def chenschmidt(alg, content, style, outfile, size, stylescale, algparams): """Runs Chen and Schmidt fast style-transfer algorithm References: * * """ if alg not in ["chen-schmidt", "chen-schmidt-inverse"]: raise ValueError( "Unnaceptable subalgorithm %s for Chen-Schmidt family") # Rescale style as requested instyle = NamedTemporaryFile() copyfile(style, resize(, int(stylescale * shape(style)[0])) # Run algorithm outdir = TemporaryDirectory() runalgorithm(alg, [ "--save",, "--content", content, "--style",, "--maxContentSize", size if size is not None else shape(content)[0], "--maxStyleSize", size if size is not None else shape(content)[0], *algparams ]) # Gather output results output = + "/" + filename(content) + "_stylized" + fileext( content) convert(output, outfile) instyle.close()
def choptiles(imfile, xtiles, ytiles, overlap, outname): """Chops an image file into a geometry of overlapping tiles. Returns ordered list of generated tiles image files""" command = 'convert %s -crop %dx%d+%d+%d@ +repage +adjoin %s_%%d.png' % ( imfile, xtiles, ytiles, overlap, overlap, outname) run(command, shell=True, check=True) return sorted(glob(outname + "_*.png"), key=lambda x: int(filename(x).split("_")[-1]))
def test_convert_nolayers(): """Convert a single image with no layers works as expected""" for content in [CONTENTS + f for f in ["docker.png", "goldengate.jpg"]]: for ext in [".png", ".jpg", ".psd", ".tga"]: tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory() outname = + "/" + "output" + ext convert(content, outname) assert len(glob( + "/" + filename(outname) + ext)) == 1 assert shape(outname) == shape(content)
def test_styletransfer_keepsize(): """Style transfer keeps the original image size if no size paramenter is given""" for alg in ALGORITHMS.keys(): tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory() img = CONTENTS + "dockersmall.png" styletransfer([img], [STYLES + "cubism.jpg"],, alg=alg) files = glob( + "/" + filename(img) + "*cubism*") print("Expected size", shape(img)) print("Actual shape", shape(files[0])) assert len(files) == 1 assert shape(files[0]) == shape(img)
def test_choptiles(): """Chopping an image into tiles works as expected""" tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory() content = CONTENTS + "/goldengate.jpg" tiles = choptiles(content, xtiles=2, ytiles=3, overlap=50, + "/tiles") print("Generated tiles", tiles) assert len(tiles) == 6 for i, tile in enumerate(tiles): assert int(filename(tile).split("_")[-1]) == i
def test_styletransfer_sw(): """Style transfer works for varying style weights""" styleweights = [1, 5, 10] alg = "gatys" img = "docker.png" tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory() styletransfer([CONTENTS + img], [STYLES + "cubism.jpg"],, alg=alg, size=100, weights=styleweights) assertalldifferent( + "/" + filename(img) + "*cubism*", len(styleweights))
def test_styletransfer_ss(): """Style transfer works for varying style scales""" stylescales = [0.75, 1, 1.25] for alg in ALGORITHMS.keys(): img = "docker.png" tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory() styletransfer([CONTENTS + img], [STYLES + "cubism.jpg"],, alg=alg, size=100, stylescales=stylescales) assertalldifferent( + "/" + filename(img) + "*cubism*", len(stylescales))
def test_styletransfer_size(): """Style transfer works for varying image sizes, producing correctly scaled images""" for alg in ALGORITHMS.keys(): for size in [50, 100, 200]: for img in ["docker.png", "obama.jpg"]: originalshape = shape(CONTENTS + img) tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory() styletransfer([CONTENTS + img], [STYLES + "cubism.jpg"],, alg=alg, size=size) files = glob( + "/" + filename(img) + "*cubism*") resultshape = shape(files[0]) rescalefactor = size / originalshape[0] expectedshape = [size, int(rescalefactor * originalshape[1])] print("Expected shape", expectedshape) print("Actual shape", resultshape) assert len(files) == 1 assert expectedshape == resultshape
def outname(savefolder, content, style, alg, scale, weight=None, ext=None): """Creates an output filename that reflects the style transfer parameters""" return (savefolder + "/" + filename(content) + "_" + filename(style) + "_" + alg + "_ss" + str(scale) + ("_sw" + str(weight) if weight is not None else "") + (ext if ext is not None else fileext(content)))