodes[s][d] = next_
                    routing_ports[s][d] = port
                    routing_nodes[s][d] = -1
                    routing_ports[s][d] = -1

        self.env_r = np.asarray(routing_ports)
        self.env_rn = np.asarray(routing_nodes)
    def upd_env_R(self):
        weights = {}

        for e, w in zip(self.graph.edges(), self.env_W):
            weights[e] = w

        nx.set_edge_attributes(self.graph, name='weight', values=weights)

        routing_nodes = np.full([self.ACTIVE_NODES] * 2, -1.0, dtype=int)
        routing_ports = np.full([self.ACTIVE_NODES] * 2, -1.0, dtype=int)

        all_shortest = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.graph))

        # print(all_shortest)
        for s in range(self.ACTIVE_NODES):
            for d in range(self.ACTIVE_NODES):
                if s != d:
                    next = all_shortest[s][d][1]
                    port = self.ports[s][next]
                    routing_nodes[s][d] = next
                    routing_ports[s][d] = port
                    routing_nodes[s][d] = -1
                    routing_ports[s][d] = -1

        self.env_R = np.asarray(routing_ports)
        self.env_Rn = np.asarray(routing_nodes)
コード例 #27
def shortest_path(G, source=None, target=None, weight=None):
    if source is None:
        if target is None:
            if weight is None:
                paths = dict(nx.all_pairs_shortest_path(G))
                paths = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(G, weight=weight))

            with nx.utils.reversed(G):
                if weight is None:
                    paths = single_source_shortest_path(G, target)
                    paths = nx.single_source_dijkstra_path(G, target,
                for target in paths:
                    paths[target] = list(reversed(paths[target]))

        if target is None:
            if weight is None:
                paths = single_source_shortest_path(G, source)
                paths = nx.single_source_dijkstra_path(G, source,
            if weight is None:
                paths = nx.bidirectional_shortest_path(G, source, target)
                paths = nx.dijkstra_path(G, source, target, weight)

    return paths
コード例 #28
    def rewire_link(self, u, v, up, vp, recompute_paths=True):
        """Rewire an existing link to new endpoints

        This method can be used to model mobility patters, e.g., changing
        attachment points of sources and/or receivers.

        Note well. With great power comes great responsibility. Be careful when
        using this method. In fact as a result of link rewiring, network
        partitions and other corner cases might occur. Ensure that the
        implementation of strategies using this method deal with all potential
        corner cases appropriately.

        u, v : any hashable type
            Endpoints of link before rewiring
        up, vp : any hashable type
            Endpoints of link after rewiring
        link = self.model.topology.edge[u][v]
        self.model.topology.remove_edge(u, v)
        self.model.topology.add_edge(up, vp, **link)
        if recompute_paths:
            shortest_path = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.model.topology)
            self.model.shortest_path = symmetrify_paths(shortest_path)
コード例 #29
ファイル: help.py プロジェクト: predmach/DeFiNe
def generate_paths(gg,pos,sample,thres,mode=0):

        for n in range(N):
            for m in range(n):
                for path in patha:
                    if(not path in paths and len(path)>1):

        for i in range(sample):
            for n in pathd.keys():
                for m in pathd[n].keys():
                    if(not path in paths and len(path)>1):
    return paths
コード例 #30
def highest_activity_paths(input_network, percentile):
	path_length_thresh = 2

	#print "Calculating shortest paths..."
	shortest_paths = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(input_network)

	#print "Extracting paths with length >=",path_length_thresh,"and corresponding costs into an array..."
	# list of tuples (cost, path)
	# path is a list of nodes
	cost_paths = []
	for src, dest_paths in shortest_paths.items():
		for dest, path in dest_paths.items():
			if (len(path) - 1) >= path_length_thresh:
				cost_paths.append((get_path_cost(input_network, path), path))
	costs = [tup[0] for tup in cost_paths] # this is necessary for the percentile computation
	#print "Got ", len(cost_paths), " shortest paths"

