def test_is_empty(): graphs = [nx.Graph(), nx.DiGraph(), nx.MultiGraph(), nx.MultiDiGraph()] for G in graphs: assert_true(nx.is_empty(G)) G.add_nodes_from(range(5)) assert_true(nx.is_empty(G)) G.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (3, 4)]) assert_false(nx.is_empty(G))
def test_is_empty(): graphs = [nx.Graph(), nx.DiGraph(), nx.MultiGraph(), nx.MultiDiGraph()] for G in graphs: assert nx.is_empty(G) G.add_nodes_from(range(5)) assert nx.is_empty(G) G.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (3, 4)]) assert not nx.is_empty(G)
def analysis(edges, node_dic, class_dic={}): G = nx.Graph() for edge in edges: x = edge[0] y = edge[1] G.add_edge(x, y) graph_degrees = degree_sequence = sorted([d for n, d in], reverse=False) # mac default ? degreeCount = collections.Counter(degree_sequence) degreeDist = list(degreeCount.items()) # # remove disconnected nodes to calculate Radius and Graph centers. if not nx.is_empty(G): largest_cc = max(nx.connected_components(G)) nodelist = G.nodes() to_remove = set(nodelist) - set(largest_cc) for nd in to_remove: G.remove_node(nd) radius, eccentricity, center = "", "", "" if not nx.is_empty(G): if nx.is_connected(G): radius = nx.radius(G) eccentricity = nx.eccentricity(G) center = G ) # The center is the set of nodes with eccentricity equal to radius. mod_score = -2 # check if it makes sense to calculate the modularity score aTestNodeName = "" if len(list(node_dic.keys())) == 0 else node_dic[list( node_dic.keys())[0]] if bool(class_dic.keys() ) and aTestNodeName != "" and aTestNodeName in class_dic: inv_dic = {} nodelist = G.nodes() for n in nodelist: converted_num = node_dic[n] class_tmp = class_dic[converted_num] if class_tmp not in inv_dic: inv_dic[class_tmp] = set([n]) else: inv_dic[class_tmp].add(n) groups = [x for k, x in inv_dic.items()] mod_score = nx_comm.modularity(G, groups) return radius, eccentricity, center, degreeDist, mod_score, G
def graph(listMovies): G = nx.Graph() couple=[] count=0 for i in range(len(listMovies)): for j in range(len(listMovies[i])): for y in range(1,len(listMovies[i])): couple=[listMovies[i][j],listMovies[i][y]] count=0 for k in listMovies: if (couple[0] in k) and (couple[1] in k): count+=1 if count>=2 and not couple[0] == couple[1]: G.add_edge(couple[0],couple[1]) break if not nx.is_empty(G): pos = nx.spring_layout(G) #<<<<<<<<<< Initialize this only once nx.draw(G,pos=pos, with_labels=True, node_size = 100, font_size=10) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G,pos=pos, with_labels=True, node_size = 1500, font_size=10) nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, alpha=0.3)#<<<<<<<<< pass the pos variable #plt.draw() plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) # image is 8 x 8 inches # To plot the next graph in a new figure
def isGraphEmtpy(self): try: if nx.is_empty(self.G): raise nx.NetworkXError('No graph found!') except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror(title=None, message=e) raise e
def drawGraph_Func1(result, typeDistance): G = nx.Graph() E_color = '' for i in result: G.add_node(i) for i in result: for j in result: edge = CAL.get_edge(i, j, [typeDistance]) if not edge == None: G.add_edge(i, j) if not nx.is_empty(G): colors = ["red"] + (["cyan"] * (len(result) - 1)) pos = nx.spring_layout(G) #<<<<<<<<<< Initialize this only once nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=True, font_size=25) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_color=colors, node_size=1000) if typeDistance == "Distance": nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edge_color='blue', width=3) elif typeDistance == "Time": nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edge_color='purple', width=3) else: nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edge_color='red', width=3)
