コード例 #1
def minimax(G, V, t, d, isMax):
    if f.Done(G, V, t):
        return len(V) / len(G)
        if isMax:
            bestValue = 0
            value = 0
            for i in range(nx.eccentricity(G, t)):
                for g in G.nodes():
                    if nx.shortest_path_length(G, g, t) == (i + 1):
                        V_new = V.copy()
                        value = minimax(G, V_new, g, d + 1, False)
                        if value >= bestValue:
                            bestValue = value
            bestValue = 1
            value = 1
            for i in range(nx.eccentricity(G, t)):
                for g in G.nodes():
                    if nx.shortest_path_length(G, g, t) == (i + 1):
                        V_new = V.copy()
                        value = minimax(G, V_new, g, d + 1, False)
                        if value <= bestValue:
                            bestValue = value
        return bestValue
コード例 #2
def findBigEccentricity1(h, node, subinfectG, infectionG, TurerumorSource2,

    # #这个感染图中,最小离心率是?这个暂时卡住了,怎么办?那么先假装实现,
    # minecceity=10
    # for  i  in  subinfectionG.nodes:
    #     if  nx.eccentricity(subinfectionG,i)<minecceity:
    #         minecceity=nx.eccentricity(subinfectionG,i)
    # print ('查看最小离心率'+str(minecceity))
    # print ('这个h下的错误节点为'+str(node))
    # minEccentricity=nx.eccentricity(subinfectionG,node)
    # print( '它的偏心率为'+str(minEccentricity))
    # ecctemp=0
    # minEccentricitynnode=0
    # print('从他的邻居节点找离心率最小的')  #或者找离中心近的。
    # for  heighbour in  list(subinfectionG.neighbors(node)):
    #     ecctemp=nx.eccentricity(subinfectionG,heighbour)
    #     if ecctemp<minEccentricity:
    #         minEccentricity=ecctemp
    #         minEccentricitynnode=heighbour
    # #如果没有离心率更小的话,就返回源点。

    newnodes = 5000
    for heighbour in list(subinfectG.neighbors(node)):  #这只能找一圈节点。
        print('那么这个点' + str(node) + '的邻居节点' + str(heighbour) + '试试看效果')
        if isReceived(heighbour, h, subinfectG, infectionG) == True:
            print('在邻居中找到的可行节点为' + str(heighbour))
            newnodes = heighbour

    allnodelist = list(
        nx.bfs_tree(subinfectG, source=TurerumorSource2,
    if newnodes == 5000:
        print('对不起,他的邻居节点找不到满足h=' + str(h) + '的点了,从第2个感染点的感染区域中找了')
        for i in list(allnodelist):  # 这只能找一圈节点。
            print('从第2个感染点的感染区域图子图找到的第一个邻居节点是' + str(i))
            if isReceived(i, h, subinfectG, infectionG) == True:
                print('在从第2个感染点的感染区域感染子图找到的可行节点为' + str(i))
                newnodes = i

        if newnodes == 5000:
            return node
            print('从第2个感染点的感染区域子图中找到了的节点为' + str(newnodes))
            print('重新找的节点为的偏心率' + str(nx.eccentricity(subinfectG, newnodes)))
            return newnodes

        print('找到邻居节点满足h=' + str(h) + '的点')
        print('重新找的节点为的偏心率' + str(nx.eccentricity(subinfectG, newnodes)))
        return newnodes
コード例 #3
 def test_eccentricity(self):
     assert_equal(networkx.eccentricity(self.G, 1), 6)
     e = networkx.eccentricity(self.G)
     assert_equal(e[1], 6)
     sp = dict(networkx.shortest_path_length(self.G))
     e = networkx.eccentricity(self.G, sp=sp)
     assert_equal(e[1], 6)
     e = networkx.eccentricity(self.G, v=1)
     assert_equal(e, 6)
     # This behavior changed in version 1.8 (ticket #739)
     e = networkx.eccentricity(self.G, v=[1, 1])
     assert_equal(e[1], 6)
     e = networkx.eccentricity(self.G, v=[1, 2])
     assert_equal(e[1], 6)
     # test against graph with one node
     G = networkx.path_graph(1)
     e = networkx.eccentricity(G)
     assert_equal(e[0], 0)
     e = networkx.eccentricity(G, v=0)
     assert_equal(e, 0)
     assert_raises(networkx.NetworkXError, networkx.eccentricity, G, 1)
     # test against empty graph
     G = networkx.empty_graph()
     e = networkx.eccentricity(G)
     assert_equal(e, {})
コード例 #4
    def test_eccentricity(self):
        assert nx.eccentricity(self.G, 1) == 6
        e = nx.eccentricity(self.G)
        assert e[1] == 6

        sp = dict(nx.shortest_path_length(self.G))
        e = nx.eccentricity(self.G, sp=sp)
        assert e[1] == 6

        e = nx.eccentricity(self.G, v=1)
        assert e == 6

        # This behavior changed in version 1.8 (ticket #739)
        e = nx.eccentricity(self.G, v=[1, 1])
        assert e[1] == 6
        e = nx.eccentricity(self.G, v=[1, 2])
        assert e[1] == 6

        # test against graph with one node
        G = nx.path_graph(1)
        e = nx.eccentricity(G)
        assert e[0] == 0
        e = nx.eccentricity(G, v=0)
        assert e == 0
        pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.eccentricity, G, 1)

