def test_spiral_layout(self): G = self.Gs # a lower value of resolution should result in a more compact layout # intuitively, the total distance from the start and end nodes # via each node in between (transiting through each) will be less, # assuming rescaling does not occur on the computed node positions pos_standard = np.array( list(nx.spiral_layout(G, resolution=0.35).values())) pos_tighter = np.array( list(nx.spiral_layout(G, resolution=0.34).values())) distances = np.linalg.norm(pos_standard[:-1] - pos_standard[1:], axis=1) distances_tighter = np.linalg.norm(pos_tighter[:-1] - pos_tighter[1:], axis=1) assert sum(distances) > sum(distances_tighter) # return near-equidistant points after the first value if set to true pos_equidistant = np.array( list(nx.spiral_layout(G, equidistant=True).values())) distances_equidistant = np.linalg.norm(pos_equidistant[:-1] - pos_equidistant[1:], axis=1) assert np.allclose(distances_equidistant[1:], distances_equidistant[-1], atol=0.01)
def test_smoke_empty_graph(self): G = [] nx.random_layout(G) nx.circular_layout(G) nx.planar_layout(G) nx.spring_layout(G) nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout(G) nx.spectral_layout(G) nx.shell_layout(G) nx.bipartite_layout(G, G) nx.spiral_layout(G) nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G)
def test_smoke_string(self): G = self.Gs nx.random_layout(G) nx.circular_layout(G) nx.planar_layout(G) nx.spring_layout(G) nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout(G) nx.spectral_layout(G) nx.shell_layout(G) nx.spiral_layout(G) nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G) nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G, dim=1) nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G, dim=3)
def display_pos(G, layout='shortest'): ''' Display Position of the Nodes: # spiral # 1. general layout that works well for lots of nodes # pos = nx.spiral_layout(G) # "variable-type": multiplartitle_layout using subsets of (output, intermediatory, input). it works well for small number of nodes, but not for a bigger set of nodes # "shortest" by default multiplartitle_layout using shortest distance to the source. ''' if layout == 'shortest': var_id = list(G.nodes)[0] shortest_length = single_source_shortest_path_length(G, var_id) for node in shortest_length.keys(): G.nodes[node]['shortest'] = shortest_length[node] pos = nx.multipartite_layout(G, subset_key="shortest", align='horizontal') elif layout == "variable-type": for node, varType in G.nodes(data=True): if varType['type'] == 'input': G.nodes[node]['subset'] = 2 elif varType['type'] == 'output': G.nodes[node]['subset'] = 0 elif varType['type'] == 'intermediary': G.nodes[node]['subset'] = 1 else: G.nodes[node]['subset'] = -1 pos = nx.multipartite_layout(G, subset_key="subset", align='horizontal') elif layout == "planar": pos = nx.planar_layout(G) elif layout == "spring": pos = nx.spring_layout(G) elif layout == "shell": pos = nx.shell_layout(G) elif layout == "spiral": pos = nx.spiral_layout(G) else: pos = nx.spiral_layout(G) return pos
def show(self, labels='type'): if labels == 'both' or labels == 'type': relabel_mapping = {k: v.node_name() for k, v in self.node_reference.items()} computational_graph = nx.relabel_nodes(self.graph, relabel_mapping, ) options = {'node_size': 2000, 'alpha': 0.7} if labels == 'both': plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8)) plt.subplot(121) pos = nx.spring_layout(computational_graph, iterations=50) nx.draw(computational_graph, pos, with_labels=True, **options) plt.subplot(122) pos = nx.spiral_layout(self.graph, ) nx.draw(self.graph, with_labels=True) else: plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8)) plt.subplot() nx.draw(computational_graph, with_labels=True) else: plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8)) plt.subplot() nx.draw(self.graph, with_labels=True)
