コード例 #1
def test_random_partition_graph():
    G = nx.random_partition_graph([3, 3, 3], 1, 0, seed=42)
    C = G.graph['partition']
    assert C == [{0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {6, 7, 8}]
    assert len(G) == 9
    assert len(list(G.edges())) == 9

    G = nx.random_partition_graph([3, 3, 3], 0, 1)
    C = G.graph['partition']
    assert C == [{0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {6, 7, 8}]
    assert len(G) == 9
    assert len(list(G.edges())) == 27

    G = nx.random_partition_graph([3, 3, 3], 1, 0, directed=True)
    C = G.graph['partition']
    assert C == [{0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {6, 7, 8}]
    assert len(G) == 9
    assert len(list(G.edges())) == 18

    G = nx.random_partition_graph([3, 3, 3], 0, 1, directed=True)
    C = G.graph['partition']
    assert C == [{0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {6, 7, 8}]
    assert len(G) == 9
    assert len(list(G.edges())) == 54

    G = nx.random_partition_graph([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 0.5, 0.1)
    C = G.graph['partition']
    assert C == [{0}, {1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {6, 7, 8, 9}, {10, 11, 12, 13, 14}]
    assert len(G) == 15

    rpg = nx.random_partition_graph
    pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, rpg, [1, 2, 3], 1.1, 0.1)
    pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, rpg, [1, 2, 3], -0.1, 0.1)
    pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, rpg, [1, 2, 3], 0.1, 1.1)
    pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, rpg, [1, 2, 3], 0.1, -0.1)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_community.py プロジェクト: jklaise/networkx
def test_random_partition_graph():
    G = nx.random_partition_graph([3,3,3],1,0)
    C = G.graph['partition']
    assert_equal(C,[set([0,1,2]), set([3,4,5]), set([6,7,8])])

    G = nx.random_partition_graph([3,3,3],0,1)
    C = G.graph['partition']
    assert_equal(C,[set([0,1,2]), set([3,4,5]), set([6,7,8])])

    G = nx.random_partition_graph([3,3,3],1,0,directed=True)
    C = G.graph['partition']
    assert_equal(C,[set([0,1,2]), set([3,4,5]), set([6,7,8])])

    G = nx.random_partition_graph([3,3,3],0,1,directed=True)
    C = G.graph['partition']
    assert_equal(C,[set([0,1,2]), set([3,4,5]), set([6,7,8])])

    G = nx.random_partition_graph([1,2,3,4,5], 0.5, 0.1)
    C = G.graph['partition']
    assert_equal(C,[set([0]), set([1,2]), set([3,4,5]),
                    set([6,7,8,9]), set([10,11,12,13,14])])

    assert_raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.random_partition_graph,[1,2,3],1.1,0.1)
    assert_raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.random_partition_graph,[1,2,3],-0.1,0.1)
    assert_raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.random_partition_graph,[1,2,3],0.1,1.1)
    assert_raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.random_partition_graph,[1,2,3],0.1,-0.1)
コード例 #3
def generateProbabilisticGraph():
    #G = nx.random_partition_graph([30,50,80],0.4,0.05)
    G = nx.random_partition_graph([30, 50, 120], 0.2, 0.02)
    #G = nx.gaussian_random_partition_graph(150,50,2,0.4,0.05)
    for nodeA, nodeB in G.edges():
        G[nodeA][nodeB]['weight'] = -np.random.uniform() + 1
    return G
コード例 #4
def test_graph_generator():
    n = 400
    m = 5
    seed = 0
    # G = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(n, m, seed)
    G = nx.random_partition_graph([100, 100, 200], .25, .01)
    sizes = [10, 90, 300]
    probs = [[0.25, 0.05, 0.02], [0.05, 0.35, 0.07], [0.02, 0.07, 0.40]]
    G = nx.stochastic_block_model(sizes, probs, seed=0)

    G = nx.newman_watts_strogatz_graph(400, 5, 0.5)

    A = nx.to_numpy_array(G)

    s = sorted(G.degree, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    # newmap = {s[i][0]:i for i in range(len(s))}
    # H= nx.relabel_nodes(G,newmap)
    # newmap = generate_node_mapping(G, type='community')
    # H = networkX_reorder_nodes(G, newmap)
    H = networkx_reorder_nodes(G, 'community')