        # test against empty graph
        G = nx.empty_graph()
        e = nx.eccentricity(G)
        assert e == {}
コード例 #5
 def test_eccentricity(self):
     assert_equal(networkx.eccentricity(self.G, 1), 6)
     e = networkx.eccentricity(self.G)
     assert_equal(e[1], 6)
     sp = networkx.shortest_path_length(self.G)
     e = networkx.eccentricity(self.G, sp=sp)
     assert_equal(e[1], 6)
     e = networkx.eccentricity(self.G, v=1)
     assert_equal(e, 6)
     e = networkx.eccentricity(
         self.G, v=[1,
                    1])  #This behavior changed in version 1.8 (ticket #739)
     assert_equal(e[1], 6)
     e = networkx.eccentricity(self.G, v=[1, 2])
     assert_equal(e[1], 6)
     # test against graph with one node
     G = networkx.path_graph(1)
     e = networkx.eccentricity(G)
     assert_equal(e[0], 0)
     e = networkx.eccentricity(G, v=0)
     assert_equal(e, 0)
     assert_raises(networkx.NetworkXError, networkx.eccentricity, G, 1)
     # test against empty graph
     G = networkx.empty_graph()
     e = networkx.eccentricity(G)
     assert_equal(e, {})
コード例 #6
 def test_eccentricity(self):
     assert_equal(networkx.eccentricity(self.G, 1), 6)
     e = networkx.eccentricity(self.G)
     assert_equal(e[1], 6)
     sp = networkx.shortest_path_length(self.G)
     e = networkx.eccentricity(self.G, sp=sp)
     assert_equal(e[1], 6)
     e = networkx.eccentricity(self.G, v=1)
     assert_equal(e, 6)
     e = networkx.eccentricity(self.G, v=[1, 1])
     assert_equal(e, 6)
コード例 #7
 def test_eccentricity(self):
コード例 #8
def search20q(G, ranking):
    seen = []
    Q = deque()
    s = bfs_successors(G, "Emotion")
    #questions = sorted(s["Emotion"], key=ranking.get)
    #questions = sorted(s["Emotion"], key=G.out_degree)
    questions = sorted(s["Emotion"], key=lambda x: nx.eccentricity(U, x))
    print questions
    history = []
    count = 0
    while (Q):
        count = count + 1
        print count
        #Q = sorted(Q, key=ranking.get)
        #Q = deque(Q)
        print Q
        t = Q.pop()
        if isinstance(t, tuple): qgloss = t[0]
        else: qgloss = t
        print "history"
        print history
        if history:
            tmp1 = zip(*history)
            if qgloss in tmp1[0]: continue
        ans = ask(qgloss)
        history.append((qgloss, ans))
        if not isinstance(t, tuple):  # we are dealing w/ guess as opposed to
            # question
            if ans == "yes":  #found it
                print "awesome!"
                return t
                pass  # no inference/action for wrong guess
        elif isinstance(t,
                        tuple):  # we were asking a question, as opp to guess
                successors = bfs_successors(G, (qgloss, ans))
                #questions = sorted(s[t], key=ranking.get)
                questions = sorted(s[t], key=lambda x: nx.eccentricity(U, x))
                for q in questions:
                    if not q in seen:
                        #if(ans == "yes"):
                        #    Q.appendleft(q)
            except KeyError:
                successors = []
コード例 #9
def search20q(G,ranking):
    seen = []
    Q = deque()
    s = bfs_successors(G,"Emotion")
    #questions = sorted(s["Emotion"], key=ranking.get)
    #questions = sorted(s["Emotion"], key=G.out_degree)
    questions = sorted(s["Emotion"], key=lambda x: nx.eccentricity(U,x))
    print questions
    history = []
    count = 0
        count = count+1
        print count
        #Q = sorted(Q, key=ranking.get)
        #Q = deque(Q)
        print Q
        t = Q.pop()
        if isinstance(t,tuple): qgloss = t[0]
        else: qgloss = t
        print "history"
        print history
        if history: 
            tmp1 = zip(*history)
            if qgloss in tmp1[0]: continue
        ans = ask(qgloss)
        if not isinstance(t,tuple): # we are dealing w/ guess as opposed to
                                    # question
            if ans == "yes": #found it
                print "awesome!"
                return t
                pass # no inference/action for wrong guess
        elif isinstance(t,tuple):  # we were asking a question, as opp to guess
                successors = bfs_successors(G,(qgloss,ans))
                #questions = sorted(s[t], key=ranking.get)
                questions = sorted(s[t], key=lambda x: nx.eccentricity(U,x))
                for q in questions:
                    if not q in seen:
                        #if(ans == "yes"):
                        #    Q.appendleft(q)
            except KeyError:
                successors = []
コード例 #10
def get_eccentricity(graph):
        ecc = nx.eccentricity(type(graph)())
        return ecc
    except nx.exception.NetworkXError:  # Found infinite path length because the graph is not strongly connected
        eccentricity = []
        scc = nx.strongly_connected_component_subgraphs(graph)
        for n_id, graph in enumerate(scc):
            if len(graph) > 1:
                ecc = nx.eccentricity(graph)
                    (nx.center(scc, ecc), nx.periphery(scc, ecc),
                     nx.radius(scc, ecc), nx.diameter(scc, ecc)))

    return eccentricity
コード例 #11
def graph_stats(G):
    result = {}
        # https://networkx.github.io/documentation/stable/reference/algorithms/generated/networkx.algorithms.flow.min_cost_flow.html#networkx.algorithms.flow.min_cost_flow
        # demand maybe from strongly_connected_components
        # TODO: revisit this
        # calculate_demand(G)
        # result["min_cost_flow"] = nx.min_cost_flow(G, capacity="inverse_weight", weight="weight")

        result["pagerank"] = nx.pagerank(G)

        result["betweenness_centrality"] = nx.betweenness_centrality(G)

        result["degree_centrality"] = nx.degree_centrality(G)

        result["eccentricity"] = nx.eccentricity(G)

        result["average_node_connectivity"] = nx.average_node_connectivity(G)

        result["dominating_set"] = nx.dominating_set(G)

        result["strongly_connected_components"] = list(nx.strongly_connected_components(G))
    except Exception:

    return result
コード例 #12
 def jarden_cente_networkx(self, infectG, subiG, source_true):
     dict = nx.eccentricity(subiG)
     print('dict', dict)
     sort_dict = sorted(dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
     print('sort_dict', sort_dict)
     print('源是', [sort_dict[0][0]])
     return [sort_dict[0][0]]
コード例 #13
ファイル: junto.py プロジェクト: dc36205/FlujoRedes
def CalculoTiemp(G):    
    dic={"Grafo":[],"Fuente":[], "Sumidero":[], "Media":[], "Mediana":[], "Std":[], "FlujoMax":[] ,"Grado":[], "Coef Agrup":[], "Centralidad Ce":[], "Centralidad Car":[], "Excentricidad":[], "PageRank":[] }   
    for i in Nodes: 
        for j in Nodes: 
            if i!=j: 
                for k in range(5): 
                dic["Sumidero"] .append(j)  
                dic["Std"].append(np.std(t)) # standar Desviation         
                dic["FlujoMax"].append(nx.maximum flow value(G, i, j, capacity='weight')) 
                dic["Coef Agrup"].append(nx.clustering(G,i))
                dic["Centralidad Ce"].append(nx.closeness centrality(G,i))
                dic["Centralidad Car"].append(nx.load centrality(G,i))
    df.to_csv("times.csv", index=None, mode ='a')
コード例 #14
ファイル: graph.py プロジェクト: ARNiroula/Algorithm-Lab
def main():
    E=pd.read_csv('mammalia-voles-bhp-trapping-55.edges',sep=' ' ,header=None, names=header_list)
    if (not nx.is_weighted(G)):
    ### Draw Graph ###
    pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
    if (nx.is_connected(G)):
        print("Since the graph isn't connected; diamter of the graph:",inf)
    shortest1 = nx.shortest_path_length(G, weight="w")
    shortest2 = dict(shortest1)
    ecc = nx.eccentricity(G, sp=shortest2)
    diam = nx.diameter(G, e=ecc)
    print("From the Library, Diameter:", diam)
    print("Average Clustering Coefficient:",round(statistics.mean(q_e),6))
コード例 #15
def hierarchical_analyze(network, source_node):
    max_repost_distance = nx.eccentricity(network, source_node)
    length = nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(network, source_node)
    hier = {}
    for i in range(1, max_repost_distance + 1):
        hier[i] = len([k for k, v in length.items() if v == i])
    return hier
コード例 #16
def eccentricity_list(net):
    if 'eccentricity' in net.graph['already_computed']:
        return net.graph['already_computed']['eccentricity']
        net.graph['already_computed']['eccentricity'] = nx.eccentricity(
            giant_component(net), sp=distances_matrix(net))
        return net.graph['already_computed']['eccentricity']
コード例 #17
def eccentricityAttributes(graph):
	return_values = []
	#Average effective eccentricity
	eccVals = []
	e = 0
	for n in graph.nodes():
			eccVals.append(nx.eccentricity(graph, v=n))	
		except nx.NetworkXError:
	eccSum = 0
	center_nodes = 0
	phobic = 0
	diameter = max(eccVals)
	radius = min(eccVals)
	for i in range(len(eccVals)):
		if eccVals[i] ==  radius:
			center_nodes += 1
			if graph.node[i]['hydro'] == 'phobic':
				phobic += 1
		eccSum += eccVals[i]
	return_values.append(eccSum / float(nx.number_of_nodes(graph)))	
	#Effective diameter
	#Effective radius
	#Percentage central nodes
	return_values.append(center_nodes / float(nx.number_of_nodes(graph)))
	#Percentage central nodes that are hydrophobic
	return_values.append(phobic / float(center_nodes))
	return return_values
コード例 #18
ファイル: graphproperty.py プロジェクト: weipeng/gossipcala
def get_graph_property(fn, i):
    doc = [
        'Order', 'Index', 'Mean degree', 'Number of connected components',
        'Variance of degree', 'Min degree', 'Max degree', 'Radius', 'Diameter',
        'Density', 'Connectivity', 'Mean eccentricity',
        'Variance of eccentricity', 'Min eccentricity', 'Max eccentricity',
        'Mean clustering', 'Variance of clustering', 'Min clustering',
        'Max clustering'