	#print "Sorting paths based on costs..."
	cost_paths_sorted = sorted(cost_paths)

	network_path_cost_thresh = np.percentile(costs, percentile)

	# Get highest activity paths
	highestActivityPaths_network = set()
	for tup in cost_paths_sorted:
		if tup[0] < network_path_cost_thresh:
	#print "Got ", len(highestActivityPaths_network), " highest activity paths in network"
	return highestActivityPaths_network
コード例 #31
ファイル: Waypoint.py プロジェクト: PhyloStar/CompHiLing
def computeGeoDist(G):
	"""Compute Geographical distances with waypoints"""
	path = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(G)
	outf = open("african-origin-homelands-distances-1.txt", "w")
	for src, src_coordl in source_dict.iteritems():
#		print src, src_coordl
		src_area = src_coordl[0]
		src_coord = src_coordl[1]
		for hm, hm_coordl in hmcoord_dict.iteritems():
			hm_area = hm_coordl[0]
			hm_coord = hm_coordl[1]
			distance = 0
			if src_area != hm_area:
				path_list = path[src_area][hm_area]
				coord_list = []
#				distance += getDistance(src_coord,G[src_area][path_list[1]]["coord"])
				for i in range(len(path_list)-1):
#				print coord_list				
				for i in range(len(coord_list)-1):
					distance += getDistance(coord_list[i],coord_list[i+1])
				distance = getDistance(src_coord, hm_coord)
			print src, hm, distance
コード例 #32
 def _all_pairs_shortest_path(self):
     Resolve an all pair shortest path problem
     self.all_pairs = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(G=self._weighted_graph,
                                                      weight=lambda v1, v2, attributes: self._custom_weight(
コード例 #33
def expand_road_network(road_network, discritization):
    """Discritize a simple road_network
        Takes a simple road network with nodes at features and intersections
        and edges with weights between nodes and add nodes along the edges
    rn_old = road_network
    df = discritization  # nodes per unit weight

    # Find shortest paths and path lengths
    paths = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(rn_old)
    path_lengths = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(rn_old)

    # Create new graph
    rn = nx.Graph()

    for old_edge in rn_old.edges(data=True):
        beg = old_edge[0]
        end = old_edge[1]
        if int(beg) > int(end):
            beg, end = end, beg

        num_nodes = int(round(old_edge[2]['weight'] * df) - 1)

        old_node_name = beg
        for node in range(num_nodes):
            new_node_name = '{}.{}.{}'.format(beg, end, node)
            if node == num_nodes - 1:
                rn.add_edge(new_node_name, end)
            rn.add_edge(old_node_name, new_node_name)

            old_node_name = new_node_name

    return rn, paths, path_lengths
コード例 #34
def do_metrics(options, topo, g):
    '''Compute the metrics for a single topology.'''

    print("computing metricss for topo: %s" % topo)
    controllers = get_controllers(g, options)
    filename = get_filename(topo, options, controllers)

    data = {}  # See top for data schema details.
    apsp = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(g)
    apsp_paths = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(g)

    extra_params = get_extra_params(g)
    if options.use_prior:
        data = read_json_file(filename)
        start = time.time()
        weighted = True
        metrics.run_all_combos(options.metrics, g, controllers, data, apsp,
                               apsp_paths, weighted, options.write_dist,
                               options.write_combos, extra_params,
                               options.processes, options.multiprocess,
                               options.chunksize, options.median)
        total_duration = time.time() - start
        print("%0.6f" % total_duration)

    if not options.dist_only:
        metrics.run_greedy_informed(data, g, apsp, options.weighted)
            data, g, 'greedy-cc', 'latency',
            nx.closeness_centrality(g, weighted_edges=options.weighted), apsp,
        metrics.run_greedy_alg_dict(data, g, 'greedy-dc', 'latency',
                                    nx.degree_centrality(g), apsp,
        for i in [10, 100, 1000]:
            metrics.run_best_n(data, g, apsp, i, options.weighted)
            metrics.run_worst_n(data, g, apsp, i, options.weighted)