    # B = nx.to_numpy_array(H)
    # # plt.pcolormesh(B)
    # plt.imshow(B)
    # plt.show()

コード例 #5
def generate_dsjc(path, seed, num_vertices, k):
    Cooked graphs from Optimization by simulated annealing: an experimental evaluation; part {II},
    DS Johnson, 1991:
        1) split vertices to k color classes
        2) edges to pairs from different colors with p = k/(2(k-1)) => avg degree n/2
           (max edges n * (k-1)/k for 1 vertex, wanted = p * max => p = wanted / max)
        3) select representant of each color & add one K-clique
    coloring = np.random.randint(0, k, num_vertices)
    _, partition = np.unique(coloring, return_counts=True)
    used_k = len(partition)
    graph = nx.random_partition_graph(partition,
                                      p_out=1. * used_k / (2 * (used_k - 1)),
    representants = np.cumsum(partition) - 1
    clique = nx.complete_graph(used_k)
                     dict(zip(range(used_k), representants)),

    save_networkx_graph_to_in(graph, path)
コード例 #6
def partition_graph(n, samples, p_in, p_out, directed=False, seed=None, per_population=False):
    if p_in == p_out:
        return nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n, p_in)
    sizes = partition_sizes(n, samples, per_population=per_population)
    if (p_in, p_out) == (1, 0):
        return build_nx_graph(sizes)
    return nx.random_partition_graph(sizes, p_in, p_out, seed=seed, directed=directed)
コード例 #7
def generateProbabilisticGraph():
    G = nx.random_partition_graph([30, 50, 120], 0.2, 0.02)
    for nodeA, nodeB in G.edges():
        G[nodeA][nodeB]['weight'] = -np.random.uniform() + 1
        G[nodeA][nodeB]['length'] = np.random.uniform(1, 3)
        #G[nodeA][nodeB]['length'] = 1
    return G
コード例 #8
ファイル: graph.py プロジェクト: wrdeman/airport-network
    def build_graph(self):
        # make a partite network
        self.graph = nx.random_partition_graph(self.nodes, 0, 0)

        if self.p == 0:
        lp = math.log(self.p)

        for p1, p2 in pairwise(self.graph.graph['partition']):
            p1 = sorted(p1)
            p2 = sorted(p2)
            for i in p1:
                for j in p2:
                    if int(self.p) == 1:
                        self.graph.add_edge(i, j)
                    lr = math.log(1.0 - random.random())
                    if lr/lp >= 1:
                        self.graph.add_edge(i, j)

        # prune unnconnected nodes
        if self.prune:
            for node in self.graph.nodes():
                if nx.is_isolate(self.graph, node):
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_sz.py プロジェクト: lethaiq/graph_sample_rl
def gen_sim_graph(g, iters=1):
    graphs = []
    for _ in range(iters):
        szs, p_in, p_btw = get_comm_stats(g, verbose=False)
        gen_gr = nx.random_partition_graph(szs, p_in, p_btw)
    return graphs
コード例 #10
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: zzq463650885/modnet
def generate_ssbm_graphs(num_nodes: int,
                         num_communities: int,
                         num_graphs: int,
                         avg_degree_inside: float,
                         avg_degree_between: float,
                         seed: int = 0):
    """ Generates graphs using Symmetric Stochastic Block Model (SSBM) with specified parameters
    num_nodes - number of nodes
    num_communities - number of communities (should be k >= 5)
    num_graphs - number of graphs to generate
    avg_degree_inside - average node degree inside communities
    avg_degree_between - average node degree between communities
    seed - seed used to generate graphs
    community_size = num_nodes // num_communities
    probability_inside_community = avg_degree_inside / num_nodes
    probability_between_communities = avg_degree_between / num_nodes
    for i in range(num_graphs):
        graph = nx.random_partition_graph(
            [community_size for _ in range(num_communities)],
            seed=seed + i)

        yield graph
コード例 #11
ファイル: graph.py プロジェクト: premolab/GraphEmbeddings
def generate_sbm_partition(name: str):
    sizes, p_in, p_out, seed = parse.parse('SBM_sizes_{}_p_in_{}_p_out_{}_seed_{}', name)
    return nx.random_partition_graph(
        [int(x) for x in sizes.split('_')],
コード例 #12
ファイル: graph.py プロジェクト: premolab/GraphEmbeddings
def generate_sbm(sizes, p_in: float, p_out: float, seed, weighted=False):
    G = nx.random_partition_graph(sizes, p_in, p_out, seed)
    if weighted:
        for edge in G.edges():
            G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['weight'] = 1
    return GraphInfo(G, 'SBM_sizes_{}_p_in_{}_p_out_{}_seed_{}'.format(
        '_'.join(str(x) for x in sizes),
        p_in, p_out, seed
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_community.py プロジェクト: yihongfa/networkx
def test_random_partition_graph():
    G = nx.random_partition_graph([3, 3, 3], 1, 0)
    C = G.graph['partition']
    assert_equal(C, [set([0, 1, 2]), set([3, 4, 5]), set([6, 7, 8])])
    assert_equal(len(G), 9)
    assert_equal(len(list(G.edges())), 9)