    with open('graphproperties_%d.csv' % i, 'ab') as fout:
        fout.write('\t'.join(doc) + '\n')
        if 'sw' in fn: return
        if '10000' not in fn: return

        print 'Processing', fn
        with gzip.open('../graphs/' + fn) as f:
            jdata = json.load(f)

        index = jdata['index']
        del jdata['index']
        order = jdata['order']
        del jdata['order']
        mean_degree = jdata['mean_degree']
        del jdata['mean_degree']
        var_degree = jdata['var_degree']
        del jdata['var_degree']
        del jdata['meanSharedNeighbors']

        G = json_graph.node_link_graph(jdata)
        min_degree = np.min(G.degree().values())
        max_degree = np.max(G.degree().values())

        ecc = nx.eccentricity(G)
        min_ecc = np.min(ecc.values())
        max_ecc = np.max(ecc.values())
        mean_ecc = np.mean(ecc.values())
        var_ecc = np.var(ecc.values())
        radius = min_ecc
        diameter = max_ecc
        #center = nx.center(G)
        #periphery = nx.periphery(G)
        density = nx.density(G)
        connectivity = nx.node_connectivity(G)

        clustering = nx.clustering(G)
        min_clust = np.min(clustering.values())
        max_clust = np.max(clustering.values())
        mean_clust = np.mean(clustering.values())
        var_clust = np.var(clustering.values())
        num_cc = nx.number_connected_components(G)

        row = [
            order, index, mean_degree, num_cc, var_degree, min_degree,
            max_degree, radius, diameter, density, connectivity, mean_ecc,
            var_ecc, min_ecc, max_ecc, mean_clust, var_clust, min_clust,

        fout.write('\t'.join(map(str, row)) + '\n')
コード例 #19
ファイル: nets.py プロジェクト: mayera/netx
    def basic_stats(self):
        #not decided on what level to deal with this yet:
        #either return error un not dealing with unconnected files,
        #or making it deal with unconnected files: the latter.
        #How about with dealing with each independently.
        #    if not nx.is_connected(g):
        #        conl= nx.connected_components(g)
        #        for n in conl:
        #            turn n into graph if it isnt
        #            calculate ec, per, cnt
        #            how and when to visualise the subgraphs?
        #            iterate to next n

        if nx.is_connected(self.nx_graph):
            ec = nx.eccentricity(self.nx_graph) 
            ec = 'NA - graph is not connected'

        per = nx.periphery(self.nx_graph)
        cnt = nx.center(self.nx_graph)
        result = { #"""fast betweenness algorithm"""  
            'bbc': nx.brandes_betweenness_centrality(self.nx_graph),
            'tn': nx.triangles(self.nx_graph), # number of triangles
            'ec': ec,
            'per': per,
            'cnt': cnt,
            'Per': self.nx_graph.subgraph(per),
            'Cnt': self.nx_graph.subgraph(cnt)
        return result
コード例 #20
ファイル: network_compute.py プロジェクト: sidh0/dbw
def whole_graph_metrics(graph, weighted=False):
    graph_metrics = {}

    # Shortest average path length
    graph_metrics['avg_shortest_path'] = \
        nx.average_shortest_path_length(graph, weight=weighted)

    # Average eccentricity
    ecc_dict = nx.eccentricity(graph)
    graph_metrics['avg_eccentricity'] = np.mean(np.array(ecc_dict.values()))

    # Average clustering coefficient
    # NOTE: Option to include or exclude zeros
    graph_metrics['avg_ccoeff'] = \
        nx.average_clustering(graph, weight=weighted, count_zeros=True)

    # Average node betweeness
    avg_node_btwn_dict = nx.betweenness_centrality(graph, normalized=True)
    graph_metrics['avg_node_btwn'] = \

    # Average edge betweeness
    avg_edge_btwn_dict = nx.edge_betweenness_centrality(graph, normalized=True)
    graph_metrics['avg_edge_btwn'] = \

    # Number of isolates
    graph_metrics['isolates'] = len(nx.isolates(graph))

    return graph_metrics
コード例 #21
    def get_node_descriptors(self):
        Gets the node descriptors for each node in the graph
        A dictionary of dictonaries where first key is node name and second key the descriptor name
        #First execute the algorithms where the full graph must be analyzed
        #(Not sense of analyzing a single node)
        betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(self.graph)
        eigenvector_crentrality = nx.eigenvector_centrality(nx.Graph(self.graph))
        pagerank = nx.pagerank(nx.Graph(self.graph))

