def merge_nontest_fields(self, fields_origin, fid): logging.debug("[+] Merge Fields") fields_merged = list() fields = copy.deepcopy(fields_origin) fsize_total = 0 for i in range(len(fields)): typename = fields[i].domain.dataType.typeName if typename != "Raw": logging.error("Field type is not Raw") typesize = fields[i].domain.dataType.size[1] # print(i, fid, typesize, type(typesize)) if i == fid: if fsize_total > 0: field = Field(Raw(nbBytes=fsize_total // 8)) fields_merged.append(field) fsize_total = 0 if fid != (len(fields) - 1): field = Field(Raw(nbBytes=typesize // 8)) fields_merged.append(field) field = Field() fields_merged.append(field) else: if type(typesize).__name__ == 'NoneType': field = Field() else: field = Field(Raw(nbBytes=typesize // 8)) fields_merged.append(field) break else: fsize_total += typesize return fields_merged
def __init__(self, domain=None, name="Field", isPseudoField=False, layer=False, messages=None, specializingPaths=None): """ :keyword domain: the definition domain of the field (see domain property to get more information) :type domain: a :class:`list` of :class:`object`, default is Raw(None) :keyword name: the name of the field :type name: :class:`str` :keyword isPseudoField: a flag indicating if field is a pseudo field, meaning it is used internally but does not produce data :type isPseudoField: :class:`bool` """ super(Field, self).__init__(name) if domain is None: domain = Raw(None) self.domain = domain if messages is None: messages = [] self.messages = messages self.specializingPaths = specializingPaths self.isPseudoField = isPseudoField
def __define_field(self,val_set,field): """ :param val_set: A set of values in the field :param field: The field containing the CRC :return: new_field: A new field (Alt or Raw) """ if len(val_set) > 1: # More than one value, create Alt Fields domain_list = [] for value in val_set: domain_list.append(Raw(value)) new_field = Field(, domain=Alt(domain_list)) else: # Only one value, create static Fields new_field = Field(, domain=Raw(val_set.pop())) return new_field
def __init__(self, fields, dataType=None, name=None): if isinstance(fields, AbstractField): fields = [fields] super(InternetChecksum, self).__init__("InternetChecksum", fieldDependencies=fields, name=name) if dataType is None: dataType = Raw(nbBytes=2) self.dataType = dataType
def test_split_delimiter(): BPF_FILTER = "!(arp) and !(len == 96)" messages = PCAPImporter.readFile( "/home/research/Downloads/hunter_no_vlan.pcap", nbPackets=10, bpfFilter=BPF_FILTER).values() symbol = Symbol(messages=messages) Format.splitDelimiter(symbol.fields[0], Raw(b'\05'))
def generate_fields(self, fields_result): fields = list() for typeinfo in fields_result: if typeinfo[0] == "Raw": field = Field(Raw(nbBytes=(typeinfo[1] // 8, typeinfo[2] // 8))) fields.append(field) else: logging.error("Field type is not Raw") return fields
def _splitFieldFollowingAlignment(self, field, align): """Update the field definition with new fields following the specified align.""" # STEP 1 : Create a field separation based on static and dynamic fields leftAlign, rightAlign = self._splitAlignment(align) splited = self._mergeAlign(leftAlign, rightAlign) step1Fields = [] for (entryVal, entryDyn) in splited: if entryDyn: newField = Field(Raw(nbBytes=(0, int(len(entryVal) / 2)))) else: newField = Field( Raw(TypeConverter.convert(entryVal, HexaString, Raw))) step1Fields.append(newField) for f in step1Fields: f.encodingFunctions = list(field.encodingFunctions.values()) field.fields = step1Fields
def __init__(self, fields, dataType=None, name=None, endianness=AbstractType.defaultEndianness()): if isinstance(fields, AbstractField): fields = [fields] super(CRC32, self).__init__(varType="CRC32", fieldDependencies=fields, name=name) if dataType is None: dataType = Raw(nbBytes=4) self.dataType = dataType self.endianness = endianness
def __init__(self, fields, dataType=None, factor=1 / float(8), offset=0, name=None): if isinstance(fields, AbstractField): fields = [fields] super(Size, self).__init__("Size", fieldDependencies=fields, name=name) self.fields = fields if dataType is None: dataType = Raw(nbBytes=1) self.dataType = dataType self.factor = factor self.offset = offset