def load_graph(filename: str, graph_name: str, format_type='edge_list', is_directed=False): """ Load directed or undirected graph from file with specific format :param filename: File to read graph :param graph_name: Graph name :param format_type: File format of saved graph e.g.: `edge_list` :param is_directed: Load as directed graph? :return: g: nx.Graph """ if not os.path.isfile(filename): logger.error(f"File: [{filename}] does not exist") return if format_type == 'edge_list': graph_type = nx.DiGraph if is_directed else nx.Graph g = nx.read_edgelist(filename, create_using=graph_type) add_graph_name(g, graph_name) if nx.is_empty(g):"Loaded graph is empty") return g else: logger.error(f"Unknown graph input format: [{format_type}]") return
def network_graph_nx(root): """Purpose of this function is to create a Network graph for visualization of each individual object given in the KNOSSOS XML input file""" # Need to iterate over each of the objects in the XML file to add individual skeletons to the Networkx graph: final_nx_graph = nx.Graph() position_labels = xy_node_position_dict(root) for thing in parse.root.iter('thing'): # Creating the dataframe with node information as input: node_df = ed.ed_per_node(thing) # Designating the nodes to be used in the Network graph, using if statement to add nodes as part of separate object: network_graph_nx = nx.Graph() if nx.is_empty(network_graph_nx): network_graph_first = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(node_df, 'Source ID', 'Target ID', edge_attr='Euclidean Distance') network_graph_nx.add_edges_from(network_graph_first.edges()) network_graph_nx.add_nodes_from(network_graph_first.nodes()) else: network_graph_add = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(node_df, 'Source ID', 'Target ID', edge_attr='Euclidean Distance') network_graph_nx.update(network_graph_add) # Appending the final networkx graph and saving it as a .graphml file type: final_nx_graph.update(network_graph_nx) # Adding node attributes such as position and skeleton group: # positions = nx.spring_layout(final_nx_graph, dim=3, k=None, pos=position_labels, fixed=None, iterations=50, weight='weight', scale=1.0) nx.set_node_attributes(final_nx_graph, position_labels, name='Position') return final_nx_graph
def ampiezza(grafo, start, end): ''' Apply BFS to find the path from a node to another :param grafo: networkx.Graph :param start: name of start node :param end: name of destination node :return: Path from start to end if exists, empty list otherwise ''' if nx.is_empty(grafo) or not grafo.has_node(start) or not grafo.has_node( end) or start == end: return [] queue = [start] while queue: curr = queue.pop(0) for node in grafo.neighbors(curr): # skip iteration if node already visited if grafo.nodes[node]['visitato']: continue if node == end: return grafo.nodes(data=True)[curr]['percorso'] + [node] else: grafo.nodes[node][ 'percorso'] = grafo.nodes[curr]['percorso'] + [node] grafo.nodes[node]['visitato'] = True queue.append(node) # no path found return []
def run_inference(self, debug=True, return_results=True): """ Run Inference on network with given evidences. """ g_temp = copy.deepcopy(self.g) self._log = self.log.setup_logger(debug=debug) self._log.debug("Started") if all(x == None for x in self.evidences.values()): self._log.debug( "No evidences were set. Proceeding without evidence") self.parameters = dict.fromkeys(self.nodes) self.calculated_means = copy.deepcopy(self.evidences) self.calculated_vars = dict.fromkeys(self.nodes) self.done_flags = dict.fromkeys(self.nodes) it = 0 while not nx.is_empty(g_temp): it += 1 pure_children = self.__get_pure_root_nodes(g_temp) for child in pure_children: if self.evidences[child] is None: self.calculated_means[child], self.calculated_vars[ child] = self.__get_node_values(child) self.__print_message(self._log, child) else: self._log.debug( f"Skipped Calculating:'{child}' as evidence is available." ) g_temp.remove_nodes_from(list(g_temp.pred[child])) return self.__build_results()