        #Generates the dictionary of the first key (Node name)
        node_descriptors = {}
        for node in self.graph.nodes:
            #Generates the dictionary of the second key (Descriptor)
            node_descriptors[node] = {}
            #Gets the degree of the node
            node_descriptors[node]['Degree'] = self.graph.degree[node]
            #Gets the strength of the node (The sum of his weights)
            node_descriptors[node]['Strength'] = np.sum([weight for _, _, weight in self.graph.edges(node, 'weight')])
            #Gets the clustering coefficient
            node_descriptors[node]['Clustering coefficient'] = nx.clustering(nx.Graph(self.graph), node)
            #Gets the average path length (By the mean of the shortes path length between the node and the rest of the graph)
            node_descriptors[node]['Average path length'] = np.mean(list(nx.shortest_path_length(self.graph, node).values()))
            #Gets his maximum path length (Same as the eccentricity of the node)
            node_descriptors[node]['Maximum path lenght'] = nx.eccentricity(self.graph, v=node)
            #For the previously calculated algorithm takes the value of the current node.
            node_descriptors[node]['Betweenness'] = betweenness[node]
            node_descriptors[node]['Eigenvector centrality'] = eigenvector_crentrality[node]
            node_descriptors[node]['PageRank'] = pagerank[node]

        #Return the dictionary of dictionaries
        return node_descriptors
コード例 #22
    def extract_simple_features(self, graph):
        res = {}
            print('diameter: ', nx.diameter(graph))
            print('eccentricity: ', nx.eccentricity(graph))
            print('center: ', nx.center(graph))
            print('periphery: ', nx.periphery(graph))
            res['connected'] = True
        except Exception as e:
            print('Graph not connected')
            res['connected'] = False

        res['density'] = '{:.6f}'.format(nx.density(graph))
        res['Avg_degree'] = '{:.6f}'.format(
            sum([i[1] for i in nx.degree(graph)]) / len(nx.degree(graph)))
        res['Avg_weight'] = '{:.6f}'.format(
            sum([graph[edge[0]][edge[1]]['weight'] for edge in graph.edges]) /
            len([graph[edge[0]][edge[1]]['weight'] for edge in graph.edges]))
        res['edges'] = len(graph.edges)
        res['nodes'] = len(graph.nodes)
        res['self_loops'] = len(list(nx.nodes_with_selfloops(graph)))
        res['edge_to_node_ratio'] = '{:.6f}'.format(
            len(graph.nodes) / len(graph.edges))
        res['negative_edges'] = nx.is_negatively_weighted(graph)
        return res
コード例 #23
def FindBestMove(G, V, t, M, dist=0):
    if M:
        bestDist = 0
        bestValue = 0
        for i in range(nx.eccentricity(G, t)):
            for g in G.nodes():
                if nx.shortest_path_length(G, g, t) == (i + 1):
                    V_new = V.copy()
                    value = minimax(G, V_new, g, 0, False)
                    if value >= bestValue:
                        bestValue = value
                        bestDist = i
        return bestDist, bestValue
        bestVert = None
        bestValue = 1
        for g in G.nodes():
            if nx.shortest_path_length(G, g, t) == dist:
                V_new = V.copy()
                value = minimax(G, V_new, g, 0, True)
                if value >= bestValue:
                    bestValue = value
                    bestVert = g
        return bestVert, bestValue
コード例 #24
def make_graph(grammar, terminals, non_terminals):
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    tab_list = []
    node_length = []
    for i in terminals:
        for j in terminals:
            ith = "f" + str(i)
            jth = "g" + str(j)
            if (i == "x" and j == "x") or (i == "$" and j == "$"):
            elif (i == "x" and j != "x") or (i != "$" and j == "$"):
                tab_list.append(tuple((ith, jth)))
            elif (i != "x" and j == "x") or (i == "$" and j != "$"):
                tab_list.append(tuple((jth, ith)))
            elif (i == j):
                tab_list.append(findgrp(i, grammar))
            elif (i != j):
                for x, item in enumerate(terminals[:-1]):
                    for opr in range(len(terminals) - 1):
                        if (x + opr < len(terminals)):
                            if (i == item and j == terminals[x + opr]):
                                tab_list.append(tuple((jth, ith)))
                            elif (i == terminals[x + opr] and j == item):
                                tab_list.append(tuple((ith, jth)))
    plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
    nx.draw_networkx(G, with_label=True, node_color='green')
    print("The longest node of the graph is",
          nx.algorithms.dag.dag_longest_path(G, weight='weight'))
    for i in G:
        node_length.append(nx.eccentricity(G, v=i))
        print("Each node length is ", node_length)
コード例 #25
ファイル: swiss.py プロジェクト: yawara/my-gc
def fight(k):
    n = 2**k
    A = np.zeros((n, n))
    M = np.zeros((n, n))
    for r in range(k):
        round(A, M, r)

    print("ADJANCEY MATRIX")
    G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A)

        ec = nx.eccentricity(G)
        np_ec = np.array(list(ec.values()))
        print("average:", np.average(np_ec))
        print("varience:", np.var(np_ec))
        print("DIAMETER:", nx.diameter(G))
    except nx.exception.NetworkXError:
        print("diameter is infinite")
コード例 #26
    def connected_components(self):
        Returns basic statistics about the connected components of the
        graph. This includes their number, order, size, diameter, radius,
        average clusttering coefficient, transitivity, in addition to basic
        info about the largest and smallest connected components.
        cc_stats = {}
        cc = nx.connected_components(self.graph.structure)

        for index, component in enumerate(cc):
            cc_stats[index] = {}
            this_cc = cc_stats[index]

            this_cc["order"] = len(component)
            this_cc["size"] = len(

            subgraph = self.graph.structure.subgraph(component)
            this_cc["avg_cluster"] = nx.average_clustering(subgraph)
            this_cc["transitivity"] = nx.transitivity(subgraph)

            eccentricity = nx.eccentricity(subgraph)
            ecc_values = eccentricity.values()
            this_cc["diameter"] = max(ecc_values)
            this_cc["radius"] = min(ecc_values)

        return cc_stats
コード例 #27
ファイル: parallel_spl.py プロジェクト: huayu-zhang/gp-bench
    def eccentricity(self):


        self._eccentricity = nx.eccentricity(self.G, sp=self._spl_dict)
        print('Eccentricity computed')
        return self._eccentricity
コード例 #28
ファイル: eccentricity.py プロジェクト: louzounlab/PYGON
 def _calculate_dep(self, include: set):
     # Not using eccentricity to handle disconnected graphs. (If a graph has more than 1 connected components,
     # the eccentricty will raise an exception)
     self._features = {
         node: nx.eccentricity(self._gnx, node)
         for node in self._gnx
コード例 #29
ファイル: geoscattering.py プロジェクト: zyloong/karateclub
    def _create_node_feature_matrix(self, graph):
        Calculating the node features.

        Arg types:
            * **graph** *(NetworkX graph)* - The graph of interest.