def create_graph(): repo_name = "progit2" code_dir = "code" dir_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("userprofile"), code_dir, repo_name) repo = Repo(dir_path) print(dir_path) graph = nx.DiGraph() for ref in repo.references: print(ref.commit, ref) if graph.has_node(ref.commit.hexsha) and ('refs' in graph.nodes[ref.commit.hexsha]): refs = graph.nodes[ref.commit.hexsha]['refs'] refs = refs + ", " + graph.nodes[ref.commit.hexsha]['refs'] = refs else: graph.add_node(ref.commit.hexsha, add_parent_chain_to_graph(graph, ref.commit) print('graph.nodes list', list(graph.nodes)) pos = nx.spiral_layout(graph) options = { 'node_color': 'orange', 'node_size': 2, 'width': 1, 'arrow_size': 3, 'with_labels': False, 'pos': pos } print('number_of_nodes', graph.number_of_nodes()) print(list(graph.edges(data=True))) print(list(graph.nodes(data=True))) nx.draw_networkx(graph, **options) nx.write_gexf(graph, '{}.gexf'.format(repo_name))
def plot_undirected(reader: MBoxReader, layout: str = 'shell', graphml: bool = False): """Plot an undirected social network graph from the entire `mbox`, supplied by `MBoxReader`. `layout` determines the underlying `NetworkX` layout. Usage: reader = MboxReader('path-to-mbox.mbox') plot_undirected(reader) Args: reader (MBoxReader): A `MBoxReader` object layout (str, optional): Can be one of 'shell', 'spring' or 'spiral'. Defaults to 'shell'. graphml (bool, optional): Determines if a .graphml file is exported to the working directory. Defaults to False. """ emails = reader.extract() G = nx.Graph(name='Email Social Network') plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) counter = Counter() for email in emails: ng = PeopleCombination(email) for combo in ng.combo: counter[combo] += 1 total_combos = sum(counter.values()) by_freq = {k: v / total_combos for k, v in counter.most_common()} for rel in counter.keys(): G.add_edge(*rel, weight=by_freq[rel], count=counter[rel]) if graphml: fileName = f'network-{str(uuid.uuid4().hex)[:8]}.graphml' nx.write_graphml(G, fileName) print(f"Graphml exported as {fileName}") if layout == 'shell': pos = nx.shell_layout(G) elif layout == 'spring': k = 1 / math.sqrt(G.order()) * 2 pos = nx.spring_layout(G, k=k) else: pos = nx.spiral_layout(G) deg = [v * 50 for _, v in] nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_size=deg, linewidths=1.0, alpha=0.60) nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, width=1.0, style='dashed', edge_color='cadetblue', alpha=0.6) nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, {n: n.split('@')[0] for n in G.nodes}, font_size=8, font_color='darkorchid') plt.axis('off')
def generateSpectralLayout(layout: Layout): positions = nx.spectral_layout(layout.G) print(positions) nx.draw(layout.G, positions) positions = nx.planar_layout(layout.G) print(positions) nx.draw(layout.G, positions) positions = nx.circular_layout(layout.G) print(positions) nx.draw(layout.G, positions) positions = nx.bipartite_layout(layout.G, nx.bipartite.sets(layout.G)[0]) print(positions) nx.draw(layout.G, positions) positions = nx.shell_layout(layout.G) print(positions) nx.draw(layout.G, positions) positions = nx.random_layout(layout.G) print(positions) nx.draw(layout.G, positions) positions = nx.spiral_layout(layout.G) print(positions) nx.draw(layout.G, positions)
def test_smoke_int(self): G = self.Gi nx.random_layout(G) nx.circular_layout(G) nx.planar_layout(G) nx.spring_layout(G) nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout(G) nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout(self.bigG) nx.spectral_layout(G) nx.spectral_layout(G.to_directed()) nx.spectral_layout(self.bigG) nx.spectral_layout(self.bigG.to_directed()) nx.shell_layout(G) nx.spiral_layout(G) nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G) nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G, dim=1) nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G, dim=3)