def pajek_to_files(name, url, pajek_lines, dir_name): if pajek_lines: try: G = nx.parse_pajek(pajek_lines) if not nx.is_empty(G): old_attributes = list(G.nodes) G = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(G) id_mapping = [] node_list = list(G.nodes) for i in range(len(node_list)): id_mapping.append([old_attributes[i], str(node_list[i])]) mapping_file = open('..' + dir_name + '/node_id_mappings/mapping_' + url.split('/')[-1] + '.csv', 'w', newline='') mapping_file_writer = csv.writer(mapping_file) mapping_file_writer.writerow(['id', 'name']) for tup in id_mapping: mapping_file_writer.writerow(list(tup)) nx.write_edgelist(G, '..' + dir_name + '/edge_lists/' + url.split('/')[-1] + '.csv', delimiter=',') insert_into_db( name, url, dir_name + '/edge_lists/' + url.split('/')[-1] + '.csv', dir_name + '/node_id_mappings/mapping_' + url.split('/')[-1] + '.csv', G.is_directed(), G.is_multigraph(), int(G.number_of_nodes()), int(nx.number_of_selfloops(G))) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() print(e) print("Couldn't parse " + url)
def network_five_function(year): """具体函数""" file_path = '../data/生成数据/03关系矩阵/五年期/' + str(year) + '-' + str( year + 4) + '年竞争关系矩阵.csv' if os.path.exists(file_path): graph = create_diagrams(file_path) if not nx.is_empty(graph): network_indicators = calculate_networks_indicators( graph, year, '五年期') excel_path = '../data/生成数据/04关系矩阵_网络指标/五年期/' + file_path[-20:-4] folder = os.path.exists(excel_path) if not folder: os.makedirs(excel_path) network_indicators.to_excel(excel_writer=excel_path + '/相关指标.xlsx', index=False) address = pd.read_excel( io='../data/生成数据/01企业名称修改表/13整车数据ZZCMCZ编码表.xlsx', usecols=[0, 1], converters={ 'ZZCMC编号': str, 'ZZCMC企业名称': lambda x: x.strip() }) address = address.rename(columns={ 'ZZCMC编号': 'nodes', 'ZZCMC企业名称': 'institution_name' }) network_indicators_address = pd.merge(left=network_indicators, right=address, how='left', on=['nodes']) network_indicators_address['year'] = year + 4 network_indicators_address.to_excel(excel_writer=excel_path + '/相关指标(企业名称).xlsx', index=False)
def exchange_shifts(workers: List[Worker]): # init graph g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_nodes_from(workers) # worker node g.add_nodes_from([0, len(workers) - 1]) # shift node for w in workers: g.add_edge(w.current_shift, w) # add edge from shift to worker g.add_edge(w, w.wanted_shift) # add edge from worker to wanted shift while not nx.is_empty(g): # find cycle and update shifts and remove nodes for cycle in nx.simple_cycles(g): for node in cycle: if not isinstance(node, int): # go on the workers and match shifts if not node.wanted_shift == node.current_shift: # if the shift was switched print(, "moves from shift", node.current_shift, "to shift", node.wanted_shift) else: print(, "stays with shift", node.current_shift) g.remove_nodes_from(cycle) # update new wanted shifts for w in list(g.nodes): if not isinstance(w, int): while not g.has_node( w.wanted_shift): # search the first shift that exists w.delete_first() g.add_edge( w, w.wanted_shift) # add edge from worker to wanted shift
def solve(G): """ Args: G: networkx.Graph Returns: T: networkx.Graph """ end_time = + timedelta(seconds=TIMEOUT) graphs_to_consider = [] graphs_to_consider.append(minimum_spanning_tree(G)) index = 0 while < end_time and index < len(G.nodes): resulting_graph = create_graph_from_dominating_set( G, dominating_set(G, start_with=index)) #print( average_pairwise_distance(resulting_graph)) #resulting_graph = optimize_pairwise_distances(G, resulting_graph, average_pairwise_distance(resulting_graph)) if not nx.is_empty(resulting_graph) and nx.is_connected( resulting_graph): graphs_to_consider.append(resulting_graph) index += 1 return min(graphs_to_consider, key=average_pairwise_distance)
def spectral_gap_sparse(G): if (not nx.is_empty(G)): if (nx.is_connected(G)): d = [] # start = time.time() for elem in list(G.nodes): deg = len(list(G.neighbors(elem))) d.append(1 / deg) Aa100 = nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(G) invD = np.diag(d) n = len(d) out = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(invD) P = out * Aa100 if (len(G.nodes()) > 2): spettro = sp.sparse.linalg.eigsh(P, k=2, which="LA", return_eigenvectors=False) spettro = sorted(spettro, reverse=True) sg = spettro[0] - spettro[1] else: sg = 0 else: sg = 0 else: sg = 0 sg_trans = float(sg) return (sg_trans)