        Return types:
            * **X** *(NumPy array)* - The node features.
        log_degree = np.array([
            math.log(graph.degree(node) + 1)
            for node in range(graph.number_of_nodes())
        ]).reshape(-1, 1)
        eccentricity = np.array([
            nx.eccentricity(graph, node)
            for node in range(graph.number_of_nodes())
        ]).reshape(-1, 1)
        clustering_coefficient = np.array([
            nx.clustering(graph, node)
            for node in range(graph.number_of_nodes())
        ]).reshape(-1, 1)
        X = np.concatenate([log_degree, eccentricity, clustering_coefficient],
        return X
コード例 #30
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: jim-pansn/sypy
    def connected_components(self):
        Returns basic statistics about the connected components of the
        graph. This includes their number, order, size, diameter, radius,
        average clusttering coefficient, transitivity, in addition to basic
        info about the largest and smallest connected components.
        cc_stats = {}
        cc = nx.connected_components(self.graph.structure)

        for index, component in enumerate(cc):
            cc_stats[index] = {}
            this_cc = cc_stats[index]

            this_cc["order"] = len(component)
            this_cc["size"] = len(self.graph.structure.edges(component))

            subgraph = self.graph.structure.subgraph(component)
            this_cc["avg_cluster"] = nx.average_clustering(subgraph)
            this_cc["transitivity"] = nx.transitivity(subgraph)

            eccentricity = nx.eccentricity(subgraph)
            ecc_values = eccentricity.values()
            this_cc["diameter"] = max(ecc_values)
            this_cc["radius"] = min(ecc_values)

        return cc_stats
コード例 #31
    def analyze(self, save=True, wordkey='word'):
        net = self.g
        print('>> analyzing graph of', net.order(), 'nodes and', net.size(),
              'edges ...')
        statd = {}
        statd['centrality_degree'] = nx.degree_centrality(net)
        statd['centrality_information'] = nx.current_flow_closeness_centrality(
        statd['centrality_closeness'] = nx.closeness_centrality(net)
        statd['centrality_betweenness'] = nx.betweenness_centrality(net)
        statd['centrality_betweenness_weighted'] = nx.betweenness_centrality(
            net, weight='weight')
        statd['centrality_eigenvector'] = nx.eigenvector_centrality(net)
        statd['centrality_degree'] = nx.degree_centrality(net)
        statd['clustering_coefficient'] = nx.clustering(net)
        statd['eccentricity'] = nx.eccentricity(net)
        print('>> done with analysis.')

        old = []
        for node in net.nodes():
            dx = {
                'model': self.model.name,
                wordkey: node,
                ', '.join(sorted(list(nx.all_neighbors(net, node))))
            #for k,v in self.node2d.get(node,{}).items(): dx[k]=v
            for statname, node2stat in list(statd.items()):
                dx[statname] = node2stat[node]
            old += [dx]

        if save:
            pytxt.write2(self.fn.replace('.graphml', '.analysis2.txt'), old)
        return old
コード例 #32
ファイル: graphgen.py プロジェクト: yingyang90/Lomap
    def checkMaxDistance(self, subgraph):
        Check to see if the graph has paths from all compounds to all other 
        compounds within the specified limit

        subgraph : NetworkX subgraph obj
            the subgraph to check for the max distance between nodes
        withinMaxDistance : bool
            True if the subgraph has all the nodes within the specified 
            max distance

        withinMaxDistance = True

        for node in subgraph:

            eccentricity = nx.eccentricity(subgraph, node)

            if eccentricity > self.maxPathLength: withinMaxDistance = False

        return withinMaxDistance
コード例 #33
def CSVdata(eon, demands, id=None):
        lengths = list(nx.get_edge_attributes(eon, 'length').values())
        degrees = nx.degree(eon)
        demands_report = fromDemands(demands)
        ecc_by_length = nx.eccentricity(
            sp=dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(eon, weight='length')))

        data = {
            '': id,
            'mean_degree': meanDegree(eon, degrees=degrees),
            'degree_variance': degreeVariance(eon, degrees=degrees),
            'density': nx.density(eon),
            'radius_by_hops': nx.radius(eon),
            'diameter_by_hops': nx.diameter(eon),
            'min_length': min(lengths),
            'max_length': max(lengths),
            'radius_by_length': nx.radius(eon, e=ecc_by_length),
            'diameter_by_length': nx.diameter(eon, e=ecc_by_length),
            'total_data_rate': demands_report['total_data_rate'],
            'blocking_coefficient': demands_report['blocking_coefficient']

        return data
        return None
コード例 #34
def get_measurments(DG, extended=False):
    Get network and node-based measurments for a network as networkX.DiGraph
    :param DG networkx.DiGraph: directed graph from networkX
    :param extended boolean: False default. get extra measures (diameter,
                                                 avg closeness centrality,
                                                 avg eccentricity,
                                                 avg eigenvector centrality)
    :return: measure with values: number nodes, edges, network's density,
                                  avg betweenness centrality,
                                  avg degree centrality
                                  and avg eigenvector centrality
    :rtype: dict
    import networkx as nx
    import numpy as np

    measure = {}
    measure['nNodes'] = nx.number_of_nodes(DG)
    measure['nEdges'] = nx.number_of_edges(DG)
    measure['density'] = nx.density(DG)
    bc = nx.betweenness_centrality(DG)
    measure['avg betweenness centrality'] = np.mean(list(bc.values()))
    dc = nx.degree_centrality(DG)
    measure['avg degree centrality'] = np.mean(list(dc.values()))
    if extended:
        measure['diameter'] = nx.diameter(DG)
        cc = nx.closeness_centrality(DG)
        measure['avg closeness centrality'] = np.mean(list(cc.values()))
        ec = nx.eccentricity(DG)
        measure['avg eccentricity'] = np.mean(list(ec.values()))
        ev = nx.eigenvector_centrality(DG)
        measure['avg eigenvector centrality'] = np.mean(list(ev.values()))
    def print_graph_features(self, graph):
        res = {}
            print('diameter: ', nx.diameter(graph))
            print('eccentricity: ', nx.eccentricity(graph))
            print('center: ', nx.center(graph))
            print('periphery: ', nx.periphery(graph))
            res['connected'] = True
        except Exception as e:
            print('Graph not connected')
            res['connected'] = False

        res['density'] = '{:.6f}'.format(nx.density(graph))
        res['Avg_degree'] = '{:.6f}'.format(sum([i[1] for i in nx.degree(graph)]) / len(nx.degree(graph)))
        res['Avg_weight'] = '{:.6f}'.format(sum([graph[edge[0]][edge[1]]['weight'] for edge in graph.edges]) / len(
            [graph[edge[0]][edge[1]]['weight'] for edge in graph.edges]))
        res['edges'] = len(graph.edges)
        res['nodes'] = len(graph.nodes)
        res['self_loops'] = len(list(nx.nodes_with_selfloops(graph)))
        res['edge_to_node_ratio'] = '{:.6f}'.format(len(graph.nodes) / len(graph.edges))
        res['negative_edges'] = nx.is_negatively_weighted(graph)
        # print('density: ', res['density'])
        # print('Average degree: ', res['Avg_degree'])
        # print('Average weight: ', res['Avg_weight'])
        # print('edges: ', len(graph.edges))
        # print('Nodes: ', len(graph.nodes))
        # print('self loops: ', res['self_loops'])
        # print('edges to nodes ratio: ', res['edge_to_node_ratio'])
        # print('negative edges: ', res['negative_edges'])
        # nodes = [node for node in graph.nodes]
        # print(nodes)