    # Ignore the actual combinations in CSV outputs as well as single points.
    exclude = ["distribution", "metric", "group", "id"]
    if not options.write_combos:
        exclude += ['highest_combo', 'lowest_combo']

    if options.write:
        dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
        if not os.path.exists(dirname):
        write_json_file(filename + '.json', data)
        if options.write_csv:
            write_csv_file(filename, data["data"], exclude=exclude)
            if options.write_dist:
                write_dist_csv_file(filename + '_dist', data["data"], exclude)

    return data, filename
コード例 #35
def load_data_for_sim(store_id, graph_params, data_dir):
    # load data
    suffix = graph_params.get('suffix', '')
    path_suffix = graph_params.get('path_suffix', '')
    graph_suffix = graph_params.get('graph_suffix', '')
    logging.info('Loading data')

    if store_id in [1, 2, 3]:  # synthetic stores
        if store_id == 1:
            G, pos, entrance_nodes, till_nodes, exit_nodes, item_nodes = create_small_store(
            store_size = 'small'
        elif store_id == 2:
            G, pos, entrance_nodes, till_nodes, exit_nodes, item_nodes = create_medium_store(
            store_size = 'medium'
        elif store_id == 3:
            G, pos, entrance_nodes, till_nodes, exit_nodes, item_nodes = create_large_store(
            store_size = 'large'
            raise RuntimeError('This should not happen.'
                               )  # superfluous, but here to help linting
        mu = graph_params.get('mu_basketsize', '')
        sigma = graph_params.get('sigma_basketsize', '')
        pickle_filename = os.path.join(
        if os.path.isfile(pickle_filename):
            with open(pickle_filename, 'rb') as f:
                shortest_path_dict = pickle.load(f)
            logging.info(f'Loaded shortest path dict: {pickle_filename}')
            G, pos, entrance_nodes, till_nodes, exit_nodes, item_nodes = create_medium_store(
            shortest_path_dict = get_all_shortest_path_dicts(G)
            logging.info('Calculated shortest path dict of graph')
        extra_outputs = [
            mu, sigma, entrance_nodes, till_nodes, exit_nodes, item_nodes,
        paths_path = os.path.join(
            data_dir, f'{store_id}_zone_paths{suffix}{path_suffix}.parquet')
        logging.info('Loaded zone paths')
        df_paths = pd.read_parquet(paths_path)
        G = load_store_graph(store_id, graph_params, data_dir)
        logging.info('Loaded store graph')
        shortest_path_dict = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(G))
        use_TSP_path = graph_params.get('use_TSP_path', False)
        if use_TSP_path:
            path_col = 'TSP_path' + graph_suffix
            path_col = 'zone_path'
        df_paths['full_path'] = df_paths[path_col].apply(
            lambda x: zone_path_to_full_path(x, shortest_path_dict))
        all_zone_paths = list(df_paths[path_col])
        extra_outputs = all_zone_paths
    return G, extra_outputs
コード例 #36
def largearcs_connecting_heuristic( cycles, transport_graph, cost_label='cost' ) :
    APSP = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path( transport_graph, weight=cost_label )
    APSPL = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length( transport_graph, weight=cost_label )
    # Step 3(b): Form the inter-node distance from the original edge costs
    # d(ni,nj) = min { c'(u,v) | u \in Ri, v \in Rj }.
    # Associate with (ni,nj) the edge (u,v) yielding minimum cost.