def normalize(data): """Given the specified data, this static methods normalize its representation using Netzob types. :parameter data: the data to normalize :type data: :class:`object` :return: an abstractType which value is data :rtype: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Types.AbstractType.AbstractType` >>> from netzob.all import * >>> normalizedData = AbstractType.normalize("netzob") >>> print(normalizedData.__class__) <class 'netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Types.ASCII.ASCII'> >>> print(normalizedData.value) bitarray('011011100110010101110100011110100110111101100010') """ if data is None: raise TypeError("Cannot normalize None data") normalizedData = None if isinstance(data, AbstractType): return data elif isinstance(data, int): from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Types.Integer import Integer return Integer(value=data) elif isinstance(data, bytes): from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Types.Raw import Raw normalizedData = Raw(value=data) elif isinstance(data, str): from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Types.ASCII import ASCII normalizedData = ASCII(value=data) if normalizedData is None: raise TypeError( "Not a valid data ({0}), impossible to normalize it.", type(data)) return normalizedData
def reset(self, field): """Resets the format (field hierarchy and definition domain) of the specified field. :param field: the field we want to reset :type field: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AbstractField` :raise Exception if something bad happens """ if field is None: raise TypeError( "The field to reset must be specified and cannot be None") self._logger.debug("Reset the definition of field {0} ({1})".format(, field.clearFields() if isinstance(field, Symbol): field.fields = [Field()] if isinstance(field, Field): field.domain = Raw(None)
def __seek_ip(self, ip, symbol, create_fields=False, two_terms=False): #Convert IP to hex value: hexipstring = binascii.hexlify(socket.inet_aton(ip)) hexipstring = binascii.unhexlify(hexipstring) index_list = [] for message in symbol.messages: results = self.__core_find(, hexipstring, index_list, two_terms) #Change stdout to get message print in buffer old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = buffer1 = io.StringIO() print(message) sys.stdout = old_stdout #Print results using click self._logger.warning("Results for [Message] : \n" + buffer1.getvalue() + "\n") self._logger.warning("[Number of results found] : " + str(results.total_length) + "\n") self._logger.warning("Result indexes in message: \n ") self._logger.warning("[Whole IP Big Endian] : " + str(results.full_be) + "\n") self._logger.warning("[Three last terms of IP Big Endian] : " + str(results.one_less_be) + "\n") self._logger.warning("[Two last terms of IP Big Endian] : " + str(results.two_less_be) + "\n") self._logger.warning("[Whole IP Little Endian] : " + str(results.full_le) + "\n") self._logger.warning("[Three last terms of IP Little Endian] : " + str(results.one_less_le) + "\n") self._logger.warning("[Two last terms of IP Little Endian] : " + str(results.two_less_le) + "\n") if create_fields: self._logger.warning("Attempting to create new fields") if symbol.fields: self._logger.warning("Refining search to fields...") for field in symbol.fields: subfield_index_list = [] field_values = field.getValues() number_of_values = len(set(field_values)) # Get field length max_length = max([len(i) for i in field_values]) # Check if values in messages are different for need to create an alternative field or a simple raw field (above 1 if several values): if number_of_values > 1: # More than one value => MUST CREATE ALT FIELD # TODO pass else: mess = field_values[0] field_result = self.__core_find( mess, hexipstring, index_list, two_terms) if field_result.full_be or field_result.one_less_be or field_result.two_less_be or field_result.full_le or field_result.one_less_le or field_result.two_less_le: # Searchstring not always split in between fields => Need to create subfields self._logger.warning( "Searchstring inside fields, creating subfields..." ) # Create field dict which contains fields and index fields_dict = dict() if number_of_values > 1: #More than one value => MUST CREATE ALT FIELD #TODO pass else: #Can create simple static subfield for i in field_result.full_be: fields_dict[i] = Field( name='FullIpBe' + str(i), domain=Raw(hexipstring)) subfield_index_list.append(i) subfield_index_list.append(i + 4) for i in field_result.one_less_be: fields_dict[i] = Field( name='ThreeTIpBe' + str(i), domain=Raw(hexipstring[1:])) subfield_index_list.append(i) subfield_index_list.append(i + 3) for i in field_result.two_less_be: fields_dict[i] = Field( name='TwoTIpBe' + str(i), domain=Raw(hexipstring[2:])) subfield_index_list.append(i) subfield_index_list.append(i + 2) for i in field_result.full_le: fields_dict[i] = Field( name='FullIpLe' + str(i), domain=Raw(hexipstring[::-1])) subfield_index_list.append(i) subfield_index_list.append(i + 4) for i in field_result.one_less_le: fields_dict[i] = Field( name='ThreeTIpLe' + str(i), domain=Raw(hexipstring[1:][::-1])) subfield_index_list.append(i) subfield_index_list.append(i + 3) fields_dict[i] = Field( name='TwoTIpLe' + str(i), domain=Raw(hexipstring[2:][::-1])) subfield_index_list.append(i) subfield_index_list.append(i + 2) #Sort list in order subfield_index_list.append(max_length) subfield_index_list.insert(0, 0) #Remove duplicates (there shouldn't be any!) subfield_index_list = list( set(subfield_index_list)) subfield_index_list = sorted( subfield_index_list, key=int) #Create static field for every two elements of the subfield index_list as they represent beginning and end for i, x in enumerate(subfield_index_list): #Check if index is pair if (i % 2 == 0): #Create static field and store it's beginning index in the structure try: fields_dict[x] = Field( name='Field' + str(i), domain=Raw(field_values[0][ subfield_index_list[i]: subfield_index_list[i + 1]] )) except: fields_dict[x] = Field( name='Field' + str(i), domain=Raw( field_values[0] [subfield_index_list[ i]:])) else: # Don't do shit pass #Create a list of all subfields in order od = collections.OrderedDict( sorted(fields_dict.items())) field_list = list(od.values()) if not field.fields: #No subfields field.fields = field_list else: #Already contains subfields. We need to just insert our IP subfields in it. #Get the indexes of Fields which have a name other than FieldX (where X is a number) only_Ip_fields_dict = dict() for index, element in fields_dict.items(): if not[:5] == "Field": only_Ip_fields_dict[ index] = element #Find to which field these indexes belong to in the old symbol for index, element in only_Ip_fields_dict.items( ): new_field_dict = dict() field_to_split, maxSize, indexInField = self.__getFieldFromIndex( index, field) indexInField = int(indexInField / 8) new_field_dict[indexInField] = element if field_to_split.getValues( )[0][:indexInField]: new_field_dict[0] = Field( name='FieldBeforeIp' + str(index), domain=Raw( field_to_split.getValues() [0][:indexInField])) new_field_dict[indexInField] = element #Get Size of the IP Field minSize, sizeIp = element.domain.dataType.size sizeIp = int(sizeIp / 8) if field_to_split.getValues( )[0][indexInField + sizeIp:]: new_field_dict[ indexInField + sizeIp] = Field( name='FieldAfterIp' + str(index), domain=Raw(field_to_split. getValues()[0] [indexInField + sizeIp:])) od = collections.OrderedDict( sorted(new_field_dict.items())) field_list = list(od.values()) #DELETE EMPTY DOMAIN FIELDS field_to_split.fields = field_list else: #Searchstring always split in between other fields => Delete fields and create new ones Or just return indexes, and let user redefine fields manually # symbol.fields = [] self._logger.warning( "Searchstring in between fields...") self._logger.warning( "[1] : Delete all fields and replace by IPFIELDS" + "\n") self._logger.warning( "[ANY] : Just print the index in the message" + "\n") return
def execute(self, field): """Executes the field edition following the specified messages. Children of the specified field will be replaced with new fields. :param field: the format definition that will be user :type field: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AbstractField` :raise Exception: if something bad happens """ if field is None: raise TypeError("The field cannot be None") fieldValues = [ TypeConverter.convert(data, Raw, HexaString) for data in field.getValues(encoded=False) ] if len(fieldValues) == 0: raise Exception("No value found in the field.") # Retrieve longuest field value maxLengthFieldValue = len(max(fieldValues, key=len)) # definies the step following specified unitsize stepUnitsize = self.__computeStepForUnitsize() # Vertical identification of variation indexedValues = [] for i in range(0, maxLengthFieldValue, stepUnitsize): currentIndexValue = [] for fieldValue in fieldValues: if i < len(fieldValue): currentIndexValue.append( fieldValue[i:min(len(fieldValue), i + stepUnitsize)]) else: currentIndexValue.append(b'') indexedValues.append(currentIndexValue) # If requested, merges the adjacent static fields if self.mergeAdjacentStaticFields: result = [] staticSequences = [] for values in indexedValues: if len(set(values)) == 1: # static staticSequences.append(values[0]) else: # dynamic if len(staticSequences) > 0: result.append([b''.join(staticSequences)]) staticSequences = [] result.append(values) if