    G = nx.random_partition_graph([3, 3, 3], 0, 1)
    C = G.graph['partition']
    assert_equal(C, [set([0, 1, 2]), set([3, 4, 5]), set([6, 7, 8])])
    assert_equal(len(G), 9)
    assert_equal(len(list(G.edges())), 27)

    G = nx.random_partition_graph([3, 3, 3], 1, 0, directed=True)
    C = G.graph['partition']
    assert_equal(C, [set([0, 1, 2]), set([3, 4, 5]), set([6, 7, 8])])
    assert_equal(len(G), 9)
    assert_equal(len(list(G.edges())), 18)

    G = nx.random_partition_graph([3, 3, 3], 0, 1, directed=True)
    C = G.graph['partition']
    assert_equal(C, [set([0, 1, 2]), set([3, 4, 5]), set([6, 7, 8])])
    assert_equal(len(G), 9)
    assert_equal(len(list(G.edges())), 54)

    G = nx.random_partition_graph([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 0.5, 0.1)
    C = G.graph['partition']
    assert_equal(C, [
        set([1, 2]),
        set([3, 4, 5]),
        set([6, 7, 8, 9]),
        set([10, 11, 12, 13, 14])
    assert_equal(len(G), 15)

    assert_raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.random_partition_graph, [1, 2, 3], 1.1,
    assert_raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.random_partition_graph, [1, 2, 3], -0.1,
    assert_raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.random_partition_graph, [1, 2, 3], 0.1,
    assert_raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.random_partition_graph, [1, 2, 3], 0.1,
コード例 #14
def social_graph(groups, inner, outer, plot):
    # create graph
    G = nx.random_partition_graph(groups, inner, outer)

    # plot graph
    if plot == True:

    # print numpy array of social graph
    # ones means edge between nodes, otherwise zero
    c = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G)
    return c
コード例 #15
 def get_edge_list():
     du = GC.d_or_u == 'd'
     cn = random_partition_graph(GC.rpg_sizes, GC.rpg_p_in, GC.rpg_p_out, directed=du, seed=GC.random_number_seed)
     if GC.random_number_seed is not None:
         GC.random_number_seed += 1
     out = GC.nx2favites(cn, GC.d_or_u)
     f = gopen(expanduser("%s/contact_network.txt.gz" % GC.out_dir),'wb',9)
     f.write('\n'.join(out).encode()); f.write(b'\n')
     f = gopen(expanduser("%s/contact_network_partitions.txt.gz" % GC.out_dir),'wb',9)
     f.write(str(cn.graph['partition']).encode()); f.write(b'\n')
     GC.cn_communities = [{str(n) for n in c} for c in cn.graph['partition']]
     return out
コード例 #16
def generateRandomGraph(clusterSize, clusterNums, pIntra, pInter):
    while True:
        clusters = [clusterSize] * clusterNums
        G = nx.random_partition_graph(clusters, pIntra, pInter)
        if nx.is_connected(G):
    partition = G.graph['partition']
    idx = 0
    for cluster in partition:
        cluster = list(cluster)
        for node in cluster:
            G.node[node]['x'] = (idx + 1)
        idx += 1
    return G
コード例 #17
def get_random_partition_graph(left,
    right = int(right)
    # kwargs are ignored
        'Generating random partition graph with first partition of size {} and second of size {}'
        .format(left, right))
    sizes = [left, right]
    G = nx.random_partition_graph(sizes, p_in, p_out, seed=seed)
    solution_bitstring = [-1] * sizes[0] + [1] * sizes[1]
    return G, solution_bitstring
コード例 #18
ファイル: loading.py プロジェクト: dfioravanti/tangles
def load_SBM(block_sizes, p_in, p_out, seed):

    nb_nodes = np.sum(block_sizes)

    A = np.zeros((nb_nodes, nb_nodes), dtype=bool)
    ys = np.zeros(nb_nodes, dtype=int)
    G = nx.random_partition_graph(block_sizes, p_in, p_out, seed=seed)

    for node, ad in G.adjacency():
        A[node, list(ad.keys())] = True

    for cls, points in enumerate(G.graph["partition"]):
        ys[list(points)] = cls

    return A, ys, G
コード例 #19
def my_gaussian_random_partition_graph(n, s, v, p_in, p_out):
    if s > n:
        raise nx.NetworkXError("s must be <= n")
    assigned = 0
    sizes = []
    while True:
        #size = int(None.gauss(s, float(s) / v + 0.5))
        size = int(random.normalvariate(s, v))
        if size < 1:  # how to handle 0 or negative sizes?
        if assigned + size >= n:
            sizes.append(n - assigned)
        assigned += size
    return nx.random_partition_graph(sizes, p_in, p_out, False, None)
コード例 #20
def random_networks():

