return np.tanh(x); def act_prime(x): return 1-np.tanh(x)**2; # loss function and its derivative def loss(y_true, y_pred): return np.mean(np.power(y_true-y_pred, 2)); def loss_prime(y_true, y_pred): return 2*(y_pred-y_true)/y_true.size; # training data x_train = np.array([[[0,0]], [[0,1]], [[1,0]], [[1,1]]]); y_train = np.array([[[0]], [[1]], [[1]], [[0]]]); # network net = Network(); net.add(FCLayer((1,2), (1,3))); net.add(ActivationLayer((1,3), act, act_prime)); net.add(FCLayer((1,3), (1,1))); net.add(ActivationLayer((1,1), act, act_prime)); # train net.use(loss, loss_prime);, y_train, epochs=1000, learning_rate=0.1); # test out = net.predict(x_train); print(out);
class Individual: def __init__(self): self.NN = Network(5, 1) self.alive = True self.reached_pilars = 0 self.score = 0 self.rect = pygame.Rect((int(WIDTH / 2), int(HEIGHT / 2)), (40, 40)) self.movement_y = 0 self.bool = True self.bool2 = True def draw(self, display): pygame.draw.rect(display, (0, 255, 0), self.rect, 1) def update(self): if self.alive: self.score+=1 self.predict() self.movement_y += gravity self.rect.centery += self.movement_y self.check() VARIABLES.best_round_score = self.reached_pilars def check(self): global pipe_rect_list if self.rect.collidelist(pipe_rect_list) != -1: self.alive = False if pipe_rect_list[0].centerx - 10 < self.rect.centerx < pipe_rect_list[0].centerx + 10 and self.bool: self.bool = False self.reached_pilars += 1 elif not pipe_rect_list[0].centerx - 10 < self.rect.centerx < pipe_rect_list[0].centerx + 10: self.bool = True if pipe_rect_list[2].centerx - 10 < self.rect.centerx < pipe_rect_list[1].centerx + 10 and self.bool2: self.bool2 = False self.reached_pilars += 1 elif not pipe_rect_list[2].centerx - 10 < self.rect.centerx < pipe_rect_list[1].centerx + 10: self.bool2 = True if self.rect.bottom>HEIGHT or < 0: self.alive = False def jump(self): self.movement_y = -8 def get_state(self): global pipe_list if pipe_list[0].rect_upper.right < self.rect.left and pipe_list[0].rect_upper.right < pipe_list[1].rect_upper.right: pipe = pipe_list[1] elif pipe_list[1].rect_upper.right < self.rect.left and pipe_list[1].rect_upper.right < pipe_list[0].rect_upper.right: pipe = pipe_list[0] else: pipe = pipe_list[0] return [self.rect.centery/HEIGHT, pipe.rect_upper.bottom/HEIGHT,, pipe.rect_lower.centerx/WIDTH, self.movement_y/20] def pair(self, other): new_weight1 = self.NN.get_flatted() new_weight2 = other.NN.get_flatted() gene = random.randint(0, len(new_weight1) - 1) new_weight1[gene:], new_weight2[:gene] = new_weight2[gene:], new_weight1[:gene] return new_weight1, new_weight2 def predict(self): output = self.NN.predict(self.get_state()) if output < 0.5: self.jump() def reset(self): self.rect.centery = int(HEIGHT / 2) self.alive = True self.reached_pilars = 0 self.score = 0