    inter_node_distance = nx.Graph()
    for cycle in cycles :
        u = node()
        u.cycle = cycle     # do we need this?... eh, it's cheap
        inter_node_distance.add_node( u )
        u.enroute, u.balance = cycle_edges( cycle )
        # also want to store all nodes visited while *EMPTY*
        u.nodes = set()
        for x,y in u.balance.edges_iter() :
            u.nodes.update( APSP[x][y] )
        #for x,y,key, data in u.graph.edges_iter( keys=True, data=True ) :
            #if not data.get( 'CONNECT_ONLY', False ) : continue
            #u.nodes.update( APSP[x][y] )
    NODES = inter_node_distance.nodes()
    for u, v in itertools.combinations( NODES, 2 ) :
        options = [ ( APSPL[x][y] + APSPL[y][x], (x,y) ) for x,y in itertools.product( u.nodes, v.nodes ) ]
            # round trip cost
        cost, edge = min( options )
        inter_node_distance.add_edge( u, v, cost=cost, edge=edge )
    # Step 4: Find a minimum cost spanning tree on inter-node distance graph
    MST = nx.algorithms.minimum_spanning_tree( inter_node_distance, weight='cost' )
    # Step 2: Initialize PRETOUR to be empty. For each edge in the matching,
    # associate a direction (from head to tail); insert into PRETOUR
    # (Also, insert the arcs...)
    eulerian = nx.MultiDiGraph()
    for u in NODES :
        for x,y, key in u.enroute.edges_iter( keys=True ) :
            eulerian.add_edge( x,y, key, SERVICE=True )
    for u in NODES :
        for x,y in u.balance.edges_iter() :
            eulerian.add_edge( x, y )
    for _,__,data in MST.edges_iter( data=True ) :
        x,y = data.get('edge')
        eulerian.add_edge( x, y )
        eulerian.add_edge( y, x )
    try :
        tour = []
        for edge in eulerian_circuit_verbose( eulerian ) :
            if not eulerian.get_edge_data( *edge ).get('SERVICE', False ) : continue
            tour.append( edge )
        return tour
    except :
        return eulerian
コード例 #37
 def getPathDict(self, state:FactoryFloorState):
     @return pathdict with all connected paths on the map
     if self._graph == None:
         self._graph = FactoryGraph(state.getMap())
         self._pathDict = dict(networkx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self._graph))
     return self._pathDict
コード例 #38
 def __init__(self, cityMap):
     VRPProblem.__init__(self, cityMap)
     self.src_nodes = {s for s, d in cityMap.passengers}
     self.relevant_nodes = {d
                            for s, d in cityMap.passengers} | self.src_nodes
     print(self.relevant_nodes - self.src_nodes)
     self.short_path = networkx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(cityMap.g)
コード例 #39
ファイル: oracle.py プロジェクト: ray-97/vnla
 def _compute_shortest_paths(self, scan, path=None):
     ''' Load connectivity graph for each scan, useful for reasoning about shortest paths '''
     graph = utils.load_nav_graphs(scan, path=path)
     paths = dict(
         nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(graph))  # paths from graph of scan
     distances = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(
         graph))  # distances for respective paths
     return graph, paths, distances
コード例 #40
ファイル: network.py プロジェクト: mehdi1902/MSSim
    def __init__(self, core, k, h):
        self.CACHE_BUDGET_FRACTION = .04
        self.N_CONTENTS = 3 * 10 ** 4
        self.N_WARMUP_REQUESTS = 5 * 10 ** 4
        self.N_MEASURED_REQUESTS = 1 * 10 ** 4
        self.GAMMA = 1
        self.ALPHA = .8