    # Dictionary to store all nx graphs
    nx_graphs = {}

    # Small graphs
    # N_SMALL = 200
    # nx_graphs['er-small'] = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n=N_SMALL, p=.03, seed=RANDOM_SEED)  # Erdos-Renyi
    # nx_graphs['ws-small'] = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(n=N_SMALL, k=11, p=.1, seed=RANDOM_SEED)  # Watts-Strogatz
    # nx_graphs['ba-small'] = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(n=N_SMALL, m=6, seed=RANDOM_SEED)  # Barabasi-Albert
    # nx_graphs['pc-small'] = nx.powerlaw_cluster_graph(n=N_SMALL, m=6, p=.02, seed=RANDOM_SEED)  # Powerlaw Cluster
    # nx_graphs['sbm-small'] = nx.random_partition_graph(sizes=[N_SMALL // 10] * 10, p_in=.1, p_out=.01,
    #                                                    seed=RANDOM_SEED)  # Stochastic Block Model

    # Larger graphs
    N_LARGE = 2000
    # nx_graphs['er-large'] = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n=N_LARGE, p=.03, seed=RANDOM_SEED)  # Erdos-Renyi
    # nx_graphs['ws-large'] = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(n=N_LARGE, k=11, p=.1, seed=RANDOM_SEED)  # Watts-Strogatz
    nx_graphs['ba-large'] = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(
        n=N_LARGE, m=6, seed=RANDOM_SEED)  # Barabasi-Albert
    nx_graphs['pc-large'] = nx.powerlaw_cluster_graph(
        n=N_LARGE, m=6, p=.02, seed=RANDOM_SEED)  # Powerlaw Cluster
    nx_graphs['sbm-large'] = nx.random_partition_graph(
        sizes=[N_LARGE // 10] * 10, p_in=.05, p_out=.005,
        seed=RANDOM_SEED)  # Stochastic Block Model

    # Remove isolates from random graphs
    for g_name, nx_g in nx_graphs.items():
        isolates = nx.isolates(nx_g)
        if len(list(isolates)) > 0:
            for isolate_node in isolates:

    for name, g in nx_graphs.items():
        if nx.number_connected_components(g) > 1:
            print('Unconnected graph: ', name)

        visualization_file_name = './visualizations/{0}-visualization.png'.format(
        statistics_file_name_pkl = './network-statistics/{0}-statistics.pkl'.format(
        statistics_file_name_json = './network-statistics/{0}-statistics.json'.format(
        title = "Random NetworkX Graph: " + name

        save_visualization(g, visualization_file_name, title)
コード例 #21
ファイル: network_setup.py プロジェクト: sisyga/covidnetwork
def household_scalefree(hhsizes, lam, kcrit):
    Build a scalefree network with cutoff, based on fully connected cliques (households), where every node has k out-of-
    household contacts, where k is Poisson distributed with parameter p. The out-of-household contacts are grown
    sequentially, with an adapted Barabasi-Albert rule with exponential cut-off with parameter kcrit.
    :param hhsizes: list of ints, sizes of the fully-connected households
    :param lam: expected value of Poisson distribution for number of out-of-household contacts
    :param kcrit: critical number of contacts for cut-off
    G = nx.random_partition_graph(hhsizes, 1, 0)
    hhsizescumsum = np.array(hhsizes).cumsum()
        G, {node: hhsizes[bisect(hhsizescumsum, node)]
            for node in G},
    n = G.number_of_nodes()

    rng = npr.default_rng()
    ks = rng.poisson(lam=lam, size=n)
    weights = np.ones(n, dtype=float)
    nodes = np.arange(n)
    for i, k in enumerate(ks):
        while k > 0:
            target = rn.choices(nodes, weights=weights)[0]
            while G.has_edge(i, target) or i == target:
                if G.degree(i) >= n - 1:

                target = rn.choices(nodes, weights=weights)[0]

                G.add_edge(i, target)
                hhsize = G.nodes[i]['householdsize']
                keff = G.degree(i) + 2 - hhsize
                weights[i] = keff * exp(-keff / kcrit)
                hhsize = G.nodes[target]['householdsize']
                keff = G.degree(target) + 2 - hhsize
                weights[target] = keff * exp(-keff / kcrit)

            k -= 1

    return G
コード例 #22
def get_initial_node(params):
    # get input value from dictionary
    comm_size = int(params['comm_size'])
    num_comms = int(params['num_comms'])
    p_in = params['p_in']
    p_out = params['p_out']
    latent_days_threshold = params['latent_days_threshold']
    infected_days_threshold = params['infected_days_threshold']
    symp_prob_threshold = params['symp_prob_threshold']