        return res
コード例 #36
ファイル: latency_sim.py プロジェクト: steinz/550project
def print_graph_info(graph):
  e = nx.eccentricity(graph)
  print 'graph with %u nodes, %u edges' % (len(graph.nodes()), len(graph.edges()))
  print 'radius: %s' %  nx.radius(graph, e) # min e
  print 'diameter: %s' % nx.diameter(graph, e) # max e
  print 'len(center): %s' % len(nx.center(graph, e)) # e == radius
  print 'len(periphery): %s' % len(nx.periphery(graph, e)) # e == diameter
コード例 #37
    def __calcCentrality(self, G, cnt):
        For calculating Graph centrality measures
        cntV = list()
        if cnt == 'deg':
            cntV = list(dict(G.degree).values())
        elif cnt == 'ei':
            cntV = list(nx.eigenvector_centrality_numpy(G).values())
        elif cnt == 'sh':
            cntV = list(nx.constraint(G).values())
        elif cnt == 'pr':
            cntV = list(nx.pagerank_numpy(G).values())
        elif cnt == 'bw':
            cntV = list(nx.betweenness_centrality(G).values())
        elif cnt == 'cl':
            cntV = list(nx.clustering(G).values())
        elif cnt == 'cc':
            cntV = list(nx.closeness_centrality(G).values())
        elif cnt == 'ec':
            cntV = list(nx.eccentricity(G).values())

            raise ValueError(
                'calcCettrality: wrong cnt value or not implemented yet')

        return cntV
コード例 #38
ファイル: dns.py プロジェクト: ntwrkguru/autonetkit
    def nodes_by_eccentricity(graph):
        if len(graph) == 1:
            return graph.nodes()
# need to crop the global shortest paths otherwise get 
#NetworkXError: Graph not connected: infinite path length
        eccentricities = nx.eccentricity(graph)
        return sorted(eccentricities.keys(), key = lambda n: eccentricities[n])
コード例 #39
def properties(g):
    Computes simple and classic graph metrics.

    g : graph
       A networkx graph
    # networkx short summary of information for the graph g
    # Draw the degree distribution. Powerlow distribution for a real (complex) network
    fig = plt.figure(1)
    degree_sequence=[d for n, d in g.degree()] # degree sequence
    #print("Degree sequence %s" % degree_sequence)
    plt.hist(degree_sequence, bins='auto')  
    plt.title("powerlaw degree distribution")
    plt.ylabel("# nodes")
    del fig
    precomputed_eccentricity = nx.eccentricity(g) # costly step, we save time here!
    print("Graph density %f" % nx.density(g))
    print("Diameter (maximum eccentricity): %d" % nx.diameter(g,precomputed_eccentricity))
    print("Radius (minimum eccentricity): %d" % nx.radius(g,precomputed_eccentricity)) #The radius is the minimum eccentricity.
    print("Mean eccentricity (eccentricity(v) = the maximum distance from v to all other nodes): %s" % np.mean(list(precomputed_eccentricity.values())))
    print("Center is composed of %d nodes (nodes with eccentricity equal to radius)" % len(nx.center(g, precomputed_eccentricity)))
    print("Periphery is composed of %d nodes (nodes with eccentricity equal to the diameter)" % len(nx.periphery(g,precomputed_eccentricity)))
    print("Mean clustering coefficient %f" % np.mean(list(nx.clustering(g).values())))
    print("Total number of triangles in graph: %d" % total_triangles)
コード例 #40
ファイル: network_algos.py プロジェクト: izhan/diameter_algs
def calculate_max_ecc(graph, nodes):
    max_ecc = 0
    for node in nodes:
        ecc = nx.eccentricity(graph, node)
        if ecc > max_ecc:
            max_ecc = ecc
    return max_ecc
コード例 #41
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: anukat2015/ricardo
def get_nations_network_by_year(year):
  cursor = get_db().cursor()
  cursor.execute("""SELECT reporting, reporting_slug, partner, partner_slug, Flow, expimp,
                    reporting_continent, partner_continent,reporting_type,partner_type
                    FROM flow_joined
                    WHERE reporting NOT LIKE "Worl%%"
                    AND partner NOT LIKE "Worl%%"
                    AND Flow != "null"
                    AND year = %s

  table = [list(r) for r in cursor]


  for row in table:
      "reporting": row[0],
      "reporting_id": row[1],
      "partner": row[2],
      "partner_id": row[3],
      "flow": row[4],
      "expimp": row[5],
      "reporting_continent": row[6],
      "partner_continent": row[7],
      "reporting_type": row[8],
      "partner_type": row[9]

  # Create a graph instance

  nodes = []
  for row in table:
    # add edge to the graph
    G.add_edge(row[1], row[3])

  nodes = set(nodes)

  # add nodes to graph
  if len(G.nodes())>0:
    stats = {
      "average_clustering": nx.average_clustering(G),
      "center": nx.center(G),
      "diameter": nx.diameter(G),
      "eccentricity": nx.eccentricity(G)
  json_response = {}
  json_response["stats"] = stats
  json_response["network"] = json_sql_response

  return json.dumps(json_response,encoding="UTF8")
コード例 #42
def graph_radius(graph):
    sp = nx.shortest_path_length(graph,weight='weight')
    ecc = nx.eccentricity(graph,sp=sp)
    if ecc:
        rad = nx.radius(graph,e=ecc)
        rad = 0
    return rad
コード例 #43
def graph_diameter(graph):
    sp = nx.shortest_path_length(graph,weight='weight')
    ecc = nx.eccentricity(graph,sp=sp)
    if ecc:
        dia = nx.diameter(graph,e=ecc)
        dia = 0
    return dia
コード例 #44
 def OrigEccentricity(self):
     ''' returns a 2d array containing the eccentricity of the origin node for all edges
     sp = self.get_shortest_path_dict()
     probas = np.dot( 
                   np.array(nx.eccentricity(self, sp = sp).values(),dtype=float).reshape(-1,1),
     return probas
コード例 #45
    def get_path_lengths(self):
        if not hasattr(self,"shortest_path_lenghts") or self.shortest_path_lenghts is None:
            self.shortest_paths_lengths = nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(self.G)
            self.avg_shortest_path = sum([ length for sp in self.shortest_paths_lengths.values() for length in sp.values() ])/float(self.N*(self.N-1))
            self.eccentricity = nx.eccentricity(self.G,sp=self.shortest_paths_lengths)
            self.diameter = nx.diameter(self.G,e=self.eccentricity)
            self.radius = nx.radius(self.G,e=self.eccentricity)

        return self.shortest_paths_lengths
コード例 #46
ファイル: dns.py プロジェクト: medim/autonetkit
    def nodes_by_eccentricity(graph):
        if len(graph) == 1:
            return graph.nodes()
# need to crop the global shortest paths otherwise get 
#NetworkXError: Graph not connected: infinite path length
        eccentricities = {}
            eccentricities = nx.eccentricity(graph)
        except nx.exception.NetworkXError:
# If not strongly connected, perform eccentricities per connected component
            if not nx.is_strongly_connected(graph):
                #TODO: provide this function inside ANK, add memoization for intensive operation
                for component_nodes in nx.strongly_connected_components(graph):