len(staticSequences) > 0: result.append([b''.join(staticSequences)]) indexedValues = result # If requested, merges the adjacent dynamic fields if self.mergeAdjacentDynamicFields: result = [] dynamicSequences = [] for values in indexedValues: if len(set(values)) > 1: # dynamic dynamicSequences.append(values) else: # static if len(dynamicSequences) > 0: dynValues = zip(*dynamicSequences) tmp_result = [] for d in dynValues: tmp_result.append(b''.join( [x if x is not None else b'' for x in d])) result.append(tmp_result) dynamicSequences = [] result.append(values) if len(dynamicSequences) > 0: dynValues = zip(*dynamicSequences) tmp_result = [] for d in dynValues: tmp_result.append(b''.join( [x if x is not None else b'' for x in d])) result.append(tmp_result) indexedValues = result # Create a field for each entry newFields = [] for (i, val) in enumerate(indexedValues): fName = "Field-{0}".format(i) fDomain = DomainFactory.normalizeDomain([ Raw(TypeConverter.convert(v, HexaString, BitArray)) for v in set(val) ]) newFields.append(Field(domain=fDomain, name=fName)) # attach encoding functions for newField in newFields: newField.encodingFunctions = list(field.encodingFunctions.values()) field.fields = newFields
def initHeader(self): """Initialize the IP header according to the IP format definition. """ # Ethernet header # Retrieve remote MAC address dstMacAddr = get_mac_address(ip=self.remoteIP) if dstMacAddr is not None: dstMacAddr = dstMacAddr.replace(':', '') dstMacAddr = binascii.unhexlify(dstMacAddr) else: # Force ARP resolution p = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/ping", "-c1", self.remoteIP]) p.wait() time.sleep(0.1) dstMacAddr = get_mac_address(ip=self.remoteIP) if dstMacAddr is not None: dstMacAddr = dstMacAddr.replace(':', '') dstMacAddr = binascii.unhexlify(dstMacAddr) else: raise Exception( "Cannot resolve IP address to a MAC address for IP: '{}'". format(self.remoteIP)) # Retrieve local MAC address srcMacAddr = self.get_interface_addr(bytes(self.interface, 'utf-8'))[1] eth_dst = Field(name='eth.dst', domain=Raw(dstMacAddr)) eth_src = Field(name='eth.src', domain=Raw(srcMacAddr)) eth_type = Field(name='eth.type', domain=Raw(b"\x08\x00")) # IP header ip_ver = Field(name='ip.version', domain=BitArray(value=bitarray('0100'))) # IP Version 4 ip_ihl = Field(name='ip.hdr_len', domain=BitArray(bitarray('0000'))) ip_tos = Field(name='ip.tos', domain=Data(dataType=BitArray(nbBits=8), originalValue=bitarray('00000000'), svas=SVAS.PERSISTENT)) ip_tot_len = Field(name='ip.len', domain=BitArray(bitarray('0000000000000000'))) ip_id = Field(name='', domain=BitArray(nbBits=16)) ip_flags = Field(name='ip.flags', domain=Data(dataType=BitArray(nbBits=3), originalValue=bitarray('000'), svas=SVAS.PERSISTENT)) ip_frag_off = Field(name='ip.fragment', domain=Data( dataType=BitArray(nbBits=13), originalValue=bitarray('0000000000000'), svas=SVAS.PERSISTENT)) ip_ttl = Field(name='ip.ttl', domain=Data(dataType=BitArray(nbBits=8), originalValue=bitarray('01000000'), svas=SVAS.PERSISTENT)) ip_proto = Field(name='ip.proto', domain=Integer(value=self.upperProtocol, unitSize=AbstractType.UNITSIZE_8, endianness=AbstractType.ENDIAN_BIG, sign=AbstractType.SIGN_UNSIGNED)) ip_checksum = Field(name='ip.checksum', domain=BitArray(bitarray('0000000000000000'))) ip_saddr = Field(name='ip.src', domain=IPv4(self.localIP)) ip_daddr = Field(name='ip.dst', domain=IPv4(self.remoteIP)) ip_payload = Field(name='ip.payload', domain=Raw()) ip_ihl.domain = Size([ ip_ver, ip_ihl, ip_tos, ip_tot_len, ip_id, ip_flags, ip_frag_off, ip_ttl, ip_proto, ip_checksum, ip_saddr, ip_daddr ], dataType=BitArray(nbBits=4), factor=1 / float(32)) ip_tot_len.domain = Size([ ip_ver, ip_ihl, ip_tos, ip_tot_len, ip_id, ip_flags, ip_frag_off, ip_ttl, ip_proto, ip_checksum, ip_saddr, ip_daddr, ip_payload ], dataType=Integer( unitSize=AbstractType.UNITSIZE_16, sign=AbstractType.SIGN_UNSIGNED), factor=1 / float(8)) ip_checksum.domain = InternetChecksum( fields=[ ip_ver, ip_ihl, ip_tos, ip_tot_len, ip_id, ip_flags, ip_frag_off, ip_ttl, ip_proto, ip_checksum, ip_saddr, ip_daddr ], dataType=Raw(nbBytes=2, unitSize=AbstractType.UNITSIZE_16)) self.header = Symbol(name='Ethernet layer', fields=[ eth_dst, eth_src, eth_type, ip_ver, ip_ihl, ip_tos, ip_tot_len, ip_id, ip_flags, ip_frag_off, ip_ttl, ip_proto, ip_checksum, ip_saddr, ip_daddr, ip_payload ])