    # initial the social network
    G = nx.random_partition_graph([comm_size] * num_comms, p_in, p_out)

    # initialise network attributes, assign some attributes to each nodes with initial values
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, 'S', 'state')  # disease state
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, None, 't_I')  # time of infection
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, None, 's_I')  # source of infection
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, 0, 'latent_period')  # latent time
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, 0, 'infected_period')  # infected time
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, None, 'symptomatic')  # whether symptomatic
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, 0,
                           'c_observed')  # the color of observed infected time
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, 0, 'c_true')  # the color of true infected time
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, 0, 't_observed')  # infected time of observed

    # choose a single node as the initial infected node of all nodes, assign it status I
    seed_node = np.random.randint(num_comms * comm_size)
    G.node[seed_node]['state'] = 'I'
        't_I'] = 1  # means that observation starts at its beginning
    G.node[seed_node]['s_I'] = seed_node

    # random select a infected day
    N = random.randint(infected_days_threshold)
        'symptomatic'] = 1  # 0 means you're asymptomatic, and 1 means you're symptomatic
    G.node[seed_node]['latent_period'] = random.randint(
        latent_days_threshold)  # random select a latent period
    G.node[seed_node]['infected_period'] = N

    # next_state is used to set the state of next time stamp
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'state'), 'next_state')
    return G, seed_node
コード例 #23
ファイル: data_syn.py プロジェクト: mujin2020/IJCAI2021-3458
    def download(self):
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.root, self.raw_file_names[2])):

        sizes = [self.nodes_per_class for _ in range(self.n_classes)]
        G = nx.random_partition_graph(sizes, self.p_in, self.p_out, directed=False)
        y = [G._node[n]["block"] for n in range(len(G.nodes))]
        y_dict = {n: G._node[n]["block"] for n in range(len(G.nodes))}
        nx.set_node_attributes(G, y_dict, "y")
        for n in range(len(G.nodes)):
            del G._node[n]["block"]

        adj_dict = {u: list(v_dict.keys()) for u, v_dict in G.adj.items()}
        pickle.dump(adj_dict, open(self.raw_paths[0], "wb"))

        y_one_hot = np.eye(self.n_classes)[y]
        np.save(self.raw_paths[2], y_one_hot)

        make_x(path=self.raw_dir, name=self.name, y_one_hot=y_one_hot, save=True)
コード例 #24
def generateRandomGraphGeometric(clusterNums,
    while True:
        clusters = (np.random.geometric(g, size=clusterNums) +
        G = nx.random_partition_graph(clusters, pIntra, pInter)
        if nx.is_connected(G):
    partition = G.graph['partition']
    idx = 0
    for cluster in partition:
        cluster = list(cluster)
        for node in cluster:
            G.node[node]['x'] = (idx + 1)
        idx += 1

    return G
コード例 #25
def main(args):
  (sizes, p_in, p_out, generator_type) = (
      args["sizes"], args["p_in"], args["p_out"], args["generator_type"])
  visualize, out_path = args["visualize"], args["out_path"]

  cull_disconnected = args['cull_disconnected']
  connect_disconnected = args['connect_disconnected']
  shuffle_labels = args['shuffle_labels']

  appm = nx.random_partition_graph(sizes, p_in, p_out)
  signal_generator = SIGNAL_GENERATORS[generator_type]
  signal = signal_generator(len(args["sizes"]))
  add_signal_to_graph(appm, signal)

  if cull_disconnected:
    appm = nx.relabel.convert_node_labels_to_integers(appm, 0)

  if connect_disconnected:
    appm = nx.relabel.convert_node_labels_to_integers(appm, 0)

  if shuffle_labels:
    random_labels = list(range(appm.number_of_nodes()))
    mapping = {node: label for node, label in zip(appm.nodes(), random_labels)}
    appm = nx.relabel_nodes(appm, mapping, copy=True)

  if visualize:

  if out_path is not None:
    if out_path.strip(".").strip("/").split("/")[0] == "data":
      pathlib.Path('./data').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    dump_graph(appm, out_path)
    return appm
コード例 #26
def community_graphs():
    print("Community graphs for social networks")
    print("Caveman graph")
    G = nx.caveman_graph(2, 13)
    print(" Connected Caveman graph")
    G = nx.connected_caveman_graph(2, 3)
    print("Relaxed caveman")
    G = nx.relaxed_caveman_graph(2, 5, 0.2)
    print("Random partition graph")
    G = nx.random_partition_graph([10, 10, 10], .25, .01)
    partition = G.graph['partition']
    print("Planted partition graph")
    G = nx.planted_partition_graph(4, 3, 0.5, 0.1, seed=42)
    print("Gaussian random partition graph")
    G = nx.gaussian_random_partition_graph(40, 10, 10, .25, .1)
コード例 #27
def model(contacts_per_host, mu, sigma, beta, r, tao, gamma, n_loci, n_nodes,
          z_out, n_com, randomness, n_seeds, n_steps, community_type):
    # Attributes used for network
    P = randomness
    num_people = n_nodes
    MAX_TIME_STEPS = n_steps  # max time steps
    gamma = gamma  # degree of cross-immunity
    beta = beta  # probability of infection
    mu = mu  # probability of the host losing infection at a time step( used for testing at the moment)
    sigma = sigma  # probability of host losing immunity at a time step
    tao = tao  # probability of  mutation
    R = r  # probability of recombination
    div_sum = 0
    N = n_loci  # Number of loci
    # testing network functions
    n_communities = n_com

    n_out = z_out
    n_in = 10 - n_out
    p_out = n_out / (num_people / n_communities)
    p_in = n_in / (num_people / n_communities)

    partitions = []

    comm_size = int(num_people / n_communities)
    sizes = []
    for i in range(n_communities):
    ## change community type
    ## 1 == random
    ## 0 == linear
    if community_type == 1:
        G = nx.random_partition_graph(sizes, p_in, p_out)
        G = linear_community_network(n_communities, num_people, n_in, n_out)
    for i in range(n_communities):
        G1 = G.graph['partition'][i]

    # adding attributes to nodes
    for i in range(n_communities):
        G1 = partitions[i]
        for n, v in G.nodes.items():
            v['current_infected'] = set()
            v['current_immune'] = set()
            v['newly_infected'] = set()
            v['newly_recovered'] = set()
            v['next_immune'] = set()
            if n in G1:
                v['index'] = i

    strain_space = generate_ss(N)
    communities_strain_space = []
    for i in range(n_communities):
        temp = []
        for strain in strain_space:
            temp2 = []

    # Seed infection
    nodes_per_community = int(n_seeds / n_communities)

    for i in range(n_communities):

        G1 = partitions[i]
        seed_nodes = random.sample(G1, nodes_per_community)
        for node in seed_nodes:
            strain = choice(communities_strain_space[i])
            # print("Community %s has  strain %s"%(i,strain))
            # print(strain)

    # Record per community discordance and diversity if needed
    communities_diversity = []
    # communities_discordance = []
    for i in range(n_communities):
        # communities_discordance.append(0)

    #Start blank record of host immunity per community
    host_immune_com = []
    for i in range(n_communities):
        host_immune = {}
        for n in range(len(communities_strain_space)):
            for strain in communities_strain_space[n]:
                host_immune[strain] = []

    # Start blank record of host infected per community
    host_infected_com = []
    for i in range(n_communities):
        host_infected = {}
        for n in range(len(communities_strain_space)):
            for strain in communities_strain_space[n]:
                host_infected[strain] = []

    # Start blank record of host infected total in network
    total_infected = {}
    for n in range(len(communities_strain_space)):
        for strain in communities_strain_space[n]:
            total_infected[strain] = []

    # Start blank record of host infected total in network
    total_immune = {}
    for n in range(len(communities_strain_space)):
        for strain in communities_strain_space[n]:
            total_immune[strain] = []

    # print(total_immune)
    record_total_infected(G, total_infected, num_people)
    record_total_immune(G, total_immune, num_people)

    for i in range(n_communities):
        # print(i)
        G1 = partitions[i]
        host_immune_temp = copy.deepcopy(host_immune_com[i])
        host_infected_temp = copy.deepcopy(host_infected_com[i])
        record_com_immune(G, host_immune_temp, num_people, G1)
        record_com_infected(G, host_infected_temp, num_people, G1)
        host_immune_com[i] = host_immune_temp
        host_infected_com[i] = host_infected_temp

    for t in range(1, MAX_TIME_STEPS):

        for n, v in G.nodes.items():

            # #check immune status of nodes
            # nodes_immune = [n for n, v in G.nodes(data=True) if v['current_immune'] != []]
            # print("nodes_immune: %s" % nodes_immune)
            if v['current_immune']:
                # print("Node %s immune list is %s"%(n,v['current_immune']))
                # check immunity lost
                v['next_immune'] = check_immune(v['current_immune'], n, sigma)

        # #get a list of infected nodes
            if v['current_infected']:
                # print(n)
                # print(v['current_infected'])
                # if G.node[node]['current_infected'] == []:
                #     print("node %s is empty" % node)
                #     break
                #Attempt to infect neighbours
                for j in G[n]:
                    # print("Node %s is connected to Node %s " % (n, j))
                    infections = v['current_infected'].copy()

                    s = infections.pop()

                    attempt_infection(s, n, j, G, N, gamma, beta, tao, R)
                    # print(j)
                    # print(G.node[j]['next_infected'])
                # Attempts to recover from infection
                # check recovery
                v['newly_recovered'] = attempt_recovery(
                    v['current_infected'], n, mu)