        self.INTERNAL_COST = 2
        self.EXTERNAL_COST = 10

        self.on_path_routing = True
        self.on_path_winner = True
        self.relative_popularity = True
        self.cache_placement = 'betweenness'
        self.scenario = 'AUC'
        self.saved_shots = []
        self.shots = []

        self.max_delay = h * self.INTERNAL_COST + self.EXTERNAL_COST

        # Uniform cache assignement
        self.core, self.k, self.h = core, k, h
        self.topology = self._create_topology(core, k, h)
        self.clients = {node: self.topology.node[node] for node in self.topology.node
                        if self.topology.node[node]['type'] == 'leaf'}
        self.pops = {node: self.topology.node[node] for node in self.topology.node
                     if self.topology.node[node]['type'] == 'root'}
        self.routers = {node: self.topology.node[node] for node in self.topology.node
                        if self.topology.node[node]['type'] in ['root', 'intermediate']}

        self.informations = {node: {} for node in self.topology.node}

        self.workload = StationaryWorkload(self.clients.keys(), self.N_CONTENTS, self.ALPHA,
        self._cache_budget = None
        self.cache = None

        self.shortest_path = self._symmetrify_paths(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.topology))
        self.neighbors2 = {node: self._neighbors_of_neighbors(node) for node in self.topology.node}

        self.hits = 0
        #        self.cache_hit = {node:{i:0 for i in range(1, 1+self.N_CONTENTS)} for node in self.topology.node}
        #        self.delays = {i:[] for i in range(1, 1+self.N_CONTENTS)}
        self.all_delays = []
        self.cr_hit = []
        self.winners = []

#        probs = []    
        self.v_value = lambda p,d,v,pp,dp: p
        self.u_value = lambda p,d,u,path,v: 0

        self.cnt = 0
コード例 #41
 def _load_nav_graphs(self):
     ''' Load connectivity graph for each scan, useful for reasoning about shortest paths '''
     print 'Loading navigation graphs for %d scans' % len(self.scans)
     self.graphs = load_nav_graphs(self.scans)
     self.paths = {}
     for scan,G in self.graphs.iteritems(): # compute all shortest paths
         self.paths[scan] = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(G))
     self.distances = {}
     for scan,G in self.graphs.iteritems(): # compute all shortest paths
         self.distances[scan] = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(G))
コード例 #42
ファイル: board.py プロジェクト: dfuentes/powergrid
 def __init__(self, data_path):
     with open(data_path, 'r') as graph_file:
         graph_data = json.load(graph_file)
     self.graph = json_graph.node_link_graph(graph_data, multigraph=False)
     self.name_node_map = {node[1]['name']: node[0] for node in self.graph.nodes(data=True)}
     self.all_paths = networkx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.graph)
     self.all_costs = networkx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(self.graph)
     # add blank houses set to each node
     for node in self.graph.nodes():
         self.graph.node[node]['houses'] = []
コード例 #43
ファイル: DP.py プロジェクト: gitprof/optical_network
 def getSortedListOfPaths(self,graph,logicalNodes):
     path = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(graph)
     lst = []
     for u in logicalNodes:
         for v in logicalNodes:
             if (u>=v):
     sortedList = sorted(lst, key=lambda x: len(x[2]))
     return sortedList
コード例 #44
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: dimenwarper/scimitar
def all_pairs_shortest_path_weighted(graph):
    paths = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(graph, weight='weight')
    path_weighted_lengths = defaultdict(dict)
    for n1 in paths:
        for n2 in paths[n1]:
            path = paths[n1][n2]
            path_len = sum([graph[path[k-1]][path[k]]['weight'] for k in xrange(1, len(path))])
            path_weighted_lengths[n1][n2] = path_len