def prune_graph(self): import graspologic.utils as gu from pynets.statistics.individual.algorithms import defragment, \ prune_small_components, most_important hardcoded_params = utils.load_runconfig() if int(self.prune) not in range(0, 4): raise ValueError(f"Pruning option {self.prune} invalid!") if self.prune != 0: # Remove isolates G_tmp = self.G.copy() self.G = defragment(G_tmp)[0] del G_tmp if int(self.prune) == 1: try: self.G = prune_small_components( self.G, min_nodes=hardcoded_params["min_nodes"][0]) except BaseException: print( UserWarning(f"Warning: pruning {self.est_path} " f"failed...")) elif int(self.prune) == 2: try: hub_detection_method = \ hardcoded_params["hub_detection_method"][0] print(f"Filtering for hubs on the basis of " f"{hub_detection_method}...\n") self.G = most_important(self.G, method=hub_detection_method)[0] except FileNotFoundError as e: import sys print(e, "Failed to parse advanced.yaml") elif int(self.prune) == 3: print("Pruning all but the largest connected " "component subgraph...") self.G = gu.largest_connected_component(self.G) else: print("No graph defragmentation applied...") self.G = nx.from_numpy_array(self.in_mat) if nx.is_empty(self.G) is True or \ (np.abs(self.in_mat) < 0.0000001).all() or \ self.G.number_of_edges() == 0: print( UserWarning(f"Warning: {self.est_path} " f"empty after pruning!")) return self.in_mat, None # Saved pruned if (self.prune != 0) and (self.prune is not None): final_mat_path = f"{self.est_path.split('.npy')[0]}{'_pruned'}" utils.save_mat(self.in_mat, final_mat_path, self.out_fmt) print(f"{'Source File: '}{final_mat_path}") return self.in_mat, final_mat_path
def find_friends(self): #find the neighbors in the graph not in the grid if nx.is_empty(self.model.G) == False: self.friends = self.model.G[self] self.friend_attendance = np.array( [f.attendance for f in self.friends]) else: return (None)
def calculate_enterprise_indicators_three_year_ipcmg(): """计算企业网络指标(三年期IPCMG)""" institutions = pd.read_excel(io='../data/生成数据/06专利数据/汽车产业(企业名称).xlsx') description_columns = [str(i) + '-' + str(i + 2) for i in range(1985, 2013)] description_information = pd.DataFrame(columns=description_columns, index=list(institutions['企业名称'])) statistical_columns = ['企业名称', '年份', 'ipcmgdgr3yw', 'ipcmgbtw3yw', 'ipcmglcrch3yw', 'ipcmgcnstr3yw', 'ipcmgeffsz3yw', 'ipcmgtrgl3yw', 'ipcmgclust3yw', 'ipcmgtirstr3yw', 'ipcmgntsz3yw', 'ipcmgntdnst3yw', 'ipcmgcliq3yw', 'ipcmgeffc3yw', 'ipcmgisolt3yw'] statistical_information = pd.DataFrame(columns=statistical_columns) index_symbol = 0 for i in range(len(institutions)): each_institutions = institutions['企业名称'].iloc[i] for j in range(1985, 2013): years_interval = str(j) + '-' + str(j + 2) file_path = '../data/生成数据/07IPCMGSG网络/三年期IPCMG/' + each_institutions + '/' + years_interval + '年IPCMG矩阵.csv' if os.path.exists(file_path): graph = create_diagrams(file_path) if not nx.is_empty(graph): description_information.loc[each_institutions, years_interval] = 1 network_indicators = calculate_networks_indicators(graph) excel_path = '../data/生成数据/07IPCMGSG网络/三年期IPCMG(网络指标)/' + each_institutions + '/' + years_interval + '年IPCMG矩阵' folder = os.path.exists(excel_path) if not folder: os.makedirs(excel_path) network_indicators.to_excel(excel_writer=excel_path + '/相关指标.xlsx', index=False) del network_indicators['nodes'] network_indicators_average = network_indicators.mean() row_information = [each_institutions, j + 2, network_indicators_average['degree_centrality'], network_indicators_average['betweenness_centrality'], network_indicators_average['local_reaching_centrality'], network_indicators_average['constraint'], network_indicators_average['effective_size'], network_indicators_average['triangles'], network_indicators_average['clustering'], network_indicators_average['tie_strength'], network_indicators_average['number_of_node'], network_indicators_average['density'], network_indicators_average['cliques'], network_indicators_average['efficiency'], network_indicators_average['isolates']] statistical_information.loc[index_symbol] = row_information