        # update the network attributes
        # print("update all values to next values")
        for n, v in G.nodes.items():
            # Print status of each node attribute before the update
            # print("PRE-UPDATE--")
            # print(n)
            # print('newly_infected: %s' % list(v['newly_infected']))
            # print('newly_recovered:%s' % list(v['newly_recovered']))
            # print('current_infected:%s' % list(v['current_infected']))
            # print('next_immune:%s' % list(v['next_immune']))
            # print('current_immune:%s' % list(v['current_immune']))

            # apply changes
            v['current_immune'] = v['next_immune'] | v['newly_recovered']
            v['current_infected'] = v['current_infected'] - v['newly_recovered']
            v['current_infected'] = v['current_infected'] | v['newly_infected']

            # reset temporary hold fields
            v['next_immune'] = set()
            v['newly_recovered'] = set()
            v['newly_infected'] = set()

            # Print status of each node attribute after the update
            # print("POST-UPDATE--")
            # print(n)
            # print('newly_infected: %s' % list(v['newly_infected']))
            # print('newly_recovered:%s' % list(v['newly_recovered']))
            # print('current_infected:%s' % list(v['current_infected']))
            # print('next_immune:%s' % list(v['next_immune']))
            # print('current_immune:%s' % list(v['current_immune']))

        record_total_infected(G, total_infected, num_people)
        record_total_immune(G, total_immune, num_people)
        for i in range(n_communities):
            G1 = partitions[i]
            host_immune_temp = copy.deepcopy(host_immune_com[i])
            host_infected_temp = copy.deepcopy(host_infected_com[i])
            record_com_immune(G, host_immune_temp, num_people, G1)
            record_com_infected(G, host_infected_temp, num_people, G1)
            host_immune_com[i] = host_immune_temp
            host_infected_com[i] = host_infected_temp

        # Record diversity within communities
        for i in range(n_communities):
            # host_infected = host_infected_com[i]
            diversity = calc_diversity(host_infected_com[i])
            # discordance = calc_discordance(host_infected, n_loci)
            # communities_discordance[i].append(discordance)
            # communities_diversity[i].append(diversity)
            # communities_discordance[i] += discordance
            communities_diversity[i] += diversity

        diversity = calc_diversity(total_infected)
        div_sum += diversity

    mean_div = calc_div_mean(div_sum, MAX_TIME_STEPS)
    for i in range(len(communities_diversity)):
        div = communities_diversity[i]
        mean_div_c = calc_div_mean(div, MAX_TIME_STEPS)
        communities_diversity[i] = mean_div_c

    return host_immune_com, host_infected_com, total_immune, communities_diversity, mean_div
コード例 #28
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import codecs
import time
import datetime
import random
import time
import sys
import io
import math
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter
import numpy as np

# (# groups, # vertices in each group, probability of connecting within group, probability of connecting between groups, seed for random number generator)
G = nx.random_partition_graph([800, 200], .1, .0125)
adjacencydict = nx.to_dict_of_dicts(G, nodelist=None, edge_data=None)

# create dict for states and one infected
infectedstates = {}
for n in range(len(adjacencydict)):
    infectedstates.update({n: "S"})

startnode = random.randint(0, len(adjacencydict))
infectedstates.update({startnode: "I"})

def flipstateI(node):
    num = random.randint(0, 999)  # random number 0-9
    if num < 10:
        return True
コード例 #29
import os
import json
from pprint import pprint
import networkx as nx 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import codecs
import time
import datetime
import random
import time
import sys
import io

# Generate the graph overwhich to run simulation, set ([group sizes], P(connecting within group), P(connecting between group)
G = nx.random_partition_graph([70,30],.1,.02)

# Create adjacency dict documenting network connections
adjacencydict = nx.to_dict_of_dicts(G, nodelist=None, edge_data = None)

## Make a visualization of above graph - output file can be imported into gephi to see visualization
# outputdir = "/Users/brookeistvan/Documents/Thesis/seniorthesis"
# nx.write_gexf(G, outputdir+"SIgraph.gexf")

# Create dict for states of each node starting as susceptible
infectedstates = {}
for n in range(len(adjacencydict)):

# Randomly choose one node to start infected 
startnode = random.randint(0,len(adjacencydict)) 
コード例 #30
def buildRandomPartitionGraph(sizes, p_in, p_out):