# sort nodes by name, stability sort ensures that lexical order is used as tie-breaker for equal eccen.
        nodes_sorted = sorted(graph.nodes(), key = lambda x: x.fqdn)
        return sorted(nodes_sorted, key = lambda n: eccentricities[n])
コード例 #47
ファイル: dns.py プロジェクト: coaj/autonetkit
    def nodes_by_eccentricity(graph):
        if len(graph) == 1:
            return graph.nodes()
# need to crop the global shortest paths otherwise get 
#NetworkXError: Graph not connected: infinite path length
        eccentricities = nx.eccentricity(graph)
# sort nodes by name, stability sort ensures that lexical order is used as tie-breaker for equal eccen.
        nodes_sorted = sorted(graph.nodes(), key = lambda x: x.fqdn)
        return sorted(nodes_sorted, key = lambda n: eccentricities[n])
コード例 #48
def test_eccentricity(testgraph):
    Testing eccentricity function for graphs.

    a, b = testgraph
    nx_ecc = nx.eccentricity(a)
    sg_ecc = sg.digraph_distance_measures.eccentricity(b, b.nodes())
    for i in range(sg_ecc[0].size):
        assert sg_ecc[1, i] == nx_ecc[sg_ecc[0, i]]
コード例 #49
def calculate(network):
        n = nx.eccentricity(network)
        return 0
    if len(n.values()) == 0: 
        return 0  
        return round(sum(n.values())/len(n.values()), 7) 
コード例 #50
ファイル: network.py プロジェクト: ellyn/bitcointopology
 def drawEccentricity(self, filename = 'eccentricity.png'):
     graph = self.getLCC()
     eccentricities = [x[1] for x in nx.eccentricity(graph).items()]
     unique = set(eccentricities)
     counts = sorted([(v, eccentricities.count(v)) for v in unique], key = lambda x:x[0])
     xs = [x[0] for x in counts]
     ys = [x[1] for x in counts]
     print(xs, ys)
     plt.ylabel('Node Count')
     plt.bar(xs, ys)
コード例 #51
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: mam446/GraphEvo
def eccentricity(state):
    G = nx.Graph()
    for node in xrange(len(state.nodeList)):
        for edge in state.nodeList[node]:
    if nx.is_connected(G):
        avgEccen = 0.0
        nodeEccentricities = nx.eccentricity(G)
        for node in nodeEccentricities:
            avgEccen += nodeEccentricities[node]
        avgEccen /= G.number_of_edges()
        return avgEccen 
        return 0
コード例 #52
ファイル: pyreeb.py プロジェクト: hoonto/reeb
def geodesic_distance(plex, root=None):
    Given a simplicial complex in the form of a networkx graph, computes the
    geodesic distance to each node from a given root node. If the root is not
    specified, an arbitrary extreme root is found by eccentricity. Returns a
    list of distances.

    Assumes the graph is connected.
    if root is None:
        # compute the eccentricity of each node
        max_distances = nx.eccentricity(plex)
        root = max(max_distances.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0]

    # compute the distance from the root to each node
    distances = nx.shortest_path_length(plex, root)
    return [distances[v] for v in sorted(plex.nodes())]
コード例 #53
ファイル: network.py プロジェクト: bchugit/Survivor-Project
def distance_scores(season, graph):
    # Take largest connected component
    g = graph if nx.is_connected(graph) else max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(graph), key=len)
    # Ratio of largest connected component subgraph
    conn = len(max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g), key=len)) / float(nx.number_of_nodes(graph))
    conn = np.round(conn, 3)
    # Radius, diameter
    rad = nx.radius(g)
    diam = nx.diameter(g)
    # Average eccentricity
    ecc = np.mean(nx.eccentricity(g).values())
    ecc = np.round(ecc, 3)
    # Put it all into a dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame([[season,conn,rad,diam,ecc]], columns=['season', 'conn', 'rad', 'diam', 'ecc'])
    return df
コード例 #54
 def __init__(self, graph, feature_list=[]):
     self.no_feature = 39
     self.G = graph
     self.nodes = nx.number_of_nodes(self.G)
     self.edges = nx.number_of_edges(self.G)
     self.Lap = nx.normalized_laplacian_matrix(self.G)
     # ??? how to check whether comparable, addable?
     self.eigvals = numpy.linalg.eigvals(self.Lap.A).tolist()
         self.radius = nx.radius(self.G)
     except nx.exception.NetworkXError:
         self.radius = "ND"
         self.ecc_dic = nx.eccentricity(self.G)
     except nx.exception.NetworkXError:
         self.ecc_dic = {}
     self.degree_dic = nx.average_neighbor_degree(self.G)
     self.pagerank = nx.pagerank(self.G).values()
     if feature_list == []:
         self.feature_list = list(range(1, self.no_feature + 1))
         self.feature_list = feature_list
     self.feature_vector = []
     self.feature_time = []
コード例 #55
 def test_eccentricity_invalid(self):
     e = networkx.eccentricity(G,sp=1)
コード例 #56
 def eccentricity(self, v=None):
     g = to_nx_graph(self)
     return nx.eccentricity(g, v)
コード例 #57
import networkx as nx
import plot_multigraph
from matplotlib import pylab as plt

n = 80
p = 10. / n
G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n, p, seed=42)

def to_list(dict_):
  return [dict_[k] for k in G.nodes()]

graph_colors = [
  ("eccentricity", to_list(nx.eccentricity(G))),
  ("clustering", to_list(nx.clustering(G))),
  ("square_clustering", to_list(nx.square_clustering(G))),

fig = plot_multigraph.plot_color_multigraph(G, graph_colors, 2, 2, node_size=50)
plt.savefig('graphs/distance.png', facecolor=fig.get_facecolor())
コード例 #58
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: gboeing/osmnx
def extended_stats(G, connectivity=False, anc=False, ecc=False, bc=False, cc=False):
    Calculate extended topological stats and metrics for a graph.

    Many of these algorithms have an inherently high time complexity. Global
    topological analysis of large complex networks is extremely time consuming
    and may exhaust computer memory. Consider using function arguments to not
    run metrics that require computation of a full matrix of paths if they
    will not be needed.

