コード例 #1
 def post_evaluate(self, config, population, species, best_genome):
     fitnesses = [c.fitness for c in population.values()]
     fit_mean = mean(fitnesses)
     fit_stdev = std(fitnesses)
     best_species_key = species.get_species_key(best_genome.key)
     print("Population's average fitness: {0:3.5f} stdev: {1:3.5f}".format(
         fit_mean, fit_stdev))
     print("Best fitness: {0:3.5f} - size: {1!r} - species {2} - id {3}".
           format(best_genome.fitness, best_genome.size(), best_species_key,
コード例 #2
    def speciate(self, config, population, generation):
        assert isinstance(population, dict)
        compatibility_threshold = self.species_set_config.compatibility_threshold

        # find the best representative for each species
        unspeciated = set(population.keys())
        distances = GenomeDistanceCache(config.genome_config)
        new_representatives = {}
        new_members = {}
        for skey, s in self.species.items():
            candidates = []
            for gkey in unspeciated:
                g = population[gkey]
                distance = distances(s.representative, g)
                candidates.append((distance, g))
            # new representative is the closest to current representative
            ignored_rdist, new_rep = min(candidates, key=lambda x: x[0])
            new_rep_key = new_rep.key
            new_representatives[skey] = new_rep_key
            new_members[skey] = [new_rep_key]
        # break population into species niches based on genetic similarity
        while unspeciated:
            gkey = unspeciated.pop()
            g = population[gkey]
            # find species with the most similar representative
            candidates = []
            for skey, rep_key in new_representatives.items():
                rep = population[rep_key]
                distance = distances(rep, g)
                if distance < compatibility_threshold:
                    candidates.append((distance, skey))
            if candidates:
                ignored_sdist, skey = min(candidates, key=lambda x: x[0])
            else: # if no species is similar enough, create new one
                skey = next(self.indexer)
                new_representatives[skey] = gkey
                new_members[skey] = [gkey]

        self.genome_to_species = {}
        for skey, rep_key in new_representatives.items():
            s = self.species.get(skey)
            if s is None:
                s = Species(skey, generation)
                self.species[skey] = s
            members = new_members[skey]
            for gkey in members:
                self.genome_to_species[gkey] = skey
            member_dict = dict((gkey, population[gkey]) for gkey in members)
            s.update(population[rep_key], member_dict)

        gdmean = mean(distances.distances.values())
        gdstdev = std(distances.distances.values())
        self.reporters.info("Genetic distance: mean {0:.3f}, stdev {1:.3f}".format(gdmean, gdstdev))
コード例 #3
    def end_generation(self, config, population, species_set):
        ng = len(population)
        self.log_dict["pop_size"] = ng

        ns = len(species_set.species)
        self.log_dict["n_species"] = ns

        elapsed = time.time() - self.generation_start_time
        self.log_dict["time_elapsed"] = elapsed
        self.generation_times = self.generation_times[-10:]

        average = mean(self.generation_times)
        self.log_dict["time_elapsed_avg"] = average
        self.log_dict["n_extinctions"] = self.num_extinctions

        self.log.write(json.dumps(self.log_dict) + "\n")
コード例 #4
    def get_species_fitness(self, null_value=''):
        all_species = set()
        for gen_data in self.generation_statistics:
            all_species = all_species.union(gen_data.keys())

        max_species = max(all_species)
        species_fitness = []
        for gen_data in self.generation_statistics:
            member_fitness = [
                gen_data.get(sid, []) for sid in range(1, max_species + 1)
            fitness = []
            for mf in member_fitness:
                if mf:

        return species_fitness
コード例 #5
    def post_evaluate(self, config, population, species, best_genome):
        fitnesses = [c.fitness for c in population.values()]
        fit_mean = mean(fitnesses)
        fit_stdev = std(fitnesses)

        self.log_dict["fitness_avg"] = fit_mean
        self.log_dict["fitness_std"] = fit_stdev
        self.log_dict["fitness_best"] = best_genome.fitness

        print("=" * 50 + " Best Genome: " + "=" * 50)
        if self.eval_debug:

        best_fitness_val = self.eval_best(best_genome,
        self.log_dict["fitness_best_val"] = best_fitness_val

        n_neurons_best, n_conns_best = best_genome.size()
        self.log_dict["n_neurons_best"] = n_neurons_best
        self.log_dict["n_conns_best"] = n_conns_best
コード例 #6
    def reproduce(self, config, species, pop_size, generation):
        all_fitnesses = []
        remaining_species = []
        # removes stagnant species
        for stag_key, stag_species, stagnant in self.stagnation.update(species, generation):
            if stagnant:
                self.reporters.species_stagnant(stag_key, stag_species)
                all_fitnesses.extend(member.fitness for member in stag_species.members.values())

        if not remaining_species: # all species were stagnant & therefore eliminated
            species.species = {}
            return {}

        min_fitness = min(all_fitnesses)
        max_fitness = max(all_fitnesses)
        fitness_range = max(1.0, max_fitness - min_fitness)
        for spec in remaining_species:
            mean_species_fit = mean([member.fitness for member in spec.members.values()])
            adj_fit = (mean_species_fit - min_fitness) / fitness_range
            spec.adjusted_fitness = adj_fit

        adj_fitnesses = [spec.adjusted_fitness for spec in remaining_species]
        mean_adj_fit = mean(adj_fitnesses)
        self.reporters.info("Average adjusted fitness: {:.3f}".format(mean_adj_fit))

        prev_sizes = [len(spec.members) for spec in remaining_species]
        min_species_size = max(self.reproduction_config.min_species_size,
        spawn_amounts = self.compute_spawn(adj_fitnesses, prev_sizes, pop_size, min_species_size)

        new_population = {}
        species.species = {}
        for spawn, spec in zip(spawn_amounts, remaining_species):
            spawn = max(spawn, self.reproduction_config.elitism)
            assert spawn > 0
            old_members = list(spec.members.items())
            old_members.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1].fitness)
            spec.members = {}
            species.species[spec.key] = spec
            if self.reproduction_config.elitism > 0:
                for key, member in old_members[:self.reproduction_config.elitism]:
                    new_population[key] = member
                    spawn -= 1
            if spawn <= 0:

            cutoff = int(ceil(self.reproduction_config.survival_threshold * len(old_members)))
            cutoff = max(cutoff, 2)
            old_members = old_members[:cutoff]
            while spawn > 0:
                spawn -= 1
                parent1_key, parent1 = random.choice(old_members)
                parent2_key, parent2 = random.choice(old_members)
                gkey = next(self.genome_indexer)
                child = config.genome_type(gkey)
                child.configure_crossover(parent1, parent2, config.genome_config)
                new_population[gkey] = child
                self.ancestors[gkey] = (parent1_key, parent2_key)

        return new_population
コード例 #7
def mean_agg(inputs):
    return mean(inputs)