def plot_graph(graph, name, dpi=200, width=0.5, layout='spring'): plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) pos = nx.spiral_layout(graph) if layout == 'spring': pos = nx.spring_layout(graph) elif layout == 'circular': pos = nx.circular_layout(graph) nx.draw(graph, pos=pos, node_size=100, width=width) plt.savefig('figs/graph_view_{}.png'.format(name), dpi=dpi, transparent=True)
def draw_MI(M_orig, ax, layout="spring", pos=None): M = copy(M_orig) M[np.abs(M) < 1e-5] = 0.0 M[np.abs(M) < np.median(M)] = 0.0 G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(M) if pos is None: if layout == "spring": pos = nx.spring_layout(G, k=0.8 / np.sqrt(len(M)), iterations=74) elif layout == "bipartite": pos = nx.bipartite_layout(G, nodes=range(len(M) // 2)) elif layout == "circular": pos = nx.circular_layout(G) elif layout == "spectral": pos = nx.spectral_layout(G) elif layout == "spiral": pos = nx.spiral_layout(G) elif layout == "shell": pos = nx.shell_layout(G) elif layout == "planar": pos = nx.planar_layout(G) elif layout == "fr": pos = nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout(G) elif layout == "kk": pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G) if layout == "grid": Ggrid = nx.grid_2d_graph(*M.shape) xs = np.linspace(-1, 1, int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(M))))) pos = {} i = 0 for x in xs: for y in xs: if i < len(M): pos[i] = np.array([x, y]) i += 1 edges, weights = zip(*nx.get_edge_attributes(G, "weight").items()) ws = np.array([w for w in weights]) mx = max(ws) mn = min(ws) if mx != mn: ws = (ws - mn) / (mx - mn) nx.draw( G, pos, ax=ax, node_color="k", node_size=6, alphs=0.5, edgelist=edges, edge_color="k", width=ws, ) ax.set_aspect("equal")
def test_default_scale_and_center(self): sc = self.check_scale_and_center c = (0, 0) G = nx.complete_graph(9) G.add_node(9) sc(nx.random_layout(G), scale=0.5, center=(0.5, 0.5)) sc(nx.spring_layout(G), scale=1, center=c) sc(nx.spectral_layout(G), scale=1, center=c) sc(nx.circular_layout(G), scale=1, center=c) sc(nx.shell_layout(G), scale=1, center=c) sc(nx.spiral_layout(G), scale=1, center=c) sc(nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G), scale=1, center=c)
def test_spiral_layout(self): G = self.Gs # a lower value of resolution should result in a more compact layout # intuitively, the total distance from the start and end nodes # via each node in between (transiting through each) will be less, # assuming rescaling does not occur on the computed node positions pos_standard = nx.spiral_layout(G, resolution=0.35) pos_tighter = nx.spiral_layout(G, resolution=0.34) distances = self.collect_node_distances(pos_standard) distances_tighter = self.collect_node_distances(pos_tighter) assert sum(distances) > sum(distances_tighter) # return near-equidistant points after the first value if set to true pos_equidistant = nx.spiral_layout(G, equidistant=True) distances_equidistant = self.collect_node_distances(pos_equidistant) for d in range(1, len(distances_equidistant) - 1): # test similarity to two decimal places assert almost_equal(distances_equidistant[d], distances_equidistant[d + 1], 2)
def plot_directed(reader: MBoxReader, layout: str = 'shell', graphml: bool = False) -> None: """ Plot a directed social network graph from the entire `mbox`, supplied by `MBoxReader`. `layout` determines the underlying `NetworkX` layout. Usage: reader = MboxReader('path-to-mbox.mbox') plot_directed(reader) Args: reader (MBoxReader): A `MBoxReader` object layout (str, optional): Can be one of 'shell', 'spring' or 'spiral'. Defaults to 'shell'. graphml (bool, optional): Determines if a .graphml file is exported to the working directory. Defaults to False. """ emails = reader.extract() plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) G = nx.MultiDiGraph(name='Email Social Network') for email in emails: sender = source_addr = sender if sender != '' else '@')[0] all_recipients = [ if != '' or None else'@')[0] for em in email.recipients + ] for recipient in all_recipients: G.add_edge(source_addr, recipient, message=email.subject) if graphml: fileName = f'network-{str(uuid.uuid4().hex)[:8]}.graphml' nx.write_graphml(G, fileName) if layout == 'shell': pos = nx.shell_layout(G) elif layout == 'spring': pos = nx.spring_layout(G) else: pos = nx.spiral_layout(G) nx.draw(G, pos, node_size=0, alpha=0.4, edge_color='cadetblue', font_size=7, with_labels=True) ax = plt.gca() ax.margins(0.08)