    G : networkx multidigraph
    connectivity : bool
        if True, calculate node and edge connectivity
    anc : bool
        if True, calculate average node connectivity
    ecc : bool
        if True, calculate shortest paths, eccentricity, and topological metrics
        that use eccentricity
    bc : bool
        if True, calculate node betweenness centrality
    cc : bool
        if True, calculate node closeness centrality

    stats : dict
        dictionary of network measures containing the following elements (some
        only calculated/returned optionally, based on passed parameters):

          - avg_neighbor_degree
          - avg_neighbor_degree_avg
          - avg_weighted_neighbor_degree
          - avg_weighted_neighbor_degree_avg
          - degree_centrality
          - degree_centrality_avg
          - clustering_coefficient
          - clustering_coefficient_avg
          - clustering_coefficient_weighted
          - clustering_coefficient_weighted_avg
          - pagerank
          - pagerank_max_node
          - pagerank_max
          - pagerank_min_node
          - pagerank_min
          - node_connectivity
          - node_connectivity_avg
          - edge_connectivity
          - eccentricity
          - diameter
          - radius
          - center
          - periphery
          - closeness_centrality
          - closeness_centrality_avg
          - betweenness_centrality
          - betweenness_centrality_avg


    stats = {}
    full_start_time = time.time()

    # create a DiGraph from the MultiDiGraph, for those metrics that require it
    G_dir = nx.DiGraph(G)

    # create an undirected Graph from the MultiDiGraph, for those metrics that
    # require it
    G_undir = nx.Graph(G)

    # get the largest strongly connected component, for those metrics that
    # require strongly connected graphs
    G_strong = get_largest_component(G, strongly=True)

    # average degree of the neighborhood of each node, and average for the graph
    avg_neighbor_degree = nx.average_neighbor_degree(G)
    stats['avg_neighbor_degree'] = avg_neighbor_degree
    stats['avg_neighbor_degree_avg'] = sum(avg_neighbor_degree.values())/len(avg_neighbor_degree)

    # average weighted degree of the neighborhood of each node, and average for
    # the graph
    avg_weighted_neighbor_degree = nx.average_neighbor_degree(G, weight='length')
    stats['avg_weighted_neighbor_degree'] = avg_weighted_neighbor_degree
    stats['avg_weighted_neighbor_degree_avg'] = sum(avg_weighted_neighbor_degree.values())/len(avg_weighted_neighbor_degree)

    # degree centrality for a node is the fraction of nodes it is connected to
    degree_centrality = nx.degree_centrality(G)
    stats['degree_centrality'] = degree_centrality
    stats['degree_centrality_avg'] = sum(degree_centrality.values())/len(degree_centrality)

    # calculate clustering coefficient for the nodes
    stats['clustering_coefficient'] = nx.clustering(G_undir)

    # average clustering coefficient for the graph
    stats['clustering_coefficient_avg'] = nx.average_clustering(G_undir)

    # calculate weighted clustering coefficient for the nodes
    stats['clustering_coefficient_weighted'] = nx.clustering(G_undir, weight='length')

    # average clustering coefficient (weighted) for the graph
    stats['clustering_coefficient_weighted_avg'] = nx.average_clustering(G_undir, weight='length')

    # pagerank: a ranking of the nodes in the graph based on the structure of
    # the incoming links
    pagerank = nx.pagerank(G_dir, weight='length')
    stats['pagerank'] = pagerank

    # node with the highest page rank, and its value
    pagerank_max_node = max(pagerank, key=lambda x: pagerank[x])
    stats['pagerank_max_node'] = pagerank_max_node
    stats['pagerank_max'] = pagerank[pagerank_max_node]

    # node with the lowest page rank, and its value
    pagerank_min_node = min(pagerank, key=lambda x: pagerank[x])
    stats['pagerank_min_node'] = pagerank_min_node
    stats['pagerank_min'] = pagerank[pagerank_min_node]

    # if True, calculate node and edge connectivity
    if connectivity:
        start_time = time.time()

        # node connectivity is the minimum number of nodes that must be removed
        # to disconnect G or render it trivial
        stats['node_connectivity'] = nx.node_connectivity(G_strong)

        # edge connectivity is equal to the minimum number of edges that must be
        # removed to disconnect G or render it trivial
        stats['edge_connectivity'] = nx.edge_connectivity(G_strong)
        log('Calculated node and edge connectivity in {:,.2f} seconds'.format(time.time() - start_time))

    # if True, calculate average node connectivity
    if anc:
        # mean number of internally node-disjoint paths between each pair of
        # nodes in G, i.e., the expected number of nodes that must be removed to
        # disconnect a randomly selected pair of non-adjacent nodes
        start_time = time.time()
        stats['node_connectivity_avg'] = nx.average_node_connectivity(G)
        log('Calculated average node connectivity in {:,.2f} seconds'.format(time.time() - start_time))

    # if True, calculate shortest paths, eccentricity, and topological metrics
    # that use eccentricity
    if ecc:
        # precompute shortest paths between all nodes for eccentricity-based
        # stats
        start_time = time.time()
        sp = {source:dict(nx.single_source_dijkstra_path_length(G_strong, source, weight='length')) for source in G_strong.nodes()}

        log('Calculated shortest path lengths in {:,.2f} seconds'.format(time.time() - start_time))

        # eccentricity of a node v is the maximum distance from v to all other
        # nodes in G
        eccentricity = nx.eccentricity(G_strong, sp=sp)
        stats['eccentricity'] = eccentricity

        # diameter is the maximum eccentricity
        diameter = nx.diameter(G_strong, e=eccentricity)
        stats['diameter'] = diameter

        # radius is the minimum eccentricity
        radius = nx.radius(G_strong, e=eccentricity)
        stats['radius'] = radius

        # center is the set of nodes with eccentricity equal to radius
        center = nx.center(G_strong, e=eccentricity)
        stats['center'] = center

        # periphery is the set of nodes with eccentricity equal to the diameter
        periphery = nx.periphery(G_strong, e=eccentricity)
        stats['periphery'] = periphery

    # if True, calculate node closeness centrality
    if cc:
        # closeness centrality of a node is the reciprocal of the sum of the
        # shortest path distances from u to all other nodes
        start_time = time.time()
        closeness_centrality = nx.closeness_centrality(G, distance='length')
        stats['closeness_centrality'] = closeness_centrality
        stats['closeness_centrality_avg'] = sum(closeness_centrality.values())/len(closeness_centrality)
        log('Calculated closeness centrality in {:,.2f} seconds'.format(time.time() - start_time))

    # if True, calculate node betweenness centrality
    if bc:
        # betweenness centrality of a node is the sum of the fraction of
        # all-pairs shortest paths that pass through node
        start_time = time.time()
        betweenness_centrality = nx.betweenness_centrality(G, weight='length')
        stats['betweenness_centrality'] = betweenness_centrality
        stats['betweenness_centrality_avg'] = sum(betweenness_centrality.values())/len(betweenness_centrality)
        log('Calculated betweenness centrality in {:,.2f} seconds'.format(time.time() - start_time))

    log('Calculated extended stats in {:,.2f} seconds'.format(time.time()-full_start_time))
    return stats
コード例 #59
def a_eccentricity(G):
    return np.average(nx.eccentricity(G).values())
コード例 #60
 def test_eccentricity_infinite(self):
     e = networkx.eccentricity(G)