index_symbol += 1 else: description_information.loc[each_institutions, years_interval] = 0 else: description_information.loc[each_institutions, years_interval] = None description_information = description_information.reset_index(drop=False) description_information.to_excel(excel_writer='../data/生成数据/07IPCMGSG网络/统计信息/01三年期IPCMG矩阵描述信息.xlsx', index=False) statistical_information.to_excel(excel_writer='../data/生成数据/07IPCMGSG网络/统计信息/02三年期IPCMG网络指标信息.xlsx', index=False)
def detect(self, traces_df, kpis, visualize=False): traces_df = self.process(traces_df) # Parse the traces and kpis parsed_traces = self.parse_traces(traces_df) # FIXME possible case where system doesn't answer for a long time and wasn't called #check for anomaly # 1 - find outlier in elapsed # 1.1 microRCA traces = self.get_anomalous_traces(traces_df) # Hosts + Service # Each service connects to all the services it communicates with and all hosts it connects to (no need to differentiate!) DG = nx.DiGraph() for trace in traces: DG = self.trace_graph(parsed_traces[trace], DG) if visualize: print(DG.nodes(data=True), len(DG.nodes())) plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) #pos = nx.spring_layout(DG) # pos = nx.draw_shell(DG) # nx.draw(DG, pos, with_labels=True, cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet'), node_size=0, arrows=True) nx.draw_shell(DG, with_labels=True) # nx.draw_networkx_nodes(DG, pos, nodelist=hosts, node_color="r", node_size=1500) # nx.draw_networkx_nodes(DG, pos, nodelist=services, node_color="b", node_size=500) # nx.draw_networkx_edges(DG, pos, width=1.0, alpha=0.5) labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(DG, 'weight') # nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(DG, pos, edge_labels=labels) plt.savefig('output.png') # print(f'[DEBUG] Graph is {"connected" if nx.is_weakly_connected(DG) else "not connected"}') # Extract anomalous subgraph anomaly_DG, anomalous_edges = self.get_anomalous_graph( DG, traces, parsed_traces) if nx.is_empty(anomaly_DG): raise ValueError('No anomaly detected') # Faulty service localization # Update weights of anomalous graph # Use cases from the paper # Get personalization vector (Transition Probability Matrix) # Reverse the service-service edges # Apply pagerank parsed_kpis = self.parse_kpis(kpis) result = self.get_fault_service(anomaly_DG, anomalous_edges, traces_df, parsed_kpis) return result
def connected(g, index): if nx.is_empty(g) or nx.is_connected(g): return g else: # largest_cc = max(nx.connected_components(g), key=len) for component in nx.connected_components(g): if index in component: largest_cc = component subG = g.subgraph(largest_cc) return subG
def check_graph(graph, shape, max_stitch_length): if networkx.is_empty(graph) or not networkx.is_eulerian(graph): if shape.area < max_stitch_length**2: message = "This shape is so small that it cannot be filled with rows of stitches. " \ "It would probably look best as a satin column or running stitch." raise InvalidPath(_(message)) else: message = "Cannot parse shape. " \ "This most often happens because your shape is made up of multiple sections that aren't connected." raise InvalidPath(_(message))
def test_conncet_components_error(self): g = nx.Graph() gc = graphs.connect_components(g, 'pos') self.assertTrue(nx.is_empty(gc)) g.add_node(0) g.add_node(1, pos=(1, 1)) g.add_edge(0, 1) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: graphs.connect_components(g, 'pos'))
def save_file_edgelist(G): if not nx.is_empty(G): nome = input("Inserire un nome per il salvataggio del grafo: ") nome = '' + nome + '.txt' f = open(nome, 'wb') nx.write_edgelist(G, f) print("Sotto-grafo salvato correttamente.") f.close() else: print("Non c'è nessun sotto-grafo da salvare.")