def test_scale_and_center_arg(self): sc = self.check_scale_and_center c = (4, 5) G = nx.complete_graph(9) G.add_node(9) sc(nx.random_layout(G, center=c), scale=0.5, center=(4.5, 5.5)) # rest can have 2*scale length: [-scale, scale] sc(nx.spring_layout(G, scale=2, center=c), scale=2, center=c) sc(nx.spectral_layout(G, scale=2, center=c), scale=2, center=c) sc(nx.circular_layout(G, scale=2, center=c), scale=2, center=c) sc(nx.shell_layout(G, scale=2, center=c), scale=2, center=c) sc(nx.spiral_layout(G, scale=2, center=c), scale=2, center=c) sc(nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G, scale=2, center=c), scale=2, center=c)
def test_smoke_string(self): G = self.Gs vpos = nx.random_layout(G) vpos = nx.circular_layout(G) vpos = nx.planar_layout(G) vpos = nx.spring_layout(G) vpos = nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout(G) vpos = nx.spectral_layout(G) vpos = nx.shell_layout(G) vpos = nx.spiral_layout(G) if self.scipy is not None: vpos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G) vpos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G, dim=1)
def demo(): nodes_dict = { 'node1': { 'node2': 1.3, 'node3': 2 }, 'node2': { 'node1': 1.3, 'node4': 3, 'node5': 0.5 }, 'node3': { 'node2': 1, 'node4': 2 } } cng = create_nx_graph(nodes_dict) # if no nodes want to be emphasised, if node_colorlist is None, each node has a random color cng.plot(figsize=(8, 8), node_sizelist=[1000], font_size=20, edge_color='blue') cng.plot(figsize=(8, 8), node_colorlist=['blue'], font_size=20, edge_color='blue') # we want to emphasis node1, we give size and color for it and others cng.plot(nodelist=['node1'], node_colorlist=['red', 'blue'], node_sizelist=[1000, 100], figsize=(8, 8), font_size=20) # we want to emphasis node1 and node2, we give size and color for it and others cng.plot(nodelist=['node1', 'node2'], node_colorlist=['red', 'blue', 'green'], node_sizelist=[1000, 500, 100], figsize=(8, 8), font_size=20) # other layout pos = nx.spiral_layout(cng.networkG) cng.plot(figsize=(8, 8), node_sizelist=[1000], font_size=20, edge_color='blue', pos=pos)
def layout_network(self, order_by_ip=True, rectangular_grid=False): """Determine node locations/coordinates to allow visualization/plotting of the network. Parameters ---------- order_by_ip : bool Set to true if you want node positions lists ordered by ip address. rectangular_grid : bool Set to true for a grid placement that is roughly rectangular. It will not be exactly rectangular because noise is added to avoid edge line overlap. Notes ------- 1) Various networkx options are listed in layout_types below. Pick any compatible layout. 2) networkx layouts return dictionaries that can't be sorted. The order_by_ip option re-orders node locations based on how the layout dictionary is iterated, which may or may not improve plot readability. See:""" # networkx routines to find node layout # Each returns a dictionary of positions keyed by node. The positions are [x, y]. layout_types = [ nx.bipartite_layout, nx.circular_layout, nx.kamada_kawai_layout, nx.planar_layout, nx.random_layout, nx.rescale_layout, nx.rescale_layout_dict, nx.shell_layout, nx.spring_layout, nx.spectral_layout, nx.spiral_layout, nx.multipartite_layout ] if rectangular_grid: # Custom square layout with noise created to best spread network sorted by IP address self.node_positions = self.square_layout(self.send_graph, noise=0.15) else: # Choose any of the layout_types for line below self.node_positions = nx.spiral_layout(self.send_graph) # Sort node locations by ip address if the user requests. # It is not clear the order of the nx layouts since they are dictionaries that can't be sorted # Re-ordering may/may not improve plot readability, but it won't corrupt the node coordinates if order_by_ip: # Extract nodes from position dictionary then sort them in a list tmp = {} node = (i for i in sorted(self.node_positions.keys(), key=ipaddress.IPv4Address)) for k, v in self.node_positions.items(): tmp[next(node)] = v self.node_positions = tmp
def test_center_parameter(self): G = nx.path_graph(1) vpos = nx.random_layout(G, center=(1, 1)) vpos = nx.circular_layout(G, center=(1, 1)) assert tuple(vpos[0]) == (1, 1) vpos = nx.planar_layout(G, center=(1, 1)) assert tuple(vpos[0]) == (1, 1) vpos = nx.spring_layout(G, center=(1, 1)) assert tuple(vpos[0]) == (1, 1) vpos = nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout(G, center=(1, 1)) assert tuple(vpos[0]) == (1, 1) vpos = nx.spectral_layout(G, center=(1, 1)) assert tuple(vpos[0]) == (1, 1) vpos = nx.shell_layout(G, center=(1, 1)) assert tuple(vpos[0]) == (1, 1) vpos = nx.spiral_layout(G, center=(1, 1)) assert tuple(vpos[0]) == (1, 1)
def test_smoke_int(self): G = self.Gi vpos = nx.random_layout(G) vpos = nx.circular_layout(G) vpos = nx.planar_layout(G) vpos = nx.spring_layout(G) vpos = nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout(G) vpos = nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout(self.bigG) vpos = nx.spectral_layout(G) vpos = nx.spectral_layout(G.to_directed()) vpos = nx.spectral_layout(self.bigG) vpos = nx.spectral_layout(self.bigG.to_directed()) vpos = nx.shell_layout(G) vpos = nx.spiral_layout(G) if self.scipy is not None: vpos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G) vpos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G, dim=1)
def createLayout(G, layout=None): pos = nx.spring_layout(G, seed=36) if layout == 'Planar' and nx.check_planarity(G)[0]: print(nx.check_planarity(G)) pos = nx.planar_layout(G) elif layout == 'Circular': pos = nx.circular_layout(G) elif layout == 'Kamada-Kawai': pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G) elif layout == 'Random': pos = nx.random_layout(G) elif layout == 'Spectral': pos = nx.spectral_layout(G) elif layout == 'Spiral': pos = nx.spiral_layout(G, resolution=1.0) return pos
def save_graph(G, filename): plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(100, 100), dpi=100) plt.axis('off') fig = plt.figure(1) pos = nx.spiral_layout(G, center=[0,0]) pos = nx.spring_layout(G, k=2, iterations=0) plt.figtext(.5, .85, 'PARKOUR THEORY', fontsize=130, fontweight='bold', ha='center') nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, alpha=0.25) nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, alpha=0.1) nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, font_color='r', font_size=11) plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches="tight") pylab.close() del fig
def CreateGraph(): G = nx.Graph() f = open('input.txt') titulo = f.readline() # Título da janela plt.gcf().canvas.set_window_title(titulo) num = int(f.readline()) # Lê a segunda linha do .txt n = int(f.readline()) # n = Número de arestas for i in range(n): graph_edge_list = f.readline().split(",") graph_edge_list[1] = graph_edge_list[1].rstrip('\n') #print(graph_edge_list) #print("\n\n") G.add_edge(graph_edge_list[0], graph_edge_list[1]) # Define o layout com base no input if num == 1: layout = nx.circular_layout(G) elif num == 2: layout = nx.random_layout(G) elif num == 3: layout = nx.shell_layout(G) elif num == 4: layout = nx.spring_layout(G) elif num == 5: layout = nx.spectral_layout(G) elif num == 6: layout = nx.spiral_layout(G) else: print(f"{num}") layout = nx.circular_layout(G) return G, layout