def __create_fields(self, symbol, results): size_of_size = 1 for result in results: field_to_split, maxSize, indexInField = self.__getFieldFromIndex( result[0], symbol) self._logger.warning("[Field to split] : " + + "\n") first_field_dep, maxSizefd, indexInFieldfd = self.__getFieldFromIndex( result[1], symbol) if indexInFieldfd != 0: #Create a subfield in the first_field_dependency values_first_field_dep = first_field_dep.getValues() if len(set(values_first_field_dep)) > 1: #Alt field values_first_field_dep_before = [] values_first_field_dep_after = [] for value in values_first_field_dep: values_first_field_dep_before.append( value[:int(indexInFieldfd / 8)]) values_first_field_dep_after.append( value[int(indexInFieldfd / 8):]) first_field_dep_before = Field( domain=Alt(values_first_field_dep_before), + "-0") first_field_dep_after = Field( domain=Alt(values_first_field_dep_after), + "-1") else: #Static field value = values_first_field_dep[0] value_first_field_dep_before = value[:indexInFieldfd] value_first_field_dep_after = value[indexInFieldfd:] first_field_dep_before = Field( domain=Raw(value_first_field_dep_before), + "-0") first_field_dep_after = Field( domain=Raw(value_first_field_dep_after), + "-1") first_field_dep.fields = [ first_field_dep_before, first_field_dep_after ] self._logger.warning("[First field dependency] : " + + "\n") field_dep = self.__get_field_dep(symbol, first_field_dep) #Check if static or Alt: values_before = [] values_after = [] field_to_split_values = field_to_split.getValues() if len(set(field_to_split_values)) > 1: #Alt field for value in field_to_split_values: values_before.append(value[:int(indexInField / 8)]) values_after.append(value[int(indexInField / 8) + size_of_size:]) #AltField before => altField_before_Size = Field(domain=Alt(values_before), + "-Before_SizeF") altField_after_Size = Field(domain=Alt(values_after), + "-After_Size") sizeField = Field(domain=Size(field_dep), + "-Size") field_to_split.fields = [ altField_before_Size, sizeField, altField_after_Size ] else: #Static field value_before = field_to_split_values[0][:int(indexInField / 8)] value_after = field_to_split_values[0][int(indexInField / 8) + size_of_size:] staticField_before_Size = Field(domain=Raw(value_before), + "-Before_SizeF") staticField_after_Size = Field(domain=Raw(value_after), + "-After_Size") sizeField = Field(domain=Size(field_dep), + "-Size") field_to_split.fields = [ staticField_before_Size, sizeField, staticField_after_Size ]
def split(field, delimiter): """Split a field (or symbol) with a specific delimiter. The delimiter can be passed either as an ASCII, a Raw, an HexaString, or any objects that inherit from AbstractType. >>> from netzob.all import * >>> samples = [b"aaaaff000000ff10", b"bbff110010ff00000011", b"ccccccccfffe1f000000ff12"] >>> messages = [RawMessage(data=sample) for sample in samples] >>> symbol = Symbol(messages=messages[:3]) >>> Format.splitDelimiter(symbol, ASCII("ff")) >>> print(symbol) Field-0 | Field-sep-6666 | Field-2 | Field-sep-6666 | Field-4 ---------- | -------------- | ------------ | -------------- | ---------- 'aaaa' | 'ff' | '000000' | 'ff' | '10' 'bb' | 'ff' | '110010' | 'ff' | '00000011' 'cccccccc' | 'ff' | 'fe1f000000' | 'ff' | '12' ---------- | -------------- | ------------ | -------------- | ---------- >>> samples = [b"434d446964656e74696679230400000066726564", b"5245536964656e74696679230000000000000000", b"434d44696e666f2300000000", b"524553696e666f230000000004000000696e666f", b"434d4473746174732300000000", b"52455373746174732300000000050000007374617473", b"434d4461757468656e7469667923090000006d7950617373776421", b"52455361757468656e74696679230000000000000000", b"434d44656e6372797074230a00000031323334353674657374", b"524553656e637279707423000000000a00000073707176777436273136", b"434d4464656372797074230a00000073707176777436273136", b"5245536465637279707423000000000a00000031323334353674657374", b"434d446279652300000000", b"524553627965230000000000000000", b"434d446964656e746966792307000000526f626572746f", b"5245536964656e74696679230000000000000000", b"434d44696e666f2300000000", b"524553696e666f230000000004000000696e666f", b"434d4473746174732300000000", b"52455373746174732300000000050000007374617473", b"434d4461757468656e74696679230a000000615374726f6e67507764", b"52455361757468656e74696679230000000000000000", b"434d44656e63727970742306000000616263646566", b"524553656e6372797074230000000006000000232021262724", b"434d44646563727970742306000000232021262724", b"52455364656372797074230000000006000000616263646566", b"434d446279652300000000", b"524553627965230000000000000000"] >>> messages = [RawMessage(data=TypeConverter.convert(sample, HexaString, Raw)) for sample in samples] >>> symbol = Symbol(messages=messages) >>> symbol.encodingFunctions.add(TypeEncodingFunction(ASCII)) # Change visualization to hexastring >>> Format.splitDelimiter(symbol, ASCII("#")) >>> print(symbol) Field-0 | Field-sep-23 | Field-2 | Field-sep-23 | Field-4 --------------- | ------------ | -------------------- | ------------ | ------- 'CMDidentify' | '#' | '....fred' | '' | '' 'RESidentify' | '#' | '........' | '' | '' 'CMDinfo' | '#' | '....' | '' | '' 'RESinfo' | '#' | '' | '' | '' 'CMDstats' | '#' | '....' | '' | '' 'RESstats' | '#' | '........stats' | '' | '' 'CMDauthentify' | '#' | '....myPasswd!' | '' | '' 'RESauthentify' | '#' | '........' | '' | '' 'CMDencrypt' | '#' | '....123456test' | '' | '' 'RESencrypt' | '#' | "........spqvwt6'16" | '' | '' 'CMDdecrypt' | '#' | "....spqvwt6'16" | '' | '' 'RESdecrypt' | '#' | '........123456test' | '' | '' 'CMDbye' | '#' | '....' | '' | '' 'RESbye' | '#' | '........' | '' | '' 'CMDidentify' | '#' | '....Roberto' | '' | '' 'RESidentify' | '#' | '........' | '' | '' 'CMDinfo' | '#' | '....' | '' | '' 'RESinfo' | '#' | '' | '' | '' 'CMDstats' | '#' | '....' | '' | '' 'RESstats' | '#' | '........stats' | '' | '' 'CMDauthentify' | '#' | '....aStrongPwd' | '' | '' 'RESauthentify' | '#' | '........' | '' | '' 'CMDencrypt' | '#' | '....abcdef' | '' | '' 'RESencrypt' | '#' | '........' | '#' | " !&'$" 'CMDdecrypt' | '#' | '....' | '#' | " !&'$" 'RESdecrypt' | '#' | '........abcdef' | '' | '' 'CMDbye' | '#' | '....' | '' | '' 'RESbye' | '#' | '........' | '' | '' --------------- | ------------ | -------------------- | ------------ | ------- >>> print(symbol.fields[0]._str_debug()) Field-0 |-- Alt |-- Data (Raw=b'CMDidentify' ((0, 88))) |-- Data (Raw=b'RESidentify' ((0, 88))) |-- Data (Raw=b'CMDinfo' ((0, 56))) |-- Data (Raw=b'RESinfo' ((0, 56))) |-- Data (Raw=b'CMDstats' ((0, 64))) |-- Data (Raw=b'RESstats' ((0, 64))) |-- Data (Raw=b'CMDauthentify' ((0, 104))) |-- Data (Raw=b'RESauthentify' ((0, 104))) |-- Data (Raw=b'CMDencrypt' ((0, 80))) |-- Data (Raw=b'RESencrypt' ((0, 80))) |-- Data (Raw=b'CMDdecrypt' ((0, 80))) |-- Data (Raw=b'RESdecrypt' ((0, 80))) |-- Data (Raw=b'CMDbye' ((0, 48))) |-- Data (Raw=b'RESbye' ((0, 48))) Below is another example of the FieldSplitDelimiter usage: it splits fields based on a Raw string. >>> from netzob.all import * >>> samples = [b"\\x01\\x02\\x03\\xff\\x04\\x05\\xff\\x06\\x07", b"\\x01\\x02\\xff\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\xff\\x07", b"\\x01\\xff\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06"] >>> messages = [RawMessage(data=sample) for sample in samples] >>> symbol = Symbol(messages=messages) >>> Format.splitDelimiter(symbol, Raw(b"\\xff")) >>> print(symbol) Field-0 | Field-sep-ff | Field-2 | Field-sep-ff | Field-4 -------------- | ------------ | ---------------------- | ------------ | ---------- '\\x01\\x02\\x03' | b'\\xff' | '\\x04\\x05' | b'\\xff' | '\\x06\\x07' '\\x01\\x02' | b'\\xff' | '\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06' | b'\\xff' | '\\x07' '\\x01' | b'\\xff' | '\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06' | '' | '' -------------- | ------------ | ---------------------- | ------------ | ---------- :param field : the field to consider when spliting :type: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AbstractField` :param delimiter : the delimiter used to split messages of the field :type: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Types.AbstractType.AbstractType` """ if delimiter is None: raise TypeError("Delimiter cannot be None.") if field is None: raise TypeError("Field cannot be None.") if len(field.messages) < 1: raise ValueError( "The associated symbol does not contain any message.") # Find message substrings after applying delimiter splittedMessages = [] for cell in field.getValues(encoded=False, styled=False): splittedMessage = cell.split(delimiter.value.tobytes()) splittedMessages.append(splittedMessage) import itertools # Inverse the array, so that columns contains observed values for each field splittedMessages = list(itertools.zip_longest(*splittedMessages)) # If the delimiter does not create splitted fields if len(splittedMessages) <= 1: return # Else, we add (2*len(splittedMessages)-1) fields newFields = [] iField = -1 for i in range(len(splittedMessages)): iField += 1 fieldDomain = list() # temporary set that hosts all the observed values to prevent useless duplicate ones observedValues = set() has_inserted_empty_value = False isEmptyField = True # To avoid adding an empty field for v in splittedMessages[i]: if v != "" and v is not None: isEmptyField = False if v not in observedValues: fieldDomain.append(Raw(v)) observedValues.add(v) else: if not has_inserted_empty_value: fieldDomain.append(Raw(nbBytes=0)) has_inserted_empty_value = True if not isEmptyField: newField = Field( domain=DomainFactory.normalizeDomain(fieldDomain), name="Field-" + str(iField)) newField.encodingFunctions = list( field.encodingFunctions.values()) newFields.append(newField) iField += 1 str_delimiter = TypeConverter.convert(delimiter.value, BitArray, HexaString).decode('utf-8') fieldName = "Field-sep-{}".format(str_delimiter) newFields.append( Field(domain=Alt([delimiter, Raw(nbBytes=0)]), name=fieldName)) newFields.pop() # Reset the field from netzob.Inference.Vocabulary.Format import Format Format.resetFormat(field) # Create a field for each entry field.fields = newFields
def __automate_mid_field_creation(self, results, symbol, endianness): """ This method attempts to create a CRC field. It creates either a big or little endian CRC relation field using the value b'\xca\xfe\x00\x00\x00\x00\xba\xbe' to compute the CRC , the b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' is then replaced by the computed CRC in the message. :param results: list of CRC indexes :param symbol: The symbol in wich we want to define CRC fields :param endianness: A string stating the endianness of the CRC, should either be "big" or "little" """ domain_field_list = [] subfields = [] for crcindex in results: searchedfield, field_size, field_index = self.__getFieldFromIndex(crcindex, symbol) # Get all the fields after the current field (to define the CRC domain Relation afterField = False if field_size / 8 == 4: for i,f in enumerate(symbol.fields): if == domain_field_list.append(symbol.fields[i-1]) domain_field_list.append(symbol.fields[i+1]) # Is the field just CRC or more? if endianness == 'little': = "CRC32_mid_LE" + str(crcindex) else: = "CRC32_mid_BE" + str(crcindex) searchedfield.domain = CRC32(domain_field_list, endianness=endianness) elif field_size > 4: # The Field is the CRC and something else. if field_index == 0: # CRC at beginning of field. Create new fields after CRC # Create a list of possible values val_list = [] for val in searchedfield.getValues(): val_list.append(val[4:]) # Make a set val_set = set(val_list) newf = self.__define_field(val_set,searchedfield) #Compute second field (the one before the CRC val_list = [] #List containing the first four bytes used to compute CRC32 (the 4 bytes prior to the CRC) temp_field_list = [] for prevalue in symbol.getValues(): prevalue = prevalue[crcindex - 4:crcindex] val_list.append(prevalue) val_list = set(val_list) for i, f in enumerate(symbol.fields): if == prevField,minSize,maxSize = self.__getFieldFromIndex(crcindex - 1,symbol) if maxSize >= 4: #The four bytes are contained in only one field. We create a subfield newf2 = self.__define_field(val_list, temp) else: #The four bytes are split into several fields. We delete all thes fields and create a new field and insert it at the index of the first of these fields in symbol.fields() for j in range(1,4): try: prevField, minSize, maxSize = self.__getFieldFromIndex(crcindex - j, symbol) except: pass temp_field_list.append(prevField) temp_field_set = set(temp_field_list) #All the fields containing the four bytes for fiel in temp_field_set: miny = 99999 stuffToDel = [] for y,fol in enumerate(symbol.fields): if fol == fiel: if y < miny: miny = y stuffToDel.append(y) temp = symbol.fields[y] newf2 = self.__define_field(val_list,temp) domain_field_list.append(newf2) domain_field_list.append(Field(domain=Raw(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00'))) domain_field_list.append(newf) if endianness == 'little': crc32field = Field(name="CRC32_mid_LE" + str(crcindex), domain=CRC32(domain_field_list, endianness=endianness)) else: crc32field = Field(name="CRC32_mid_BE" + str(crcindex), domain=CRC32(domain_field_list, endianness=endianness)) subfields.append(crc32field) subfields.append(newf) elif field_index / 8 + 4 == field_size / 8: # CRC at end of field. Create new fields before CRC # Create a list of possible values val_list = [] for val in searchedfield.getValues(): val_list.append(val[:field_index]) # Make a set val_set = set(val_list) newf = self.__define_field(val_set,searchedfield) #Compute second field (the one after the CRC val_list = [] #List containing the last four bytes used to compute CRC32 (the 4 bytes after the CRC) temp_field_list = [] for prevalue in symbol.getValues(): prevalue = prevalue[crcindex:crcindex+4] val_list.append(prevalue) val_list = set(val_list) for i, f in enumerate(symbol.fields): if == prevField,minSize,maxSize = self.