            path_weighted_lengths[n2][n1] = path_len
    return paths, path_weighted_lengths
コード例 #45
def calcPaths(num):
    length = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(G, num)
    length_paths = []
    for node in length:
        for target in length[node]:
            if len(length[node][target]) == num:
    labeled_paths = labels[length_paths]
    same_labels = (squareform(pdist(labeled_paths)) < 1e-10).sum(axis=1)
    return length_paths, labeled_paths, same_labels
コード例 #46
 def _all_paris_shortest_path(self):
     # print one shortest path for all node pairs
     # print nx.shortest_path(self.net)
     with open(OFP_ALL_PAIRS_SHOREST_PATH, 'w') as outp:
         shortest_path = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.net)
         for src in shortest_path.keys():
             for dst in shortest_path[src]:
                 outp.write("%s -> %s %s\n" % (self._hostname_Check(src),
                                               [self._hostname_Check(i) for i in shortest_path[src][dst]]))
コード例 #47
ファイル: test_generic.py プロジェクト: jianantian/networkx
 def test_all_pairs_shortest_path(self):
     p = nx.shortest_path(self.cycle)
     assert_equal(p[0][3], [0, 1, 2, 3])
     assert_equal(p, dict(nx.all_pairs_shortest_path(self.cycle)))
     p = nx.shortest_path(self.grid)
     validate_grid_path(4, 4, 1, 12, p[1][12])
     # now with weights
     p = nx.shortest_path(self.cycle, weight='weight')
     assert_equal(p[0][3], [0, 1, 2, 3])
     assert_equal(p, dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.cycle)))
     p = nx.shortest_path(self.grid, weight='weight')
     validate_grid_path(4, 4, 1, 12, p[1][12])
     # weights and method specified
     p = nx.shortest_path(self.cycle, weight='weight', method='dijkstra')
     assert_equal(p[0][3], [0, 1, 2, 3])
     assert_equal(p, dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.cycle)))
     p = nx.shortest_path(self.cycle, weight='weight',
     assert_equal(p[0][3], [0, 1, 2, 3])
     assert_equal(p, dict(nx.all_pairs_bellman_ford_path(self.cycle)))
コード例 #48
ファイル: test_generic.py プロジェクト: c0ns0le/zenoss-4
 def test_all_pairs_shortest_path(self):
     assert_equal(p[1][12],[1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12])
     # now with weights
     assert_equal(p[1][12],[1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12])
コード例 #49
ファイル: test_generic.py プロジェクト: rvu95/networkx
 def test_all_pairs_shortest_path(self):
     validate_grid_path(4, 4, 1, 12, p[1][12])
     # now with weights
     validate_grid_path(4, 4, 1, 12, p[1][12])
コード例 #50
def nodesOmitted(Graph, referenceNode):
    shortest_paths = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(Graph)
    front_path = shortest_paths[referenceNode][0]
    back_path = shortest_paths[referenceNode][len(Graph.nodes()) - 1]
    path = concatenate([front_path, back_path])
    omitted = ones(len(Graph.nodes()))
    for node in path:
        omitted[node] = 0
    return omitted
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    return G
コード例 #51
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: valency/avatar-api
def create_shortest_path_index(request):
    if 'id' in request.GET:
        start = datetime.now()
        road_network = RoadNetwork.objects.get(id=request.GET["id"])
        graph = json_graph.node_link_graph(json.loads(road_network.graph))
        index = networkx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(graph)
        road_network.shortest_path_index = json.dumps(index)
        end = datetime.now()
        log("Creating shortest path index task takes " + str((end - start).total_seconds()) + " seconds.")
        return Response(status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
        return Response(status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
コード例 #52
ファイル: budget_problem.py プロジェクト: xiaohan2012/lst
def transitive_closure(g, node_weight='r', edge_weight='c'):
    new_g = nx.DiGraph()