def draw_graph(self, node_type='', layout=''): if layout == 'spring': pos = nx.spring_layout(self.scgraph.code_graph) if layout == 'spectral': pos = nx.spectral_layout(self.scgraph.code_graph) if layout == 'planar': pos = nx.planar_layout(self.scgraph.code_graph) if layout == 'shell': pos = nx.shell_layout(self.scgraph.code_graph) if layout == 'circular': pos = nx.circular_layout(self.scgraph.code_graph) if layout == 'spiral': pos = nx.spiral_layout(self.scgraph.code_graph) if layout == 'random': pos = nx.random_layout(self.scgraph.code_graph) if node_type == 'cycles': self.scgraph.draw('cycles', layout) if node_type == 'dict': self.scgraph.draw('dict', layout)
def selectLayout(G, layout_selected): if layout_selected == 'circular_layout': pos = nx.circular_layout(G) if layout_selected == 'spring_layout': pos = nx.spring_layout(G) if layout_selected == 'kamada_kawai_layout': pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G) if layout_selected == 'random_layout': pos = nx.random_layout(G) if layout_selected == 'shell_layout': pos = nx.shell_layout(G) if layout_selected == 'spectral_layout': pos = nx.spectral_layout(G) if layout_selected == 'planar_layout': pos = nx.planar_layout(G) if layout_selected == 'fruchterman_reingold_layout': pos = nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout(G) if layout_selected == 'spiral_layout': pos = nx.spiral_layout(G) return pos
def test_empty_graph(self): G = nx.empty_graph() vpos = nx.random_layout(G, center=(1, 1)) assert vpos == {} vpos = nx.circular_layout(G, center=(1, 1)) assert vpos == {} vpos = nx.planar_layout(G, center=(1, 1)) assert vpos == {} vpos = nx.bipartite_layout(G, G) assert vpos == {} vpos = nx.spring_layout(G, center=(1, 1)) assert vpos == {} vpos = nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout(G, center=(1, 1)) assert vpos == {} vpos = nx.spectral_layout(G, center=(1, 1)) assert vpos == {} vpos = nx.shell_layout(G, center=(1, 1)) assert vpos == {} vpos = nx.spiral_layout(G, center=(1, 1)) assert vpos == {}
def set_nx_layout(self, layout='random', **kwargs): """Configura el layout para dibujar el grafo con networkx""" g = self.g if layout == 'random': self.pos = nx.random_layout(g) elif layout == 'shell': self.pos = nx.shell_layout(g, **kwargs) elif layout == 'spring': self.pos = nx.spring_layout(g, **kwargs) elif layout == 'circular': self.pos = nx.circular_layout(g, **kwargs) elif layout == 'kamada_kawai': self.pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(g, **kwargs) elif layout == 'bipartite': self.pos = nx.bipartite_layout(g, **kwargs) elif layout == 'spectral': self.pos = nx.spectral_layout(g, **kwargs) elif layout == 'spiral': self.pos = nx.spiral_layout(g, **kwargs) elif layout == 'planar': self.pos = nx.planar_layout(g, **kwargs)
def generateGraph(NG, NH, NR, typeGraph, setScale, layoutMethod): nmbOutputs = len(NG) nmbOutputs2 = len(NG[0]) #below function will read through the mat file and try to find how many modules their are #using the network functions create a direction graph (nodes with a connection with a direction so connection 1 to 2 has a direction and is not the same as 2 to 1) plot = nx.DiGraph() plot.add_nodes_from(range(nmbOutputs)) for x in range(nmbOutputs): for y in range(nmbOutputs2): if (NG[x][y] == 1): plot.add_edge(y, x) print("number of nodes: ", plot.number_of_nodes(), " number of edges: ", plot.number_of_edges()) pos = [] typeGraph = layoutMethod.get() #creating coordinates #the below functions can be chosen and generate position for the network and return them if (typeGraph == "circular"): pos = nx.circular_layout(plot, scale=setScale, center=(500, 500)) print("circular layout") if (typeGraph == "kamada_kawai"): pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(plot, scale=setScale, center=(500, 500)) print("kamada_kawai layout") if (typeGraph == "spring"): pos = nx.spring_layout(plot, scale=setScale, center=(500, 500)) print("spring layout") if (typeGraph == "spectral"): pos = nx.spectral_layout(plot, scale=setScale, center=(500, 500)) print("spectral layout") if (typeGraph == "spiral"): pos = nx.spiral_layout(plot, scale=setScale, center=(500, 500)) print("spiral layout") return pos
