コード例 #1
class SpaceShip:
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = 400
        self.y = 300
        self.radius = 15

        self.shootTimer = 0

        self.points = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]

        self.vel = 100
        self.angle = 0
        self.nn = NeuralNetwork(shape)

        self.delete = False

    def update(self, dt, input):
        self.computeActions(dt, input)

    def computeActions(self, dt, input):
        output = self.nn.feedforward([input])

        if (output[0] > 0):
            self.angle += 4 * dt
        if (output[1] > 0):
            self.angle -= 4 * dt

        self.vel = (self.vel + 300 * dt) if (output[2] > 0) else self.vel
        self.vel = min(self.vel, 800)

        self.x += self.vel * math.cos(self.angle) * dt
        self.y += self.vel * math.sin(self.angle) * dt

        self.vel *= 0.98

        if (output[3] > 0):
            self.shootTimer += dt

            if (self.shootTimer >= 0.25):
                g.bullets.append(Bullet(self.x, self.y, self.angle))
                self.shootTimer = 0

    def computePoints(self):
        for i in range(4):
            point = self.points[i]

            point[0] = self.x + pointOffsets[i][0]
            point[1] = self.y + pointOffsets[i][1]

        rotate([self.x, self.y], self.points, self.angle)

    def draw(self, screen):
        pg.draw.polygon(screen, g.white, self.points, 4)
コード例 #2
ファイル: bird.py プロジェクト: sushantPatrikar/flappybirdAI
class Bird:
    def __init__(self, game):
        self.x = 50
        self.radius = 15
        from game import Game
        self.y = Game.height // 2
        self.y_vel = 0
        self.gravity = 1
        self.score = 0
        self.fitness = 0
        self.distance = 0
        self.brain = NeuralNetwork(8, 5, 2)
        self.game = game
        self.inputs = 8 * [0]

    def showBird(self):
        from game import Game
        pygame.draw.circle(Game.gameDisplay, Game.birdColour, (self.x, self.y), self.radius)

    def collidingWall(self):
        from game import Game
        if (self.y + self.radius) >= Game.height or (self.y - self.radius) <= 0:
            return True

    def collidingPipe(self):
        from game import Game
        if (self.x + self.radius) in range(self.game.pipes[0].x, self.game.pipes[0].x + 76):
            if (self.y + self.radius) in range(self.game.pipes[0].y, Game.height + 1):
                return True
            elif (self.y - self.radius) in range(0, (self.game.pipes[0].y - self.game.pipes[0].gap) + 1):
                return True
        return False

    def moveUp(self):
        self.y_vel = -(self.gravity + 8)

    def findClosestPipe(self):
        for pipe in self.game.pipes:
            distance = (pipe.x + 75) - (self.x + self.radius)
            if distance >= 0:
                return pipe

    def calculateFitness(self):
        self.fitness = math.pow(2, self.score) + (self.distance ** 2)

    def think(self):
        # Inputs to neural network
        # 1. horizontal distance from the start of pipe
        # 2. horizontal distance from the end of pipe
        # 3. vertical distance from the upper pipe
        # 4. verical distance from the lower pipe
        # 5. y position of bird
        # 6. y velocity of bird
        # 7. vertical distance from upper wall
        # 8. vertical distance from ground

        pipe = self.findClosestPipe()

        # 1. horizontal distance from the start of pipe

        dis_1 = pipe.x - (self.x + self.radius)
        dis_1 /= self.game.width
        self.inputs[0] = dis_1

        # 2. horizontal distance from the end of pipe

        dis_2 = (pipe.x + 75) - (self.x + self.radius)
        dis_2 /= self.game.width
        self.inputs[1] = dis_2

        # 3. vertical distance from the upper pipe

        dis_3 = (self.y - self.radius) - (pipe.y - pipe.gap)
        dis_3 /= self.game.height
        self.inputs[2] = dis_3

        # 4. verical distance from the lower pipe

        dis_4 = (self.y + self.radius) - (pipe.y)
        dis_4 /= self.game.height
        self.inputs[3] = dis_4

        # 5. y position of bird

        y_pos = self.y
        y_pos /= self.game.height
        self.inputs[4] = y_pos

        # 6. y velocity of bird

        y_vel = self.y_vel
        y_vel /= self.game.height
        self.inputs[5] = y_vel

        # 7. vertical distance from upper wall

        ver_dis_1 = (self.y - self.radius)
        ver_dis_1 /= self.game.height
        self.inputs[6] = ver_dis_1

        # 8. vertical distance from ground

        ver_dis_2 = (self.y + self.radius) - self.game.height
        ver_dis_2 /= self.game.height
        self.inputs[7] = ver_dis_2

    def predict(self):
        self.inputs = np.reshape(self.inputs, (8, 1))
        output = self.brain.feedforward(self.inputs)
        output = np.argmax(output)

        if output == 0:
        elif output == 1:
コード例 #3
ファイル: program.py プロジェクト: EmilMartini/PythonML

# Init training data, should probably be inside a json file
training_data = []
training_data.append(Training_Data([1, 0], [1]))
training_data.append(Training_Data([0, 1], [1]))
training_data.append(Training_Data([1, 1], [0]))
training_data.append(Training_Data([0, 0], [0]))

nn = NeuralNetwork(2, 2, 1, 0.5)

for i in range(10000):
    # Train without logging, faster
    # nn.train(training_data[0].inputs, training_data[0].targets)
    # nn.train(training_data[1].inputs, training_data[1].targets)
    # nn.train(training_data[2].inputs, training_data[2].targets)
    # nn.train(training_data[3].inputs, training_data[3].targets)

    # Train with loggin, much slower
    nn.train(training_data[0].inputs, training_data[0].targets).log()
    nn.train(training_data[1].inputs, training_data[1].targets).log()
    nn.train(training_data[2].inputs, training_data[2].targets).log()
    nn.train(training_data[3].inputs, training_data[3].targets).log()
    print("Iteration: " + str(i))

print(str(nn.feedforward([1, 0])))
print(str(nn.feedforward([0, 1])))
print(str(nn.feedforward([1, 1])))
print(str(nn.feedforward([0, 0])))
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: krewie/numberLearning
import normalizer
import numpy as np
import PIL
from ui import init
from neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork


img = PIL.Image.open("image.png").convert("L")
imgarr = np.array(img)

print("imagearray created")

normalized_input = normalizer.normalizeInput(imgarr)

nn = NeuralNetwork(normalized_input, np.ndarray(shape=(10)))