def addNodeToGraph(self): self.figure.clf() if nx.is_empty(self.the_graph): self.the_graph.add_node(0) # self.color_map[0] = 'blue' self.the_graph.add_node(list(self.the_graph.nodes)[-1] + 1) # self.color_map[list(self.the_graph.nodes)[-1]] = 'blue' nx.draw(self.the_graph, with_labels=True) self.canvas.draw_idle()
def get_matching_polynomial_recursive(graph): if nx.is_empty(graph): return np.asarray([1] + [0] * graph.number_of_nodes()) graph_copy = graph.copy() x = list(graph_copy.out_edges)[0] graph_copy.remove_edges_from([x]) edge_removed_matching = get_matching_polynomial_recursive(graph_copy) graph_copy.remove_nodes_from([x[0], x[1]]) vertex_removed_matching = get_matching_polynomial_recursive(graph_copy) vertex_removed_matching = np.pad( vertex_removed_matching, (edge_removed_matching.shape[0] - vertex_removed_matching.shape[0], 0), 'constant') return edge_removed_matching - vertex_removed_matching
def determine_safer_backbones(g, pruning_threshold=100): """"Determine the backbones of the graph with ambiguous nodes being removed """ g = g.copy() backbones = [] while not nx.is_empty(g): gmst = g paths = determine_safer_backbones_of_trees(gmst, pruning_threshold) backbones.extend(paths) vertices = [u for path in paths for u in path] neighbors = [v for u in vertices for v in g.neighbors(u)] g.remove_nodes_from(vertices) g.remove_nodes_from(neighbors) backbones.sort(key=len, reverse=True) return backbones
def partition_here(graph): if nx.is_empty(graph): return 0, 0 Gcc = sorted(nx.connected_components(graph), key=len, reverse=True) G = graph.subgraph(Gcc[0]) settings = nxmetis.MetisOptions(ncuts=4, niter=200, ufactor=280) par = nxmetis.partition(G, 2, options=settings) community1 = par[1][0] community2 = par[1][1] rwc = np.mean(randomwalk_polarization(G, 100, 0.02, 1000, community1, community2)) prc = len(G)/len(graph) return rwc, prc
def construct_state_graph(assignments_dict, id_metatile_file): id_metatile_map = read_pickle(id_metatile_file) state_graph = nx.DiGraph() for (tile_x, tile_y), tile_id in assignments_dict.items(): metatile = Metatile.from_str(id_metatile_map.get(tile_id)) metatile_graph = nx.DiGraph(metatile.graph_as_dict) if nx.is_empty(metatile_graph): pass else: unnormalized_graph = Metatile.get_normalized_graph( metatile_graph, coord=(tile_x * TILE_DIM, tile_y * TILE_DIM), normalize=False) state_graph = nx.compose(state_graph, unnormalized_graph) return state_graph
def clu_coe_attack(graph, centrality_metric): iters = 0 graph = graph.copy() clu_coe = [] ranks = centrality_metric(graph) nodes = sorted(graph.nodes(), key=lambda n: ranks[n]) pos = nx.spring_layout(graph) while nx.is_connected(graph) and not nx.is_empty(graph): clu_coe.append(nx.average_clustering(graph)) graph.remove_node(nodes.pop()) file_name = './pics/' + str(iters) + '.png' # graph_snap(graph, pos, file_name) iters += 1 else: file_name = './pics/' + str(iters) + '.png' # graph_snap(graph, pos, file_name) return clu_coe
def rand_cleu_coe_attack(graph, n): iters = 0 graph = graph.copy() clu_coe = [] nodes = graph.nodes() pos = nx.spring_layout(graph) while nx.is_connected(graph) and not nx.is_empty(graph): sample = random.sample(nodes, n) clu_coe.append(nx.average_clustering(graph)) graph.remove_nodes_from(sample) file_name = './pics/' + str(iters) + '.png' # graph_snap(graph, pos, file_name) iters += 1 else: file_name = './pics/' + str(iters) + '.png' # graph_snap(graph, pos, file_name) return clu_coe