    l = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(g, weight=edge_weight)
    # add shortest path and weight
        (s, tree, {edge_weight: l[s][tree]})
        for s in l for tree in l[s]]
    # add node weight
    for n in new_g.nodes_iter():
        new_g.node[n][node_weight] = g.node[n][node_weight]
    return new_g, nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(g, weight=edge_weight)
コード例 #53
def dk(graph):
    graph: A networkx Graph object to calculate the dk from.

    Calculates the dynamic connectivity (dk) of a network. This is a centrality
    measure that is related to betweenness centrality. The shortest path
    between every pair of nodes in the network is calculated with Dijkstra's 
    algorithm. The dk of a node is the number of times it lies within one of 
    these paths.

    This centrality measure was used in the program JAMMING, which predicts
    functional residues of a protein through network analysis. 
    Efficient identification of critical residues based only on protein structure
    by network analysis
    Cusack M, Thibert B, Bredesen DE and del Rio G. 2007. PLoS ONE 2(5):e421
    returns: Dictionary with nodes as key and dk for each node as value.
    assert type(graph) is nx.Graph
    # Get a list of the nodes of the graph.
    nodes = graph.nodes()

    # Only for debugging. Sort amino acids by key.
    nodes.sort(key=lambda x: x.get_id()[1])

    # Create list of same length as node list with zero as all entries.
    dk_list = [0] * len(nodes)

    # Calculate the dijkstra shortest path for all node pairs.
    sp = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(graph)

    # For all nodes in the graph
    for i in range(0, len(nodes)):
        node1 = nodes[i]

        # For all nodes later in list than first node
        for j in range(i+1, len(nodes)):
            node2 = nodes[j]
            # Get shortest path between the first and second node
            path = sp[node1][node2]
            # Add one to the dk_list at an index for every time the node of that index
            # is inside the shortest path between a node pair.
            for n in path[1:-1]:
                dk_list[nodes.index(n)] += 1

    # Store dk values in a dictionary.
    dictionary = dict(zip(nodes, dk_list))
    return dictionary
コード例 #54
def test_dijkstra_vs_networkx_apsp():
	""" Test Dijkstra: My implementation vs Networkx implementation > All Pairs """
	# NX Version
	G = nx.from_edgelist(edgelist_james) 
	nx.set_edge_attributes(G, 'weight', edgelist_james)
	nx_all_complete_paths = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(G, 'weight')

	# My Version
	d = Dijkstra()
	d.from_edgelist(edgelist_james, directed=False)
	dc_all_lenghts, dc_all_paths = d.all_pairs_shortest_paths()
	dc_all_complete_paths = d.shortest_complete_paths

	assert (nx_all_complete_paths == dc_all_complete_paths)
コード例 #55
ファイル: metrics.py プロジェクト: NKSG/cpp
def do_metrics(options, topo, g):
    '''Compute the metrics for a single topology.'''

    print "computing metricss for topo: %s" % topo
    controllers = get_controllers(g, options)
    filename = get_filename(topo, options, controllers)

    data = {}  # See top for data schema details.
    apsp = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(g)
    apsp_paths = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(g)

    extra_params = get_extra_params(g)
    if options.use_prior:
        data = read_json_file(filename)
        start = time.time()
        weighted = True
        metrics.run_all_combos(options.metrics, g, controllers, data, apsp,
                               apsp_paths, weighted, options.write_dist,
                               options.write_combos, extra_params, options.processes,
                               options.multiprocess, options.chunksize, options.median)
        total_duration = time.time() - start
        print "%0.6f" % total_duration

    if not options.dist_only:
        metrics.run_greedy_informed(data, g, apsp, options.weighted)
        metrics.run_greedy_alg_dict(data, g, 'greedy-cc', 'latency', nx.closeness_centrality(g, weighted_edges = options.weighted), apsp, options.weighted)
        metrics.run_greedy_alg_dict(data, g, 'greedy-dc', 'latency', nx.degree_centrality(g), apsp, options.weighted)
        for i in [10, 100, 1000]:
            metrics.run_best_n(data, g, apsp, i, options.weighted)
            metrics.run_worst_n(data, g, apsp, i, options.weighted)

    print "*******************************************************************"

    # Ignore the actual combinations in CSV outputs as well as single points.
    exclude = ["distribution", "metric", "group", "id"]
    if not options.write_combos:
        exclude += ['highest_combo', 'lowest_combo']

    if options.write:
        dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
        if not os.path.exists(dirname):
        write_json_file(filename + '.json', data)
        if options.write_csv:
            write_csv_file(filename, data["data"], exclude = exclude)
            if options.write_dist:
                write_dist_csv_file(filename + '_dist', data["data"], exclude)

    return data, filename
コード例 #56
 def _all_paris_shortest_path(self):
     # print one shortest path for all node pairs
     print "_all_paris_shortest_path ", self.net
     with open(OFP_ALL_PAIRS_SHOREST_PATH, 'w') as outp:
             shortest_path = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.net)
         except Exception as e:
             self.logger.info("_all_paris_shortest_path %s", e)
             for src in shortest_path.keys():
                 for dst in shortest_path[src]:
                     outp.write("%s -> %s %s\n" % (self._hostname_Check(src),
                                                   [self._hostname_Check(i) for i in shortest_path[src][dst]]))
def jacobianSpiess(numNodes, numLinks, numODpairs, od_pairs, link_list_js, link_length_list_dict):
    numClasses = len(link_length_list_dict)
    netDict = {}
    pathDict = {}
    od_link_dict_dict = {}
    for k in range(numClasses):
        netDict[k] = nx.DiGraph()