__getFieldFromIndex(crcindex + 1,symbol) if maxSize >= 4: #The four bytes are contained in only one field. We create a subfield newf2 = self.__define_field(val_list,temp) else: #The four bytes are split into several fields. We delete all thes fields and create a new field and insert it at the index of the first of these fields in symbol.fields() for j in range(1,4): prevField, minSize, maxSize = self.__getFieldFromIndex(crcindex + j, symbol) temp_field_list.append(prevField) temp_field_list = set(temp_field_list) #All the fields containing the four bytes for fiel in set(temp_field_list): miny = 99999 for y,fol in enumerate(symbol.fields): if fol == fiel: if y < miny: miny = y temp = symbol.fields[y] del symbol.fields[y] symbol.fields[miny] = self.__define_field(val_list,temp) newf2 = self.__define_field(val_list,temp) domain_field_list.append(newf) domain_field_list.append(Field(domain=Raw(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00'))) domain_field_list.append(newf2) if endianness == 'little': crc32field = Field(name="CRC32_mid_LE" + str(crcindex), domain=CRC32(domain_field_list, endianness=endianness)) else: crc32field = Field(name="CRC32_mid_BE" + str(crcindex), domain=CRC32(domain_field_list, endianness=endianness)) subfields.append(newf) subfields.append(crc32field) else: # CRC in the middle. Create new fields before and after CRC val_list1 = [] val_list2 = [] for val in searchedfield.getValues(): val_list1.append(val[4:]) val_list2.append(val[:field_index]) # Make a set val_set1 = set(val_list1) val_set2 = set(val_list2) newf1 = self.__define_field(val_set1,searchedfield) newf2 = self.__define_field(val_set2,searchedfield) domain_field_list.insert(0, newf2) if endianness == 'little': crc32field = Field(name="CRC32_LE" + str(crcindex), domain=CRC32(domain_field_list, endianness=endianness)) else: crc32field = Field(name="CRC32_BE" + str(crcindex), domain=CRC32(domain_field_list, endianness=endianness)) subfields.append(newf1) subfields.append(crc32field) subfields.append(newf2) searchedfield.fields = subfields
def initHeader(self): """Initialize the IP header according to the IP format definition. """ ip_ver = Field(name='ip.version', domain=BitArray(value=bitarray('0100'))) # IP Version 4 ip_ihl = Field(name='ip.hdr_len', domain=BitArray(bitarray('0000'))) ip_tos = Field(name='ip.tos', domain=Data(dataType=BitArray(nbBits=8), originalValue=bitarray('00000000'), svas=SVAS.PERSISTENT)) ip_tot_len = Field(name='ip.len', domain=BitArray(bitarray('0000000000000000'))) ip_id = Field(name='', domain=BitArray(nbBits=16)) ip_flags = Field(name='ip.flags', domain=Data(dataType=BitArray(nbBits=3), originalValue=bitarray('000'), svas=SVAS.PERSISTENT)) ip_frag_off = Field(name='ip.fragment', domain=Data( dataType=BitArray(nbBits=13), originalValue=bitarray('0000000000000'), svas=SVAS.PERSISTENT)) ip_ttl = Field(name='ip.ttl', domain=Data(dataType=BitArray(nbBits=8), originalValue=bitarray('01000000'), svas=SVAS.PERSISTENT)) ip_proto = Field(name='ip.proto', domain=Integer(value=self.upperProtocol, unitSize=AbstractType.UNITSIZE_8, endianness=AbstractType.ENDIAN_BIG, sign=AbstractType.SIGN_UNSIGNED)) ip_checksum = Field(name='ip.checksum', domain=BitArray(bitarray('0000000000000000'))) ip_saddr = Field(name='ip.src', domain=IPv4(self.localIP)) ip_daddr = Field(name='ip.dst', domain=IPv4(self.remoteIP)) ip_payload = Field(name='ip.payload', domain=Raw()) ip_ihl.domain = Size([ ip_ver, ip_ihl, ip_tos, ip_tot_len, ip_id, ip_flags, ip_frag_off, ip_ttl, ip_proto, ip_checksum, ip_saddr, ip_daddr ], dataType=BitArray(nbBits=4), factor=1 / float(32)) ip_tot_len.domain = Size([ ip_ver, ip_ihl, ip_tos, ip_tot_len, ip_id, ip_flags, ip_frag_off, ip_ttl, ip_proto, ip_checksum, ip_saddr, ip_daddr, ip_payload ], dataType=Integer( unitSize=AbstractType.UNITSIZE_16, sign=AbstractType.SIGN_UNSIGNED), factor=1 / float(8)) ip_checksum.domain = InternetChecksum( fields=[ ip_ver, ip_ihl, ip_tos, ip_tot_len, ip_id, ip_flags, ip_frag_off, ip_ttl, ip_proto, ip_checksum, ip_saddr, ip_daddr ], dataType=Raw(nbBytes=2, unitSize=AbstractType.UNITSIZE_16)) self.header = Symbol(name='IP layer', fields=[ ip_ver, ip_ihl, ip_tos, ip_tot_len, ip_id, ip_flags, ip_frag_off, ip_ttl, ip_proto, ip_checksum, ip_saddr, ip_daddr, ip_payload ])
def create_type_raw(self, value=None, nb_byte_min=None, nb_byte_max=None): data_type = Raw(value=value, nbBytes=(nb_byte_min, nb_byte_max)) self.__datatypes[str(] = data_type return data_type