    #create random partition graph

    G = nx.random_partition_graph(sizes, p_in, p_out)
    return G
コード例 #31
ファイル: clustering.py プロジェクト: zaktan8/GCP
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx
import util
import csv
import numpy as np

if __name__ == "__main__":
    graphs_with_ground_truth = {}

    min_cluster_size = 10
    for p_out in np.arange(0.2, 0.5, 0.1):
        for p_in in np.arange(0.5, 0.9, 0.1):
            for k in range(3, 15):
                for max_cluster_size in range(min_cluster_size, 101, 10):
                    sizes = [random.randint(min_cluster_size, max_cluster_size) for i in range(k)]
                    graph = networkx.random_partition_graph(sizes, p_in, p_out)
                    ground_truth = [i for i, partition in enumerate(graph.graph['partition']) for node in partition]
                    graph_name = "rp_{:.1f}_{:.1f}_{}_{}_{}".format(p_out, p_in, k, min_cluster_size, max_cluster_size)
                    # util.plot_results(graph, util.get_clustering_results(graph, k), (graph_name, ground_truth))
                    graphs_with_ground_truth[graph_name] = (graph, ground_truth, k)

    accuracy = defaultdict(list)
    with open('graphs_info.csv', 'w', newline='') as f:
        writer = csv.writer(f)
        headers = ['graph_name', 'nodes', 'edges',
                   'radius', 'diameter', 'density',
                   'avg_cl_coeff', 'avg_degree',
                   'best_score', 'best_algorithm']

        for graph_name, (graph, ground_truth, k) in graphs_with_ground_truth.items():
コード例 #32
    adj, features = pickle.load(f)
    fb_graphs['combined'] = (adj, features)

### ---------- Create Random NetworkX Graphs ---------- ###
# Dictionary to store all nx graphs
nx_graphs = {}

# Small graphs
N_SMALL = 200
nx_graphs['er-small'] = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n=N_SMALL, p=.02, seed=RANDOM_SEED) # Erdos-Renyi
nx_graphs['ws-small'] = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(n=N_SMALL, k=5, p=.1, seed=RANDOM_SEED) # Watts-Strogatz
nx_graphs['ba-small'] = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(n=N_SMALL, m=2, seed=RANDOM_SEED) # Barabasi-Albert
nx_graphs['pc-small'] = nx.powerlaw_cluster_graph(n=N_SMALL, m=2, p=.02, seed=RANDOM_SEED) # Powerlaw Cluster
nx_graphs['sbm-small'] = nx.random_partition_graph(sizes=[N_SMALL/10]*10, p_in=.1, p_out=.01, seed=RANDOM_SEED) # Stochastic Block Model

# Larger graphs
N_LARGE = 1000
nx_graphs['er-large'] = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n=N_LARGE, p=.01, seed=RANDOM_SEED) # Erdos-Renyi
nx_graphs['ws-large'] = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(n=N_LARGE, k=3, p=.1, seed=RANDOM_SEED) # Watts-Strogatz
nx_graphs['ba-large'] = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(n=N_LARGE, m=2, seed=RANDOM_SEED) # Barabasi-Albert
nx_graphs['pc-large'] = nx.powerlaw_cluster_graph(n=N_LARGE, m=2, p=.02, seed=RANDOM_SEED) # Powerlaw Cluster
nx_graphs['sbm-large'] = nx.random_partition_graph(sizes=[N_LARGE/10]*10, p_in=.05, p_out=.005, seed=RANDOM_SEED) # Stochastic Block Model

# Remove isolates from random graphs
for g_name, nx_g in nx_graphs.iteritems():
    isolates = nx.isolates(nx_g)
    if len(isolates) > 0:
        for isolate_node in isolates:
コード例 #33
ファイル: generator.py プロジェクト: islotwin/social-network
import networkx as nx
import sys

# Simple graph generator for tests
# Usage: python ./generator.py [filename]

# random_partition_graph(partitions, edges_in, edges_out)
# partitions - array of numbers of nodes in groups
# edges_in - probability of edges inside each group
# edges_out - probability of edges between groups
G = nx.random_partition_graph([10000, 4000, 6000], .3, 0.001)

# create file id doesn't exist, fail otherwise
fh = open("./tests/generated/" + sys.argv[1], 'xb')

# save edges to given file without any additional data
nx.write_edgelist(G, fh, data=False)
コード例 #34
def generate_synthetic_graph(n_node_par_com, n_com=2, p_in=0.1, p_out=0.001):
    sizes = [n_node_par_com] * n_com
    g = nx.random_partition_graph(sizes, p_in, p_out)
    edges = g.edges()
    return edges
コード例 #35
ファイル: graph.py プロジェクト: wrdeman/airport-network
 def build_graph(self):
     self.graph = nx.random_partition_graph([10, 10], 0, 1)