        weighted_edges = [(int(link_list_js[i].split(',')[0]), int(link_list_js[i].split(',')[1]), \
                           link_length_list_dict[k][i]) for i in range(len(link_list_js))]


        pathDict[k] = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(netDict[k])

        od_route_dict = {}
        for od in od_pairs:
            origi = od[0]
            desti = od[1]
            key = OD_pair_label_dict_refined[str((origi, desti))]
            route = str(pathDict[k][origi][desti]).replace("[", "").replace(", ", "->").replace("]", "")
            od_route_dict[key] = route

        od_link_dict = {}
        for idx in range(len(od_route_dict)):
            od_link_list = []
            od_node_list = od_route_dict[idx+1].split('->')
            for i in range(len(od_node_list)):
                if i < len(od_node_list) - 1:
                    od_link_list.append(link_label_dict_[od_node_list[i] + '->' + od_node_list[i+1]])
            od_link_dict[idx] = od_link_list
        od_link_dict_dict[k] = od_link_dict

    jacob = np.zeros((numODpairs, numLinks, numClasses))

    for i in range(numODpairs):
        for j in range(numLinks):
            for k in range(numClasses):
                if j in od_link_dict_dict[k][i]:
                    jacob[i, j, k] = 1

    return jacob
コード例 #58
ファイル: Replanner.py プロジェクト: amp-at-clover/gpplib
 def GetShortestPathMST(self,goal):
     ''' Find the shortest path Minimum-Spanning Tree
     if self.g!= None:
         if self.UseNetworkX:
             import networkx as nx
             self.sp_mst = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.g)
             self.dist = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(self.g)
             from pygraph.algorithms.minmax import shortest_path
             self.sp_mst, self.dist = shortest_path(self.g,'(%d,%d)'%(goal[0],goal[1]))
         return self.sp_mst, self.dist
         print 'CreateExpRiskGraph first before calling GetShortestPathMST(goal)'
         return None, None
コード例 #59
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: mehdi1902/MSSim
 def reset_topology(self):
     if self.status.topo_type == 'tree':
         self.topology = self._create_topology(self.core, self.k, self.h)
     elif self.status.topo_type == 'rocket':
         self.topology = self._parse_rocketfuel_topology()
     self.clients = {node: self.topology.node[node] for node in self.topology.node
                     if self.topology.node[node]['type'] == 'leaf'}
     self.pops = {node: self.topology.node[node] for node in self.topology.node
                  if self.topology.node[node]['type'] == 'root'}
     self.routers = {node: self.topology.node[node] for node in self.topology.node
                     if self.topology.node[node]['type'] in ['root', 'intermediate']}        
     self.shortest_path = self._symmetrify_paths(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.topology))
     self.neighbors2 = {node: self._neighbors_of_neighbors(node) for node in self.topology.node}
コード例 #60
 def _all_paris_shortest_path(self):
     with open(OFP_ALL_PAIRS_SHOREST_PATH, 'w') as outp:
             shortest_path = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(self.net)
         except Exception as e:
             self.logger.info("_all_paris_shortest_path %s", e)
             for src in shortest_path.keys():
                 for dst in shortest_path[src]:
                     # outp.write("%s->%s %s\n" % (self._hostname_Check(src),
                     #                               self._hostname_Check(dst),
                     #                               [self._hostname_Check(i) for i in shortest_path[src][dst]]))
                     outp.write("%s->%s " % (self._hostname_Check(src), self._hostname_Check(dst)))
                     for each_node in shortest_path[src][dst]:
                         outp.write("%s-" % self._hostname_Check(each_node))