def plot_graph( self, save_file: bool = False, output_filename: str = f"test.jpg", filtered_graph: nx.Graph = None, ): """ Args: graph_type: save_file: output_filename: filtered_graph: Returns: """ graph = filtered_graph if filtered_graph is not None else self.graph labels = {} for node in list(graph.nodes): labels[node] = node.key_name node_colors = self.generate_node_color_list(graph) # pos = nx.bipartite_layout(graph, graph.nodes, align='horizontal') pos = nx.spiral_layout(graph) # pos = nx.spring_layout(graph) nx.draw( graph, pos=pos, arrowsize=20, verticalalignment='bottom', labels=labels, with_labels=True, node_color=node_colors, ) if not save_file: else: plt.savefig(output_filename)
def extract_dynamic_ca(str1): htap = '/Users/apple/Documents/gs_result/' global cur global edges res = 0 alters = [] if str1 == 'ego': Chen = 'O6tge4UAAAAJ.parse' # addr[8] is the list of co-authors; starting from addr[12] can cal the papers. addr = extract_info(htap, Chen) ego_papers = [] set_papers = set() print('total papers: ', len(addr) - 12) if len(addr) > 8: new_dict = literal_eval(addr[8]) print('total co-authors:', len(new_dict)) # print(new_dict) nodes = [new_dict[key] for key in new_dict] if len(addr) > 12: # print(addr[12]) for paper in addr[12:]: new_list = literal_eval(paper) ego_papers.append(new_list) # print(new_list) if re.match('\d{4}', new_list[-1]): cur += 1 # print(new_list[1], new_list[-1]) set_papers.add(new_list[1]) # print(new_list) print('papers with year:', cur) ego = addr[1] nodes.append(ego) print(ego) alters = [] for key in new_dict: # print(key, new_dict[key]) addr = extract_info(htap, key + '.parse') year = find_earliest_year(set_papers, addr) if year != 2021: res += 1 # print(ego,'and',new_dict[key], key, "'s co-authorship begin from",year) edges.append([ego, new_dict[key], year]) alters.append(key) print('co-author with first year:', res) print('co-author with gs_result files:', good) print(alters) else: # filename = 'thu_net.json' # with open(filename, 'r') as f: alters = preparation.preparation() #print(alters) for i in range(len(alters)): key1 = alters[i] addr = extract_info(htap, key1 + '.parse') name1 = addr[1] alter1_papers = set() if len(addr) > 12: # print(addr[12]) for paper in addr[12:]: new_list = literal_eval(paper) # print(new_list) if re.match('\d{4}', new_list[-1]): cur += 1 # print(new_list[1], new_list[-1]) alter1_papers.add(new_list[1]) for j in range(i + 1, len(alters)): key = alters[j] addr = extract_info(htap, key + '.parse') name2 = addr[1] year = find_earliest_year(alter1_papers, addr) if year != 2021: res += 1 # print(new_dict[key1],'and',new_dict[key], key, "'s co-authorship begin from",year) edges.append([name1, name2, year]) # edges.append([new_dict[key1], new_dict[key], year]) print('# of eges in ego network:', res) edges = sorted(edges, key=lambda x: x[2]) print(len(edges)) # print(len(nodes)) # print(nodes) for edge in edges: print(edge) # networkx visualization is a total piece of shit... G = nx.Graph() graph_cur = 0 # G.add_nodes_from([(node,{'name': node}) for node in nodes]) year = edges[0][2] for edge in edges: cur_year = edge[2] if cur_year != year: year = cur_year edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'year') # edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'year') # nx.write_gexf(G, "test"+str(graph_cur)+".gexf") graph_cur += 1 pos = nx.spiral_layout(G) nx.draw(G, pos, node_color='yellow', edge_color='brown', with_labels=True, font_size=8, node_size=10) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels, font_size=8) G.add_edge(edge[0], edge[1], year=str(edge[2]))