def rand_den_attack(graph, n): iters = 0 graph = graph.copy() density = [] nodes = graph.nodes() pos = nx.spring_layout(graph) while nx.is_connected(graph) and not nx.is_empty(graph): sample = random.sample(nodes, min(len(nodes), n)) density.append(nx.density(graph)) graph.remove_nodes_from(sample) file_name = './pics/' + str(iters) + '.png' # graph_snap(graph, pos, file_name) iters += 1 else: file_name = './pics/' + str(iters) + '.png' # graph_snap(graph, pos, file_name) return density
def removeNodeFromGraph(self): if nx.is_empty(self.the_graph): return i, okPressed = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "Node to delete", "Delete which node?", list(self.the_graph.nodes)[0], list(self.the_graph.nodes)[0], list(self.the_graph.nodes)[-1], 1) if okPressed: self.figure.clf() try: self.the_graph.remove_node(i) except: pass nx.draw(self.the_graph, with_labels=True) self.canvas.draw_idle()
def connect_components(graph, pos_attr, length_attr=None): """ connects all components by iteratively inserting edges between components that have minimal distance. `graph` is a networkx graph object with positions assigned to nodes `pos_attr` gives the key for the node attribute that stores the position `length_attr` stores the length of the new edges in this edge attribute """ if nx.is_empty(graph): return graph # build a distance matrix for all nodes vertices = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, pos_attr) nodes = to_array(vertices.keys()) positions = to_array(vertices.values()) dists = distance.squareform(distance.pdist(positions)) if len(vertices) != nx.number_of_nodes(graph): raise ValueError("Not all nodes have a position specified by the node " "attribute `%s`" % pos_attr) # get all subgraphs and build a list of indices into the distance matrix subgraphs = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(graph)) num_subgraphs = len(subgraphs) # find the index of each node of each subgraph in the nodes array sg_nids_list = [[np.flatnonzero(nodes == n)[0] for n in sg.nodes()] for sg in subgraphs] assert sum(len(s) for s in sg_nids_list) == nx.number_of_nodes(graph) # initialize result with first subgraph result = subgraphs.pop(0) result_nids = sg_nids_list.pop(0) # iterate until all subgraphs have been added while subgraphs: # find subgraph that is closest to `result` sg_min, nid_sg, nid_res, dist_min = None, None, None, np.inf for k, sg_nids in enumerate(sg_nids_list): dist_mat = dists[sg_nids, :][:, result_nids] x, y = np.unravel_index(dist_mat.argmin(), dist_mat.shape) dist = dist_mat[x, y] if dist < dist_min: sg_min = k # index into the subgraph dist_min = dist # its distance to `result` # store the node indices for the connecting edge nid_sg = sg_nids[x] nid_res = result_nids[y] # add graph to `result` result.add_nodes_from(subgraphs[sg_min].nodes(data=True)) result.add_edges_from(subgraphs[sg_min].edges(data=True)) # add a new edge between the subgraph and `result` if length_attr is not None: attr_dict = {length_attr: dists[nid_res, nid_sg]} else: attr_dict = None result.add_edge(nodes[nid_res], nodes[nid_sg], **attr_dict) # remove the subgraph from the to-do list result_nids.extend(sg_nids_list.pop(sg_min)) del subgraphs[sg_min] assert nx.is_connected(result) assert nx.number_of_nodes(result) == len(vertices) assert nx.number_of_edges(result) == \ nx.number_of_edges(graph) + num_subgraphs - 1 return result